LEEDS ART S CALENDAR LEGACIES TO THE LEEDS ART COLLECTIONS FUND The LAC F depends for its income entirely on members and supporters. Please consider leaving the LAc F a legacy in your will: it is a charitable organization and all legacies to it are exempt from Capital Transfer Tax and aggregation without limit. Bequests can take the form of a lump sum or the residue or a fraction of your estate. Some members might prefer to consider leaving works of fine or decorative art but if you contemplate doing this it would be helpful if you could please seek the advice of the Secretary who can let you know if any item will fit into the permanent collection of the Leeds City Art Galleries. The following would be a suitable form of words to send to your solicitor for inclusion in your will: 'I bequeath to the Leeds Art Collections Fund of Temple Newsam House, Leeds, a legacy of free of all ........................ taxes'he Hon Solicitor of the LAc F is always very happy to advise potential benefactors. THE LEEDs ART co LLEcTIDNs FUND is one of the oldest supporting bodies for the visual arts in Great Britain, a source of regular funds for buying works of art for the Leeds collections. Why not identify yourself with the Art Gallery, Temple Newsam House and Lotherton Hall, receive your Arts Calendar free, receive invitations to all functions, pnvate views and organized visits to places of interest. Membership is open to everyone on payment of a minimum annual subscription of fiio; those under 3o years of age can become a Young Friend for EI. There is also a concessionary joint membership for EII and life membership for LI Io per person or fizzs joint. Corporate membership for organizanons is fizs. If you would like to loin simply complete the form and send ir with your remittance io the Hon. Secretary, Leeds Art Collecnons Fund, Temple Newsam House, Leeds Lsi 5 OAE. Telephone 64TIzr. President Lord Marnn Fitzalan Howard; Vice President The Rt Hon the Earl of Harewood I.I.D; Trustees E. M. Arnold, J. S.Fox, Mrs B. Roberts; Committee W. A. B. Brown (Chairman), E. M. Arnold (Vice-Chairman), Councillor B. P. Atha, J.Bates, R. H. Duncan, M. Paraskos, B.W. Read, Dr I. Roscoe, S. Wood; Hon Treasurer J. S. Fox; Hon Secretary C. G. Gilbert; Hon Membership Secretary Dr R. B. Welch; Hon Legal Adviser T. A. Last; Hon Excursions Secretary Mrs Audrey Warburton; Events Committee Chairman Dr J. R. Sherwin, Miss P. Thompson (Events Committee Assistant), Miss K. Plant (Hon Membership Records Secretary). cULTURAL sERvicEs coMMITTEE The Lord ivlayor; Chair Couniallor B. P. Atha; Deputy Chair Councillor Mrs C. Myers; Councillor I. Favell, Counollor J, G. B. Frankland, Counallor H. J. Gardiner, Councillor Mrs S. M. Gill, Councillor P. J. Gruen, Councillor F. Hamilton, Councillor I. Hugill, Counallor G. P. Kirkland, Councillor A. N. K. Lowe, Couniallor Mrs R. Lund, Councillor R. A. Mitchell, Councillor Mrs M. Monks, II, Councillor E. Moxon, Councillor E. A. Nash. sTAFF Director of Art Galleries Christopher Gilbert MA FMA; Principal Keeper Anthony Wells-Cole MA AMA; Head of the Henry Moore Centre for the Study of Sculpture and Curator of the Sculpture Collection Penelope Curtis PHD; Keeper (Art Gallery) Alexander Robertson MA AMA; Keeper (Lotfierton Hall) post vacant; Keeper (Temple Neivsam) James Lomax MA AMA; Keeper of Furniture Conservation lan Fraser; Keeper (Education) Adam White BA MA I HD; Senior Assistant Keeper (Education) Amanda Phillips; Senior Assistant Keeper (Art Gallery) Corinne E. Miller BA AMA; Senior Assistant Keeper (Exhibitions) Nigel Walsh BA; Research Assistant (Henry Moore Centre for the Study of Sculpture) Benjamin Dhaliwal BA; Librarian, (Henry Moore Centre for the Study of Sculpture) Denise Raine BA; Curatorial Assistant Helen Bower MA; Keeper of Paintmgs Conservation Jennifer Hack BA, Dipcons; Keeper of Technical Services John Berry BA; Technical Assistant David Hudson; Administrator Chnstine Stokes; Secretary Denise Lawson; Clerk Typist Valerie Jackson; Clerical Assistants Sheel Bharj, Jacqueline Howson. NQTE Starting with the first issue published in iy4y, the entire Leeds Arts Calendar is now available on microfilm. Wnte for information or send orders direct to Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48io6, UsA. FRONT COVER ILLUSTRATION Alan Bennett at Leeds City Art Gallery photo: Torre Gill, courtesy BBC LEEDS ARTS CALENDAR NUMBER 115 '994 Editorial Introduction ~ N I G E L WA L S H ~ 3 Mr Bennett'S PiCtureS ALAN BENNETT Catalogue ~ 3o I ~ l ~~Q w II g +)(I)i J > ~~g'~ fir i]l @I Paula Rego The Artist in her Studio 1992-93 acrylic on canvas Bought with Leeds City Council funds and with the aid of grants from the VgcA/MGC Purchase Fund the National Art Collections Fund and the Leeds Art Collections Fund Paula Rego, horn in Portugal in 1935 but resident in Britain since coming here as an art student, has