- ----·--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Fired workers - page 7 VOL XVIII, NO. 113 THURSDAY, MARCH IS, 1984 Du Lac revision could prohibit ads for events where alcohol is served By JOSEPH MURPHY trees, posts, or other property on the Staff Reporter University grounds." "Its seems the University is sett­ Advertisements referring to al­ ling out to implement an alcohol coholic beverages will be policy that has already been decided prohibited from all university on," Grote said. property according to proposed A tighter alcohol policy means changes in next year's Du Lac by students will go off campus to attend Dean of Students james Roemer. parties. The proposed change would "This is a totally new issue. Before hinder students from learning about we were talking about the use of al; those parties through advertise­ coho!. Now, we're talking about the ments, said sources within the coun­ right of students for information," cil who asked not to be identified. said David Grote, a member of the These same sources said the Judicial Council. The issue was dis­ change follows the trend towards a cussed at last night's council tighter University alcohol policy. meeting. Joe Roveda, head of the Du Lac The present version of Du Lac Review Committee, said, "I haven't states, "The advertising of alcohol is discussed the proposal with Dean prohibited on campus." The Roemer, so I don't know what his proposed text states, "Events involv­ motives are." ing the use of alcohol which directly Bill Bergamo, a council member, or indirectly refer to alcoholic said, "Basically, it's in Du Lac right beverages in any form cannot be ad­ now. It's in there now, but not en- vertised or posted on any University The Observer/BID Grojean property including bulletin boards, see DULAC, page 4 Leaving so soon? their spring break plans. The three Dillon seniors Frank and William Dabaware and Tom Grojean beaded out oftheir dorm yesterday packedfor a trip to aren't about to let these last two class days bold up Acapulco, Mexico. Gretchen Meyer to be Alumni sponsor information van, SM C valedictorian activities in Florida during break · By ANNE GALLAGHER in Chemistry and a B.A. in By ROBERT SIENKIEWICZ center and a place to announce by both Notre Dame and Saint News Staff Humanistic Studies. News Staff sporting events. Representatives of Mary's students, along with alumni Registrar Sister Francesca Ken­ Notre Dame's Career and Placement from the Fort Lauderdale area. Gretchen Meyer has been nedy noted the rarity of students An Alumni Association van will Service will be on hand to schedule named valedictorian for Saint graduating with two degrees and serve as an information center on interviews with potential Flordia The Shenanigans also have Mary's class of 1984, acccording maintaining the grade point the beach at Fort Lauderdale during employers. scheduled concerts on the beach, to the office of the registar. necessary to be valedictorian. Spring Break. The van, along with a Other events scheduled include a three concerts for alumni groups, "I didn't plan on being a tent, will be located next to the Saint Patrick's Day party at the River­ and appearances at local bars, double major," said Meyer. "All I Sheraton Yankee Trader Hotel. mont Hotel, two Masses, an over­ parishes, and high schools. knew was that I wanted more According to Chuck Lennon, ex­ night camping trip to the Liberal Arts courses, and in my ecutive director of the Alumni As­ Everglades, a camping trip to Key Funding for both the information junior year I figured out how to sociation, the center will not serve Largo, a Student Union party, a center and the Shenanigan tour was do it." She said both the as an alternative to the bar scene, but Yankees vs. Expos exhibition game, made available from sources includ­ Chemistry and Humanistic as an option. Explained Lennon, and several competitions on the ing; 113600 from the Shananigans, Studies departments were very previously students on .y had bars to beach. S3000 from the Coca Cola Com­ cooperative in helping her reach socialize in, now they have a choice. Notre Dame students will also pany, $2000 from local groups, and her decision. Lennon said the University will have the opportunity to use a free S2000 from an anonymous benefac­ To be valedictorian, Saint not be serving "in loco parentis." He WAITS line to call home and will tor. The University did not fund Mary's requires the student at­ added that the Alumni Association receive gifts of food, fruit, and soft these events because they weren't tend at least five semesters at the will be sponsoring the center in drinks for the return to campus after allocated in the budget. College, and rank first in her cooperation with the Student Union the 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday. Gretchen Meyer class. and the Student Alumni Relations These events