CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION COMMITTEE'S REPORT 1981/82 COMMITTEE Seven committee meetings were held during the year and the following is a record ofattendances: A. H. RUSHTON (President) 7 A. FRASER-DACKERS (Lyrpm) .. 6 P. G. TURNER (Past President) .. 4 B. W. JONES (Macclesfield) o A. F. KOENEN (Past President) .. 6 N. ROBINSON (Malpas) .. o H. M. CURPHEY (Past President) 7 R. L. GRAY (Marple) o J. E. STARK (past President) 1 C. HART (Mid-Cheshire College) .. 4 N. A. STEEL (R.F.U. Rep - Past Pres.) 5 R. PULLIN (Moore) 6 G. C. NODEN (Past President) 0 J. TAYLOR (New Brighton) 5 H. V. MIDDLETON (Past President) 6 D. MASON (Old Anselmians) 4 W. S. PLATI (Senior Vice-President) 6 M. PEARSON (Old Birkonians) o G. C. COX (Vice-President Asst. Hon. Sec.) 6, E.G. WILLIAMS (Old Instonians) 1 A.L HART (Vice-President) 7 M. J. CURPHEY (Old Parkonians) 6 C. HOOLE (Vice-President) 6 L. TTOFFA (Old Rockferrians) 3 F. V. POVALL (Vice-President) 6 G. R. REMOND (Old Salians) 2 W. GOTT (Hon.'Secretary). 7 D. P. WRIGHT (Oldershaw) 5 . ----M;-eOHEN·(Hon:-Treasurer) --.-.- -;--.--; .-5--' - - -P:-A.T:ISTEK(PorfSunligllt)'----"-'--­ 5 N. H. MIDDLEBROOK (Asst. Hon. Treasurer) 5 C. J. COVENTRY (Sale) 5 P. WHITlNG (Ashton-on-Mersey) 0 A. J. HENDERSON (Sandbach) o G. S. ANDREWS (Birkenhead Park) 7 M. R. GRANT (Shell Carrington) .. 5 B. F. FALLON (Bowdon) .. 1 J. A. K. LAWSON (Shell-Stanlow) 4 D. 1. ADAMS (Caldy) 6 J. SUTCLIFFE (Simon) o M. THELWELL(Capenhurst) 1(3) J. DAWSON (Vagabonds LO.M.) .. o B. J. BIRD (Cheshire Hospitals) 0 D. FRIDA Y (Vauxhall Motors) o M. ROONEY (Cheshire Constabulary) 0 J. SHALLCROSS (Wallasey) 1(6) P. HOLLAND (Cheshire Fire B.) .. 0 P. LYONS (Whitehouse Park) o D. O. DIAMOND (Chester) 5 P. E. POIZER (Wilmslow) 2 E. J. CHARLES WORTH (Chester College) 0 J. DA VIES (Winnington Park) 5(1) D.PALIN (Congleton) 1(2) J. LEARY (Winsford) 4 G. EVANS (Creweand Nantwich).. ., 4 D. B. LEWIS (Wirral) 5 K. MERRETI (Dane) 0 V. SCHWARZ (Liverpool Refs. Soc.) 5(1) A. M. LEES (Davenport) 0 K. PRATT (Manchester Refs. Soc.) 3 J. KAY (Douglas LO.M.) 4 R. BLAKE (Schools East) .. 2 S. PRATT (Dukinfield) 0 J. YOUNG (Schools West) .. 6 K. STRINGER (Helsby) 3 H. MADOC JONES (Colts) (Co-opted) 4 J. N. LENTON (Hoylake) 5 No representative From Aisager College, Peel (LO.M.), Ramsey (LO.M.), Ronaldsway (I.O.M.), Pacemakers (I.O.M.) Weston Point. o indicates substitute attending. The followingis a list of Clubs and Schools affiliated with the County and Rugby Football Union: CLUBS Alsager College Crewe and Nantwich Old Anselmians Shell (Carrington) Ashton-on-Mersey Dane Old Birkonians Shell (Stanlow) Birkenhead Park Davenport Old Instonians Simon Bowdon Douglas (LO.M.) Old Parkonians Vagabonds (I.O.M.) Caldy Dukinfield Old Rockferrians Vauxhall MotOfS Capenhurst Helsby Old Salians Wallasey Cheshire Regiment 1st Battalion Hoylake Oldershaw . Weston Point Cheshire Constabulary Lymm Pacemakers Veterans (I.O.M.) Whitehouse Park Cheshire Fire Brigade Macclesfield Peel (LO.M.) Wilmslow Cheshire Hospitals Marple Port Sunlight Winnington Park Chester Malpas Ramsey (LO.M.) Winsford Chester College Mid-Cheshire College Ronaldsway (LO.M.) Wirral Congleton Moore Sale Crewe College New Brighton Sandbach (Total 54) SCHOOLS Altrincham Grammar School Henry Meols School Ruskin County High School Appleton Hall High School Hyde