been described recently as 'one of the most interesting figurative painters of our generation' ED ITO RIAL Exactly ten years ago, the LACF spearheaded a new regime, which will control eight buildings. successful appeal to purchase Turner' These changes are likely to create challenges for celebrated album of Bird Studies from the the LACF. Farnley Hall collection for f.223,000. During Since the last editorial appeared, progress has the Summer, the City Art Gallery was faced with been achieved in improving signs at the Art the task of raising a similar sum (6234,000) to Gallery; happily, the LACF now has its own acquire another great Yorkshire treasure, notice board to advertise events. A start has also Auguste Rodin's life-size figure The Age of been made on installing a modern lighting Bronze, commissioned directly from the system, the first space to be upgraded being sculptor by the Beckett family of Leeds in 1906. the Watercolour Room. The small Sculpture Once again, the LACF, which has, over the Gallery and Models Room, which had become years, played such a crucial role in enriching the something of a disaster area, are being re- Leeds collections sportingly agreed to make a designed and will shortly house new displays. direct grant of f.10,000 and also launch a public Daru Rooke, Keeper of Lotherton Hall, and appeal for funds. Donations comfortably Samantha Flavin, Curatorial Assistant, both exceeding the amount committed from general transferred to Armley Mills Industrial Museum funds were received, so once again the City is in August. Together, they organized memorable infinitely grateful to the LACF for its inspired costume exhibitions at Lotherton, transformed support. Before approaching major grant-giving the Oriental Gallery and created a very special bodies, in this case the NACF, the HMF, the Edwardian atmosphere at the Hall. Adam NHF and the V8cA/MGC Purchase Fund, it is White, formerly Keeper of Educational Services, essential to show that one has been energetic in has been appointed to Lotherton and takes up seeking to generate funds locally, so while the his duties in the new year. The vacancies appeal raised only just over 10/o of the total it caused by these moves will, when filled, bring was a decisive contribution. welcome new blood into the curatorial team. While lottery money is likely to change the There have been no major new developments whole landscape of museum fund-raising, it is at Temple Newsam, although the programme of unlikely that this is the last time Leeds curators recreating historically authentic interiors by will have to embark on an exhausting cam- reinstating chimneypieces and hanging exact paign. In fact, the famous oil painting by Sir copies of indigenous wallpapers continues on Peter Paul Rubens The Holy Family with St John the West Wing, while a firm of architects from from the historic Temple Newsam collection is York recently completed a survey of the struc- currently on the art market and seems an ture and fabric of the building. Finally, members obvious candidate for a lottery bid. The picture may like to know that we did very well at the was featured on the cover of the Leeds Arts Raby Castle attic clearance sale in October. Our Calendar, No. 110 (1992l and earlier this year haul included a handsome Regency canopy bed we borrowed it from Agnews for display both with single foot and head posts, plus all the at the City Art Gallery and in the very spot original striped and fringed hangings; a suite of where it had originally hung at Temple Newsam. grained pine servants'urniture; two footman's Members may have heard about the imminent stump beds with corded bottoms; an anthology merger of the Art Galleries and Museums of argand lamps converted to electricity, which Services in Leeds. Nearly all local authorities, are precisely what we need for Temple Newsam, including Sheffield, Bristol and Hull, who in the and an elephant's-foot stool destined for past ran their museums and galleries separately, Lotherton, which used to bristle with big have decided to unite them under a supremo game trophies until the last Lady Gascoigne, director, and this is now about to happen in who was chiefly interested in the World Wildlife Leeds. It is not yet clear to what extent the Art Fund, ordered them all to be burned. Galleries will preserve their identity under the Mr Bennett's Pictures Introduction Galleries are sometimes accused of being temples of high culture and the curators who work in them of being priests and priestesses, dispensing arcane knowledge to the visitor. The television film made at Leeds City Art Gallery by Alan Bennett, Jonathan Stedall and the production company Scorer Associates, and first broadcast to popular and critical acclaim on the BBCat Easter 1994, showed the Gallery to be anything but that.
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