spARTAN WEDNESDAY4,1,,s4AILY New film version of Steinbecies 'OfMice and Men' premieres. VoL 99, No. 23 Published for San lose State University since 1934 September 30, 1992 Page 6 Rough road Touché SJSU to reopen ahead for spring semester applicants BY NICOLE SIRI Spartan Daily Stall-Writer for admissions Admission to SJSU will become even more difficult for applicants next year as Califor- President Evans approves proposal nia's budget cuts take yet another BY KERRY PETERS bite of CSU's piece of the pie. AND JANE MONTES design, psychology, occu- SISU's Council of Deans and Spartan Daily Stan Writers pational therapy and social Academic Senate committee work, because they already began discussions this month Interim President J. have too many students regarding the need to limit Handel Evans announced even after graduating some enrollment to SJSU by next year. Tuesday that SJSU will out, Stahl said. According to Academic Vice admit a limited number of Business, education, President Arlene Okerlund, the graduate and credential and some social science limits are essential to ensure stu- students for the spring and humanities and arts dents have a quality education. semester. programs will be accepting "It is clear that we have to limit The decision came after students, Stahl said. enrollment if we want to benefit the Academic Senate, in a Approximately 500 new students and do it in a timely sense-of-the-senate resolu- and returning graduate manner," she said. tion, agreed with Evans and credential students The council and committee that SJSU should open will enroll in the spring, have not yet decided who will be admissions for the spring estimated Ed Chambers, most affected by the new policy semester to credential can- associate executive vice because the meetings are at such didates in the College of president of Admissions an early stage. However, accord- Education and to classified and Records. ing to Okerlund, the university's and conditionally classified According to Academic first obligation is to continuing graduate students on a Vice President Arlene students already at SJSU. space-available basis, said Okerlund, adding students Second in line would be com- Lori Stahl, SJSU public will help the California munity college transfers with an affairs officer. education system, not associate of arts degrees. Applica- No new classes will be impair it. tions would then be accepted for added to the programs and In addition to the grad- first-time freshmen. The bottom no additional resources uate and credential stu- of the list holds community col- will be expended, but the dents who will be admit- lege transfers without A.A. spaces left by graduating ted, 62 transfer students degrees and students re-entering students will be filled. The from surrounding junior for a second bachelor's degree. number of new spaces will colleges must also be Students entering for a second depend on the number of admitted based on the bachelor's degree must be last in graduating students in CSU Transfer Admissions line because they have already each department. Agreement. received a degree. By California Each department will Interim Executive Vice law, they must also pay $150 per decide whether or not to President Dean Ban said unit because they have exhausted accept new students based even though the financial their tax-supported education on the number of students impact for the spring with their first degree, Okerlund MAHvir H N., SPARTAN DAILY it has now. Some depart- semester will be doubled, said. Nazri Bahari, a freshman aviation student, practices fencing in front of a mirror during his class. ments that will definitely admitting these new stu- Interim President J. Handel not be accepting any new dents will not have a signif- See ADMISSIONS, Page 3 students are arts and icant impact on the budget. Chicanos, Latinos feel left out by Clinton campaign College of Humanities and Arts feels cuts BYJIM BATCHO tion, the College of Humanities and the By DON McGEE United Democratic Campaign in Spartan Daily Stall Writer Arts is operating on a non-salary budget Spartan Daily Stall Writer Santa Clara County. The theater arts department at SJSU is which is two-thirds of what it was last Some local Chicano and Latino On the same day, Haro asked Pre- on a downhill slide because of the recent year, Crane said. He didn't have a figure l'his is the third in a series of community members said they were minger if he could get "special guest budget cuts, according to Elizabeth on how many classes would be cut. stories about how SISU's colleges are deal- treated unfairly by local Democratic passes" to attend the upcoming Clin- Poindexter, head of the theater arts The budget cuts make it especially diffi- ing with the budget crisis. Party event organizers, prior to and ton visit for SUAE. department. cult on a college that relies heavily on during, Democratic presidential can- Haro said he was told by Pre- "It's been a downward spiral for a long equipment and supplies for instruction, problem:' Milnes said. "You can survive didate Bill Clinton's visit to SJSU. minger that SUAE could have passes time, but it's just worse this time around:' Crane said. on the short term, but you can't keep (cut- However, local Democratic Party to the event but that he had to return she said. "The arts field - i.e. art, music, theater ting departments) and surviving." organizers denied the allegation. at 8:30 p.m. and go to a volunteer It's a problem for the entire College of - is very heavily dependent on expensive Milnes said he has lost some "very "Whoever felt like they were meeting to get them. Humanities and the Arts, under which the equipment and supplies:' he said. "They good part-time faculty," staff and money excluded, it was not personal and not Haro departed, only to find out theater arts department falls, according to have a tougher time delivering their for supplies. directed at any ethnic group," said that Scott Wagers, the president of Dean John Crane. instruction?' "We've lost almost half of the supplies Steve Preminger, chairman of the SISU's Student Homeless Alliance, Poindexter said the general attitude of "It makes it very, very hard for even the and services we once had," he said. "Art Santa Clara County Democratic was given 20 passes just 20 minutes the department near the end of the spring most skillful teacher to get the job done he and design have been the main areas Party. "That goes against what Clin- after he had left. semester and into the summer was "dis- said. impacted. The shops and computer labs ton is about. We hope all organiza- After finding out that Wagers got turbed?' For the art and design department, the have been cut almost in half?' tions will still be involved. We can't passes without having to wait for the "Last year was some of the hardest last cuts have had a "terrible" effect, according Milnes said his art and design depart- afford to leave any one out?' meeting, Haro phoned Preminger to few weeks I've seen ... as far as not know- to department head Robert Milnes. Each ment has been surviving on donations The allegations stem from the dis- find out why he was not issued pass- ing what's going to happen:' she said. student is only being allocated $30 per from individuals and corporations. He tribution of an incorrectly written es and Wagers was. That uncertainty is carrying over to year in supplies, he said. added, however, that it's not enough. He "Spanish" campaign flier advertising "I was (then) told to go there this semester, Crane said. llsro years ago the demand for art class- said that if people want the art and design Clinton's arrival, a confrontation (Clinton headquarters) and I could "The budget picture is so uncertain es was three times the supply offered, department to continue to work, they are over "special guest passes," and the get my passes now," Haro said. But at that it's hard to plan:' he said. Milnes said. This year was about the same, going to have to help. way local Latino members of the the office, he said he was asked for a Crane said he has gone from a budget but next year he said he is expecting major "(The budget situation) has been at press and community were allegedly list of names of the people who were of about $15.5 million two years ago to a difficulties. great cost to everyone psychologically," treated at the rally. going to be issued the passes. "We most recent figure of $13.4 million. "What are they supposed to do, stare at Poindexter said of the students and staff. The flier had seven errors (mostly waited for a half-an-hour before "This has caused a reduction in the fac- the walls?" Milnes said. "Everyone's hanging in there wondering misspelled words and left-out accent being handed 20 passes." ulty by about 20 percent?' he said. In addi- "This does not look like a short-term what's going to happen next:' marks), according to Students Unit- Preminger, coordinator of the ed for Accessible Education (SUAE) "special guest passes:' said a lack of President Juan Haro. communication between the local Haro said he, and a group of five Democratic organizers may have other Chicano people, brought the been the reason why Haro was asked Documentary questions U.S. role, policy in 1989 invasion of Panama flier to the attention of local Clinton to come back later to get his.
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