
20 PETftt, ttoizzle- twigs', dial, word IV, 507. weathercock, use of the word III, 288, undertaker , 188, 212, 273; IV, 436, 334, 352. vouchsafe, substantive IV, 386. Wilie-beguiles HI, 125. Wright (Joseph), The English Dialect Dictionary. Pts. XXIV—XXVIII. Frowde. Bespr. Notes & Queries 10th Series 17, 377-, Zs. f. deutsche Wort- forschung VII, 4; Allgemeine Zeitung 237 (A. Schröer: Die Voll- endung des englischen Dialektwörterbuchs). — The English Dialect Grammar. 720 pp. H. Frowde. net, 6/. Bespr. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, 377; The Athenaeum 4072; The Journal of English and Germanic Philol. VI, 4 (G. T. Flom). — Completion of English Dialect Dictionary. Cf. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, 381. Wundt (W.), Völkerpsychologie. I. Die Sprache. 2. Aufl. II. Teil. Leipzig, Engelmann. M. 14. Bespr. Wochenschrift für klass. Philologie XXII, 23 (Schneidewin); Zs. f. roman. Philol. XXX, 4 (0. Dittrich); Neue Philol. Rund- scliau 1906, No. IS (J. Keller); Zs. f. deutsche Philol. XXXV1I1,4 (Fr. Kaufmann). Wyld (H. C.), The History of Old English Fronted (Palatalized) Initial in Middle and Modern English Dialects. On the Etymologies of the English Words blight and blain, chornels and Kernels. Otia Merseiana II. Williams & Norgate. Yorkshire Dialect Society. Transactions of. P. 6. Byles. Bradford. Zo6ga (G. T.), Icelandic-English Dictionary. S. hierzu Sigfus B Ion dal, Anmälan av Zoega etc. Arkiv for nordisk filologi XXII, 1. Literatur- blatt f. germ, und rom. Philol. XXVH, 7 (Gebhardt). III. Literatur. 1. Allgemeines. 8. die Rubriken: Aesthetik. Altenglieche Literatur. Amerikanische Literatur. Balladen. Biographien. Drama. Elisabethanieche Literatur £pos. .Eeeaya. Irische Literatur. Kritik. Legende. Liedersammlungen. Literaturgeschichte. Lyrik. Mittelenglische Literatur. Mythus. Reim. Religiöse Dichtung. Roman. Sage. Schottische Literatur. Selections. Theater. Victorianische Dichtung. Adams (0. F.), A Dictionary of American Authors. Boston; Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Aesthetik. S. Bonnier. Dinger. Elster. Gayley-Young. Geiger. Georgy. Heisch. Eassner. Moorman. Morley. Muncker. Nesbit. Sieper. Spiel- man. Volkelt. Zander. Altenglische Literatur. S. Grüters. Haessner. Hanscom. Eer. Elaeber. Otto. Poppenberg. Amerikanische Literatur. 8. Adams. Beiden. Civil War. Henley. Lown- des. Schumann. Trent. Angelsächsische Literatur. S. Stevens. Aniökov (E. V.), Das Frühlingslied im westlichen Europa und bei den Slaven. L S. Petersburg 1903. Brought to you by | University of California Authenticated Download Date | 6/12/15 11:40 PM BUCHEBSCHAU 1905. 21 Ankenbrand (H.), Die Figur des Geistes im Drama der englischen Renais- sance. Leipzig, Deichert Nachf. M. 2,60. Bespr. Shakespeare -Jahrbuch XLII1 (Füller). Anson (W. S. W.), Elizabethan Lyrics. Selected. 18°. Routledge. 6d. Anthem. The First National Anthem. Of. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, 249, 332. Armada. English Poets and the Armada. Cf. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, 346, 414. Aronstein (Philipp), Auswahl englischer Dichtungen. 