Claremont Colleges Scholarship @ Claremont Pomona Faculty Publications and Research Pomona Faculty Scholarship 1-1-2005 Altars personified: the cult of the saints and the chapel system in Pope Pascal I's S. Prassede (817-819) Judson J. Emerick Pomona College Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis Recommended Citation "Altars Personified: The ultC of the Saints and the Chapel System in Pope Pascal I's S. Prassede (817-819)" in Archaelogy in Architecture: Studies in Honor of Cecil L. Striker, ed. J. Emerick and D. Deliyannis (Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 2005), pp. 43-63. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Pomona Faculty Scholarship at Scholarship @ Claremont. It has been accepted for inclusion in Pomona Faculty Publications and Research by an authorized administrator of Scholarship @ Claremont. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Archaeology in Architecture: Studies in Honor of Cecil L. Striker Edited by Judson J. Em erick and Deborah M. Deliyannis VERLAG PHILIPP VON ZABERN . MAINZ AM RHEIN VII, 216 pages with 146 black and white illustrations and 19 color illustrations Published with the assistance of a grant from the James and Nan Farquhar History of An Fund at the University of Pennsylvania Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliotbek Die Deutsche Bibliorhek lists this publication in the Deutsche NationalbibJ iographie; detailed bibliographic data is available on the Internet at dJttp://dnb.ddb.de> . © 2005 by Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Maim am Rhein ISBN- I0: 3-8053-3492-3 ISBN- 13: 978-3-8053-3492-1 Design: Ragnar Schon, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Maim All rights reserved. Printed in Germany by Verlag Philipp von Zabern Printed on fade resistant and archival quality paper (PH 7 neutral) . ref HON FOL NA3 5 0 .A73 2005 Arch a e o l o g y i n a rch i t e c t u r e studies in honor of Cecil L. Striker Contents lntro union VII Richard Hodges . Uni versity of East Anglia, Norwich T he N int h-Century Co llecti ve Wo rkshop at San Vincenzo al Volrurno 75 Chnrala mbos BOUTa s nfinished Architectu ral Members in M iddle AdolfHoffmann . Bmndenburgische Tecbnische Uni versitiit Byzantine G reek Ch urches Cottbus . Deutsches A rchiiologisches [n stitui, Istanbul Platz fur Eh rensratuen! - Gadaras Ha uprsrrafs e, ein lineares Forum 89 Johannes Cramer · Tecbniscbe Uniuersitiit Berlin Das I Iolzron nengewolbe ­ Die ub ersehene dri rre ,fQglichkeil I I Macbiel Kiel . Neth erlands InstitutefOr Near Eastern Studies, Istanbul Ljubinje: From Shepherd's Encam pment to Slobodan CurCii . Princeton Uni versity M uslim Town. A Co nt ributio n to the Hi story of "Renewed fro m the Very Foundations": Ottoman U rbanism in Bosnia-Her cegovina 99 The Ques tion of the Genesis of the Bogo rod ica Ljcviska in Prizren 23 Dale Kinn ey . Bryn Mawr College The N ine teen Colum ns of Jacobus Lau renri i 105 Deborah AfauskopJ Deliyannis . Indiana University Proco nnes ian Ma rble in Ninth Century Ravenna 37 Kostis Kourelis . Clemson University The Rura l Ho use in the Medieval Peloponnese Judson}. Emerick · Pomona College An Archaeological Reassessment of Byzantine Akm Personified: The C ult of th e Saints and the Domestic Architecture 119 Chapel Syslem in Pope Paschal I's S. Prassede (8 17-8 19) 43 Robert IV/a rk · Prin ceton Uni versity Struc tu ral Arc haeology 129 Heather E. Grossman· Uni versity ojIllinois at ChiCtlgo Syncretism Made Concrete: The C ase for a Hybrid Moreorc Architecture in Post-Fou rth C rusade Gre ece 65 Thomas F Ma thews · The Institute of Fine Arts, New York Uni versity The Palace Ch urch of Sts, Sergius an d Bacch us in Constant inople 137 V James M organstern and Minott Kerr · Ohio State University Klaus Rbeidt . Brandenburgische Technische Uniuersitat and Data Resource Center, Metro, Portland Cottbus Reconstructing Me dieval Design and Building Practices: Zw ischen O rient und Okziden r: Die Bulgarische The Evidence from No tre-Da me at [ urni eges 143 Kirche Sveri Stefan am G olden en H orn in Istanbul 173 Klaus Noblen - Fachhochschule Wiesbaden Giinder Varinlioglu . University ofPennsylvania "Wasserableitung od er Kurvarur?" Urban Monasteries in Co nsranrinople and T hessaJon iki: Beobach runge n am Tempelhof des Traian- Heiligrum s Disrriburion Pat tern s in Ti me and Urban Topography 187 in Pergamon 155 Wolfga ng Wiemer · Uniuersitiiten Essen und Wiirzburg, Anne Prache . Uniuersite de Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV) FRG New D endrochronological and Archaeological Evidence Harmonie und M ag - Ergebnisse der fo r the Building Chronology of Reirns Cath ed ral 167 Proporrionsan alysen der Abreikirche Ebra ch 199 VI Introduction Fesrschrifren famously take their shapes from the careers of The essays in this book thus take up many of the themes the busy, long-lived, and successful scholars they honor. and activities that have particularly engaged