UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Of dreams and deeds : the role of local initiatives for community based environmental management in Lima, Peru Hordijk, M.A. Publication date 2000 Document Version Final published version Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Hordijk, M. A. (2000). Of dreams and deeds : the role of local initiatives for community based environmental management in Lima, Peru. Thela Thesis. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) Download date:04 Oct 2021 Of dreams and deeds The role of local initiatives for community based environmental management in Lima, Peru Of Dreams and Deeds The role of local initiatives for community based environmental management in Lima, Peru ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT Ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. J.J.M. Franse ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit op woensdag 20 december 2000 te 12.00 uur door Michaela Aimée Hordijk Geboren te Utrecht Promotores: Prof. dr. G.A. de Bruijne Prof. dr. I.S.A. Baud Co-promotores: Prof. dr. D.J. Edelman Dr. E.B. Zoomers FACULTEIT DER MAATSCHAPPIJ- EN GEDRAGSWETENSCHAPPEN This research was funded by the Amsterdam Research Institute for Global Issues and Development Studies (AGIDS) of the University of Amsterdam, the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) in Rotterdam, and the Centre for Latin American Studies and Documentation (CEDLA) in Amsterdam, and the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (WOTRO). Michaela Hordijk, 2000 Cover design: Caroline Nugteren/De Ruimte Cover photographs: Michaela Hordijk and Marian van der Zee Maps: José Barreda Layout: Textcetera, Oegstgeest ISBN 90-5538-060-1 All rights reserved. Save exceptions stated by the law, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval of any nature or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, included a complete or partial transcription, without the prior written permission of the publisher, application for which should be addressed to the publisher: THELA THESIS, Prinseneiland 305, 1013 LP Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Phone: +31-(0)20 625 54 29 Fax: + 31 (0)20 620 33 95 E-mail: [email protected] To my grandmother, To my mother, To my Peruvian godchildren Ana Sofia Micaela Cesar Agosto Juan Daniel Miguel And to all the other children in Pampas de San Juan En busca de un sueño In search of a dream En busca de un sueño In search of a dream Se acerca esta joven This young boy is coming En busca de un sueño In search of a dream Van generaciones Generations go En busca de un sueño In search of a dream Hermoso y rebelde Enchanting and rebellious En busca de un sueño In search of a dream Que gana y que pierde That wins and looses En busca de un sueño In search of a dream De bella locura Of beautiful lunacy En busca de un sueño In search of a dream Que mata y que cura That kills and that cures En busca de un sueño In search of a dream Tallaron la piedra The stone was engraved En busca de un sueño In search of a dream Dios vino a la tierra God came to the earth En busca de sueño In search of a dream Partí con mi día I left with my day En busca de un sueño In search of a dream Que no hay todavía That still does not exist Silvio Rodriguez From his album ‘Dominguez’ TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents vii List of Figures xi List of Tables xii List of Boxes xv List of Maps xvi Abbreviations xvii Glossary xix Prelude: discovering Pampas xxi Acknowledgements xxiii Introduction 1 1 Urban environmental management: city, neighbourhood and household issues 7 1.1 The transition to sustainability 7 1.1.1 Sustainable development 7 1.1.2 ‘Urban sustainable development’ 9 1.2 Urban environmental problems: two unfinished agendas 14 1.3 Environmental transitions 16 1.3.1 Transfer of consequences 18 1.3.2 Horizons of responsibility 19 1.4 Urban governance and urban environmental management 21 1.4.1 Actors 23 1.4.2 Alliances 27 1.5 Low-income households and urban environmental management 27 1.6 Community-based organisations and urban environmental management 31 1.6.1 Collective action 31 1.6.2 Community-based organisations 34 1.6.3 Neighbourhood leaders 34 1.6.4 Informal social networks 35 1.6.5 Neighbourhood based environmental management: possibilities and constraints 36 1.6.6 Alliances 36 1.6.7 Neighbourhood Consolidation 38 1.7 In conclusion 39 2 Methodology 41 2.1 Research questions 41 2.2 The conceptual framework 44 2.3 The study area 46 vii viii Table of Contents 2.4 Research methodologies 48 2.4.1 The quantitative techniques 49 2.4.2 The qualitative techniques 52 2.4.3 The project phase: ‘Action in research’ 53 2.5 Definitions and making the major concepts operational 54 2.6 In conclusion 58 3 The natural and support system in Lima Metropolitana 59 3.1 The natural system in Lima 59 3.2 The support system in Lima 61 3.2.1 Drinking water provision 61 3.2.2 Sewerage 63 3.2.3 Solid waste management 65 3.2.4 Transport 69 3.2.5 The green areas 70 3.3 Interrelations between the natural and the support system 71 3.4 In conclusion 72 4 The human system in Lima 75 4.1 Neighbourhood organisations and the state 75 4.1.1 The military government of Odría (1948-1956) 75 4.1.2 The Prado government (1956-1962) 76 4.1.3 Belaúnde I (1963-1968) 79 4.1.4 The Velasco Government (1968-1980) 79 4.1.5 Belaúnde II (1980-1985) 80 4.1.6 The Garcia government (1985-1990) 82 4.1.7 The current situation under Fujimori (1990-present) 82 4.2 The governance system 83 4.2.1 The national government 84 4.2.2 The municipalities 88 4.2.3 NGOs in Lima 90 4.2.4 Overlapping responsibilities 91 4.3 The social system 92 4.3.1 Neighbourhood organisations 92 4.3.2 Sectoral Organisations 98 4.3.3 Informal social networks 100 4.4 The individual system 101 4.5 Reproducing the city 103 4.6 In conclusion 103 5 The natural and support system in Pampas de San Juan and Pamplona 105 5.1 Setting the context: history and development of Pamplona and Pampas 105 5.1.1 The history and development of Pamplona 105 5.1.2 The history and development of Pampas de San Juan 107 5.2 The result today 110 Table of Contents ix 5.2.1 General impression 110 5.2.2 Characterising the four types of neighbourhoods 114 5.3 The natural system 121 5.4 The support system in Pampas and Pamplona 124 5.4.1 Drinking water provision 124 5.4.2 Sewerage 127 5.4.3 The complex of wastewater treatment ponds 128 5.4.4 Solid waste management 130 5.4.5 Roads 133 5.4.6 Parks and green areas 136 5.4.7 The houses 137 5.5 In conclusion 137 6 The human system in Pampas de San Juan and Pamplona 139 6.1 The households and their characteristics 139 6.1.1 Place of birth and migration 139 6.1.2 Home ownership 141 6.1.3 Household size, composition and age distribution 141 6.1.4 Work 144 6.1.5 Income 145 6.1.6 Education 146 6.2 The social system 148 6.2.1 The neighbourhood organisations 149 6.2.2 Sectoral organisations 153 6.2.3 Informal social networks 156 6.2.4 The community of limited liability: Pampas Central Council 162 6.3 The governance system in Pampas and Pamplona 164 6.3.1 The Municipality of San Juan de Miraflores 164 6.3.2 Political affiliation 167 6.4 In conclusion 167 7 Household environmental practices 171 7.1 Perceptions of the environmental conditions 171 7.1.1 Perceptions of environmental problems 171 7.1.2 Perceptions of environmental problems specifically related to health 177 7.2 Perceptions of responsibilities for improving the environmental conditions 178 7.3 Urban environmental management at the household level 179 7.3.1 Households and water 180 7.3.2 Handling the lack of sanitary services 181 7.3.3 Waste management 181 7.3.4 Other individual practices 183 7.4 Household environmental practices and household characteristics 186 7.5 In conclusion 187 x Table of Contents 8 The role of the Neighbourhood Organisations in Urban Environmental Improvement 191 8.1 Legalising land tenure 194 8.2 Road improvement 197 8.3 Improving drinking water provision 199 8.4 Solid waste management and parks 203 8.5 Different kinds of leadership 203 8.6 In conclusion 206 9 Collective urban environmental management practices and participation 209 9.1 Collective urban environmental management practices 209 9.1.1 Improving the roads 209 9.1.2 Improving drinking water provision 212 9.1.3 Solid waste management 214 9.1.4 Greening the area: private and public parks in Pampas 218 9.2 In Conclusion 222 10 Interventions of External Actors 225 10.1 National government interventions: COFOPRI 225 10.2 The Municipality of San Juan de Miraflores:
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