SATURDAY. JUNK 24, 19O5 of Hlffi School Held ta Methodist mond Tobnton; "Bo-Peep," 1 M WWtW»«,M.J ..j hg&er; *'Uttl« Red RtdloeHo«£ Marion •omunent UnveDe4-Cclebratioa of 125th Epbcoptl Oroxch TBCJ4V Ettntnr. Nelion; "Bachelor and WIte»!LGari Lar- AMhemryUttle of SprtntfUW, _ ton and Jennie Bonteropo^JjatJs and fi, Brew Hues to Thnie annnal l CommeDcement exercltea Jill," Ralph Johnson and Grade Cfcmp- Yeaterday waaa great occasion in of the Summit High School were held bcU; "Dude and Maid," Francis Topes tba hlitory of SprinfffleR It was the KODAK In the Methodist Episcopal church, on »nd Marion Wrigbi; "Sunbonntt Bable*," >Add to the after-delighta of your Defeated Orange Wednalay Far Vawntt la Comll Violet Hoffman; Minnie Falkenbure.Mazte celebration of tbe 125th anniversary of Tuesday evening, before a large audi- the Battle of Bprinnfleia. • ' .' holiday with pictures of the peo- CDonnell, Annie ~ - ' ple, th« places and the sports you Leadenblp ^l 1. with arcitrMtdj Every step ii *raduate*. The extreisw were opened burg, Kathleen O'Doimell, Frances Wil- Newark Drum Corps; Hose Co. No. easy by the Kodak system- with prayer by the Rev. A.-HL Tattle. liamson, Margaret Littell, Mamie Bon- tempo. — headed by Madison Qram Corps; and BDDfiET- BADE DP D- D., pastor of the church. tbe Book and Ladder Company, headed Kodaks $5 to $108. Dolls—AUco Swick, Marion Sherlock, SANE TEAMS MEET TODAT The honor members of the data were Jennie Burner, Dorothy Brush, Ruth by Clement's Italian Band, with their Brownies $1 to $9. Miss Helen L. Markham, who deliv- Cae&ar, Jennie Bonteinpo. hwKUomely polished apparatus, left B Total Less bj_l$»90O Thata Last ered the valedictory^ and an essay on early In the morning to participate, and Part tl.—Children 61 the Nations^ ' picture Frame*— I Lbideman \t> teir-Beecfcwood Place to be Wid- "Music and its Influence," and Bollln ^Puritan, Annie Elliott; Indians, ••Hia- made a fine showing In the parade. Artists' Materials [ C. Dean, president of the class, who watha's Wooing" — "Nokpmia," Vivian • Tbe celebration, began at 10 o'clock Schultz, ened—Objection Withdrawn gave an excellent essay on "Material Loane; "Hiawatha," Donald Robtrtson; with a street parade, under 'command "Minnehaha," Lillian Holland; ••Ancient —Pitched Good Ball The last regular June meeting of the Benefits of Scientific Investigation." Arrow-maker," Ray Chisholm; other In. of Grand Marshal George M. MacDon- II MAPtE STRKKT. SUMU1T, N. J, amon Council was called. to order Both addresses showed much care and dians, Paul Melroy, Edith Brew«ter, Myrtle ald, assisted by six mounted aids. study in their preparation, and were Bowers; Reader, Dorothy Borstleman. • . In line were the Milbnrri police, band, STANDING OP THE CLUB3. considerably after the stated hoax—6 - wtm lent p,o. o'clock—byHPreaident Finch, on Tues- well rendered, without even tbe use of -Kegtw*^Etta Dibott, Ruth WrightEhle Veteran Zouavea^of Elizabeth, under notes, and received with great applause Earl, Alexander Maebert,. William Wfl- tbe command of General J. .Madison and Sommit.;..,... 0 2 .750 day evening, -at]- which time all -the Uamson, Kenneth Brenn. Orange -.'...... 5 3 .025 - Coaacilmen, with the exception of Mr, by tbe audience. Drake^with the historic canon; Edward The parade was "thronRh ihe princi- French Ladica—Elsa Flindel), Charlotte H. Wade Poet. <3. A. R-f float, Colom- pal fltreeU^nd covered abont. tbree pover 1 3 .571 Finney, were in their seats. The chief address of the evening was Parkin, Florence Bartley," Edna Bowers, aiorristown;...'.... 4- 4 .600 bia; drum and fife corps, Janior Order miles. ' *— .. The first business taken up, after the that of the Re*. Minot C, Morgan, pas Olive Nelson, AgdaSwcnsoh; - r StroudsburR a 4 .420 reading and approval of the minutes of tor of the Presbyterian Aurcb, who Is. Eskimo, Willie Parkin, Japanese Sing- of United American Mechanics, drum The afternoon exercises In connection PhillipBbarg , 1 -7 .I25 the previons^meeting, was the. reading an able and forceful speaker, and held ing'Girl,. Hazel Goodwin; Japanese,Sex- corps, Short Hills. Fire Department, with the nnveiling of tbe inonnment.of the united attention of his audience, tette, Alma Compton, Gertrude Grifiiths', with combination wagon .and band; t^he Continental soldier took place at of a communication from a . number of Enca Klockwn, Agnes Swcnton, Hazel To-day*s Qanies! tbe residents pf Mountain avenue, etat- throughout the discourse. He congrat- Wolfe.Olga Brattlof.: \ • • ',''.' Marshal, Milbnrn Fire Department, sup- the Presbyterian church corner' at 3 ulated the principal and faculty of Chinamen — Harold •' Reeve, Elbridge ply wagon; hook and ladder truck and o'clock. - A musical program was fur- Summit at Orange. injr that they wonld lay a cement side- Morristown at Madison. walk fonr feet' in width along their teachers upon their profession, wbiph Powell, Camil Burner, Harold Wilson, hose reel; float, ^'Pat Watts Into Them, nished by Schnepel's band of Elizabeth. Aubrey Baldwin.Clifl'ord Williamson, Frank Stroridoburg at Dover. property on said avenue provided the. he said was* ranked by none; they per- Boys"; float. "Women in the Battle of The pnplla of the Mllburn, and Spring- Parkin.' • • Springfield"; Summit Fire Department, dty wonld conatrnct' tbe crosswalks.