816 pp. Bielefeld und Leipzig, Velhagen & Elasing. M. 2. ßespr. Die Neueren Sprachen XVI, 2 (Ph. Wagner). Balladen. S. Comfort. Cotterill. Ford. Kurz. Miller. Newholt. Sargent- Kittredge. Sidgwick. Smeaton. Steele. Bancroft (Squire), Dramatic Thoughts: Retrospective, Anticipative. The Fortnightly Review, May. Barai (E.), Le style pootique et la resolution romantique. IV, 316 pp. Dies. Paris, Hacbette. Bespr. Deutsche Literaturzeituug 10 (Haguenin). Barry (William), The School for Critics. The Quarterly Review, July. Beam (J. N.), Die ersten deutschen Übersetzungen englischer Lustspiele im 18. Jhdt. Dias. Jena. 1904. 91 pp. Beer (Taco H. de) and Irving (Elizabeth Jane), The Literary Reader. IU. The 19th Century. P. II. 4th ed. Rev., rewritten, and brought down to date of publication by T. H. de Beer. XI, 520 pp. Halle, Gesenius. M.5. Bespr. Anglia Beiblatt XVII, 11 (Heim). Beiden (H. M.), The Study of Folk-Song in America. Mod. Philology 11,4. Bell. Poems of Love. Ed. by G. K. A. Bell. 214 pp. 12°. Routledge. l/. Besso (Mär.), Roma e il Papa nei proverbi e nei modi di dire. CXIII, 366 pp. Roma, Ermanno Loescher e Cia. L. 12. Bestiaries. McKonzie (Kenneth), Unpublished Manuscripts of Italian Bestiaries. Pub. of the Mod. Lang. Assoc. XX, 2. Betz (L. P.), La Littorature comparoe. 2 od. 1904. Bespr. Euphorien XIII, 3 (A. Rosenbaum). Bible. The English Bible, translated by the Commandment of King James I, 1611. Bespr. The Athenaeum 4001\ Anglia Beiblatt XVII, 10 (Bülbring). — S. ausserdem Westcott. Biese (Alfred), The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. 384 pp. Routledge. 6/. Biographien. S. Chapin. Downey. Howitt. Laughlin. Sessions. Stryinsky. Wright. Birrell (A.), In the Name of the Bodleian, and other Essays. 222 pp. Elliot Stock. 5/. Bolle (W.), Das Liederbuch MS. Rawlinson Poet. 185. Archiv CXIV, 3/4. Bonnier (C.), Du contact en littorature. Otia Merseiana IV. Williams & Norgate. Brought to you by | University of California Authenticated Download Date | 6/12/15 11:40 PM 22 PETRI, Borghesi (P.), Petrarch, and his Influence on English Literature. 12°. 135pp. Zanichelli (Bologna). 3/. Bespr. Englische Studien XXXVII, l (E. Koeppel). Brandes (George), Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature. Vol. 4. Naturalism in England, 1875. 376 pp. Heinemann. net, 12/. Bespr. The Athenaeum 4058. Brimley (G.), Essays. 304 pp. 12°. (New Universal Library.) Routledge. l/. Brooke. A Treasury of Irish Poetry. In the English Tongue. Edit, by Stopford A. Brooke and T. W. Holleston. Second Impression. 622 pp. Smith, Elder. 7/6. Bubo (J.), Sammlung englischer Gedichte f r Schule und Haus. 2. Aufl. VIII, 135 pp. Stuttgart, A. Bong & Co. M. 1,20, geb. 1,50. BUhnenwesen. S. Gull. Holbrook. M nkemeyer. Reynolds. Tempest. Burrell (Arthur), Lyrical English Poetry. 12·. Dent. I/. — Heroic and Patriotic Verse. Ed. by A. Burrell. 12°. Dent. I/. Burton (Ernest de Witt), Some Principles of Literary Criticism and the Synoptic Problem. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press. Campbeil (David), A First History of English Literature. 232pp. Oliver &Boyd. 1/6. Canfield (D. F.), Corneille and Racine in England. Macmillan. 6/6. Bespr. Zs. f. franz. Spr. u. Lit. XXVIII,4 (R. Mahrenholtz)-, Literar. Centralblatt 16. Cazamian (Louis), Le Roman Social en Angleterre (1830—1850). Dickens, Disraeli, Mrs. Gaskell, Kingsley. 1903. 