CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 SERIES 19 TAMIL NADU PART X - A DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK VILLAGE AND 'lOWN DIRECTORY SOUTII AReOT K. CHOCKALINGAM of the Indian Administrative Service DIRECTOR OF CENSU~ OPERATION~ TAMIL NADU AND PONDICHERRY 1972 78 31 79r SOUTH ARCOT DISTRICT SCALE 5 0 5 10 15 Milll ~ AI NORTH AReOT Kllom.tr.,5 0 10 20 REFERENCB (Area: IO,ij8,OO I~, Kms,) Dlimet Heaaquarters , Taluk Headquarters @ f State Boundary I Diltnct Boundary I , Taluk Boundary ~ 'I National Highwayt , \ ~ State Highway! Il b Roads ~ Railway line (Metre Gauge) DHARMAPURI River with Stream Urban Areas Villages bavrng Population above llIOO Weekly Mark~s Post and Telegraph OffiCI PI Rest Houle, Travellen Bungalow Hospitals SALEM Nl.IIEO~m IREA IN NO, Of URBAN TlLIl( SQ KMS VillAGES W~lRES II Glnlel 1061,17 248 Nrl 'Ii TlndrvonDm 1!5·UI 199 I Vr/l~,urQm 910.75 118 I Trrukorlur 151l,11 Jj8 I KDIIDkurrchr 116l.Ol 311 I Vrrd~c/iQllIII 118l,19 281 1 Cud4Diore 1168.61 211 5 Chrdomborom 1045.11 lJ4 4 TIRUCHIRAPALLI THANIAVUR CONTENTS Page No. Preface V Part-A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Introductory Note VIl-XlI I. Village Directory Amenities and land use Appendix- 1 Land use particulars of Non-city urban area, (Non .. Municipal areJ) Appen dix-ll Abstract showing Educational, Medical and other amelllties available iD Taluks. Alphabetical list of villages. 1. GiDgee TaJuk 1- 32 2. Tindivanam TaJuk 33- 67 3 Villupuram Taluk 69- 94 4. Tirukoilur Taluk 9S-130 5 Kal1akurichi TaIuk 131-168 6. Vriddachalam Taluk 169-201 7. Cuddalore Taluk 203-21' 8. Chidambaram Tahu 227-259 n. Town C irectory Statement I-Status, Growth History and Functional category of Towns 264-267 Statement Il-Physical Aspects and location cf Towns, 1969 2~8-271 Statement 1I1-~1unicipal Finance, 1968-69 272-27' Statement TV -Civic and other amenities, 1969 276-279 Statement V-MedicaI, Educat1onal, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns, 1969 280- 283 Statement VT-Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 284-287 Statement Vll-Population by religion, 1971 288-291 MAPS District Map of South Arcot Frontispiete PREFACE rt bas betn the practice since t 951 to publish for each District a Census Handbook, containing the (ensus StatistIcs for each village and town in the District together with certain admmistrative statistics collected from the various Departments of the Sta e Government. THs publicalion w:~s compiled by the Ce"sus D~partme:)t and pub ish.>d by jh~ State Grv rnrrent. The contents of the District Census Ha~db ok have been considtrably imrroved during the subsequent Censuses and in 1971 this publication is bemg brought out in three separate parts- Part A-Village and Town Directory Part B-Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract j and Part C-Analytical Report and Adminietrative Statt;'ments and District Census Tables. The history and origin of the 1 I trict Census Handbook have been given in the Introductory Note of thIS volume. The present volume of Part·A ha~ two sections-Village Directory and Town Directory. In the Village Dir.ctory, basi: inforrnltion relating to the vIllages such as, Educational, Medical, D inking water supply. Elecmc tv. C,·mmun'catlons, Postal and Telegraphs facllllles as well as information on alea, staple·food, la.": usc data ard otrer allied 'nf.'rmltlOn are given. In the second section VtZ., TOVln Directory, lnfo.mation for the Towns about the Status, growth history, funcdonal ca:egory, Physical aspects, Muni:ipal finance Clv c and other ameDlties are presen,ed. Detads about the M~dlca', Education]!, RecreatlOnal faclll'ies available in the to~ns as well as p~rt1culars r':i1ardlOg lTlde. Commerce. Industry and Bank1ng are also gIVen. The P' pulati n parti. ul, r· of the to\\ ns as per 1971 Cen~us t 'ge .her with the populallon of these towns since 1901 and Rehgiou~ composltioll of the population in 1971 arc also furnished. The details other than population particulars p'c'iented in thes", statemetlt~ have be~n obtained from tbe corcerned Dep'lrtlDl'r.ts f the State Govern'tlent for which I am lhanHul to the Collector. I am also gra'cful to the :Revenue subordir.attS as wdl as the Municipal Commbsioners for the assistance that they have rendeJed. I take this opportunity to I'xpress my gralitude to ~ri A. C~andra Sekhar, R!gi~trar General. Irdia. f('r the guiddnce givrD to rr;e and for continuing the publkation of the District Census Handbooks during 1971 Census also, I K. CHOCK6.LI]'\GAM Director oj Census OpE rationJ, Tamil Nadu & Pondlcherry. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is my p'easant duty to acknowledge the able assistance given by the following Officers and Staff of my Office in the preparatIon of this volume. 