THETUFTS DAILY‘ IWhere You Read It First Tuesday, September 30,1997 Volume XXXV, Number 18 I aculty support reh NICC 7byANDREWFREEDMAN questionedthe feasibilityofrehir- aimed at bringing more minority Contributing Writer ingthe dismissedworkers. Profes- faculty to Tufts. The Arts and Sciences faculty sor Daniel Dennett asked, “Is there The committee’s suggestions, passed a resolution at yesterday’s a path that we can follow to rehire outlined by Marjorie Davies, the meeting to encourage the admin- these people?” affirmativeaction officer for Tufts, istration to rehirethe 7 1 displaced Marrone responded to this include a“commitmenttohiring at UNICCO workers. question, saying that “the Univer- the senior level respected educa- History professor Steven sity could re-open the contract tors of color.” She explained that Marrone outlined the details of the with ISS or this could be done the rationale is to provide mentors resolution, which stipulates that outside of ISS.” to attract junior minority faculty the workers must return to work Some professors inquired as to members. Photo by Elic Anderson “either under terms equivalent to whetherbringing the workersback Other possible revisions in hir- The faculty discussed the future of UNICCO employees at those of the UNICCO contract” or sets a precedent that Tufts is ob- ing policies, according to Davies, yesterday’s meeting. “in concertwit€iISS.”Mmoneex- ligated to rehire persons set adrift include new types of searches for pressed his desire to “bring them from the University. candidates for vacant positions. a better way to diversim the com- whether equal employment prac- back under terms that are more re- Marrone denied that assertion. Davies said these new searches munity rather than changing hir- tices can be maintained while si- spectful of their dignity.” “It doesn’t mean that everyone at areaimedatspeedingupthe appli- ing policies. They pointed out that multaneously searchingforminor- Following the passage of the Tufts has a right to a job,” he said. cation processand willrequirethe visiting lecturers involve a limited ity applicants. resolution, the administrationwill Due to the review of a 1992 University to look at the demo- University obligation and do not “There is no test as to what is considerthis issue and report back policy by an ad-hoc committee, graphicsofthe applicantsto make require an elaborate hiring pro- lawful and what is unlawful [in to the faculty by the last meeting the faculty also addressed the is- sure no discrimination occurs. cess. equal employment practices)” he of the fall semester. sue ofminorityfaculty recruitment Some professors, however, dis- BillSheny,externallegalcoun- said. “It isagrayareathat requires Although the faculty passed policies. The committee recom- played their views that attracting sel for the University, said there is clarification from the Supreme the resolution, some members mended a more aggressivepolicy minority visiting lecturersmaybe a great deal of concern regarding Court in the near future.” Israelis, Palestinians agree to resume talks Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News backed up by phone conversations that Service Albright had with Arafat and Netanyahu in UNITEDNATIONS-Israeli and Pales- the past two days, is to holdtwo sets oftalks tinian leaders agreed Monday to resume a simultaneously. peace process halted since spring by terror- On Oct. 6, eightjoint Israeli-Palestinian ist bombs and settlement expansion. subcommittees dealing with the interim But Israel will maintain its option to agreementswill start working. On Oct. 13, continue housing construction in its occu- Israeli and Palestinian officials- possibly pied territories as face-to-face talks resume Levy and Abu Mazen-will start talking in next month in Washington, D.C., Secretary Washington about four points: continued of State Madeleine Albright announced cooperation against terrorists, further Is- Monday after two days of talks. raeli troop withdrawals from occupied ar- Monday’s agreement to resume the eas, “the definition and content of a time- peace process came after several weeks of out regarding unilateral steps”and speeded- personal intervention by Albright in the up permanent status talks. thorny Israeli-Palestinianrelationship, her In awin forNetanyahu,who facesstrong first since becoming secretary ofstate early pressure from within his right-wing coali- this year. Facing some criticism forwaiting tion to expand settlementactivity, Albright too long to step into Mideast diplomacy, said Monday that Israel had agreed it would Albright said Monday at a news confer- begin a “time out” on construction only ence that she felt she had been able to halt when final status talks begin. a “downward spiral” and crisis of confi- Abu Mazen said afterward that success dence