Lee Striker Some of these volumes can focus sharply on a theme, while during his career. Chronologically, the papers cover the clas­ others perforce will range more widely in celebration of their sical period to the nineteenth century. GeographicaJly they honorees's diverse interests and accomplishments. Cecil L. range from Gadara in Jordan to jurnieges in northern Fran­ Striker's Festschrift belongs in this latter group. In a research ce, and are almost evenly divided between East and West. and teaching career that has so far spanned more than four Thematically, many focus on archaeology and structure, and decades, Striker has worked at the intersection of architec­ particularly, as Striker himself has expressed it, on the recor­ ture and archaeology to radically redescribe the history of ding and analysis of the physical evidence of buildings and Byzantine architecture in the eastern Mediterranean, Anaro­ their remains using archaeological methods. Others take up lia, and the Balkans . He began his career at the Myrelaion issues of art and ceremony, urban religious topography, (Bod rum Camii) in Istanbul, then took the practice of Byzantine and Ottoman domestic architecture in town and medieval archaeology to a new, high plateau in his multifa­ country, architectural proportion, historic construction tech­ ceted, decades-long study of the Kalendarhane Camii, the niques, dendrochronological approaches in medieval archi­ Ottoman mosque in Istanbul that incorporates a Palaelogan­ tecture, the history of marbles and building materials in the era church, a Latin Crusader church, and a Middle-, and Mediterranean, even issues of cultural hybridiry in the Latin Early-Byzantine church (and before that, a Late Imperial Crusading states, in Byzantine Serbia, and Ottoman Istan­ Roman bathl). The momentous discoveries at Kalendarhane bul. Alrhough these topics are not all directly related to Stri­ of a sixth-century mos aic showing Christ's Presentation in ker's own actual research, all were in some way inspired by the Temple and some fragments of a mid-thirteenth-century his interests, by his methodologies, and by the generous fresco depicting the life of Francis of Assisi, to name only intellectual exchanges he has carried on with a large number these two, led Striker deeply into art histories implicating of art historians, archaeologists, and historians. both the Christian Greek and Latin Mediterranean/Europe­ Those of us who have been privileged to be Striker's stu­ an worlds. In recent years, moreover, Striker has probed dents are perhaps best placed to appreciate the breadth of his oaken beams in medieval buildings from Italy to Anatolia to interests and his generosity in assisting us to pursue our help date historic structures dendrochronologically: he co­ own. We are therefore most pleased to be able to pay this directed the Aegean Dendrochronology Project's Medieval tribute to him. We are very grateful too for the enthusiasm Phase, and directed the Architectural Dendrochronology and support of all the scholars who have contributed to this Project . And finally, Striker has actively fostered archaeologi­ volume. The Department of the History of Art at the Uni­ cal research in the Med iterranean area as a member of the versity of Pennsylvania has recognized Lee Striker's years of Board of Directors of the American Research Institute in service by generously contributing to the cost of publishing Turkey, as the founding chair and member of the Executive this volume, through a grant from the James and Nan Board of the Council of American Overseas Research Cen­ Farquhar History of Art Fund. ters, and as a consultant for the Istanbul Metro and Bospho­ rous Tube Tunnel Project. Judson J. Emerick, Pomona College Deborah M . Deliyannis, Indiana University VII Altars Personified: The Cult of the Saints and the Chapel System in Pope Paschal I's S. Prassede (817-819)* Judson J. Emerick · Pomona College THE C ITY AS STAGE FOR PAPAL LEADERSH IP S. Maria Maggiore's nave elevations had Ionic columns in the lower story and Co rinthian pilasters in the uppet, with both orders rrabeated, and the lower provided with acanthus vine-scroll ornarnenr (in mosaic in the When Pope Sixrus III builr S. Maria Maggiore in the 430s frieze). In the clerestory a round-headed window originallyappeared between (Figs. ) and 2), I he effecrively transformed rhe mo numental each pair of pilasters - with an archivolr supported on either side (in the C hrisrian ropography of Rome. For rhe first rime in rhe city, jambs) by rwo Corinrhian columns wirh helical shafts stacked One on rop a pope builr on impe rial scale using rhe full pano ply of th e of the other!'). Below each window was a Cor inthian aedicula ro frame the famous scenes in mosaic from the O ld Testament . See rhe reconsrruc­ scenic Corinthian orders jusr as em perors had always do rie.I rion by Spencer Corbett in CBCR vol.
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