Whitworth Digital Commons Whitworth University The Whitworthian Student Newspaper University Archives 1930 The Whitworthian 1929-1930 Whitworth University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/whitworthian Recommended Citation Whitworth University , "The Whitworthian 1929-1930" Whitworth University (1930). The Whitworthian Student Newspaper. Paper 52. http://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/whitworthian/52 This text is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Whitworth University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Whitworthian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Whitworth University. l - - --- - -------~- -- - -- - - -- -- "' ,'.tt, , j~" I" L' I' '/ Home Coming Home Coming h" '-.: , 1,-' I ,; , No.". 22 P'T' Nov. 22 I" , J • I hitworthian .. Vol. 21 WHITWORTH COLLEGE, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON, Oct. 19,1929 I, , , Number I Mcquillin Heads "W" Club The Glee Club \' ,~ STUDENT COUNCIL At a Illeetmg of the athletic letter­ 'l'he Whitworth Mixed Glee Club has SUWV AN IS NEW \~ , begun preparation for a concert to be ~: ' men 'l.'ues!lay, Oct. 1, the followlDg men were elected, to offIces' ",[nur­ given during tlte first semester. AMENDS BY-LAWS ice i\1cQllilllll, president; CIiffoJ1d Mc­ 'l'hirty-six have enrolled, in the club WHITWORTH HEAD • s~\, Neal, VIce president; unu Chffolld this year. Much interest is shown. Student Fees Raised to Three Bromling, <secretary-treasurer. Other A girls' double quartet WJlI be or­ Several New Faculty Membel'S "Wf.. members of the Club are: Forrest ganized and possibly a male quartet. Dollars a Quarter Travallle, .Evereli Sharnbroich, and It is also plaunmg to give an opera Come From tb,e Continent Leon Killian. New members WIll be the second semester. "The Scldier'g lIlitiated a'fter the football letters are Chorus" from ]j'aust and "Would GOd BAILOR HEADS ATHLETICS FRESHMAN VQTING RE- awarde(l at the end of Lhe seasoll. I ,were tlle 'renuer Apple Blossom", STRICTED Under the leadership of McQUIllin, au Irish air from "County Derry", the club' expects to be active, not be frequently heard on the campus Head. of Departments Are Well only In atllleth.;s, b1lt a18-0 in promot­ lire the selectionI' chosen and Ulay Trained for Tholr Work Athletic Requirements for LaUer wit.1l indiviuuul variations. ' Awards Are Changed ing 'Sohool spirit and ill ,enforcmg traditiolls of the college. - - - J -, The prograss that Whitworth is mak- Dtue to a rapidy incrCllsing student ing, is not alone seen'in its increased body, the Executive Board found it ~nrollment, but is clearly shown in the CQNQUER Increase of Its faculty for this year. necessary to appoint a cOlllmittee t.o GOSPEL TEAM BUSY ~, HM~ revise: the ~t\luent AssocwtlOn (Jonsti­ --T Coming trom Albany Coilege; Al­ tUtiOll. These' um6miments were f.'l'st SOPHS IN bany, Oregon. Ur. Ward W. SuIUvan read . in a student meetmg, Oct. 2, DURING SUMDER ~ ',hasFIGH endeared himself to the hearts of and ,a week" later. October 0" were ," . ull the students. Dr. Sullivan is Ii ~ '. put before the IissocIation for a vote. First Year Students Outnumber graduute of the University of Dlinois, . vote. .' CAlonduct Services in Five Opponents 5 to 1 wIth,a B. A.", M. A. .and Plio D. Witli ) . a Illan of hlB capabIlity III tlte posi- '(; The constitution is now in shape to Churches meet. the needs of the pI'e&ent &tudent • tion /Ie holds, auy' college would, be bo,dY. The Spokane members of the Vol- Rising at a very-early hour Thurs- assured of SUCCe9S. '.rIte amendments presented and vot· unteer Fellowship held five BervICes -day morning, the four Sophomore men Whitworth is very fortulll!t~ In se­ ed upon were: 'during bile sumlller months The of Whitworth started the tradltlonal ouring the services of Dr. F. ~'. H~fd­ team was given. the opportunity of Freshman-Sophomore fIght' by hoist- WIck, - Who is our new Dean': 'Delin ArtIcle III. '.rim excutive board IS to \'1 sen'ice at the Uld Peoples' Home, ing their flag on the school pole. A Hardwick was born in England -and consist of twelve members:- two fi'Olll August 11; at the Fourth Presbyt- good coating of lare was put on the educated there and in SWltzerlllDd each class, two from the faculty, ami erlan Church, AUgU8~; at Monroe pole to guard the fla.g. Then, about. and the United States.' He has de­ :the president arult vice-president of Park, Presbyte~an' phur<:h, September three o'clock the actual figbt began, grees from the UniverSities of London the associatioll. The Board is to sel­ 1; at Lidgenvood Presbyterian church The S?phomores slipped Into. the and WasWngton. Dr. Hlll"dwick has ect the edltor-il!