APRIL 2017 MAGAZINE Annual Report Issue Fraternalist of the Year Page 5 GoGive: A Moment of Magic Page 33 Inside This Issue Volume 125 | Issue 2 | April 2017 The GCU Magazine 1 President/CEO Report (USPS 227-900) (ISSN0895-5395) 6 Executive Vice President/COO Report Subscription Per Year: $12 7 Chief Financial Officer—Annual Report To Canada-Per Year: $18 13 Photographs—National Officers Periodical Postage Paid at 15 National Officers’ Directory Beaver, PA 15009 and at additional offices District Officers’ Directory 15 Postmaster 16 Lodge Directory Send address changes to: 17 Spiritual GCU Magazine 5400 Tuscarawas Road, 18 Estate Planning Beaver, PA 15009 19 Fraternal Friday, May 26, 2017 is the copy Community 32 deadline for the June GCU Magazine. GCU GoGIVE 33 Email copy to: [email protected] or 37 Announcements Mail to: GCU Communications Dept. Attn: GCU Magazine 38 Deceased Members 5400 Tuscarawas Road 40 Remembrances Beaver, PA 15009 Offi cial publication of GCU, Issued the 15th of February, April, June, August, October, December. Board of Directors Phone: Very Rev. Richard I. Lambert, Spiritual Advisor 1-724-495-3400 Gregory N. Vladika, 1-800-722-4428 Chairman of the Board George A. Kofel FAX: 1-724-495-3421 Vice Chairman of the Board Melanie Basl [email protected] Dorothy Ann Foran www.GCUusa.com Lisa Gulibon Michael W. Karaff a Barbara J. Kushner David A. Oleksa John W. Oslick John J. Urban George N. Juba, Editor Basil M. Wahal, Managing Editor GCU MAGAZINE APRIL 2017 PRESIDENT CEO REPORT George N. Juba President CEO Embracing the Present current growth and fi nancial stability we enjoy today, yet never becoming compla- cent as there are current challenges being addressed with many more challenges that lay on the horizon yet to surface. Remembering Our Past As we “Remember Our Past,” I would like to share with you an excerpt from my report to the delegates of the 42nd National Convention as your President and Chief Executive Officer. The success that our Society enjoys today stems from a most historic decision made in 1977 by the Board of Directors in approving to add an annuity product to the GCU’s product portfolio. The excerpt from my presentation is as follows: “Our fi xed income annuity was fi rst intro- duced in 1977. In researching past minutes e welcome you to the 2017 of the Board of Directors meetings, Pres- Annual Report issue of ident George Batyko fi rst presented the It is important for the GCU Magazine! This annuity product to the Board for consider- year’s February magazine ation at the October 1975 Board meeting. us to “Embrace Wpublication highlighted the celebration of The annuity product was met with both fa- the GCU’s 125th Anniversary. Throughout vorable and unfavorable opinions, mostly the Present” and the course of 2017 we will continue to unfavorable at the time. After a great deal celebrate our current tout this amazing milestone achieved by of discussion, no positive action was taken our Society. at that meeting to approve the annuity plan financial success and In June of 2016, the GCU held its 42nd as a product off ered by the GCU. our total recovery National Convention. In anticipation of the Mr. Batyko, maybe being a little relent- celebration of our Society’s founding on less, once again requested the Board to from the onslaught February 14, 1892 and our 125 years of ex- reconsider the annuity plan at the April of the financial istence, the theme of our Convention was 1976 meeting. In his report to the Board at “Remembering Our Past, Embracing the this meeting he stated and I quote—“We markets from seven Present, Preparing for Our Future.” This were disappointed at the last meeting that theme selected was most apropos as we this Board did not give us the authority to short years ago. remember our deep history and its heri- implement an annuity plan. This is the hot- tage, the many challenges overcome and test plan in the insurance business today, successes accomplished, cherishing the and we should have it in our sales basket." GCU MAGAZINE APRIL 2017 1 PRESIDENT CEO REPORT Our Greatest Core Value is to Glorify God in All That We Do —end of quote. After discussion at this dedicated to the care for children of de- this publication is the GCU Magazine meeting, the Board agreed to implement ceased GCU members. Located in Elm- which you are currently reading. the plan on a trial basis for one year at hurst, Pennsylvania (Northeastern, PA), • A Juvenile Branch was established in which time a report be made to the Board the orphanage operated for 28 years. 