H2152 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 18, 2013 that makes $2 million a year, you feel declared independence on March 2, 1836. cannon and a skirmish ensued. Guns like it’s fair to you, there’s not some And then we had April 21, 1836, the day were fired, and the Texas Revolution sense of somebody else gets more bene- of the Battle of San Jacinto. was on. fits than I do out of this Code. It’s a Well, let me back up a little bit and For your information, the Mexican simple, straightforward Code. explain why Texas revolted against Government was not successful in So, we’re going to make it neutral, Mexico, how it became an independent starting or taking that cannon. we’re going to make it simple, and country for 9 years and then later It’s interesting to note that the we’re going to try to make it as effi- joined the United States. Texas Revolution started, the first bat- cient as we possibly can. And I know Mr. Speaker, here is a map of what tle started, because government tried the words ‘‘efficient’’ and ‘‘Federal Mexico looked like in about 1821 after to take away the arms of the citizens. Government’’ don’t go together very Mexico had revolted from Spain. It all Interesting enough, you go backwards often, but when we start a Code, we happened because of the person who to Lexington and Concord, if we re- should start it as simple as we possibly took charge of Mexico. His name was member our American history, the can. Santa Anna. British marched to Lexington and Con- The last time there was a major re- Santa Anna became President of cord, started the battle in the Amer- form of the Tax Code was in the 1980s, Mexico in the 1820s and quickly made ican War of Independence, and the rea- and it was to simplify the Code. Since himself dictator of Mexico. He was sup- son: the British Government tried to that time, it has grown more and more ported by the military. He became the take the arms, the firearms, of the and more complex again. I have every military dictator. He abolished the colonists. They were not successful. belief that if we go through the long constitution of Mexico. He abolished And the same event triggered the process of simplifying our Code, which the Congress of Mexico, and not all of Texas Revolution. In fact, it was called dramatically needs reform, if we will the people in Mexico approved it. In the ‘‘shot heard ’round the world.’’ simplify our Code again, in the days fact, 11 different states in Mexico re- But, in any event, the battles and ahead, future Congresses will make it volted against this dictatorship. skirmishes occurred. It started in Octo- more complicated again. That’s the na- A lot of times in Mexican or world ber of 1835 in this area of Texas, San ture of government. I understand that. history, we don’t talk about the other Antonio area primarily. I’m just saying it’s past time to do the revolts in Mexico because of this dic- A group of Texans—really, they were simplification again. tator, because of this tyrant, but it did volunteers from all over the United We need to have significant reform, happen. Eleven states revolted. Those States, almost every State in the and not reform that’s defined as: How are on this map. United States, a half a dozen foreign do we stick it to a certain group to This map shows what Mexico looked countries—had assembled themselves, make sure they pay more? Reform like in 1821. The red portions are sev- 187 of these individuals, along with 11 that’s actually reform, that fixes our eral of the states that revolted against Tejanos. ‘‘Tejano’’ is a uniquely Texan broken system and walks Americans the dictator, Santa Anna. They were: name for Texans of Spanish descent. through a process where they can pay San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Durango, And those 187 volunteers found them- taxes, as we all love to do, but can at Guanajuato, Michoacan, Yucatan, selves in an old beat-up Spanish church least pay taxes in a way that they be- Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, that was 100 years old at the time, that lieve is fair and neutral and consistent Zacatecas, and Coahuila de Tejas, we now call the Alamo. They knew, of course, that Santa from year to year. which also included Texas. These red Anna had crossed into the United With that, I yield back the balance of areas revolted against Mexican rule. States, or into Texas, across the Rio my time. Santa Anna, being President and Grande River and was headed straight f Commander in Chief, quickly assem- bled his professional army and started for the Alamo. Those defenders, rather APRIL 21, 1836, SAN JACINTO DAY putting down rebellions in Mexico. In than leave, they decided to stay. They The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. fact, three of these areas claimed to be knew, of course, that they would not be WENSTRUP). Under the Speaker’s an- countries. There was the Republic of able to defend and protect the Alamo nounced policy of January 3, 2013, the the Yucatan. Here is the Yucatan Pe- very long, because Santa Anna’s Army Chair recognizes the gentleman from ninsula, which we have all heard about. was several thousand strong versus 187 Texas (Mr. POE) for 30 minutes. There was the Republic of the Rio Texans. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, as we Grande. And then, of course, there was They were led by one of my most fa- approach April 21 this year, that is a the Republic of Texas, all claiming mous or favorite persons in all of his- day of importance to those of us who independence from the tyrant. tory, a 27-year-old lawyer from South are from Texas. In fact, there was a portion of this Carolina named William Barret Travis. April 21, in Houston, when I was revolution that almost succeeded in He was the commander of those volun- growing up, was a holiday. My mother, the interior of Mexico. The Zacatecas teers at the Alamo. For 13 days they who was also born on April 21, used to area had as good an army as Santa held off the Mexican army; and we’ve tell me and my sister that we had a Anna, but their rebellion was put down heard the story in the history of the school holiday because it was her quickly by Santa Anna. In fact, it was Alamo, how they withstood the on- birthday. I didn’t learn that that put down so brutally that other areas slaught for 13 days. wasn’t really correct until I got to sev- of the republic began to tremble. So, b 1420 enth grade Texas history, when I after these areas were put down in re- Travis asked for help, for people to learned that April 21 was to commemo- bellion, Santa Anna moved his army come to the Alamo. No one came to rate a battle that took place in Texas, north into what we now call Texas. help him except 32 volunteers from, which we now call San Jacinto Day. The events in Texas occurred simul- yes, the town of Gonzales. And while he Most Americans have never heard of taneously with all these independent was behind those Alamo walls, he that, but that event, April 21, 1836, is of revolts, but this is the event that trig- wrote probably the most famous letter historical significance, not only to gered it. It happened in October of written by any military leader in our Texans, but really to all Americans. 1835—Texas, a part of Mexico. The history. It was dated February 24, 1836. Texas was first controlled by the na- small town of Gonzales, Texas, had a I have a copy of this letter on my wall, tion of France up until 1689. And then cannon that they used to protect them- as do many Texans that represent the Spanish Government, country, selves from the Apaches, the Texas in the House of Representatives. took over the control of what we now Karankawas, and other Indian tribes. I think it’s a call to freedom and lib- call Texas and controlled it for over 130 The Mexican Government decided they erty in the spirit of our ancestors. years until 1821—1690 to 1821. would take the arms of the Texians, as He said: The nation of Mexico revolted they called themselves; they would Fellow citizens, I am besieged by 1,000 or against Spanish oppression, and in 1821 take the cannon. So a Mexican militia more of the enemy under Santa Anna. I have became a republic of itself, and Texas showed up, or a Mexican army showed sustained a continual bombardment and can- belonged to Mexico until 1836. Texas up at Gonzales demanding return of the non fire for over 24 hours, but I have not lost VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:16 Apr 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18AP7.062 H18APPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2153 a man. The enemy has demanded surrender gan, who was of mixed race and was vote and voted for the admission of at its discretion; otherwise, the fort will be keeping Santa Anna occupied in an en- Texas.
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