~Jlj~f, busIness man­ September 15; and. at Priest River Freshmen s rooms and found the oc- two hundred h()urs of education to ager; and advertising Ulllllnger for Congregational church, on September cupallts. Two rooms whose occupal}ts his cre~ht and as head of the EducQ.- both' the Natsihi and WllltwortlJiau. 22. were fore-warne#l, were lOCKed; 'and ion. department' Jle is splendidly plac- Article IV. A secretary-treasurer Those who participated In -the ser- ~nenterubl? Each of t~ese ha~ two Ieu. Last year, Dr. Hardwick taught '- shall be elected by the student body vices were: Speakers, Mary Hinton reshmen Ill. These four men. and at S. P. C. and the U. 'of W. He bas with, the. president ailld vice-preBiden.t; l\1auue Holt, 'Kenneth Knoll, Lee one other. who had managed to as- oontributed many artIcles to Educa­ to'J -·nQlumatIllg spel'ches shull be ~e(IUlr- Knoll, Leaders: Mary Hmton Mur- cape. were left at 'the Bchool, and tile tional Journals and at the present I ,< ;~ ed i the clasB representath-es WIll not' iel Mase, aud Margaret Jamison. o~hers were loaded<lnto cqrs und ('ar- ime ~t1 is engaged in writing a bqok:. 'I be elected by t.he studen:, body. , Singers and others who asisted in l"l~, away about ten !Diles, and left. Miss WilliS, lnlltructor' in .F~en~Ii, , By-~a~s, ArtJcl~ II. The ,Student: musical numbers. Dorothy Hood, DOr- rI'he Sophomores th-en teturn~, and just recently arrived. from El.\glund , AsSoclUtJOn fees shull be three dollars, otlly Skerry, Virginia Koyl and Illve- we~t to meet the bus trom Spokane, and has ~en in the U. -S: for about . a quarter insterud, of two dollars. _ ' IYII Chapman. Aside froin the regu- T~~ took the .Freshmen from it and one month now.' She iB a. gradUate of '- '"'"'" ____ ...... ~' Article III. IPreslullen shall lIot: ar membeu of the team there 'Vere caIned them m the other dIrection the University of London and Is DOW ," vote tl~e fIrst qUUl"ter. ' : four other college friends who assis- f~om Whitworth. Unfot1:unatelr f~r ,taking- corr~Bpoqdeuce' work there '~ ',_" 'Ar.ticle IV, R!)ction 4 1\1en,'s letter' ed the toom. These were DorotJI'~' tne Sophomores, there were s~v~ral for an honorary degree. Miss wllhs " _'j;r , 1'-fl)1' ltlflj[lr activities -shall be a five-'IOhupman, Frnnces Fursey, Jean Koyl Fr~SIIJ"fen, W;hO~ t~eYbCUt~ldl not ~atch, luis had three years of teacliing ex- : "(.':':J',~, ' In,c'l, IJIQck, telt 'W, -~, ,black letter on und Maurice Holt. an W 10 prf've e Ie r un oing. perience in England and one ywln ,> i r!ld. ncttvIUIl8 It! 'HIe at all 1JIJe ,plaj!es were When the returned to Sw!tzerl,and. ' "~'~~'~:. ,~_ !~I,l\d,' ~'?r jJllJlp~. ser~lceB ~phomoresy • ~i ~ "', ah.u;'s~· ~"'~&ti!!,~IDeJ1,-~~I1<. .. _:~YI !\, well fecClvcd ,a~d their work was the hCllmpus, itt'jle thfOUll'd Tahbout t~n Mr, Ballor fulfills a need which , 'I t bl I il Id' - prnlsc!l res men awa ng em. ey were Whl .J."I~.' " "',; I'eu e ler ~n a rw ( e" '" -;'"" ..:;", ' ' '. " trllPped, tl~r and put iuto cars. TIle twor!h ha.s long felt-that of Atil- yl . I~' 'Sec lion 7. Requirements for Burn-," ",.' ", , '" •• ~ Ih'eslu'uen carried them off with the l?"tlc ~irector lind fI~ld manager ('~ '~'i' ~ng letters shull be as follow:;, proY~d1 :.:' ,_ >j" ,',':''5NiltBlPl 1:-;";;' ~f ~,\;\'; :.1nt~~ttoil,~,()f:')I!!.l~ng LIJem someplace, ~ -¥r, B~lor is a graduate of Spokane ~-t,' -', e(l a letter lllay be refused for dLs- ··'Dhe'.... WWA'i,!lfls},~i sta~,l!aa. -b~~ll. :jl~~~jtp.'~X~~x:,sg'v~~n.,.~-,pr, three loyul .iJwvor3lty, where for sev~ritl years 'l' 'I honoruble conduct, or uwardeu up 011 named and alreaUy plane and',bldlj arc SophOmo.l' };~I~( 'f(l119,'V1ilg in Il curl J lilt lei! tlLel!; t~amB ~o ,victory He has , '~§lpeclaJ conditions prescribed by th1 being receivell for Vile work, ·q~dJ}lui. _a@,~~teflt,~el~:Pl~~\Ii-~~-tM ,Ff,@-,,:):ml.O{l rnl1id takeu cxtC!\S!-;B t!oaching courses ' , Board: ; Jll~mbers of the. staff are begmnlng t~ell drove(c~'atoul1d'-\",Utltit:>-{1>tWi!1*t;,. ,tt Jlj.b:~ilJ ftl'l~ clrcfion State. Witb I'.; Major activities-Football: In n, to assemble their different tpsks. 0 clock, the hour agreed upon' for, ~he liB. hf.[.I,,. fn :,>1j},W,,~t and guide our schedule of 4 games, a mon must pla~ liJverell ~harnbroich, Editor of the closing of all the activities, and ra- actLvJLj"', wi~ b"'-l~\' we will have a , \ in eight quarters; in 5 games, he mu~ 1029 NatsiIti, has again 'beenl named turned to the college with tlleir priB- grCJlt year ilL Wjr~(~hJ"tn., ' \ .~ play in nine quarters, etc.
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