^ formed a noble service, and tbelr hearts . Spanish Dancing Girl—Helen Crane. field public schools sang. The Invo- - Wednesday'a Gantes. hook and ladder track, East Summit cation was offered by Rev. JrH. Egbert, The communication waa. signed -by should bound trfth joy to realize that Sailors — George Falkenburg, Lester Madison at Sdmmit. Reeve, Leslie .Chishotm7"Willianr-Loanef Hoee Company Jtfo. 2. Union Hose Com- pastor, of the Springfield' Methodist JamesaOallaEher^Will Lyle, H. It. theyhadhadapartin theresults attained Morristown at Stroudsbarg. ' by the class which bad just completed Raymond Nelson. pany No. 1, with dram corps;'float, church. • The dedicatory prayer was of* Batter, E.H. Simonson, George F. Hil- Soldiers — Ruuel McCowan, Edward Dover at Orange. ton and C E. Holland, and was received its academic coarse. To the members Paul Jones and His Sailors"; float. fered by Rev. Walter B. Pimm, of the Newton, Thomas Reynolds, DeWitt New- Games next Saturday. ind placed on file. ' of the, class and pupils of tbe school, ton, George Brewster. Captain Littell and His 3ix-poander": Mllbnrn Baptist chnrcbV Rev: William who had straggled and worked bard to _ To conclude with tableaux and chorus. MUbnrn Board of Education, Spring- Hoppangb, pastor of the Springfield") Summit at MorriatowD. In a communication,' George W. perform the tasks assigned them. It Miss Helen Cassidy, Miss Grace field Board of Education. Mllburn Pub- Presbyterian church, and a member of Orange at Dover- Campbell, Ja'mes B- Gallagher and was a great satisfaction to Realize the Borers, Hiss Marlon Krake and Hiss lic School children; float, "Spirit of tbe^ State commission, presided. .The Stroudsbarg at Madison. Junes Ely asked, permission to lay a results which bad been accomplished. Louise Spanieling bad charge of the 1776"; children of St. Rose of- Lima's oration of the day was delivered by fonrrfoot^ement 'sidewalk in front of Parochial School; float, "What Oar former Governor Foster M.. Voorhees. He urged the graduates to push for- entertainment, and Mies Elizabeth and "Hlpplty-hop, hippity-hop, Sammtt their property, 80. 82 and 73 Mountain Forefathers Feared"; Springfield Public "Caldwell, of Springfield," was recited ward upon the work of life, which they Miss Martha LaRne, the decorations^ ~ on tbe top," can be truly sang by the avenue. Tbe permission was granted. School children;, float, "Washington by Mrs. Amy Lyon Kingsbnry, or now enter; to fix a goal and strive to rooters again. Thl8~Wiug*m«de poulbU ~~A communication addressed fo the CrossinR the Delaware"; Marshal Meisel Springfield. accomplish something definite, and by by .Summit using the Uramco team aa a Mayor and Common J3onnci!rand signed Can I Know God?- and his horsemen, guests in carriages Tbe monument was unveiled by Miss by the Beechwood Land Company and obedience to the natural and-moral The Rev. A. H. Tattle, D.D., pastor atepping-Btone to the league leadership laws of this life" to achieve success in Gladys Elizabeth Wade, daughter of on Wednepday afternoon, when they William Cranstoun, stated that objec- of tbe Methodist GpiBcopal church, Is Mr. and Mrs. William 8. Wade, of ie~life eternal. — . met the Fleer do-Us play en .fox. the tion bad been made on June 6 to the preparing a series of discourses dealtns South Orange, assisted by Miss Ruth Supervising Principal, J. Kaason La- first time in the league aeries, on proposed widening of Beechwood place with questions which are arising in the Kigglns,. daughter of C. Symmes Rig- tbxop, .presided, in the absence of Dr. the home groands, and handed op to from Springfield avenue to Euclid ave- mlnds~Df~tboiightfnl yonnK" people of gins, of Elizabeth, who* Is a member of R. H. Hamill. president of the Board of Hair Health them a defeat by tbe score of 0 to 4. une, bat that now the company desired today, in regard to the fundamentals of tbe State commission. Both young Education, who was -unavoidably de- When the game opened Orange and to withdraw tbe objection to the im- their religions belief*. Beginning to- If there Is an increase of- dandruff; if women are lineal descendants of promi- tained, and presented the diplomas to . the hair has lost-lustre and softness and Snmmit were on a par'for top-notch provement being made. The communi- morrow evening with the subject, "Can nent participants in the Revolutionary the graduates in a few well-chosen and 1 is constantly falling out,. Jxildness is a hononrand both teams Wanted the con- - cation was received.and placed on file.
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