Four Page Coked 20 Pages Today Comic Section Three Sections I,. XIII, No. 15. WOODBRIDGE, 1$. J., FRIDAY, JINK 19, PRICE THREE CENTS Track Gave Out In Fatally Crushed Transmission Of Woodbridge Girl Driving Rods Break By Mack Truck Photos Explained Race Here Sunday Recces Degree Qn Speeding Engine William Donnelly Of Rowland To Rotary Members MUs Elisabeth KausU Award-• \_ ** ** n rayed Planking Crumbles Under Wheels — Races Stopped Place Dies Soon After Being ed Bachelor Of Science In locomotive Traveling Sixty Miles An Hour, Pulling Atlantic Often To Repair Track — Bad Break Ends Day's Pro- Injured On St. George Ave- W. C. Bettinson, Of N. J. Belt Physical Education Degree City Expreu When Drivers On Both Side* Let £o In Port gram In Middle Of Final Event — Carpenters Do Patch nue. Telephone Company, Give* At Ithaca College. Reading — Traffic Tied Up More Than An Hour — No Jobs While Driver* Wi Fine Talk. One Injured. William Donnelly, aged 26 years, Elizabeth Kaus of this place upon, Woodbridge board speedway, Sunday did not expose the spectators of 184 Rowland place, was crushed satisfactory completion of the re-1 Train No. 22(1 onthe Central rail- to a point just beyond the Carteret about the body Wednesday shortly W. C. Bettinson, a special repre- ..for repairs" since May 10to danger since they (the breaks) all sentative of the New Jersey Bell quired work received a Bachelor of'wad, an Atlantic' ^ City^ express,,was road crossini g and almoslt t oppositite UUu as fatally injured, occurred in sections near or at thebefore noon when he stepped off the Port Reading station before It was curb on St. George's avenue near Telephone Company, of Newark, in Science in Physical Education De- ned for racing on Sun- curves in the track and far from the an interesting address at the weekly gree, from the Ithaca College, devot- j evening when the driving rod, con-brought to * stop by Engineer Wil- '.. The'ricket'y'track began to liter- grand stand. So long as there Is noGreen street into the path of a luncheon of the Woodbridge Rotary ed Music, Drama and Physical Edu- necting rod and fittings on the right " in Ferguson. '•• • apart soon after the racing danger to the spectator* the prose- Mack truck that was running close Club, yesternoon, told of the trans- Ki/uson and his fireman, Lester : fl| to the curb. He was taken to the cation, at Ithaca, New YoTk, at the Rjdo of the locomotive let go and an . Holes appeared in the plank- cutor has no authority in the matter mission of pictures by telephone. annual commencement held Monday j tant later the same mechanism on Smith, were in grave danger while the decayed wood was except as mentioned by use of the Perth Amboy General Hospital in the The speaker briefly, but clearly ex- ns the engine raced along with the blue laws. police ambulance and died at 12 o'- evehing. Until March 19 of this yearjthe opposite aide of the locomotive by the wheels of the little clock noon, a few minutes after he plain^, step by step, the picture the Ithaca Institution was known as.broke. The result was »n appalling heavy steel parts flying about the The races were stopped But in the event of another acci- sending process. He then showed base of the cab but they stuck to was received at the institution. g p the Ithaca Conservatory and Afnliat-i ,(l0Wer of dust and imall broker) rock their posts. One of the flying beami 'to time while carpenters dent the prosecutor has full author- with a stereopticon some of the ed Schools, comprising the Ithaca if the road bed, a lot of broken , repair the broken places in ity and will use it. He said that he The truck is the property of B. rom struck a portion of the' boiler but "" | to Filippone and Company, of 312-16 equipment which is used, Conservatory of Music; Williams Switch lamps and levers, and a delay k There was one bad hole wilt not only close the track but in- There are tthreh e definitdfiite problems did not do serious damage. The en- truae fed flag was placed to warn dict every one connected with it. Oak street, Passaic. It was being School of Expression and Dramatic of more than an hour in vehicular gine generally, though Is badly crip- which must be faced in the sending Art; Ithaca Institution of Public ,t Carteret road, on the Cen- traveling more than a mile a The Township Committee, he said, driven by Anthony Ferrante, aged of pictures by telephone, Mr. Bet- rtme on pled. .irivers 24 years, of 50 Kruger place, Pas- School Music; Ithaca School of Phy- | railroad and on the 'Reading, f knows the condition and ha* the tinson informed