School district publishes its own 2015-16 report card Two to be inducted into local sports hall of fame A- Page 14 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SINCE 1879 For the love of Pets THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2017 $ NEWS Pages 8-9 16 PAGES / VOLUME 135 / NUMBER 31 1STAND USPS 138-260 • MARION • KENTUCKY 24/7 BREAKING AND LOCAL NEWS THE-PRESS.COM Wandering child leads KDE begins process to fill board of ed seat sheriff to tragic find STAFF REPORT several days and appears in The mailed by the candidate directly The discovery of a 4-year- The Kentucky Department of Crittenden Press this week. to Frankfort, where an appointee Crittenden County old girl walking along U.S. 641 Education (KDE) has begun the Superintendent Vince Clark is will be named by the education Monday morning led au- application process to fill a re- hopeful applicants will match commissioner by Educational thorities to a tragic cent vacancy on the Crittenden Orr's dedication to the position. April 26. The only District 5 find at a Sulphur County Board of Ed- "She had a pas- functions of the Springs Road ucation, and there Board of ed sion for students, local board of edu- home. appears to be a staff and the com- cation are to adver- Kentucky healthy level of in- evaluates Clark munity," Clark said. tise the vacancy and State Police say terest in the seat. Page 16 "To keep moving our make applications a passerby Longtime board school district for- available to stopped to help member Phyllis Orr ward, they have to Orr prospective board the child, and after resigned her post in January, have that compassion and pas- members. The district realizing something was leaving an opening on the five- sion. There are still lots of areas A former educator, Orr had includes voters in terribly wrong, contacted member elected body. Her resig- to continue to grow in." served 14 years on the board Precincts 3, 6 and 12 local authorities shortly after nation has been officially Clark and the board of educa- and was in the middle of her and is an area east of 11 a.m. The sheriff responded accepted by KDE, which is ac- tion will have no say in who fourth term when she resigned U.S. 641 and south of U.S. 60 cepting applications for the post steps in to fill Orr's role. due to health reasons. She had to a residence just over a mile East to Fishtrap Road and con- through the next two weeks. In KDE conducts the search to been unable to attend meetings away from where the girl was tinuing south of Fishtrap, Nunn fact, a notice of vacancy has fill the unexpired terms of school for several months, and the work Switch and Cool Springs roads. found. Inside her home, the been published on the local board members in all 173 dis- sheriff found her 33-year-old board of education's website for tricts. Applications must be See VACANCY/Page 16 father deceased. Also in the home was an 8-month-old child in a crib. State police investigators have determined that the fa- ther of the two children died Boat dock of a self-inflicted gunshot. In- vestigators say that after talk- ing to the young girl, it was apparent she knew what had happened inside the home coming to and had gone for help. “Our hearts bleed when we find a situation like this,” said Trooper Sean Wint, pub- lic affairs officer for Kentucky Dam 50 State Police Post 2. The children were released STAFF REPORT to the custody of their Crittenden County has been awarded a grant mother, who was not at the to build a seasonal boat dock at Riverview Park, residence when the incident the recreation area along the Ohio River formerly occurred. known as the Dam 50 park. Judge-Executive Perry Newcom said he was notified late last week Vet benefits claims of the approval for federal funds awarded through the state. It was the third time the county had ap- help available locally plied for financial assistance for Veterans can get help lo- this project, being denied twice cally filing service-related previous. claims on the second and Pennyrile Area Development fourth Tuesday To me, that is District helped facilitate the grant of each month. application to the Land and Water Joe Lanham, a the last piece Conservation Fund (LWCF). The member of VFW ‘‘ floating dock will cost about Post 12022 in of the puzzle $44,000 to construct on the River. Marion, said Because of variations in the water down there. PHOTO BY EMILY COMBS, THE PRESS service officers levels on the Ohio River, the dock will be at the –Dan Wood will be portable so that it can be post on North College Street magistrate on boat pulled onto shore during