S7722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2008 today what we have to do. I told Sen- forward of their children, grand- Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN) and the Senator ators what we have to do. I am tremen- children, and great-grandchildren bur- from Mississippi (Mr. WICKER). dously disappointed that the tax ex- ied by Bush deficits. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there tenders were not passed. I was just The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- any other Senators in the Chamber de- given a note by the chairman of the ator from Arizona. siring to vote? Environment and Public Works Com- Mr. KYL. I note that 88 Senators The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 51, mittee about something that also is in voted in favor of that approach dealing nays 43, as follows: this bill that would create lots of jobs, with this subject. [Rollcall Vote No. 192 Leg.] at least 150,000 high-paying jobs, and Mr. REID. I appreciate the statement YEAS—51 that is to replenish the money from the of my friend from Arizona. I believe in Akaka Dole Menendez highway trust funds. Those moneys are these extenders so strongly that even Baucus Dorgan Mikulski not going to be there, which will cause though I would much rather have them Bayh Durbin Murray paid for, we all know the debt has to Biden Feingold Nelson (FL) people not only to not have jobs, but it Bingaman Feinstein Nelson (NE) will stop projects from going forward stop someplace. As I indicated, the Boxer Harkin Pryor that are already in progress. House of Representatives, to their Brown Inouye Reed credit, will not accept these not being Byrd Johnson Salazar The schedule in August is up to the Cantwell Kerry Sanders Republican leader. As I have said be- paid for. That is the way it should be. Cardin Klobuchar Schumer fore on a number of occasions, we basi- We should not be running up massive Carper Kohl Smith cally have finished what we have to do deficits that the Bush administration— Casey Landrieu Snowe first year, second year, third year, Clinton Lautenberg Stabenow this work period. We have tried might- Coleman Leahy Tester ily during the last 18, 19 months to get fourth year, fifth year, seventh year, Collins Levin Webb things done. We have had to deal with and now in the eighth year—is willing Conrad Lieberman Whitehouse about 90 filibusters. Whatever the num- to accept. The war in Iraq, $5,000 a sec- Dodd Lincoln Wyden ber is, we increased it by one today. We ond; it doesn’t matter. NAYS—43 will see what happens on the legisla- We are where we are, but I am very Alexander DeMint McConnell tion dealing with higher education and disappointed that we are where we are. Allard Domenici Murkowski Barrasso Ensign see what is going to happen with the As I said, my Senators are waiting to Reid hear from the Republican leader what Bennett Enzi Roberts Republicans as it relates to the con- Bond Graham Sessions sumer product safety legislation. That he wants to do the rest of this week Brownback Grassley Shelby may add two more filibusters. Of and into the future. Bunning Gregg Specter Burr Hagel Stevens course, we have the Defense authoriza- f Chambliss Hatch Sununu Coburn Hutchison tion bill to which we wish to proceed. JOBS, ENERGY, FAMILIES, AND Thune Cochran Inhofe We will have a vote on that on Friday. Vitter DISASTER RELIEF ACT OF 2008— Corker Isakson It is up to the minority to determine MOTION TO PROCEED Cornyn Kyl Voinovich what we will do on that. Craig Lugar Warner CLOTURE MOTION As I have indicated on a number of Crapo Martinez occasions, we have the conventions The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant to rule XXII, the clerk will report the NOT VOTING—6 coming up in August, which is impor- Kennedy McCaskill Rockefeller tant to every Senator. We have other motion to invoke cloture. The assistant legislative clerk read McCain Obama Wicker important items we have been working as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this on that need to be done at home. We CLOTURE MOTION vote, the yeas are 51, the nays are 43. can’t do them in Washington. But we Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- await word from Republicans, if they We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the sen and sworn not having voted in the are going to negotiate seriously on the Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move affirmative, the motion is rejected. tax extenders. Other than that, I have to bring to a close debate on the motion to Mr. REID. Mr. President, I enter a stated, I believe pretty clearly, where proceed to Calendar No. 898, S. 3335, the Jobs, motion to reconsider the vote by which we are. Energy, Families, and Disaster Relief Act of cloture was not invoked on the motion The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- 2008. to proceed to the energy renewables ator from Arizona. Harry Reid, Max Baucus, Bernard Sand- package. Mr. KYL. I wish to note that the en- ers, Christopher J. Dodd, Maria Cant- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mo- well, Benjamin L. Cardin, Daniel K. ergy tax extenders would have been law tion is entered. as of 7 a.m. this morning if they had Inouye, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Patty f not been taken out of the housing bill Murray, Ron Wyden, Debbie Stabenow, Patrick J. Leahy, Dianne Feinstein, FREE FLOW OF INFORMATION ACT by the Democratic majority. We should Richard Durbin, Robert Menendez, be aware of the fact that one of the Sherrod Brown, Carl Levin. OF 2007—MOTION TO PROCEED— Continued reasons why this issue remains is the The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- strategy from the majority on the imous consent, the mandatory quorum The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- housing bill. call has been waived. sistant majority leader is recognized. Mr. REID. Understand, though, that The question is, Is it the sense of the Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, it is my is the whole problem. They don’t want Senate that debate on the motion to understanding until 12:30 the Demo- to pay for anything. The bill that is be- proceed to S. 3335, a bill to amend the crats control the time; is that correct? fore the Senate is paid for. What he is Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is talking about is the flimflam where certain expiring provisions, and for no agreement in order. you pass all these things and don’t pay other purposes, shall be brought to a Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask for them. That is why we have a stag- close. unanimous consent that I be recog- gering deficit that during this adminis- The yeas and nays are mandatory nized for 5 minutes and Senator tration has gone up more than $3 tril- under the rule. STABENOW be recognized for 20 minutes lion. When George Bush took office, The clerk will call the roll. following me. over 10 years there was a surplus of The bill clerk called the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without about $10 trillion. That is long since Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the objection, it is so ordered. gone. I appreciate very much the state- Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. KEN- ENERGY ment of my friend from Arizona, but NEDY), the Senator from Missouri (Mrs. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, this vote the fact is, that is what we are talking MCCASKILL), the Senator from Illinois that was cast is something America about here. They don’t want to pay for (Mr. OBAMA), and the Senator from should not miss. This was about an en- anything. The tax extenders in our West Virginia (Mr. ROCKEFELLER) are ergy program for America, and it was package are paid for, as they should be. necessarily absent. defeated. It was defeated because only The American people should not be Mr. KYL. The following Senators are four Republicans—maybe five—man- burdened and leave a legacy looking necessarily absent: the Senator from aged to cross the aisle and help us. VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:41 Jul 31, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.020 S30JYPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE July 30, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7723 This is 2 days running that the Repub- produce more energy in America, have But here is where we are at this licans—who have given us speech after them vote for it, not give more speech- point. Because of the no, no, no votes speech about why we need an energy es with their ‘‘produce more, use less’’ by that side—what they said no to policy—have voted no. That is all they slogans on the floor. Produce some today was making sure we can pay for do: vote no. votes for us. A few less speeches and a the highway projects we have already What did this proposal include? It in- few more votes and we would have an authorized, we have already told the cluded energy tax credits desperately energy policy. That is the reality. States to go ahead and start con- needed by America. This morning, Sen- There is something that can be done structing. ator STABENOW gathered together Gov- immediately, though, and it is some- I say to the Senator, $8 billion was in ernors, leaders in business and leaders thing this President can do and does this bill that they just said no to, in labor and they all told us the same not need to wait on Congress, and he again—$8 billion to replenish the high- thing: Pass the energy tax credits, and ought to do it today.
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