CCTTEICBT, 1887, BY THE THESpORTiNo Lire PtBtmuNO Co. SPORTING LIFE.ENTEEED AT PuiLi. POST OFFICE is SICOXD ciis VOLUME 8, NO. 24. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 23, 1887. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. The evening was devoted to songs, recitatious «D< accept the offer. Woodwell thinks the company to diDins. The cew club house cust JSO Od) and Ih fast fur him. club hits a membership of 600. AUjat 400 guests wer A Western paper makes the suggestion that th INTERNATIONALS made a mistake is not ale Din THE NORTHWEST LATE NEWS, pteieut luat night. homo management Charley lirlody, as he would nwke a good partner fo Oalvin. This would be a ''Fat Boy battery." Buffalo's N«w Third Bsseman. stockholdei Special to SPORTISO LIFB. A. C. Hayes, counsel for the frozen-cut disregard of piesent c»n«-qn»iicr» will bring this mat- Burdock Signs With the The Work of the Spring fays lint he is wailing on the PHtsbnrg Club's answe The Meeting of the League t^r Into the c. uit-, an I tho League will certainly ba BUFFALO, March 19. Tho Buffalo Base Bal to the bill in equity, which may be presented some d* the lo«r. Thera is uo questioning the fact that tar Club has signed as third baseman, J. B. Roachie this week. Bhort stop would l:ave bo :n much better off In a fii.au. Boston Ciub. of Meartville, Pa., who for several seasons has Meeting. President Walter Brara, of the Colored League, sal at St. Paul, cial way, at least, if he cnu'd liavo gone to B ^tin, but been doing good work in the Pennsylvania an to-day that the opening game for the championshi in spite of ITS inclinations ho must play in Ind .IQ.H') '!ta In this cily would be played May 6 at the PHtsbur or nowhere, and even run Ihe risk of not getting what Ohio leagues. Rosohie is twenty-five years old crounds. The schedule call* for 48 games iustea " feet ten inches. Iu flub i- due him. The Indianapolis Club Com­ w-iVhs 165 pound* und stands five A Ten-Club Schedule Adopted of 40, as announced in the Associated Press despatches New Rules Baruley leaves about the 221 to Join his clnb. 8«D» 1885 he bull a butting average of .351 and a tifl.liu, The Pitlsburg team will cither play Baltimore o The Schedule The his butting average vas sa\s that th-i I'lllrtmiys will h:ive i.nu disadvan'age to av«rage of .893. Last noison Umpires Appointed- Cincinnati here on July 4, likely Baltimore. co itend with. They will have t> face s-ven antaao-. pletely Organized General .384 aud his fielding avei a e was .906. Lon Ilardie told Tom Brown at Hot Springs tha A Little Reserve Rule- niatsah.ut whom thev ku-iw comji irativelv noihine, Van Haltren was sure to come East and carry out IT while tii« othi-ra will h.ivc but <,m. "uokuown" in iha Sporting Intelligence. Tlernaa Seriously 111. Other Business. contract. rinir. Thm is iindou'ptedlv true, and may have a gn at Special to SPOBTIJJG LIFE. Anent the advance money talk, Fred Carroll say Other Business. d, al to do in determining tbe [waition of the Binoky TRENTON, March 19. Michael Tiernan, the pheno that he did not receive a cent of it this season. City's repivsoi.titives. AGAIN IN HARNESS. tneual yi'unic player of last year's Jersey City team The International League met at Rochester, Steve Toole says Jick McSIasters will not take any Two more men, a battery, havo been signed for the wlm sinneii for the Ne* York League t am during th flesh off <if him. I| e has none to spare and could no The Northwestern League met at St. Paul, lo;¥al team Cuy, pitcher, and Lcvan, catcher, both of March 15, ami after a long and exhausting ses­ ho lost much. Burdock Signs to Once More Play Second coming season, is critically ill at his home in thiu city stand it March 12 to adopt" a schedule. Presi­ East Saaiuaw, Midi. PICKWICK. sion succeeded in tlie difficult task of fixing up g-ts into the big mileage list., She Is one o Minn., Base for Boston. wj:h intermittent fever. Only the most iutjmat Pitibburg dent Roche was in the chair, and every club was friendn are allowed to approach him. lie haa been a satisfactory schedule for ten clubs. Thesohed- those who will cover over 10,000 miles. SCRAM ON EXPLAINS. Special to SPOUTING T.IFK. confined to bed for a fortnight. ule committee consisted of Wm. MacPherpon, of The Buffalo, Oswego aud Toronto t'ams have date represented by delegates. The old constitution BOSTON, March 19. Treasurer J. B. Billings Toronto; John A. Kenney, of