1. Sbrl V. SeJvaraj, ItA.S I Deputy Director 2. Shri V. R. Chandran, Deputy Director 3. Sbrl M. Pancbapakesan, Invest;gator 4. Shri ADser Abmed, Tabulation Officer 5. Sbrl S. GovindaraJu!u, Statistical Asst. 6. Sbri L. Sbanmoga Sundaram, Computor 7. Smt. R. Rukmali, Com put or 8. Shri P. Victor JayaraJ, U.D.C. 9. Shri N. B. Muruganandam, U D.C. 10. SbrJ Rajallani, Artist. K. CHorKAVNGAM Director oj Census Operations. SOUTH ARCOT DISTRICT VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRE.CrOftY INTRODU{ TORY NOTE General: The District Census HlDdbook for each district presenting the Census data for the yiIlages and towns of the District is being publJshed from 1951 Census. Till then, the village statistics showing merely the number of hou~es and populatio:l by reltgion in respect of each v111'lge and town were pupltshed a~ supp!em_nt. h 1951, the general populatIon tables, economic tables and village-wise and town-wise statistics relatmg to Taluks were presented as Part-I and Social and Cultural Tables as Part-II. In 1961 also. the District Census Handbook was published in t\'lO volumes. In Volume·I, all the Census tables giving tal uk-wise data with a narrative report were published a1d Volum! II was confined to present v111age-wise and town-wise statistics known as Prim:uy C:nsus Ab.>tract which gives the basic data like population, literates, scheduled castes. scheduled tribes and industrial classIfication of wcrkers and non-workers. As these d Ita are fillll,sed in the first stage of tabulatIOn itself in lS71 Census, it has been decided in this Census to present the Dls:nct Census Handbook in 3 Parts. Part-A contains the Village and Town Directory which will show the land use patterll data, basic amenities available in the villages and the conditions of the towns. Part-B contain, the Village and Town P C.A. while Part-C presents the administrative 8tatistics collected and compiled from various departmm s, Census tables and a short analytical report. ThIS ffil!thod of prepulOg the District Cen.us H ,n 1book In 3 parts is also to faCilitate the'timely publicatIOn of the basic d·ta rel.ltiog to viUages and towns which are required by various departments and re~earch scholars. Method of Pres(!ntatio~l : The present vobme be;ng Part-A p"esents the Village and Town Directory as the titles suggest. It )Ists out all the villages and towns in the S.ate. The Village Directory is presented at the taluk level and Town Directory at district level. The Village Directory i3 pres;:nted first fullo,>,ed by the Town Duectory. Village Directory: In the Vilhge Directo"y, for each taluk, a statemerJt showing the villages, theIr extent, the amenities hke Educational, Medical, DrlDkm~ Wa er Supply. Communications, P0stal &: Telegraphs etJ, aV<iilab!e Within each village and the landuse pattern IS given. In addItIOn to this, particulars in regard to staple food, land use data ani certam 0 her miscellmeous informlt Oll such as the ex'stence of veterinary ho ,pita'. co opentlve SOcieties banks etc, are also furnished. AI) alphabetical Jist of vi lages has also b~en prepared indicating the Locat on C,)de Number of the viiI ge f.}r purpose of qJick referenc:. Apart from the e p'lrtlculars. the land use partLul1rs of place'S comprising of Non.city urban units (Non-mun'clpal area) is given as 4ppe d x J. A taluk.wlse abstract showirg the total numMer of in'ti:ut ons and number of v.lldges where such basic an-eOltles l,ke Educational, Medical, D ir.king Water SllpPl:t, C::>m:nunicati0Ds, Postal & Telegraphs, etc., are availabJe has also been prepared and given as Appendix II. The particulars relating to Village Directory have been collected from the concerned Tallsilder, for each revenu, villa Ie as a whole and p~rt culars in respect of places comprhing gf Non-City urban unit& (Non-municlpal units) and MLlllicipal units have not been furuished in the VilLtge Directory Statem~nt. The details of the data furrthhed in different columns of the Villa.e D re; tory and the method of collection 'Jf the data on lanj us;: pattern etc., are indIcated pclow :- (1) Locatio., Code Number: Numbers have been assigned to the ad llini~tratlve units of district, tdluk and VI la~e to denote their loc.1tion. By a combinanoo of these numbers, it \\<ould be posshle to kn)w the (-xact bcatlO I of an ar~a The dI~tricc num,er is given along \dtn the nam: of the di,tr ct 01} the cover page and laluk flU -nber IS &howa aglinst ti1e taluk r.ame in th~ concerned pa",es. The vlllages in eltcn talul; are arranged in the Loclitioll Code order.
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