in the region. ofthe talks would rest on removing “settle- “It’s a medium step because it arrested ment actions, land confiscation, destruc- the downward spiral and it’s a small step tion of houses, confiscation of ID cards in forward,” she said of the agreement she East Jerusalem and collectivepunishment.” hammered out in a face-to-face meeting Levy did not speak to reporters. But as early with Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy as Sunday night, Netanyahu expressed and PalestinianAuthority Executive Com- guarded optimism about resuming peace mittee Secretary-GeneralAbu Mazen, Yasser talks because of a new Palestinian crack- Arafat’s right-hand man, down on terrorists that has resulted in the Next month’s talks in Washington will arrest of dozens of people. reflect changes Israeli Prime Minister Ben- As a show of good faith, Netanyahu jamin Netanyahu has made in the peace Monday allowed more Palestinian workers process that the previous labbr govern- to enter Israel, lifting closures that had been ment had agreed to in the 1993 and 1995 instituted afterterroristbombings in Jerusa- peace accords reached in Oslo, Norway. lem. But, in a mixed signal, his defense The Oslo process envisioned interim steps that would build confidence to help see ISRAEL,page 8 the parties in a final round oftalks about the status of Jerusalem, whose destiny is the toughest challenge preventing a perma- House votes to extend deadline on nent peace among Israel, the Palestinians and other Arab neighbors. Netanyahu, who is more suspicious of spending bills for coming fiscal year the peace intentions of Palestinians than the late Yitzhak Rabin, whose government Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service Though Congress and the White House enacted a five-year started the Oslo process, wants the talks to WASHINGTON- With Congressonce again far behind in its balanced budget agreement this summer, scores of residual policy move as quickly as possible to the final budget work, the HouseMonday approved a 23-day extension of and spending disputes, ranging from family planning to national status ofJerusalem. However, Palestinians Wednesday’s deadline for completingwork on spending bills for student testing, have slowed action on many appropriations complain thatthis would neglect implemen- the coming fiscal year to avert another government shutdown. fronts. tation of interim agreements on such issues The continuing resolution, approved by a vote of 355-57, was Moreover, the appropriations process of drafting and passing as release of Palestinian prisoners in lsraeli worked out in advance by House and Senate GOP leaders and the the spendingbills in committee was heldup this summer until final jails, a safe passageway between Gaza and administrationand will assure that most government departments agreement was reached on the budget. the West Bank and construction of aPales- and programs will continue to operate at current spending levels. “We’re doing remarkably well” considering the delays, said tiniail airport and seaport. ’ The Senate is set to approve the measure Tuesday and send it The solution agreed to by Abu Mazen, on to the White House for President Clinton’s signature. see HOUSE,page 9 THETUFTS DAILY Tuesday, September 30,1997 THETUFTS DAILY Letters~ -~. to the Editor P.O. Box 18, Medford, MA. 02153 complements your views, then it is appropriate and (617) 627-3090; Fax: (617) 627-3910, [email protected] Heist is misguided I say more power to you. Online: http://www.tufts.edu/as/stu-orghftsdaily Finally,I find it pathetic that she had to resort to about rebellgn swearing in order to get her point across, as it indeed Karen A. Epstein To the Editor: shows tiat she feels-that she must show her adult- Editor-in-Chief In regards to the article written yesterday by hood by using “bad” words. Managing Editor: Gregory Geiman Lauren Heist (“Rebel without a cause7”9/29),I would Sara Mills LA’Ol Associate Editors: Amy Zimmet, Jason Cohen like to comment on a few views she proposed. First NEWSEditors: Pete Sanborn, Lauren Heist of all, I find her comments about gett;ng a tattoo, Assistant Editors: Linda Bentley, Leah Massar piercing, ortaking drugs “in order torebel forthe sake Heist presumptuous VIEWPOINTSEditor: Alex Shalom ofrebelling” slightly biased. Yes, there areanumber about Clinton Assistant Editor: Brad Snyder of people who choose those options with the sole To the Editor: FEATURESEditor: Katie House intention of rebelling against their parents. On the In “Rebel Without a Cause” (9/29), Lauren Heist other hand, for example, famous beatnik poets Will- Assistant Editors: Tony Kahn, Jason Salter (norelation to James Dean) used Hillary Clinton as an Burroughs and Alan Ginsburg took drugs not ARTSEditors:
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