Changing public space The recent redevelopment of Dutch city squares Veranderende openbare ruimte De recente herontwikkeling van Nederlandse stadspleinen (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. J.C. Stoof, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 21 mei 2008 des ochtends te 10.30 uur door Rianne Gertruda van Melik geboren op 7 juli 1980 te Horst titelblad-van Melik.indd 1 27-03-2008 13:45:15 Promotor: Prof.dr. J. van Weesep Co-promotor: Dr. I. van Aalst titelblad-van Melik.indd 2 27-03-2008 13:45:15 Changing public space proefschrift-van Melik.indd 1 27-03-2008 13:41:16 Nederlandse Geografische Studies / Netherlands Geographical Studies Redactie / Editorial Board Drs. J.G. Borchert (Editor in Chief ) Prof. Dr. J.M.M. van Amersfoort Dr. P.C.J. Druijven Prof. Dr. A.O. Kouwenhoven Prof. Dr. H. Scholten Plaatselijke Redacteuren / Local Editors Drs. R. van Melik, Faculteit Geowetenschappen Universiteit Utrecht Dr. D.H. Drenth, Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Dr. P.C.J. Druijven, Faculteit der Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Drs. F.J.P.M. Kwaad, Fysich-Geografisch en Bodemkundig Laboratorium Universiteit van Amsterdam Dr. L. van der Laan, Economisch-Geografisch Instituut Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Dr. J.A. van der Schee, Centrum voor Educatieve Geografie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Dr. F. Thissen, Afdeling Geografie, Planologie en Internationale Ontwikkelingsstudies Universiteit van Amsterdam Redactie-Adviseurs / Editorial Advisory Board Prof. Dr. G.J. Ashworth, Prof. Dr. P.G.E.F. Augustinus, Prof. Dr. G.J. Borger, Prof. Dr. K. Bouwer, Prof. Dr. J. Buursink, Dr. J. Floor, Prof. Dr. G.A. Hoekveld, Dr. A.C. Imeson, Prof. Dr. J.M.G. Kleinpenning, Dr. W.J. Meester, Prof. Dr. F.J. Ormeling, Prof. Dr. H.F.L. Ottens, Dr. J. Sevink, Dr. W.F. Sleegers, T.Z. Smit, Drs. P.J.M. van Steen, Dr. J.J. Sterkenburg, Drs. H.A.W. van Vianen, Prof. Dr. J. van Weesep ISSN 0169-4839 proefschrift-van Melik.indd 2 27-03-2008 13:41:17 Netherlands Geographical Studies 373 Changing public space The recent redevelopment of Dutch city squares Rianne van Melik Utrecht 2008 Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap Faculteit Geowetenschappen Universiteit Utrecht proefschrift-van Melik.indd 3 27-03-2008 13:41:17 This publication has been submitted as a PhD thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor (PhD) at Utrecht University. The public defence of this thesis took place on May 21, 2008. Promotor: Prof.dr. J. van Weesep, Utrecht University Co-promotor: Dr. I. van Aalst, Utrecht University Examination committee: Prof.dr. J. Burgers, Erasmus University Rotterdam Dr. L. Deben, University of Amsterdam Prof.dr. R. van Kempen, Utrecht University Prof.dr. T. Kreukels, Utrecht University Prof.dr. R. van der Vaart, Utrecht University The research was sponsored by the Dutch national research subsidy programme BSIK (Besluit Subsidies Investeringen Kennisinfrastructuur) and the Urban Research centre Utrecht (URU). ISBN 978-90-6809-416-9 Photos by Rianne van Melik (except where otherwise noted) Graphic design, cartography and figures: GeoMedia (Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University) Copyright © Rianne van Melik, c/o Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, 2008 Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden vermenigvuldigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, fotokopie of op welke andere wijze dan ook zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgevers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, by print or photo print, microfilm or any other means, without written permission by the publishers. Printed in the Netherlands by A-D Druk b.v. – Zeist proefschrift-van Melik.indd 4 27-03-2008 13:41:17 Contents Figures 9 Tables 11 Voorwoord 13 1 Changing role of public space in a changing society 15 1.1 Introduction 15 1.2 Definitions of public space 16 1.3 Frame of reference 20 1.4 Research objective and research questions 21 1.5 Research approach and methodology 24 1.6 Academic and social relevance 25 1.7 Outline of the thesis 27 2 Development and typology of Dutch city squares 29 2.1 Introduction 29 2.2 Classic squares 31 2.3 Medieval squares 32 2.4 Squares from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Neoclassic period 34 2.5 Industrial and post-industrial squares 35 2.6 Typologies of city squares 40 2.7 Conclusions 44 3 Current trends in the design and management of public space 47 3.1 Introduction 47 3.2 Secured public space 48 3.3 Themed public space 52 3.4 Social dynamics and spatial change in public space 56 3.4.1 Socio-cultural dynamics 57 3.4.2 Economic dynamics 60 3.4.3 Political dynamics 61 3.5 Conclusions 