times of from 8 a.m. to noon on both dock at Riverview Park high water. days. When in place, the dock would make access to the Ohio River Checkmates You do not have to be a safer and more convenient by giving boaters up member of the post to re- to four temporary mooring spots. Crittenden County hosted a regional chess tournament over the weekend, drawing 163 players ceive the free assistance. “To me, this is the last piece to the puzzle from 16 different schools. “This is not the first time we have hosted Regionals, but it is defi- Lanham said veterans can down there,” said Magistrate Dan Wood, who has get help filing claims any nitely one of the biggest ones we have had in a long time,” said Don Winters, coach of the been among the local leaders instrumental in Blue Knights, Crittenden County’s chess team. Pictured above is local sixth-grader Trey Swag- time by calling him at (270) putting together the grant application. “We have 836-3851. a really nice campground with camper pads and girt (right) contemplating a move against Chase Stevens, a Crittenden County eighth-grader. Also on Tuesday, the VFW For local results from the weekend chess tournament, see Page 2. post serves breakfast begin- See DOCK/Page 4 ning at 7 a.m. Public meetings - Crittenden County Ruling could affect rural water rates Board of Education will con- vene for a special called STAFF REPORT meeting at 6 p.m. today word. Ronnie Slayden, Crit- tract cannot exceed the nancing for expansions to ingston does,” he said, an- tenden-Livingston Water length of those in elected water distribution systems ticipating an appeal, which (Thursday) at the central of- Livingston County Cir- cuit Judge C.A. Woodall III District superintendent, positions who ap- would be almost im- could take another year or fice. has granted summary said the district plans to prove it. Additionally, possible to secure. two just as the original case - Crittenden Fiscal Court judgement in a legal battle appeal the order. Woodall found that “In the end, it may did. will convene for a special between two water districts, Ledbetter Water District the agreement be- take some legislative The contract entered into meeting at 8:30 a.m. Monday effectively voiding Critten- filed a lawsuit in 2015 ask- tween the two dis- cure to solve this, by both boards of directors at the courthouse to adopt a den-Livingston Water Dis- ing Livingston Circuit Court tricts was indeed a but we know it can- in 2000 compels Ledbetter resolution supporting a trict’s 40-year contract to for relief from its long-term franchise, and he not stand like this,” to purchase at least 3 mil- Homeland Security grant ap- sell drinking water to Led- contract signed in 2000. said it had not been Frazer said. lion gallons of water a plication for fire department better. However, Critten- Woodall’s order filed Jan. properly bid 17 years Billy Downs, su- month from Crittenden-Liv- turnout gear. den-Livingston isn’t giving 25 says the contract is un- ago. Frazer perintendent for Led- ingston. The cost is almost - Crittenden County Con- up. enforcible, citing case law Frazer explains better Water District, $8,000 a month. The rate is servation District will hold Bart Frazer, attorney for and providing an analysis that voiding the contract doesn’t expect anything to $2.58 per 1,000 gallons. its regular meeting at 6:30 the two-county water dis- to back up the decision. will have broad conse- change right away. When the two parties en- p.m. next Thursday at the of- trict headquartered in In its original claim, Led- quences for similar water “There are still some tered into the contract, the fice located at 118 E. Bellville Salem, said there is too better’s attorney, Van Sims districts and utilities all things that will be decided rate was $1.83. However, much at stake to let the of Paducah, argued that across Kentucky. He said in court. We’re waiting to St. in Marion. judge’s ruling be the final under Kentucky law, a con- without such contracts, fi- see what Crittenden-Liv- See RULING/Page 4 Newcom: Study does not reflect efforts at shelter Facebook.com/TheCrittendenPress STAFF REPORT University of Kentucky supposed to be doing," also providing other essen- Shelter Act intended to im- Twitter.com/CrittendenPress The county's animal study. The 2016 survey of Cynthia Gaskill, an associ- tial services.” The 59-page prove the care and control [email protected] shelter in 2016 took in the state’s 92 county shel- ate professor at the UK Vet- study rated shelters on 18 of stray or abandoned pets.
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