575 pp. Paris, Soc. nouvelle de librairie et d'odition. Bespr. Anglia Beiblatt XXI, 12 (Bernhard Fehr). Cestre, La revolution frangaise et les poetes anglais 1789—1809. Bespr. Revue critique XXXVII, No. 24 (Ch. Bastide). Chapin (Anna Alice), Makers of Song. 848 pp. Hutchinson. 5/. Character and Conduct. A Book of Helpful Thoughts by Great Writers of Past and Present Ages. Sei. and Arr. by the Author of «Being and Doing". 384 pp. Simpkin, Marshall & Co. β/. The Christian Life in Sacred Song. 16°. Routledge. 6d. American Civil War Verses. Cf. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, 229, 296,354. Collins (John Churton), Studies in Poetry and Criticism. 320 pp. G. Bell. net, 6/. The Athenaeum 4078. Comfort, The Motif of „Young Waters«. (Child, English and Scottish Popular Ballads H, 94). Mod. Lang. Notes XX, 4. Cotterill. Ballads, Old and New. Part 1—2. Selected and Edited for School Use, with Glossary, &c., by Ç. Â. Cotterill. 12°. limp. Mac- millan. ea. I/. Couch. The Golden Pomp. A Procession of English Lyrics from Surrey to Shirley. Arranged by A. T. Quiller Couch. 2nd ed. 394 pp. Methuen. net, 2/6. Coulton (G. G.), The Monastic Legend. Criticism of Abbot Gasquet'a „Henry VIII and the English Monasteries*. (Mediaeval Studies). 20 pp. Simpkin, Marshall & Co. I/. Brought to you by | University of California Authenticated Download Date | 6/12/15 11:40 PM BÜCHER8CHAU 1905. 23 Courfhope (W. J.), A History of English Poetry. Vol. IV. 462 pp. Mac- millan. net, 10/. — Aronstein (Ph.)» William John Courthope als Literaturhistoriker. Zs. f. vergl. Lit.-Gesch. XVI, 1. Craig (E. G.), Art of the Theatre. With Introduction and a Preface by R. Graham Robertson. 56 pp. 4°. Foulis. 2/6. Creizenach (W.), Ein Repertoirestück der englischen Komödianten. Shake- speare-Jahrbuch XLI. Crossland (Jessie), A German Version of the Thief-Legend. Mod. Lang. Review 1,1. Cumberland (Stuart), People I have Read. Pop. Ed. 192pp. Pearson. 2/6; I/. Dannenberg (M.), Die Verwendung des biblischen Stoffes von David und Bathseba im englischen Drama. 70 pp. Königsberger Diss. Davis (E. Z.), Translations of German Poetry in American Magazines 1741 bis 1810. VIII, 229 pp. Philadelphia, Americana Germanica Press. Dawson (W. J.), The Makers of English Fiction. 296 pp. Hodder & Stoughton. 6/. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Faithfully translated by J. M. Rigg. (Library of Early Novelists.) Routledge & Sons. Bespr. Notes & Queries 10th Series III, p. 298. Detectives in Fiction. Cf. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, 307, 356, 417, 456. A Golden Dial. Day Book of Prose and Verse. Compiled by Ethel M.Hewitt. 384 pp. 12°. Methuen. 2/6. Dilke (Lady), The Book of the Spiritual Life. With a Memoir of the Author by Sir Charles W. Dilke, Bart. Murray. Bespr. Notes & Queries 10th Series III, p. 437. Dinger (H.), Die dramatische Kunst im System der Künste. Leipzig, Veit & Co. M. 7,50. Downes (R. P.), Seven Supreme Poets. 348 pp. C. H. Kelly. 3/6. Downey (Edmund), Twenty Years Ago. A Book of Anecdote Illustrating Literary Life in London. With 16 Portrait Sketches. VIII, 303 pp. Hurst & Blackett. net, 6/. Drama. S. Ankenbrand. Bancroft. Creizenach. Da en berg·. Dinger. Durand. Elster. Faust. Findon. Georgy.
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