will be open to all Lennon is very optimistic about Meyer was surprised to be Group. Notre Dame and Saint Mary's stu­ the success of these spring break Meyer, a pre-med student from selected,"I had no real solid idea The purpose of the center is mul­ dents and locations will be given at events. Should they meet expecta­ Saint Louis, Missouri, will tifaceted. One is to "provide a see MEYER, page 5 the information center. tions, Lennon will ask the l lniversity graduate with two degrees; a B.S. service to the students," said Len­ The station, which will be open to appropriate funds for them in the non. It will also serve as a message from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., will be manned future. Cheating is growing concern across nation, at Notre Dame ByJOHN NEBLO when the university withheld her a huge "sting" operation conducted O'Meara, however, refused to tests are in the form of essays and in StaffReporter diploma_ at the University of Maryland which speculate as to how widespread the advanced level math and science In the wake of the story, Time, netted scores of surrogate test­ cheating problem is. courses where students must show The academic community relies Newsweek, and U.S. News and takers. Verifiable data as to the extent of their work. In other words, where upon a high standard of integrity World Report all ran articles The article suggested that cheat­ cheating on campus is hard to come cheating is easy. students cheat; in the relations between its mem­ concerning academic honesty. ing touches all campuses and quoted by. But many students say privately where it is not, they don't. bers. To the extent that this stan­ Their findings were disturbing to a University of Oregon ad­ that cheating is more widespread However, even in those courses dard is not maintained, the good of some. ministrator, "Anyone so cavalier as that the University would like to ad­ where papers and essays make the community suffers and in­ U.S. News called college cheating to say, 'What cheating on my mir. cheating difficult, it is becoming justice (sometimes serious in­ "an epidemic." The article cited a campus?' is woefully out of touch. It In most introductory courses - easier. A 1976 study conducted at justice) may be done. 1980 Princeton University survey in (cheating) is a sad but true fact of particulary those with multiple the University of Illinois concluded Academic Honesty Code which 34 percent of the students life." choice tests scored by computers - that "students at every major univer­ duLac 1982-84 surveyed admitted to cheating at Is there a cheating problem at cheating is commonplace, students sity in the country have access to at least once in their undergraduate Notre Dame? say. least one commercial firm that offers Academic honesty has become a careers. Another study, at the Uni­ University Provost Timothy The course cited most often is a variety of writing and research point of growing concern among versity of Nebraska, found that 60 O'Meara thinks there may be. Said Chemistry 115-116, where students services ranging from under­ university administrators across the percent of the students surveyed O'Meara, ''I'd like to say i:hat there is speculate that the vast majority of graduate term papers to M.A. theses country. The issue attracted national were willing to cheat "if put under no cheating at N.D., but if I were the class has cheated at least once to Ph.D. dissertations." , news attention last year when a Prin­ severe pressure." wide-eyed enough to believe that, and some students have virtually To verify this assertion. The Ob­ ceton University senior convicted of The article further cited measures I'd have no business being the passed the course by cheating. server acquired two research papers plagiarism sued the university for university administrators were provost. Of course there is cheating Students claim far fewer incidents "unjust and arbitrary punishment" taking to combat cheating, including at N.D." of cheating in those courses where see CHEAT, page 4 ~-u: - ;;p;:-~-' ··r;- --,... -~J -.. -1!7 _.. ~ , In Brief GaryHart·needs til prOvide Retired Army major general Msgr. Francis L 'beef' in upcoming primaries Simpson, former chief of Army chaplains, has been appointed special assistant to Notrt· Dame president Father Theodore Hesburgh for New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Wyoming, Florida, Rt·servt· Officer Training Corps affairs. Sampson, 72, current pastor Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Washington and Nevada of St. Nicholas Church in Tea, S.D., retired from the Army in 1971. A - in a political stroll across the U.S., Gary Hart's I 9 3 7 alumnus of Notre Dame, Sampson was ordained in the diocese Paul McGinn presidential campaign has tal<en on the Mondale myth of Des Moines in I 941.
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