SEMINARY JOURNAL VOlUme eighteeN NUmber ONe SPriNg 2012 Theme: Evangelization From the Desk of the Executive Director Msgr. Jeremiah McCarthy The New Evangelization and the Formation of Priests for Today Most Rev. Edward W. Clark, S.T.D. A Worldly Priest: Evangelization and the Diocesan Priesthood Rev. Matthew Ramsay For I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me Cardinal Roger Mahony Teaching Catechesis to Seminarians: A Fusion of Knowledge and Pedagogy Jim Rigg, Ph.D. International Priests in the United States: An Update Rev. Aniedi Okure, O.P. Emphasizing Relationality in Distance Learning: Looking toward Human and Spiritual Formation Online Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, O.P., and Sr. Paule Pierre Barbeau, O.S.B., Ph.D. Pastoral Ministry: Receiving Even While Giving Deacon James Keating, Ph.D. On a Dominican Vision of Theological Education Ann M. Garrido, D.Min. Priest as Catechetical Leader Diana Dudoit Raiche, Ph.D. Mountain Men: Preparing Seminarians for the Spiritual Trek Sr. Mary Carroll, S.S.S.F. Virtual Reality Requiring Real Virtue Msgr. Anthony J. Ireland, S.T.D. The Heart of the Matter Most Rev. Edward Rice Catholic Ministry Formation Enrollment: Statistical Overview for 2011-2012 Mary Gautier, Ph.D. BOOK REVIEW Life and Lessons from a Warzone: A Memoir of Dr. Robert Nyeko Obol by Robert Obol Reviewed by Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, O.P., Ph.D. National Catholic Educational Association The logo depicts a sower of seed and reminds us of the derivation of the word “seminary” from the Latin word “seminarium,” meaning “a seed plot” or “a place where seedlings are nurtured and grow.” SEMINARY JOURNAL VOLUME 18 NUMBER ONE SPRING 2012 Note: Due to leadership changes in the Seminary Department, this volume was actually published in April 2013. The Seminary Journal is a journal of opinion, research and praxis in the field of seminary education and formation for priesthood within the Roman Catholic tradition. Articles are selected, edited and published by the Executive Director of the Seminary Department of the National Catholic Educational Association. Msgr. Jeremiah McCarthy, Executive Editor Katherine Schmitt, M.Div., Associate Editor Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Assistant Editor Dr. Daniel Van Slyke, Copy Editor Melissa Von Rohr, Copy Editor Beatriz Ruiz, Graphic Designer i Seminary Journal Distribution Policy Seminary Journal is published 3 times a year: spring, fall and winter. NCEA Seminary Department members are entitled to 6 copies of the Seminary Journal. They are mailed to the president/rector, the academic dean, three directors of formation and the librarian. Additional copies may be purchased based on the following pricing structure: Subscriptions & Back Issues Individual Subscriptions: $20.00 per volume year. Multiple Copies & Back Issues: 1-5 copies: $8.00 each 6-9 copies: $5.00 each 10 or more copies: $3.00 each (Index for issues since 1995 may be accessed and orders placed online at www.ncea.org/ departments/seminary.) Make checks payable in U.S. currency to “NCEA Seminary Department” and send with your order to the following address: NCEA Seminary Department Suite 525 1005 North Glebe Road Arlington, VA 22201 Telephone: (571) 257-0010 Fax: (703) 243-0025 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: www.ncea.org Call for Articles The Seminary Journal editors welcome articles related to seminary life, policy issues and the priestly formation process. If you would like to submit an idea for an article or a document, please contact us as soon as possible. We prefer advance notice rather than receiving submissions without prior notification. Journal space fills up quickly. Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and sent via e-mail attachment to [email protected]. Endnotes Endnotes, not footnotes, are to be used in articles, as needed. Not all articles will need endnotes. Disclaimer Views expressed in the articles are those of the respective authors and not necessarily of NCEA or the Seminary Department. The editors reserve the right to either reject submitted copy or edit it for clarity of presentation. If necessary, a document will be returned to the authors with recommendations for revisions. Index to Seminary Journal Indexed in The Catholic Periodical and Literature Index. For an online index of articles featured in Seminary Journal since 1995 go to www.ncea.org/departments/seminary. ISSN 1546-444X Published by the National Catholic Educational Association 1005 North Glebe Road, Suite 525 Arlington, VA 22201 SEMINARY JOURNAL VOLUME 18 NUMBER ONE sPRING 2012 Note: Due to leadership changes in the Seminary Department, this volume was actually published in April 2013. CONTENTS Msgr. Jeremiah McCarthy 1 From the Desk of the Executive Director Theme: Evangelization Most Rev. Edward W. Clark, S.T.D. 5 The New Evangelization and the Formation of Priests for Today Rev. Matthew Ramsay 12 A Worldly Priest: Evangelization and the Diocesan Priesthood Cardinal Roger Mahony 18 For I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me Jim