the RoUrians. First, tra As it rushed along the broken "••- -S SK? jhe feature means of dealing with it. The com- saic. Ferrante was taken to police light shades must be changed to sical Education; Martin Institute for j The lone train was rushing along, parts lashed the road bed and hun- mittee, he said snould have the build- headquarters where a technical Speech Correction; Ithaca Band anddrawn by Locomotive No. 8$6. Thedreds of small rocks were sent in"»ll • t began. It was a fifty lap race charge of manslaughter was entered electricity; second, the current •;;rUout half, of _lt was run^hen ing inspector make a thorough in- must be transmitted, and third, re Orchestra School and Westminster engine was approaching Turtle Brook directions but not a window was spection and have the track con- against him. He was taken to New Choir School. road when the driving apparatus on broken in the cars behind. The whole ,'r'part of the track gave way. Brunswick on Thursday in order that production is necessary. In sending weak was so bad that it could demned and closed if the findings of a picture, the picture is played on Pursuant to the action of the the right hand side broke. The strain train was enveloped in dust raised Tin- li the inspector warrant such action. the county judge might fix bail. a cylinder which moves in synchron- Board of Regents of the University instantly broke the corresponding by the crippled engine. The duit ;")„. repaireidd temporarilytrarily . The sensen- of the State of New York, at their ' , ,f the spectators was ruing Witnesses said that Donnelly and ization with a similar cylinder at the parts on the other aide. With these cloud for a time overshadowed that ( his brother were standing at the curb receiving end, meeting March 19, the Ithaca Con- heavy steel bars slamming the road- section of Port Reading. .':, allowing the drivers to fur- servatory and Affiliated Schools re- •;" risk their lives in the death trap watching the traffic go by and juBt An electric light, the electrodes bad with every revolution of the When the engine came to a stop ,1 tiic races were called off for the ai the truck reached the spot he step- of which are sensitive to light shades ceived a charter changing the cor-! driving"wheeiaTthe' Vntrinetore along the train was standing across the Record Class Is ped down and was beneath the truck is contained inside of the sending Derate name of the Institution to , Carteret road and the tracks of UM _ Ithaca College, devoted to Music, ••\,,,l thus ended the second day of in an instant. Both the front and cylinder. At the Reading Railroad. As a result traffic rear wheels on the right side of the magnetic ligl * '.Drama and Physical Education. This wag blocked. Buses and autos had to , J this year on the rickety con- permitted enriched court- 1 . ;, known as the boardI speed- Promoted To High truck passed over him, crushing him Class Is go back to Sewaren, pass under the n dreadfully about the abdomen. He Central tracks and return to Port ) n, had been announced that the sensitive to light ft^ privilege m fields of music, drama \i ,,,,! |,oen made safe; in fact the Certificates Are Awarded To lost a great deal of blood during the the picturi e to "a negative which Is Reading by way of Cliff avenue In short wait for the ambulance. and physical education. This is the Graduated Here order to reach Carteret. •' ,:„ mont tried to stage a race 219 Eighth Grade Students mounted on the cylinder which ;" •»,,",«. the repairs that have Shortly before the accident Don moves in synchronization with the .hirty-fifth annual commencement of 1 The engine did not leave the tracks) ;he institution, and a class of 123 f Commencement Exercises Held '-„ mll(le since May 10 were com- —Many Special Prizes. nelly had been in a local barbershop sending cylinder. In the magnetic nor did any of the cars attached to '•'. | The events of Sunday demon- where he had hia hair trimmed. He light valve a deflector of steel rib- received degrees at this time. Miss it. The fact that the driving rods on :;,:,! that the only repairs that can was on hia way home when he andbons acts as>a shutter. Kaus was an active member of Phi j Laat Night In High School both sides broke up about the same The auditorium of the high school Delta Pi sorority, and participated in was packed to the doors Tuesday his brother stopped at the curb. A picture five by seven inches Auditorium. time, railroad men said, was fortun- n,,.j,U.red reasonably safe would T-lntramura.
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