15 ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 19. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1881. Memories of His Birthplace. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, EDUCATIONAL MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS. Published every day (Sundays sxcepted,) by the SEPT. 15. A Letter From Secretary Blaine, Read at PORTLAND PTBLISH1N6 CO., THURSDAY MORSIMfl. ]?Iiss Sewall'i School, the Centennial Celebration of Washing- At 109 exchange Portland. St., *67 1-9 Street. ton Co-, Penn., Last Thursday. Congress Every regular attach* of the Prbus ia furuiahed Teems: Eight Dollars a Tear. To mall subserib The 15, 1881. with a Card oeriiflcate Pullen. ers Seven Dollars a Tear, If paid In advanee. fifth year begin* *ept. signed by Stanley All steamboat and hotel manager* Careful instruction trill be given in English Studies, Editor, railway, Washington, Sept 5. THE MAINE STATE PRESS Latin Greek French and German plac- will confer a favor upon us demanding credentials Boarding by Pa.: es for from out of town John T. McKennan, Washington, Thnbshay Moening at *2.60 a provided pupilr of every person claiming to represent our journal. U published everv For circulars, or admission, apply to the Princi- had If tu advanee at 92.00 a year. Dbab Sib.—I anticipated great pleasure yew, paid pal, 78 Winter St. jy23-eodtf in at the centennial celebration One lnob of *5.00 being present Eatbs «» Advtcbtisino: spaoe, the Wo do not read letters and communl but the national sorrow englh of column, eoastitntes a "square.” anonymous of Washington county, of writer are In 91.90 per square, daily first week; 75 cents per cations. The name and address the which shadows household detains me HomelMTIminaby, School for Only one teach BV every woek after; three Insertions or less, $1.09; oontunu Youn^'Women. G1TEI all cases not for log household arts, cooking, &c.; liter- ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, indispensable, necessarily publica- I never have the every ether day after first week, 60 eents. dress-cutting, here. shall, porhaps, again tag ary work of high full. Vacancies tion but as a of faith. B elf three Insertions or 76 oeutsJ grade. Always guaranty good of sqnari less, filled in order of application. Send for opportunity of seeing so many of the friends •ae week, fl .00; 60 eents per week after. catalogue. OPPOSITE FALMOUTH HOTEL. Wo cannot undertake to return or preeerve com Mention this paper. O. O. BRAGDON, Principal. « and so of blood and kin- •pbclal Notices, one-third additional. municatioitd that are not used. my youth many my head of “Auction jy21eoa2m Cadar "Amusements’' and dred, and you may well conceive that my dis- •albs,” 92.00 pet square per week; three Inser- a Fine Portrait Work is Meas er less. 91.60. MISS Specialty. appointment great. "Maine State MARIA K. MERRY, A Great Gone. In the ODELL, Advertisements inserted Especial Facilities for Eife Size Crayons. Surgeon The strong attachment which I feel for the Pubs* (which has a circulation in every part large Jly7eodtf The of the death of Wil- the which I cherish in its tradi- ef she State), for $1.00 per square for first inser- TEACHER Of FRENCH AND also Aim:-TO PL KANE. announcement county, pride Mem, and 90 eents per square for each subsequent DRAWING, liam Warren made after- tions, and the high estimate whioh I have faeertiom. German and Kalian.. Greene, yesterday on of its Address all communications to THE noon, occasioned grief and profound aston- always placed the character people, received or in classes. OO. Pupils singly with and with reflection. PORTLAND PUBLISHING ishment. He was so well when increase years Miss and Miss apparently Apply at Sargent Bradbury’s Tiie pioneers were strong-hearted, God-fear- School, 148 Spring St. Jly23eodti he sailed for Europe, and in so vigorous ing, resolute men, wholly, or almost wholly, ENTERTAINMENTS. health during his stay there, that no thought of Scotch or Scotch-Iri8h descent. They were was entertained of so sudden a close of his HAT TER to an Um FAMILY men who, according inherited maxim, SCHOOL, HORATIO STAPLES brilliant career. The sad intelligence was a CITY HALL never turned their baoks on a friend or on an KOHRIDGEWOCK, ME., announces a huge sale of terrible shock to the friends who loved, and To Mother Of enemy. For twenty years, dating from the Wednesday Evening, Sept. 214. Every the who trusted him. Bstatolislioci 1853. patients middle period of the revolution, the settlers In Dr. Greene’s death New loses, Manufacturers’ Remnants England were composed largely of men who had them- Fall Term will commence 5. For circular Sept. -OF- her foremost and references, appiy to perhaps, surgeon—certainly selves served in the Continental army, many GRAND CARY CONCERT ! H. F. EATON, Principal- one