BAHA'I NEWS .so. 231 MAY, 1950 YEAR 107 BAHA'I ERA From the Guardian (Excerpt fro.m a letter to Mr. Has­ cle Cornbleth, da ted Aug. 5, 1949, from Shoghi Effendi, through his sec­ retary): "As we suffer these misfortunes we must remember that the Proph­ ets of God Themselves were not im­ mune from these things which men suffer. They knew sorrow, illness and pain too. They rose above these things through Their spirits, and that is what we must try and do too, when afflicted. The troubles of this world pass, :i.nd what we have left is what we have made of our souls: so it is to this we must look-to becoming more spiritual, drawing nearer to God, no matter what our human minds and bodies go through." (Excerpt from another letter to Mr. Cornbleth, concerning the illness of Mr. Walter Olitzki, dated Sept. 5, 1949, from Shoghi Effendi, through his secretary): "Cancer is such a terrible scourge in the world today! But when the believers are called upon to go through such bitter ordeals they have the faith to sustain them, the love of their Baha'i friends to com­ fort them, and the glorious words of Baha'u'llah regarding immortality to give them confidence and courage. Blessed are we, indeed, even in the midst of our greatest trials." Calendar 19-Day Feasts: June 5-Nur-Light June 24--Ral.J.mat-Mercy work is in place. Heating and venti­ lating is installed complete, except Temple Interior Construction for a few items which must wait un­ Progress to April I 7, 1950 til the balance of the interior work is done. The electrical installation is practically complete except for things which must also wait until other work is done. Temple Progress casting of the large bay sections at Pole scaffolding has been erected, By the early part of April the stone the first gallery level is underway, which will remain in position until facing of the main Temple columns and at least one bay was scheduled such time as all stone work is com­ was more than 60 per cent com­ to be in place by Convention. pleted. The curved concrete stair has pleted. At the Earley Studios the Almost all the structural steel been poured. 2 MAY, 1950 VOTED TO RECORD THE VIEW State Conventions OF THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL The following .actions were taken (2) that more extensive and all­ ASSEMBLY THAT SUCH GATHER­ by the National Assembly on recom­ inclusive plans for State Conventions INGS SHOULD BE UNDERTAKEN mendations received from State Con­ bE' inaugurated and encouraged and ON THE INITIATIVE OF LOCAL ventions: brought to the attention of all future ASSEMBLIES AND SHOULD IN NO Alabama: recommends that record­ Convention committees. WAY BRING PRESSURE TO BEAR ings be made of the talks of out­ VOTED TO POINT OUT THAT ON INDIVIDUALS. standing speakers in the Temple. THE DELEGATES AT THE NA­ (6) that the National Assembly ACTION ALREADY TAKEN. TIONAL CONVENTION COULD BE communicate to the Area National Northern California: recommends ASKED TO DISCUSS WAYS AND Teaching Committees the technique that clarification be made as to MEANS OF IMPROVING THE that has been described (by the Ev­ whether it is obligatory to vote for STATE CONVENTIONS. anston community) and that a brief the full number of delegates allotted Northern Illinois recommends written statement about the tech­ for each district. The Convention felt (1) that the financial report pre­ nique be furnished to the National the same course as followed by the sented by Mr. Ioas be suggested to Assembly by Evanston so they may National Spiritual Assembly elec­ the National Spiritual Assembly as send it to the other communities for tions should prevail-that is, if the Baha'i News material. their use. Also that it be put in ballot is not completed, it should be VOTED TO RECORD THAT THIS Baha'i News so every one can have it. discarded. WAS PUBLISHED IN BAHA'I VOTED TO REQUEST THE EV­ VOTED TO PUBLISH IN BAHA'I NEWS. ANSTON ASSEMBLY TO WRITE NEWS THAT THE SAME OBLIGA­ (2) that the National Assembly THIS METHOD UP FOR BAHA'I TION EXISTS FOR CASTING FULL consider in instructions for State NEWS. VOTES AT THE STATE ELEC­ Conventions next year, the setting (7) the National Assembly be TIONS AS EXIST FOR ELECTION up of a specific procedure in con­ asked to request the Regional Teach­ OF ASSEMBLIES, EITHER NA­ nection with casting of ballots which ing Committee if a plan outlined in TIONAL OR LOCAL. will overcome the policy of roll calls the recommendation could be insti­ Southern California: recommends and the necessity of roll calling the tuted for this region. (1) the desirability of compiling in votes of the absent members. Also VOTED TO RECORD THAT THE pamphlet form, excerpts of teaching that mailed ballots be counted be­ NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEM­ about the Prophets of God in pro­ forehand. BLY HAS DEVELOPED A TEACH­ gressive revelation as a first step in VOTED TO RECORD THAT THE ING INSTUTUTE WHICH IT IS teaching. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY IS MAK­ HOPED WILL BE USED IN ALL VOTED TO FILE THIS WITH ING AN EFFORT TO WORK OUT THE ASSEMBLIES THROUGHOUT . THE MATERIAL ON SURVEY OF A SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURE. THE COUNTRY. BAHA'I LITERATURE. (3) that the National Spiritual As­ (8) that in the State Elections the (2) that next year's state conven­ sembly make it part of the teaching names of only the first 14 (or what­ tion have a means of badge identifi­ program that teachers and spiritual ever number of delegates is to be cation for members in attendance. Assemblies give a more definite un­ voted for) be read at the meeting, VOTED TO TURN THIS RECOM­ derstanding to the new believers of that the number of votes only be MENDATION OVER TO NEXT the financial obligation. put in the official record going from YEAR'S STATE CONVENTION the Convention Committee to the Na­ PLANNING COMMITTEE. VOTED TO RECORD THE FEEL­ tional Spiritual Assembly, and the District of Columbia: recommends ING OF THE NATIONAL ASSEM­ number of votes not be given. BLY THAT INCREASING ATTEN­ pamphlets supplied for distribution VOTED TO APPOINT A SPECIAL TION · SHOULD BE GIVEN IN at special public meetings (for in­ COMMITTEE TO STUDY THIS PREPARATION OF INCOMING stance, World Religion Day) should RECOMMENDATION. be smaller, more convenient size to BELIEVERS TO THEIR OBLIGA­ Southern Illinois: recommends sug­ TIONS. carry in pockets. gestion to the National Assembly VOTED TO PLACE THIS IN THE ( 4) that an article be put in that in the future the meeting place FILE FOR THE CONTINUING Baha'i News pointing out that the of the Convention be planned on a STUDY OF OUR PUBLICATIONS. · 1deficit in the General Fund may tem­ rotation basis. Idaho: recommends porarily have to be made up by VOTED TO RECORD THE POL­ (1) clarification of point of afford­ borrowing from the Temple Fund, ICY THAT THIS RECOMMENDA­ ing opportunity to the friends but since contributions to the Tem­ TION IS DESIRABLE, BEARING convening at State Conventions, at ple Fund are earmarked, it still IN MIND, HOWEVER, THE NE­ special holiday gatherings and anni­ must be repaid. CESSITY OF MEETING IN AN versaries, to participate in special VOTED TO RECORD THE VIEW AREA WHICH WILL BEST SERVE Temple contributions. OF THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL THE CENTERS OF POPULATION; VOTED TO RECORD THE VIEW ASSEMBLY THAT WE FEEL THIS THE LOCATION TO BE DETER­ OF THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL WAS MADE CLEAR IN THE MINED BY THE NATIONAL AS­ ASSEMBLY THAT CONTRIBU­ TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT. SEMBLY. 'TIONS CAN BE MADE AT HOLI­ (5) that the National Spiritual As­ Montana: recommends DAY GATHERINGS AND ANNI­ sembly institute special gatherings (1) that we should have (when the VERSARIES IF NO PRESSURE IS to raise funds for the General Fund austerity program does not inter­ .EXERTED UPON THE FRIENDS. to carry forward the teaching work . fere) a good basic index to all the BAHA'iNEWS 3 writings of the Baha'i Faith, and the Nevada recommends that the num­ A PRACTICE TO GIVE ALL THE Koran and the Bible, which will be ber of delegates allowed to each PRACTICAL ADVICE THEY CAN under topic headings. state or district be indicated on the CONCERNING EMPLOYMENT TO VOTED TO POINT OUT THAT voting list as well as on the Conven­ PROSPECTIVE PIONEERS AND EXCELLENT BIBLE CONCORD­ tion Call. WOULD WELCOME ANY ADDI­ ANCES ARE AVAILABLE IN MOST VOTED TO TURN· THIS RECOM­ TIONAL INFORMATION ANYONE OF THE LARGE CITY BOOK MENDATION OVER TO THE IN­ COULD SUPPLY. STORES. COMING NATIONAL SPIRITUAL (2) that the National Spiritual As­ VOTED TO TURN THE INDEX ASSEMBLY FOR ITS STATE CON­ sembly make a point of sending res­ SUGGESTION OVER TO THE IN­ VENTION PLANNING COMMIT­ ident active, successful, qualified COMING NATIONAL SPIRITUAL TEE. teachers to those communities whose ASSEMBLY. New Jersey: recommends activities are below par or weak­ VOTED TO RECORD IN BAHA'I (1) that the National Assembly ened. NEWS THE INDEX BY MARMA­ ask the Guardian if a state Conven­ VOTED TO POINT OUT THAT DUKE PIKTHALL IN HIS TRANS­ tion can be called, soon after the THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS LATION OF THE KORAN. National Convention, to give a re­ WHY THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL (2) we should have a good pro- port of the. highlights of the National ASSEMBLY ADOPTED THE POLI­ . nouncing gazette that would cover Convention, by the delegates. CY OF HAVING LOCAL ASSEM­ the Persian names as well as other VOTED TO CALL ATTENTION BLIES UNDER FIFTEEN CON­ pertinent terms relative to this Faith TINUE TO RECEIVE TEACHING which would be phonetically broken TO THE FACT THAT INTER­ ASSISTANCE FROM THE REGION­ down and make for correct and com­ ASSEl\IBLY CONFERENCES GIVE mon usage.
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