County Grammar School Ruthin School Bebington County Secondary School Kings School, Macclesfield Rydal School Beech Hall School King William College St. Ambrose College Birkenhead School Knutsford County High School St. Anselm's College Birkenhead lnstitute High School Malbank County High School St. Mary's College Blacon High School Marple Hall School Sandbach School Bramhall High School Marple Ridge High School Sale Grammer School Broadoak Comprehensive School Middlewich County High School Sir John Deanes School Calday Grange Grammar School Mossland Comprehensive School South Trafford College of Further Carlett Park College of Technology Moseley School Education Cheadle Hulme School Mostyn House School Stockport Grammar School Christleton High School New Mills Comprehensive School Stock ton Heath High School Dee High School Oldershaw Comprehensive School Stockport School Douglas High School Oughtrington High School Tarporley County High School Grange High School Park High School Terra Nova School Greenfield High School Penketh High School Weaverham County High School Harefield High School Poynton County HighSchool ------- Wellington·School - - --- Hartford High School- -----. ---PriestlyCofIege - . Whitby Comprehensive School Hazel Grove High School Ramillies Hall School Wirral Grammar School Heber HighSchool- .- Reddish Vale Comprehensive School Woodford Lodge Comprehensive School Helsb) Grammar School Rock Ferry High School (Total 64) RUGBY"UNION REFEREES Clubs with members who are interested in taking up refereeing are asked to write to the Secretary of the Liverpool and District Referees' Society and/or the Manchester and District Referees' Society at the following addresses: ' Manchester and District Referees' Society: Liverpool and District Referees' Society: . K. A. Pratt, A. Havard, 7 Brookdale Road, 78 Trafalgar Road, Bramhall, Birkdale, South port, Stockport SK7 2NW Merseyside PR8 2NJ COUNTY FIXTURES FOR SEASON 1982-83 October 9th Cheshir~ v. Sussex (Birkenhead Park) October 23rd Cheshire v:Staffordshire (Chester) November I3th Cheshire v. Eastern Counties (Ipswich) N ovember 27th League play off' .. September 29th Northern Division v. Fiji (Workington) INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Membership subscriptions are making a worthwhile contribution to County Funds and the popular lndividual Members' bar will be provided at home matches again next season. Ties are obtainable from the Individual Members' Secretary. CHESHIRE RUGIè)' ACCOUNTS for the year endect EXPENDITURE 1981 f MATCH EXPENSES Yorkshire at Wilmslow .. 526 CumbÏ"ia at New Brighton 475 Cornwall at Redruth .. 658 Staffotdshire at Burton .. 100 Northhmberland at Gosforth 633 Durhaim at Mowden Park 666 Lancashire at Blundellsands .. 104 1980/81 Match at Sale (Balance) 99 Distritt XV Expenses . 936 Players' Travelling Expenses . 1893 selectirn Playing Committee and Squad Training 708 4923 6798 GENERAL EXPENSES lndividual Members 129 Committee Expenses 607 Progralmmes . 992 Printing, Stationery & Postage .. 750 Memb~rship Cards .. 667 Secret~ry's Expenses 353 Bank Œharges .. 113 Badge~ and Ties Less Sales 275 RFU ~ebentures Written Down 690 3494 OTHER EXPENSES .. Cheshite Schools .. 1259 Cheshite Colts . 1499 Cheshire Cup and Shield .. 368 Grant to Liverpool Referees' Society 375 2483 1 3501 TICKETS 2267 International 1585 1 2574 Excess 'oflncome over Expenditure 1 -~~---~~==c.