Buflalo; W. S. for exhibition games here after the 80th inst., but a of the League was rescinded and that of the Her Version ot the Cnrcoran Case A was sitting in his office reading the morning A Base Rail Club Mulcted. this is the time of the opening of the Internationa National League adopted. By this the arbitra­ Etc. Miller, of Syracuse; L. S. Carter, of Bingham- u'aguo schedule it is hardly possible that rhey can b Gigtiiilic Catcher Signed, pnper to-day when he heard some one say Special to SPORTING Lire. ton; S, W. Jones, of Newark, and Wilson Soule, filled. CIRCLE. tion committee was abolished, and a board of SCRAJSTUS, Pa., March IB. Klitor SPOP.TIXO "Well, I am here ready to go to work," anj SVBACI SB, N. Y., March 19. In the>«lt of John A of Rochester. Toronto, Buffalo and Rochester directors was chosen by lot, consisting of repre­ LIFK: The Scranton Club is now complete, tha looking up he saw John Burdock standing in Cole vs. the Syracuse lia-e Ball Hiociationfor dain-tge but THE STAECH CITY HAPPY. sentatives from St. Paul, Minneapolis, Milwau­ fir injuries received throue'i the hreaking of tlie mil- each had a schedule ready for approval, latest addition being Thomas II. tioodell, a frontot'him. "Hurdle" wns looking well, and made out by Toronto was kee and Eau Claire, with President Rocho ing during a game at Star Purk, this city, iu tho sum­ none suited. The one Satisfied With Her Allotment of Date catcher. Ho is a big man, six foot in height, said that he had cotno to Boston determined to mer of 1885, tbe jury \esterday awarded the plalntil dropped out for the reason that it had arranged chairman ex-offico. and weighs 176 pounds, and is said to be a great how that ho can still play second base. Ho $3,516.60. The Batting Averages of The Team The secretary appointed John Brcnnan of two ti ips of three gimes each. The one from Ktc. caloher, splendid thrower and heavy b:)uttcr. very quickly signed a contract, and this after­ Buffalo was objected to because it opened the Indianapolis as fourth umpire, and Steve Hajin Tho Denver Club o£fer.d him splenlid imlucenements^ noon he wu8 with the others at tho rink and Brown Signed. season too early in Toronto. Booheiter's schedule was OSWEGO, N. Y., March 16. Editor SPORTING and Ed. Clark of Chicago, substitute umpire^ but l,o pr. fe.-red sign with Scrantt-u. No ui:ir« went into the work with snap and viui. It Special to SPOETIXO LIFE. the most satisfactory and with that as a bis'a the com­ CIPE: The meeting of the schedule committee The case of Legg, claimed by both St. Paul players »ill be Mgutd unless it should ue to strengthen now lies entirely with him whether ho plays NEW YOKK, March 19. The New York Clubslfnet mittee went to woik and aflcr a long session they en­ is over, and we are well satisfied with the and Oshkosh, was referred to the board of any we»k poiuls. He wil to nearly e?erj'body. The his old position or not. When I was in New Brown, the California catcher, yesterday. dorsed a plan satisfactory manner in which Director Gill looked after Os directors. The new rules of the National League THE COncOItAS CASE. start for New York on Monday. d< legates to the meeting were as follows: Toronto with I notice, Mr. K litor, iu lour is?ue of March 9 York lest week at the time of the League meet- Cox, MacPherson, Butmett anil Manager Cushman; wego'sinterests. We open,the season hero and American Association were adopted, but Decoration Day we play the Syracuse wlii-ieii! you slate that the S,:r»nt -n Ciiib had, without Ing, I had a loni; talk with "Burdie" and UNHAPPY COWBOYS. Hamilton Messrs. Rtroild and Collinf; Buffalo Hamilton; the prevailing opinion was that they are im­ doubt, acted meanly towuid Mr. Corc.nau in offering were both very outspoken. I told him in so Messrs, f. T. Gilbert, Knnuy, Franklin and Chapman; earn here in the morning and at Syracuse practicable. Manager Hart, of Milwaukee, who and agreeing 10 pjy him advauco money and then mnny woids that if ho would come to Boston, atop Quite a Row Over the Representative in Syracuse Miller, Uydnr aud Cilford; Oswego Mulir n the afternoon; Fourth of July we play at used them in San Francisco, predicted that filling to d » so, and for their failure so to do jou sug- than and Gill; TJticft SHQI Dishler and SetTeiarv White; tlib-ii'U'int: and play ball AS lip did in '83, in lees the Western League.
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