. •" / byn Reeves wa« cotnrn-HiWtcr for "THE NDtii STORE" the board. "*' '... To^tock Watei-8 Before ior Scouts Others»ttgpdlng wm&bt€oir liters Trout Season April }4 fee. Sue Escfaenlauer. Nancy pan GIVE Approximately. 220.000 game Lerda. Audrey Hadefc'.Musmt tocoNoun GIVE Lead Sterrett. Maryanne McGuire. Mil- TOCONQUttl trout will be liberated prior to the BASRA* EOAD, NEA* JOHNSON * JOHN Needed opening of the 1951 season at 8 dred Quintan, Jean Shannon. S(f)v CANCER a: m. Saturday, April "If,, by the iC CaWyn Hestoh and Claire and M106 CANCER 1 State Division of Fish and Game, Ann Burke. ' • CD Department' of Conservation and ^Senior Girl Scout Troop 20 of The girls-were, accompanied by TO* AN EASIER. FAST^T^ AMIIICAN. A Girl Scout Council their leaders. Miss Mary Louise CANCtl • Economic Development, it was an- Cranford had the honor this year SOCIITV AT nounced today. of leading the discussion on civil Weljen, Mrs. J. Walter Coffe*; and SPRING HOUSECLEAN1NG *Seeks Aides for ' ' Select Freea the Following GARWOO Dr. A. Heaton UntferhiH. fish defense at the conference held Sat- Mrs. T. C. C. Hann. *ENILWORTH After the conference, the girls BUDGET PUCED SUPFUES- Scouting Program and gamo division director, praised urday at New Jersey College for made a tour of he college. No- '2 An appeal-for more troop, lead- he work of Chief Protector Fred Women for all Senior' Scouts pf For the Floors We tarry IVHI. CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, APRIL 12. 1951 ers, particularly for Brownie . Craig and his distributing crews, PKEEN — PEACON — JGllNs6\s 26"Pages — FIVE CENTS and tho kh' < f *h Sfftinn V'" thp state. ^ the Regular Monthly meeting of Hackettstown Fish Hatchery this on the panel were Betty Even thm moon it wittto r»nf«t •s was proved'In lMi*H»en *ti*Or the Cranford Girl Scout Council. year. Superintendent Charles O. Wikander, who gave a.short.his- — Fer Furniture - Aspirants for Township Committee Nominations Ha'yford expects to release 50'0,©00 tory of the civil defense set-up as tut* of th« U. S. army signal corps liange Mrs. H. R. Best, commissioner, timed th« round trip-d radio tfsvts DKI-GLO _ RAPINITE _ JO presided. • ' suitable trout throughout thix year a whole and in Cranford; Nancy Reinert, who spoke on program bounced oft th« rarfac* cf that 8IMONIZ. POUSHES. Mrs. H. H. Shannon and Mrs, in open waters. celutlal body tor th* first tin*. aides and the part they play in Moore reported waiting lists of Fishing hours after the opening X'V. For the Woodwork and €pholster» for civil defense, and Margot Stein, girls who cannot be included in the day will be from sunrise to 9 p. m. •• ' ••.•••.. "BLCKO" who spoke on caring for children Earicha* Can UMI scouting program until, leaders are E.S.T. The season will continue until September 30. This year while their parents are away at the Nutritional quality of eon me*l WEEKLY SPECIALS ictory obtained. , scene of a disaster. can be greatly Improved fcjr-.ta. A short course in leader training there will be no minimum size Abo, Sally Shepherd, who told rienlnf it with nUcJa. ttriamik. ribo- RepuhlicaiiH Battle is being started in the Girl Scout limit on trout. The creel limit is flavin, iron, and calcium.- ^ Where to Vole eight per day, of which number how Senior Scouts can assist-med- MOW - • -i Fills Room For Local Committee, House. Anyone intcKestcd in be- ical workers as nurses aides, and Next Tuesday coming a leader, either now or in not more than four trout may be •—-NO rAMUNo rmotajtM HEKE* taken between May 12 and Sep- Janet Gleason and Judy Wagner, Few! Pas ar ConiniHtee Polling places in next Tues- County, State Posts the fall, should get in touch with tember 3» from designated fly nsh- Who spoke on self sufficiency. But preventive for, fowl pox. Ordinance day's Primary election have With a (lvc-way contest for the the Girl Scout office as soon as pos- SINCE 1775 which often causes a rtpM drop la .been annpuneed bv Township ing waters. Possessjon.limj.t.is one ' In addition to acting as • vice- g u' lengthy meeting, two Republican nominations for sible. day's catch. chairman for the conference, Ma- egg production. i» vaccination of an GIVE GfiNlEROUSLY TO THE CANCER Clerk J. Walter CotTe*; as follows: Tpwnship Committee and several • Mrs! A. Donald Green will in- birds. jbv two recedes, the Towri- -. District 1—'Sherman School, Designated fly fishing waters un- r omn.ittcc Tuesday night spirited battles for cour.ty and state struct an advanced course "in pot- C Lincoln avenue. .. positions, a heavy vote is expected tery for Senior Girl Scouts, it was der the 1951 rcguations which are jon final reading the much part of the State Fish and Game