April 13, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E377 After the change of sovereignty as result of RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF began to be tortured later in his 20s by a the Spanish American War of 1899, a military REP. JAMIE RASKIN blindingly painful and merciless disease unit was recruited from the Puerto Rico resi- called depression that became unbearable for him, despite very fine doctors and a loving dents and organized into the ‘‘Regimiento de HON. DEAN PHILLIPS family. In a brief note to his parents: ‘Please Voluntarios Puertorriquen˜ios’’. In 1908 was re- OF MINNESOTA forgive me. My illness won today. Please organized into a Regular Army Unit of the U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES look after each other, the animals, and the and in 1920 was given the numerical designa- global poor for me. All my love, Tommy.’ tion of 65th Infantry, United States Army. How- Tuesday, April 13, 2021 I struggle to fathom the devastation ever, what best identifies the regiment is not Mr. PHILLIPS. Madam Speaker, I rise today caused by a child’s death. I have watched, its numerical designation, but the name cho- to honor the service of my friend and col- from both near and far, as others have faced this horrific challenge and am in awe of sen by its members while en route to the bat- league, Rep. JAMIE RASKIN, in the face of trag- those who endure with grace and determina- tlefields of Korea in 1950; Borinqueneers. edy and tremendously difficult circumstances, tion. Earlier this month, during a remark- Organized at the dawn of the 20th Century, by offering a column written by one of my con- ably difficult time in our country’s history, the Borinqueneers matured in the service of stituents, Kurtis Meyer. Congressman Raskin and his colleagues ad- Puerto Rico and the nation, secured the Pan- [From the St. Ansgar Enterprise Journal] vanced the case for impeachment with dig- ama Canal during WWI, was baptized by fire (By Kurtis Meyer) nity and reason. With the shadow of death still all too fresh, Jamie Raskin was a model during the liberation of Europe in WWII, and Until recently, I hadn’t paid much atten- of character in service to our nation. was tempered by the conflagration of the Ko- tion to Congressman Jamie Raskin from As the Congressman is fond of saying, rean War. In the hilltops and valleys of that Maryland. I had seen him a few times on TV ‘‘Change is made by people who show up.’’ besieged land their valor and courage, as ex- news programs, but the House of Representa- Under the most difficult circumstances emplified by men like SFC Modesto Cartagena tives generally rewards seniority instead of imaginable, Jamie Raskin showed up. I know ability. Since Congressman Raskin was first the most decorated Hispanic soldier of the Ko- of no better example of an elected official re- elected in 2016, he was lacking in the cat- sponding to duty, of placing service before rean War, secured their place in history. In egory that often earns Washington status 1960, the colors of the 65th Infantry Regiment self. In doing so, Congressman Raskin cast a and power. bright ray of hope . that despite myriad were transferred to the Puerto Rico Army Na- Several months ago, in late 2020, Congress- challenges, our great country can continue tional Guard, where their successors continue man Raskin’s world was altered suddenly as a beacon of enlightened democracy. and dramatically. His son, Tommy, a second- to serve and preserve the history and honor of f the regiment. year law student at Harvard, one of three Raskin children, took his life, succumbing to LAINA LOGAN For 121 years the Borinqueneers never depression. His burial was on January 5th. wavered in their resolve to give its best in the We all know what happened in Washington service of Puerto Rico and the nation. Over- the next day, January 6th, when Congress- HON. ED PERLMUTTER coming the social norms of its time and with- man Raskin, his daughter and his son-in-law OF COLORADO out full representation in the U.S. Congress, were in the Capitol, awaiting the historic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as deserved by all American citizens, the moment when Electoral College results Tuesday, April 13, 2021 would be read. After literally fearing for Borinqueneers persevered and are an inspira- their lives, in the aftermath of what—the up- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise tion to all of us. rising? the insurrection?