Le FORUM “AFIN D’ÊTRE EN PLEINE POSSESSION DE SES MOYENS” VOLUME 34, #3 FALL/AUTOMNE 2009 New Website: francoamericanarchives.org another pertinent website to check out - Franco-American Women’s Institute: http://www.fawi.net $6.00 US Le Forum This issue of Le Forum is dedicated in loving memory to Marie-Anne Gauvin Ce numéro du “Forum” est dédié à la Le Centre Franco-Américain douce mémoire de Marie-Anne Gauvin, voir Université du Maine Orono, Maine 04469-5719 [email protected] page 4... Téléphone: 207-581-FROG (3764) Télécopieur: 207-581-1455 Sommaire/Contents Volume 34, Numéro 3 FALL/AUTOMNE Features Éditeur/Publisher Yvon A. Labbé Letters/Lettres...............................................................................3, 25-27 Rédactrice/Gérante/Managing Editor Lisa Desjardins Michaud L’État du Maine.........................................................4-10, 22, 23, 27, 44 Mise en page/Layout Lisa Desjardins Michaud L’État du Connecticut.....................................................................11-22 Composition/Typesetting Robin Ouellette L’État du Massachusetts......................................................................23 Lisa Michaud Aide Technique L’État du Minnesota.....................................................37, 38, 42, 47, 48 Lisa Michaud Yvon Labbé France-Louisiane..............................................................................50, 54 Tirage/Circulation/4,500 Imprimé chez/Printed by Books/Livres...............................................................................30, 31, 49 Centre Franco-Américain, Orono, Maine Publié 4 fois l’an par le Centre Franco-Américain. Le Forum est distribué surtout aux Franco-Américains Genealogy/Généalogie......................................................................54, 55 des États-Unis. Les énoncés, opinions et points de vue formulés dans Le Forum sont ceux des auteurs et ne représentent pas nécessairement les points de vue Poetry/Poésie.............................................................28, 29, 33, 34, 43, 44 de l’éditeur ou de la rédactrice, ou de la Division pour l’Éducation Permanente à l’Université du Maine. Le Forum is published 4 times a year by the Coin des jeunes.......................................................................................46 Franco-American Center. Le Forum is distributed in particular to Franco-Americans in the United States. Statements, opinions and points of view expressed are Recipes/Recettes.....................................................................................32 not necessarily those of the editor, the publishers or the Division of Lifelong Learning or of the University of Maine. Baseball.......................................................................................35, 36, 43 Tous les textes soumis doivent parvenir à —For- ward all submitted texts to: Lisa D. Michaud, Rédac- trice-en-chef/Editor-in-chief, Le Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469-5719, U.S., au plus tard quatre semaines précédant le mois de publication—at URGENT NOTICE!!! least four weeks prior to the month of publication. Les lettres de nos lecteurs sont les bienvenues— Letters to the Editor are welcomed. DUE TO BUDGETARY CUTS WE WILL NO LONGER BE PRINT- La reproduction des articles est autorisée sans ING PAPER COPIES OF LE FORUM. OUR PUBLICATION WILL BE préavis sauf indication contraire—Our original articles may be reproduced without notice unless otherwise AVAILABLE ON LINE AT: FRANCOAMERICANARCHIVES.ORG indicated. L’équipe de rédaction souhaite que Le Forum soit un mode d’expression pour vous tous les Franco-Améri- WE ARE ASKING THAT IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A cains et ceux qui s’intéressent à nous. The staff hopes COMPUTER THAT YOU NOTIFY US SO THAT WE CAN MAKE that Le Forum can be a vehicle of expression for you Franco-Americans and those who are interested in us. ARRANGEMENTS FOR YOU TO RECEIVE A PAPER COPY. BUT Le Forum et son staff—Universitaires, gens YOU MUST NOTIFY US, OTHERWISE WE WILL NOT SEND YOU de la communauté, les étudiants --Angel et Naomi, THE NEXT ISSUE OF LE FORUM. SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO WRITE US. THANKS! MERCI! 