=·=i~F-5941.=-~~=t-1 ~=~~=~~~=~=~===~~~~=--~-~;E.ui460-- 1 BALANCE SHEET as: 1981 ;E ;E CAPlTlL ACCOUNT As at 30th April, 1981 .. 11809 Less Cdrporation Tax .. 353 11456 Less Exless of Expenditure over lncome 2393 11809 9061 300 Sundry Freditor .. 1 1 1 1 j 6 L / / / ;E12109 ;(9061 ;/ j / Examined and found correct W. Potts, F.C.C.A., Macclesfield IOth June, 1982 (signed) W. POTTS / J / fiOOTBALL UNION :O~April, 1982 (Season 1981/82) INCOME 1981 1: MATCH RECEIPTS Yorkshire at Wilmslow .. 859 Cumbria at New Brighton .. 295 1980/81 Match at Sale (Balance) 147 District XV . 211 Northern Division v Australia 248 2796 1760 SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIV ABLE Individual Members 1077 ------Clubs . -706--------------- Club Loan Interest 48 2010 • 1831 INVESTMENT INTEREST Forward Trust .. 171 Liverpool Building Society 253 Deposit Account. 608 Capital Investment Account 133 969 1165 OTHER RECEIPTS Cheshire Schools .. 1410 Cheshire Colts .. 643 Cheshire Cup and Shield 1190 Television Fees .. 2263 Thorn County Championship 1906 Administration Fees (sending off) Less Expenses 109 Advertising 330 7667 7851 TICKETS 2299 International 1458 Excess of Expenditure over Incarne 2395 ±:l574 1 ±:l6460 at 30th April, 1982 1981 f, f, LOANS TO CLUBS As at 30th April, 1981 1000 Less Yearly Club Repayments .. 280 1000 720 INVESTMENTS 1242 Forward Trust Ltd. 1413 3700 Liverpool Building Society 1413 RFU DEBENTURES As at 30th April, 1981 2 At Cost During Year 690 Less Written Off .. 690 • 2 2 BALANCE AT BANK 523 General Account .. (606) '~206 No. 2 Account . 1085 3614 Deposit Account. 5008 - --- --._- _. 20__ - /Eolts-Account----:-:- - . -.~------ 164 _.__ -':_53.6~ Cup Acçount _.. 858 265. Schools Account 417 '" 6926 f:12109 f,9061 Hon. Treasurer, Mark Cohen, Linnells, Marlborough Drive, Tytherington, Macclesfield, Cheshire. COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP A disappointing season in spite of the dedication by selectors and players. Cheshire v. YoJkshire Lost 7-28 Cheshire v. Northumberland Lost 0-22 -""' Cheshire v. Durham Lost 6-23 Cheshire v. CUlnbria Lost 8-14 • Cheshire v. Lancashire Lost 0-57 1 Yorkshire Northumberland Durham Cumbria Lancashire 1 "'tT. Woodman (Liverpool) F.B. F.B. F.B. M.Merry (Liverpool) R.\y. R.W. R.W. R.W. R.W. J. Whitehead (Waterloo) R.<1. R.e. R.e. R.C. R.C. B.Ollier (Wilmslow L.G. L.C. L.C. 1 tR. Beaton (Wilmslow) 1 L.e. L.e. C. Hardy (Chester) L.W· L.W. L.W. LW. -L.W. *tJ. G1ynn (Broughton Park) F.H. F.H. F.H. 1 .. N. Sinclair (Sale) --; F.H. F.H. *tA. Waring (Broughton Park) S.H. S.H. S.H. S.H. S.H. J.O'Hara (Broughton Park) P P S.Miles (Sale) P P P N. Hitchen (Orrell) H H H H H S. Harris (Broughton Park) P P P P P K. Wilson (Broughton Park) L L L L L *tA. Scott (Sale) L L L * S. Bull (Broughton Park) _ L-- L *tJ. Wilde (Broughton Park) B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. R. Locke (Sale) .. No·18 No. 8 No. 8 P. Sherratt {Sale) No. 8 O.S. *tR.Davies (Broughton Park) O.S. O.S. O.S. O.S. C. Davenport (Wilmslow) -1 Replacement No.8 * M.G1adwin (Port Sunlight) Replacement Replacement * P.Davies (Birkenhead Park) -1 F.B. * C.Rowe (Sale) . F.B . *Ties tBadges CHESHIRE DISTRICT XV Results -16 Group Schools A very satisfactory season.
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