ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization JOINT COMMUNIQUE 24TinH GENERAL ASSEMBLY 7-12 SEPTEMBER 2003 JAKARTA, INDONESIA ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization 24th General Assembly 7-12 September 2003, Jakarta, Indonesia 24GA/2003/JC JOINT COMMUNIQUE INTRODUCTION 1. Pursuant to the decision of the 23rd General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization (AIPO) held on 8-13 September 2002, in Hanoi, and in accordance with the Statutes of AIPO, the 24th General Assembly was held on 7 - 12 September 2003, in Jakarta wit participatioe hth eighf no t member countries: Cambodia, Indonesia PDRo La , , Malaysia e PhilippinesTh , , Singapore, Thailand d Vietnaman , o speciatw ; l observer countries: Brunei Darussalam, and Myanmar; and seven observer countries: Canada, People's Republic of China, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Russian Federation, anEuropeae dth n Parliament. 2. The Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO) met on 7 September 2003 prior to the opening ceremony of the 24th General Assembly. 3. H.E. Akbar Tandjung, Speake e Housth f f Representativeo o er e Republith f o s f o c Indonesia in his capacity as President of AIPO, presided over the 24th AIPO General Assembly. 4. The Leaders of AIPO Member Delegations, Special Observers, Observers and the Secretary Genera ASEAf o l Guess Na Honof to r pai dcourtesa Presidene y th cal n o l f o t AIPO. 5. All participants to the 24th AIPO General Assembly were cordially invited to a dinner hosted by H.E. Megawati Soekamoputri, President of the Republic of Indonesia and Hon. Taufiq Kiemas. 6 AIPO delegate d theian s r spouses also attended dinner receptions hoste y Honb d . Soetardjo Soerjogoeritno, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Hon. Sutiyoso, Governor of the Special Province of Jakarta, and Hon. Akbar Tandjung, Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives. S 1 INAUGURAL CEREMONY Inaugural Speech by President of AIPO 7. In his Inaugural Address, H.E. Akbar Tandjung stated that new challenges have arisen in the region. These includ e threath e f internationao t l terroris transnationad man l crime. There is, therefore, a need for the countries in the region to increase security co-operation by establishin commow ne ga n security arrangement. This wil lmilitar a noe b t y alliance but a firm commitment among the regional states to take full collective responsibility for addressin securite gth y issue thn si e region. Thus ASEANe th , countries wil able b l o et more effectively addres e probleth s f internationamo l terroris othed man r transnational crimes. By establishing an ASEAN Security Community, we the countries of Southeast Asia will also be giving a boost to our efforts to become an ASEAN Economic Community in the years ahead. alse H o reminde8. thas muse du w t t also confront another global threa securito t thad yan t threae isth f unilateraliso t m ~a threa recenn ti thas ha tt months tende diminiso dt e hth e Uniteth rol f eo d Nation globan i s l security affairs. Recent events have proven that unilateral action doe t solv sno probleme eth t seeksi a solveo lone s t n thath d gru n i an ,t world dominated by unilateralism will not be able to achieve the peace that we are all aspiring for. That is why we must restore the United Nations to its rightful place in international affair instrumene servn thath o ca s s s t ecollectivr a i t ou f o t e securits a d yan the principal tool for the attainment of world peace. Only through multilateral approaches within the UN framework, with strict compliance with international law, particularly the UN Charte Conventionsd an r e solv w globae n eth ca , l security problems besettine gth world today. 9. He further underlined that multilateralism embodies in the United Nations can be successfully replicated at the regional level, with the support and cooperation of the United Nations itself, as stipulated in its Charter. 10. Speake Indonesiae th f ro n Hous Representativef eo capacits hi n si Presidens ya f AIPo t O was, therefore, confident that ASEAN could play such a role in Southeast Asia ~ ensurin sustainind gan g cooperatio peacer nfo , stability equitabld an , y shared prosperity. For that to be possible, we must all work hard together to attain the security and socio- economic development goals stipulated in ASEAN Vision 2020. Addres Presideny sb Republie th f to Indonesif co a 11. H.E. Megawati Soekarnoputri, President of the Republic of Indonesia, in her address to 24e th th AIPO General Assembl h Septembet 8 n yo Indonesiae r th 2003y b r , he rean r dfo Coordinating Minister of Political and Security Affairs, Hon. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, welcome l participantdal 24e th th o AIPst O General Assembly notee Sh .d that each governmen f respectivo t e ASEAN countrie s beeha s n closely cooperatino gt realiz region'e eth s stability, peac resultes growtd ha e an d gratifyinhn dan i g progresd san prosperity. The cooperation has steadily grown, particularly when we jointly confronted S2 the threat of terrorism and the spread of the SARS epidemic. These were all made possible due to a clear and strong political support. Everyone is fully aware that in the absenc commoa f eo n perceptio confrontine th n no g challenges fira f mo politicad an , l support, a quick and accurate resolution would not be achievable, particularly in addressing those complicated issues. e acknowledgeSh 12. e profounth d d understandin d intuitivan g e political instince th f o t ASEAN Member Parliament encouragemene th d san theif to r respective Governmento st take prompt actions. 13. The President appreciated the attempt to strengthen institutional and procedural aspects aimed at fortifying the golden bridge that we have named ASEAN. 14. She believed that, with the ASEAN solidarity and friendship as the cementing factors, the 24th AIPO General Assembly would conclude with fruitful result r prosperitfo s e th f yo ASEAN people. WRITTEN MESSAGES FRO HEADE MTH STATE/GOVERNMENF SO T OF AIPO MEMBER COUNTRIES AND SPECIAL OBSERVER COUNTRIES Generae Th 15.l Assembly welcome appreciated san writtee sth n messages fro heade mth f so states/governments: 1. His Royal Majesty Norodom Sihanouk, King of the Kingdom of Cambodia . 2 H.E. Khamtay Siphandone ,People' o PresidenLa e th sf Democratio t c Republic 3. H.E. Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia 4. H.E. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, President of the Republic of the Philippines 5. H.E. S,R. Nathan, Presiden Republithe of t Singaporcof e 6. H.E . ThaksiDr . n Shinawatra, Prime Ministe Kingdoe th f ro Thailanmf o d 7. H.E. Tran Due Luong, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 8. His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam . 9 H.E. Senior General Than Shwe, Chairma e Statth f e o nPeac Developmend an e t Council, Unio Myanmarf no . The full texts are attached as Annexes. DELEGATIONS 16. The delegations were led respectively by: a. H.E. Cheam Yeap, Representativ Presidene th Nationae f eo th f o t l Assemblf yo Kingdoe th Cambodif mo a b. H.E. Soetardjo Soerjogoeritno, Deputy Speake House th f Representativef ro eo s of the Republic of Indonesia c. H.E. Samane Vignaket, Presiden f Nationao t l Assembl o People'La f o ys Democratic Republic S3 d. Hon. Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. SULAIMAN bin Haji Daud, Representative of the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat of Malaysia e. H.E. Jose de Venecia, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of The Philippines f. H.E. Abdullah Tarmugi, Speake Parliamenf ro Republie th f o t Singaporf co e g. H.E. Uthai Pimchaichon, Presiden Nationae th f o t l Assembl Kingdoe th f yo f mo Thailand h. H.E. Nguyen Van An, President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 17. Also present were Special Observer Delegations from: Brunei Darussalay b d mle Pengiran Anak Haji Kemaludi n Pengirabi n n Anak Haji Mohd. Yassind an , Myanmar led by H.E. U Aung Toe, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; and Observer Delegations from Canada led by Hon. Bryon Wilfert; People's Republic of China led by Hon. Wang Yunlong; European Parliament led by Hon. Hartmut Nassauer; Japan led by Hon . AkikMs . o Santo; Republi Kyu- Zealan w e ;Ne He HonKoref y ce o b d d Le . ale led by Hon. Dave Hereora; Russian Federation led by Hon. Ilyas Umakhanov. The meeting was also attended by Hon. Ong Keng Yong, Secretary General of ASEAN. VICE-PRESIDEN GENERAE TH F TO L ASSEMBLY 38. The General Assembly elected the Leaders of AIPO Member Countries as Vice- Presidents. STATEMENT HEADF SO DELEGATIOF SO N Heade Th f Delegation19o s . f Cambodiaso , Indonesia People'o La , s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam and Myanmar delivered their respective statements durin e Firsgth t Plenary Sessioe th f no General Assembly. Cambodia 20. H.E. Cheam Yeap, Representative of the President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia conveyed the congratulations on behalf of the parliamentary delegatio e Presidentth d s an Royan Hi , l Highness Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh o unfortunatelwh , ye presenb coul t no dt today t expressebu , s deehi d p gratitud Parliamene th o et Indonesif o t hostinr afo 24e gth t h AIPO General Assembld yan for the excellent leadership of this organization.
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