62 4 Private-sector involvement in the redevelopment of public space 63 4.1 Introduction 63 4.2 Dynamics of public- and private-sector initiatives 64 4.2.1 Waves of private-sector involvement in urban development 64 4.2.2 Urban entrepreneurialism 66 4.3 Roles and objectives of public and private actors 71 5 proefschrift-van Melik.indd 5 27-03-2008 13:41:17 4.3.1 Role and objectives of local government 73 4.3.2 Role and objectives of the private sector 74 4.3.3 Role and objectives of the stakeholders 76 4.4 Private-sector influence on redeveloped public space 76 4.4.1 Budget 77 4.4.2 Free access 78 4.4.3 Other effects on public space 80 4.5 Conclusions 80 5 Research design and methodology 83 5.1 Introduction 83 5.2 Selection of the research units 84 5.2.1 New typology of city squares 84 5.2.2 Inventory of Dutch city squares 89 5.2.3 Choice of cases 89 5.3 Research methods 91 5.3.1 Semi-structured interviews with key actors 92 5.3.2 Focus group meetings and interviews with advisory team 93 5.3.3 Secondary data and observations 94 5.4 Analysing the cases 94 5.5 Conclusions 97 6 Urban policy and spatial structure of the cases 99 6.1 Introduction 99 6.2 Rotterdam 100 6.2.1 Policy and structure in Rotterdam 100 6.2.2 Schouwburgplein 105 6.2.3 Beurstraverse 108 3.3 Dordrecht 112 6.3.1 Policy and structure in Dordrecht 112 6.3.2 Grote Markt 116 6.3.3 Statenplein 119 6.4 Enschede 123 6.4.1 Policy and structure in Enschede 125 6.4.2 Oude Markt 126 6.4.3 Van Heekplein 129 6.5 ’s-Hertogenbosch 133 6.5.1 Policy and structure in ’s-Hertogenbosch 134 6.5.2 Markt 137 6.5.3 Loeffplein 140 6.6 Conclusions 143 6 proefschrift-van Melik.indd 6 27-03-2008 13:41:17 7 Fear and fantasy in the cases 147 7.1 Introduction 147 7.2 Fear and fantasy in Rotterdam 147 7.3 Fear and fantasy in Dordrecht 149 7.4 Fear and fantasy in Enschede 151 7.5 Fear and fantasy in ’s-Hertogenbosch 153 7.6 Comparing the research objects on fear and fantasy 155 7.7 Conclusions 158 8 Private-sector involvement in the cases 161 8.1 Introduction 161 8.2 Roles and objectives of public and private actors in the PPP research objects 162 8.2.1 Role and objectives of the local government 163 8.2.2 Role and objectives of the private sector 165 8.2.3 Role of the stakeholders 167 8.2.4 Role and objectives of other involved actors 169 8.3 Effects of private-sector involvement 170 8.3.1 Budget 171 8.3.2 Free access 173 8.3.3 Coherence 175 8.3.4 Process 176 8.4 Conclusions 179 9 Conclusions, reflections, and implications 183 9.1 Introduction 183 9.2 Development of Dutch city squares 184 9.3 Current trends in public space 185 9.4 Private-sector involvement in public-space redevelopment 186 9.4.1 Objectives 187 9.4.2 Effects 189 9.5 Policy implications 190 9.6 Implications for future public-space research 192 Glossary 195 Appendix A Interviews and focus group meetings 197 Appendix B Overview of redesigned city squares in Dutch city centres 200 Appendix C Topic list for interviews with case-study respondents 202 Appendix D Topic list for interviews with advisory team 204 Appendix E Main Dutch developers and investors 206 Samenvatting 209 References 217 Curriculum vitae 231 7 proefschrift-van Melik.indd 7 27-03-2008 13:41:17 8 proefschrift-van Melik.indd 8 27-03-2008 13:41:17 Figures 1.1 Outline of the thesis 27 2.1 The Vismarkt in Utrecht as example of a vault square 33 2.2 Neude in Utrecht in 1989 37 2.3 Neude in 2007 37 2.4 The Dam in Amsterdam 39 2.5 DN Urbland’s typology of city squares 43 3.1 Sign of CCTV in Barcelona 49 3.2 The Beestenmarkt in Delft completely covered by sidewalk cafés 55 3.3 Dynamics in production structures and consumption patterns and their spatial effects 57 4.1 Model explaining increasing private-sector involvement in urban redevelopment 66 through the rise of urban entrepreneurialism 4.2 Changing image of Syracuse a) as an industrial city in 1848 and b) as a 69 post-industrial city in 1986 4.3 Four main groups of actors involved in city centre retail 72 5.1 Cultural square: Museumplein 85 5.2 Retail square: Waterlooplein 85 5.3 Café square: Leidseplein 86 5.4 Civil square: Dam 86 5.5 Map of the Netherlands indicating the location of the cases and research objects 90 5.6 Six-dimensional profiles of the Grote Markt in Almere 96 5.7 Permanent stage on the Grote Markt 97 6.1 Map of the city centre of Rotterdam 102 6.2 Schouwburgplein 107 6.3 Map of the Schouwburgplein 107 6.4 Beurstraverse 111 6.5 Map of the Beurstraverse 111 6.6 Map of the city centre of Dordrecht 114 6.7 Grote Markt 118 6.8 Map of the Grote Markt 118 6.9 Statenplein 121 6.10 Map of the Statenplein 121 6.11 Map of the city centre of Enschede 124 6.12 Oude Markt 127 6.13 Map of the Oude Markt 127 6.14 Van Heekplein
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