1906 for youth ages 6 to 16 with the goal on the progress of this program, and the • The GCU currently has active lodges in of “Insuring the Future of the GCU.” rest is history. The fi xed annuity product 11 states. • The fi rst Home Offi ce of the GCU was offi cially became a product of the GCU in • The fi rst GCU National Golf Tournament located in Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania. August 1977 that complemented the vari- was held at the Duquesne Golf Club Other cities the Home Offi ce was locat- ous life products off ered. In the minutes of located in West Miffl in, Pennsylvania in ed in included Scranton, PA; New York the April 1978 meeting Mr. Batyko’s report 1948. Seven Oaks began hosting the City, NY; Oakland-Pittsburgh, PA and to the Board was as follows and I quote National Golf Tournament in 1978. Munhall, PA. On August 15, 1987 the again from the minutes. “We are pleased • The total immigration from Austria- Hun- GCU’s operations moved to its current with our annuity program—Approximately gary to the United States between 1880 location in Beaver, PA. $66,000 has been deposited on 47 plans and 1908 amounted to 2,780,000 peo- • Groundbreaking for the Saint Nicholas since the inception of our program in ple. It is estimated that 50% of the Rusin of Myra Chapel, located next to the August of 1977. We feel confi dent that an- population left Subcarpathian Rus by the GCU’s Home Offi ce, occurred on April nuities will be a strong contributing factor end of the nineteenth century. 25, 1991, as a memorial to the founders to our fi nancial stability.”—end of quote! • The death benefi t of a GCU member’s and generations of members before us. This “Wish” this “Vision,” this “Plan” and policy in 1892 was $400.00. • and fi nally… the GCU total assets in this “Goal” by Mr. Batyko and members • A Gymnastic Branch of the GCU was 1892 amounted to $600.00. Through of the Board of Directors in bringing on formed in 1910 for youth ages 14 to 21. March 31, 2017, the GCU’s total assets the annuity in the 1970’s is no doubt the The slogan “A Sound Mind in a Sound are now approaching $1.6 billion. primary contributing factor to our asset Body” was adopted. The Gymnastic growth and fi nancial stability and success Branch had their own news publication Embrace the Present we experience today!” and convention. It is important for us to “Embrace the Pres- We enjoy the success of our expand- • Six GCU gymnasts participated in a Gym- ent” and celebrate our current fi nancial ed portfolio of annuity products off ered nastics Exhibition in Prague, Czechoslo- success and our total recovery from the over the years because of this decision vakia in the summer of 1920. onslaught of the challenging economic made back in 1977. So, we must “Remem- • GCU purchased its fi rst computer in and fi nancial markets from seven short ber the Past,” that allows us to celebrate 1972, an IBM System 3. years ago. The fi nancial position of the the “Present”! • The 1960 Convention delegates fi rst GCU has never been stronger. We are authorized annual education grants extremely pleased and proud to report I would now like to share some of $25,000 to the Byzantine Catholic to you our 2016 GCU year-end fi nancial interesting facts about the GCU over Seminary located in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- results. As of year-end, total assets stand the course of its history. vania. This grant continues to date and at $1 billion $549 million representing a • The GCU’s fi rst Convention was held has been increased to $110,000 per year 14.4% increase over 2015. Surplus is now in 1893 in Scranton, Pennsylvania with the total amount contributed now at an all-time high totaling $108 million that included a parade through the exceeding $3 million. with profi ts in 2016 of $20.6 million be- downtown streets. • The fi rst GCU publication the Ameri- ing the major contributing factor to our • Today, there are currently over 50,000 kansky Russky Viestnik or American increased surplus. Our Chief Financial GCU members. There were 732 mem- Rusin Messenger, was fi rst printed and Offi cer, Tim Demetres, has presented de- bers in 1892. distributed on March 17, 1892 in both tailed reports and commentary for your • In 1923 an orphanage was opened and the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. Today review on the GCU’s fi nancial position for 2 GCU MAGAZINE APRIL 2017 year end 2016 located on page 7. Shell Cracker Plant for that will be shared at each and every In the 2017 Independent Comparative We remain confi dent that the commitment touch point our members, prospective Report of the GCU prepared by Standard by Shell Chemical to construct an ethane members and agents have with the GCU, Analytical Services, Inc., GCU's 2016 re- cracker plant within four miles of Seven both fi nancially and fraternally.
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