2 Vol. 34 # 3 • AUTOMNE Quintal states in the dedication to her book Le Forum noted above, the devoted orders of religious 110 Crossland Hall Sisters and Brothers have been advocates Orono, ME 04469-5719 of the French Fact, la Francophonie, in New England for almost 140 years now. And as Dr. Quintal and her book’s contributors show Coeurs Immacule de Marie (also known so well, these indefatigable teachers did so as the Soeurs du Bon Pasteur) originally without resorting to physical or verbal abuse. To the Editor: staffed an orphanage at St. Joseph parish, St. Andre’s Home for unwed mothers; St. In the fall/winter issue of Le Forum, Andre’s parochial school until 1904 and St. Sincerely, I noticed an allusion to the prototypical nun Joseph parochial school, which I attended, Michael Guignard with the “big ruler” who hit students on the and St. Joseph’s high school; the Freres fingers “If you said something incorrect” du Sacre-Coeur taught boys at St. Andre’s To the Editor: in French or religion class. It reminded me middle school; the Freres de l’Instruction of the movie The Blues Brothers in which Chretienne taught boys at St. Joseph’s I read with interest in the Forum that Jake (John Belushi) and Elwood (Dan Ack- middle school and St. Louis High School the Unitarian-Universalist church is prepar- royd) Blues come into contact again with a from where I graduated; and the Soeurs de ing to receive refugees. While their efforts big ruler-bearing nun, their former teacher. St. Joseph Hospitalieres staffed Notre Dame are to be commended, as a Franco-American While no doubt there were some Hospital. These numbers are a tribute to the originally from Biddeford, Maine, I am very instances of physical abuse in parochial incredible achievement of our ancestors who familiar with the racist writings of Robert C. schools in the past, it appears from mem- exactly 250 years ago, when Wolfe defeated Dexter, a prominent Unitarian-Universalist oirs and letters written today that such Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham, num- writer. While I never read any claim from behavior was a common, everyday occur- bered only 60,000 souls in North America. Dexter that he was speaking for his church, rence. While I attended parochial schools When he delivered a talk on this his numerous articles, including “the French- at about the same time as the writer featured subject in 1989 at a colloquium of the Canadian Invasion” and “Fifty-Fifty Ameri- in the last issue of Le Forum, I frankly can Institut francais at Assumption College cans” attacking my ancestors and the ances- say that I was never the recipient of any in Worcester, Massachusetts, Dr. Brault tors of all Franco-Americans in Maine, still verbal or physical abuse from a religious made a special mention of the Soeurs de leave a sour taste in my mouth. Does anyone sister. Memory plays strange tricks on the L’Assomption de la Sainte Vierge who had know what position the Unitarian-Univer- mind and perhaps memoirs and histories taught him in Chicopee, Massachusetts salist church took when the Maine state written today about events a half a century and recognized in the audience a former legislature passed a law in 1919 forbidding earlier describe what the writer “remem- teacher who had made the trip from Nico- the use of French in Maine public schools bers” rather than what actually happened. let, Quebec especially to hear her former and school yards by students other than those In his excellent and thorough his- student speak. I still correspond with my studying Parisian French in the classroom? torical study of Franco-American parochial fourth grade teacher, Mere Ste. Rolande That law stayed on the books for 50 years schools in New England called “L’oeuvre was her name then, who is now 100 years and, according to Ross and Judy Paradis, des communautes enseignantes en Nou- old and in retirement in St. Foy, Quebec. “spawned frustration, anger and psycho- velle-Angleterre 1869-1986: les ecoles Dr. Brault’s article was included in a logical scars among several generations of paroissiales franco-americaines”, Gerard-J. book called Les Franco-Americains et leurs students” in Franco communities in Maine. Brault counted thirty-five religious orders institutions scolaires published in 1990 by of French-Canadian nuns who taught in the Institut francais In Worcester. The book Sincerely, New England and six orders of Brothers. is dedicated “ a toutes les religieuses et a tous Michael Guignard They taught in 215 schools in 152 cities in les religieux qui sont devoues sans compter New England. In Maine, French Canadian pour que vive la francophonie en Nouvelle- Chère Rédactrice; religious orders thought in 35 cities, towns Angleterre.” The book has 23 articles about and villages – alphabetically from Auburn Franco-American parochial schools through- J’ai reçu Le Forum, et je te remercie to Winslow and geographically from Fort out New England and the religious orders of beaucoup. Je t’envoie un chèque pour re- Kent, Madawaska and Van Buren to Bid- Brothers and Sisters who taught in those nouveller mon abonnement. Je suis toujours deford, Saco and Sanford. And, because it schools, as well as an excellent introduction fière de voir mon petit bout de mon histoire. was beyond the scope of his study, Brault by Claire Quintal. Noted authors such as Ar- J’ai reçu une carte de Mr. Y. Chartrand qui did not even the hospitals,
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