Rigg, Ph.D. 23 Teaching Catechesis to Seminarians: A Fusion of Knowledge and Pedagogy Rev. Aniedi Okure, O.P. 34 International Priests in the United States: An Update Sebastian Mahfood, O.P., Ph.D. 44 Emphasizing Relationality in Distance Learning: and Sr. Paule Pierre Barbeau, O.S.B., Ph.D. Looking toward Human and Spiritual Formation Online Deacon James Keating, Ph.D. 52 Pastoral Ministry: “Receiving even while giving” Ann M. Garrido, D.Min. 58 On a Dominican Vision of Theological Education Diana Dudoit Raiche, Ph.D. 63 Priest as Catechetical Leader Sr. Mary Carroll, S.S.S.F. 71 Mountain Men: Preparing Seminarians for the Spiritual Trek Msgr. Anthony J. Ireland, S.T.D. 79 Virtual Reality Requiring Real Virtue Most Rev. Edward Rice 83 The Heart of the Matter Mary Gautier, Ph.D. 85 Catholic Ministry Formation Enrollment: Statistical Overview for 2011-2012 BOOK REVIEW Reviewed by 105 Life and Lessons from a Warzone: A Memoir of Dr. Robert Nyeko Sebastian Mahfood, O.P., Ph.D. Obol by Robert Obol iii National Catholic Educational Association Seminary Department Seminary Journal Call for Articles Seminary Journal is pleased to announce a call for articles for 2013. Spring 2013 – Spiritual Direction in Priestly Formation What are the exemplary practices in spiritual direction? What are the fruits of those practices that demonstrate their value for spiritual, human, intellectual and pastoral formation? Deadline: June 1, 2013 ______________________________________________________________________ Fall 2013 – Human Formation in Light of the John Jay Study How can we apply Pastores dabo vobis to what the John Jay Study reveals? What are the implications of the John Jay Study for priestly formation and training? Deadline: August 1, 2013 ______________________________________________________________________ Winter 2013 – Leadership Formation for Youth and Young Adult Ministry How do particular academic disciplines help in leadership formation for youth and young adults? How does our priestly formation today help change youth culture tomorrow? Deadline: October 1, 2013 Please send submissions c/o Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, to [email protected]. Please include a short biography and photo with each submission, and use endnotes not footnotes. From the Desk of the Executive Director his issue of the journal is devoted to the theme is our foremost expert on these trends, and his work of evangelization, and specifically, the call for the should be read in light of the data on seminarians and T“new evangelization” as outlined in the writings of seminaries from the Center for Applied Research in Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, and signaled, the Apostolate (CARA), authored by Dr. Mary Gautier originally, by Pope Paul VI. Bishop Edward Clark, my and re-printed with permission in this issue of Seminary distinguished seminary classmate, has written wisely on Journal. Caring for the needs of international priests and this topic and offers further insights on the new evange- supporting them is essential not only for the well-being lization with a particular focus on priestly formation. I of presbyterates and seminaries, but also for the parishes think that you will find his thoughts on how evangeliza- and Catholic communities that receive them and are tion can be addressed in each of the four dimensions of blessed by their distinctive gifts and talents. the Program for Priestly Formation to be especially timely, It is no secret that advances in technology are astute and practical. changing the landscape of higher education, includ- Complementing Bishop Clark’s perspective is a fine ing theological education. Critical questions, however, essay by a recently ordained priest, Fr. Matthew Ramsay, remain with respect to the role of technology in profes- who attended Mt. Angel Seminary in St. Benedict, Or- sional education. Can a medical practitioner, pilot or egon, and is ordained for priestly service in the Diocese seminarian be trained virtually to such an extent that of Saskatoon, Canada. By a “worldly priest,” Fr. Ramsay face-to-face, real-time learning is no longer necessary? means a priest who knows how to engage and minister An emerging consensus among professional educators is to the diverse and challenging contexts in this particular that technology can support but not supplant traditional period of the church’s history. forms of learning, especially for skilled professionals. Cardinal Roger Mahony, emeritus Archbishop of Sebastian Mahfood, O.P., and Sr. Paul Pierre Barbeau, Los Angeles, shares his wisdom and expertise about the O.S.B., provide a thoughtful analysis of how new tech- enormous need to respond to the immigrant Catholic nologies can be useful in supporting relational skills that community. Cardinal Mahony has a strong legacy of care are so essential in the areas of human spiritual forma- for the poor and his article captures the passion and zeal tion. This contribution to an ongoing debate provides that he brings to this vital ministry. much food for thought and discussion.
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