ordinance changing the District 2—Sherman School, n next Tuesday's GOP Primary announced. The course will be | f the 34-acre Spcrry tract Lincoln avenue. election. There are no contests in given as a means of training girls Code, include Big Flat Brook, Sus- n sex County, from the concrete VfthcLohigh Valley Rail- District 3—Roosevelt School, he Democratic Primary. to assist, younger scouts in pottery All to Memory Fruae la March bridge on Route 31 downstream to Ln Residence "A" to indus- • ' Orange avenue. " • - Polls will be open from 7 a. m. classes, • . ...... Vhile psinUng work is in prog- If you have only a few fruit trees Tuesday, and election board work- the end of the Roy Tract, a dis- and berry bushes, you'can wait ie meeting room was filled District. 4;—Cleveland" School, • Folders have been mailed foi ress around the houset it'i a good ers have appealed to loc;d resident^ . tance of approximoely four miles; until March I to start pruning. city and- many residents North Union avenue. Camp Chickagami, Girl Scou Idea to keep a record for future to vote as early In the day as pos- and the South Branch of the Rari- Prune grapes,, apples, and sour andiot; during the public District 5—Lincoln School, camp at Upper Twin Lake, Cen reference or the names of }he prod- ible to avoid long lines during the tan River, Hunterdon County, the ucts *nd colors used. This will be cherries first, peaches, raspberries. i* The session was not ad- Centennial avenue. ' tral Valley, N. Y. Last summc currants, and sweet cherries later. •d until midnight; evening' hours: stretch of water knownasthe "Ken .great help when you want to do a HOWARD CO THWATTE JAMES P. DUFFY MRS. MARION DOZOIS CHARLES J. CHRISTIAN District ft—Sherman School, ,13 girls from this area attended. It little touching up. P'johc change was requested THOMAS A. ALBANS Locally, • the Republican Town- Lockwood Gorge", a distance of LiucoJn avenun. is hoped that more will take part approximately, two and one half IH Ai Wilson Co. tit Newark ship Committee battle has stirred fcjr-airedaet t! Trapping considerable interest • throughout in the program this year. Mrs. miles. Labcth to permit the build- PBA Ball to Feature District 7—High School, West Ellis Bishop .is, in charge of regis- MB«iuu" from XandUris Carcasses of large beavers have Ja million dollar plant on the Wednesday Club Art Exhibit End place. , 'the community.'The lineup, in the tration for Cranford, Clark iind Probably the best bonus that a sold for as much u $2 each, rac- •for the manufacture of ther- Music of Dion Gibson ; Riles for District B—Township otilces, order in which the" candidates' Kcnilworth.- To Form Softball Loop landlord can give bis tenant art coon'for $1, and opossum for $. 50. Uic controls. The proposed The annual ball of the Patrol- 23 North avenue, cast. names will appear on the voting Some trappers cut the carcasses machine, follows: Howard Cow- . Mrs, Dorothy.Wolford. chairman All Warns interested in joining a the simple improvements that make D!ant woiild employ approxi- men's Benevolent Association, Lo- To Open at Tea Sunday District 9—Roosevelt School, of special events, was appointed a Softball league for the coming sea- his home convenient, and pleasawt and sell the meat for 9,20 a pound. f 700 persons. cal -52, Will begin at 8:30. p. m. to- perthwaitc James P. puffy,. Mar- For Cancer Mr. Guyer Orange avenue; _; ion H. Dozois, Charles o. Christian representative to the Cranford Day son, sponsored by the Cranford morrow at the Elizabeth Carterct Miss Cla»a Stroud, AWS,• of Cummings and Mrs'. W. H. Chase. lay night's meeting marked lierbertsvilie will give an illus- . Mr?. James^ B. Waddill is* chair- District 10—Lincoln School, and Thomas A. Albans. Mr. Cow- Committee. •• • » • Recreation Committee, ^are. re- OF EXQCISITELY Hotel, Elizabeth, with music, fur- jnd time that the commiti- trated • travcloguy at the tea Sun- man of ^ the exhibit; Her. .commitr Centennial avenue. pcrthwaite and Mr. Duffy are quested to. meet. With Peter Ny'lcn Would You Like to Eliminate Your Ugly j adopted an ordinance re- One-Tbird of Goal nished by Don Gibson and his Or- Funeral Tomorrow chestra. day opening the eighteenth annual tec consists of Mrs. F. J. Marti, .-Polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. teamed up together as are Mr. Oratorio Group t« Sing at 8 p: m. Wednesday in the town- j the tract, the first measure, Reached, Chairman / art exhibit of the Wednesday co-chairman; Mrs. M. F. Arnold, For Local Resident Christian and Mr. Albans. Mrs. ship rooms;. • ' , . j late in December, was The cabaret-style dance, at Mrs, Ralph S.
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