of her foremest and the country one of them as officers, and they imparted an in- ly 19 dtf SHEETING AND SHIRTING, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED. -BY THE- TWINS of the ablest men in the medical profession. tense patriotism to the public sentiment. It 0 >e limited lot yard wide Bleached Cotton Remnants, 6 cents. Instruction in and Class us of and us of may be among the illusions of memory, but I MLIII_n_L.aiw. aT nnnian English One lot Remnants, yard wide. Unbleached Cotton Remnants, 6 cents. By Maine, especially by else seen the Fourth of mimai iiiuiiiu uiwiwuaui uuoiuii. ieal Studios. Corn in Cumberland Coun- One giant pile Great Falls AA., 39 inch Uubleached Cotton Remnants, 7 cents. Portland, the loss will be profoundly felt think I have nowhere celebrated 33 Artist*. Bek>'HArd t istemajs^, Conductor. have sold this at 8 a more character. July and Washington’s Birthday (We always grade ceut<.) __ PERRY DAVIS’ and the grief is of personal Given t-o private pupils by the subscriber. ty within the next year, One lot Great Falls L. Unbleached Cotton Remnants, 7 cents. These are with such zeal and interest as in the gather- great, We were all proud of his ability and his ANNIE LOUISE CARY, from Oct. *881 to Oct. extra stout. ings I then attended, t recall a great meeting 1, 1, and Flannel Remnants achievements; of the intrepid spirit a> d fer- Soloist, One limit d lot, White Cotton Wool Cheap. on the Fourth of on PAIN KILLER AM 1_5_ .1 _a. .1_1 .1 __1!~1_1 of the people July 1840, W. H. SHERWOOD, (of Boston,) Pianist. J. W. COL€ORD, 1882. In connection with this R mnant Sale we shall offer for a few days, the iluest lot IS A PI7EELY VEGETABLE REMEDY the border of the in Brownsville, at Re*rrred Mr»t«, $1.00 ^dmi*-ioti 73c. of Priuts at 5 cents a it has ever been county, of Oriental, Danuel.and other make yard,that and to many of us who have benefit- sal* *i Music Store. Half Fare Send name of .family, For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. much; which a considerable of the For *%tockbridge's our fortune to possess. part procession •t y. T.. II. O. and PAR. Railroads. Boots open 1411 Pearl Street. A sure and for Sore ted his ministrations the loss will of Twins, and re- speedy cure by kindly was of vehicles filled with Revolu- at 7, Concert at 8 o'clock. 5)ii)ia4 tint weight composed Throat, Coughs, Colds, Diphtheria, be that of a friend. lb© Miller Concert Grand Piano used at this con- dear, protecting tionary soldiers. I was but 10 years old, and 2w C.%«il ISH & CLA'sH AL SCHOOL ceive the above amount. Chills,Diarrhea,Dysentery .Cramps, ert. sep8u I think there were Cholera, Summer Complaint, Sick may possibly mistake, but 485 1-3 CONGRESS ST. The Hebrews of New York city expect more than two hundred of the errand old he- HORATIO STAPLES, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, lur diuum* ui The modern cant and criticism which we JVBW PORTLAND THEATRE, rrepurwi nuNiuroH, nigu Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, etc. some 500 of their race to reach Castle Gar- roes. and College. sometimes hear about Washington not being, Prank CurtU, _Proprietor Manager. 346 JUEicUil© Streep; Perfectly safe to use internally or externally,end den this week, exiled from Kussia. It is a certain to afford relief. No can after all very great man, would have been Sixth Year begins MONDAY. SEPT. 5th. 237 Middle family afford to rjlHE Street, be without it. Sold not that this is the of a talk on that and in that assem- I Instruction thorough. Light and ventilation by all druggists at 35c., unlikely beginning dangerous day and Satur- and 81 a bottle. »nd Satuiday. excellent. Sessions from 9 a. m. to 1 »•. m. 60c., of blage. Friday - hegira from those parts Southeastern fc^ST’Private Lessons at reasonable rates. ME. PERRY DAVIS & SON,Proprietors, These pioneers placed a high value on edu- 16th and 17lh. PORTLAND, the Jews have un- day Matiuep, 8epi. For further inf rmation address C. B. VARNEY, geplO eodtf Providence, R. I. Europe where for years cation, and while they were still on the fron- M., Stevens’ Plains, Me. augll-eodtf The dele- tier, with its privations, they estab- Engagement of the popular Actor and Author, HUE STATE FAIR Jun28 eodftwly dergone systematic persecution. struggling FlltST mills AT two excellent since lished colleges, long pros- gation expected comes through the aid of E.H. TROWBRIDGE -FOR- perously united in one. It would be impossi- the “Alliance Israelite Universelle,” having ble to over estimate the beneficent and wide- Will iuMtrnction in studies prepnra and Jef- give at which has sent a spread influence which Wastiintiton John A. Stevens, iop> for Arfdre-» 11 Mecawnie headquarters Paris, College.
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