—Speaker Pelosi today to recognize and applaud Laina Logan Today, April 13, 2021 as we commemorate asked Jamie Raskin to serve as the House’s for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service the first National Borinqueneers Day—an ini- lead impeachment manager, a process rooted Ambassadors for Youth award. tiative that I am proud to have led along with in the events of January 6. Laina Logan is a student at Three Creeks I track closely on politics. It’s has been an Senators SCOTT and RUBIO, and Representa- K–8 and received this award because her de- animating force in my life for four decades. tive MURPHY—I call on this body and all the While political campaigns are too long, too termination and hard work have allowed her to citizens of our great nation to be inspired by expensive, and too contentious, I engage in overcome adversities. their example and work together to overcome these battles, advocating on behalf of can- The dedication demonstrated by Laina the challenges that we face. didates I hope will serve our community, our Logan is exemplary of the type of achieve- state, and our nation with integrity. Today, ment that can be attained with hard work and f however, I seek not to shed light on a polit- perseverance. It is essential students at all ical race, but rather to shine light on the levels strive to make the most of their edu- KARYMME RODELA human race, specifically, the strength, cour- cation and develop a work ethic which will age, and resilience of Congressman Jamie guide them for the rest of their lives. Raskin. I extend my deepest congratulations to HON. ED PERLMUTTER Last New Year’s Eve, he gained member- ship in a club no one ever hopes to join: Laina Logan for winning the Arvada Wheat OF COLORADO those who experience the loss of a child. This Ridge Service Ambassador for Youth award. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tragedy grew out of perhaps the least under- have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- stood cause of death, soul-crushing depres- cation and character in all of her future ac- Tuesday, April 13, 2021 sion. I didn’t know 25-year old Tommy complishments. Raskin but have read tributes to him by f Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise those who did, including his family. Here’s today to recognize and applaud Karymme an excerpt from their capture of this young CONGRESSIONAL TEACHER Rodela for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge man’s life: AWARDS Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Tommy entered the world like a blue-eyed Karymme Rodela is a student at Jefferson cherub, a little angel (and) grew up as a strikingly beautiful curly-haired madcap boy HON. VERN BUCHANAN Jr./Sr. H.S. and received this award because beaming with laughter and charm, making OF FLORIDA her determination and hard work have allowed mischief, kicking the soccer ball in the goal, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her to overcome adversities. acting out scenes from ‘To Kill A Mocking- Tuesday, April 13, 2021 The dedication demonstrated by Karymme bird’ with his little sister . teaching other children the names of all the Justices on the Mr. BUCHANAN. Madam Speaker, I rise Rodela is exemplary of the type of achieve- today in recognition of outstanding public ment that can be attained with hard work and Supreme Court, hugging strangers on the street, teaching our dogs foreign languages, school teachers in Florida’s 16th Congres- perseverance. It is essential students at all running up and down the aisle on airplanes sional District. levels strive to make the most of their edu- giving people high fives. I was once told that children are 25 percent cation and develop a work ethic which will He hated cliques and social snobbery and of the population, but they are 100 percent of guide them for the rest of their lives. never had a negative word for anyone but ty- the future. I extend my deepest congratulations to rants and despots, and opposed all malicious And it’s true. The education of a child is an Karymme Rodela for winning the Arvada gossip, stopping all such gossipers with a trademark Tommy line—‘forgive me, but it’s investment, not only in that student, but in the Wheat Ridge Service Ambassador for Youth hard to be a human.’ future of our country. award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the Tommy had a perfect heart, a perfect soul, Therefore, I established the Congressional same dedication and character in all of her fu- a riotously outrageous and relentless sense Teacher Awards to honor educators for their ture accomplishments. of humor, and a dazzling radiant mind. He ability to teach and inspire students. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Apr 14, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.010 E13APPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 13, 2021 An independent panel has chosen the fol- nity, prosperity, and continued progress in the IN MEMORIAM lowing teachers from Manatee, Sarasota, and year ahead.
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