INDEX Aaron 136 Airlie, Stuart 96, 121 Abbo, Abbot of Fleury 166 Alberic, Bishop of Como 132–33 Abbo, Abbot of St. Germain Altaich, monastery 20, 22n65 d’Auxerre 51, 72 Alcuin of York 53, 73 Abdinghof, monastery 132 Aldiud, concubine of Conrad of Abraham, Bishop of Freising 49 Burgundy 128n11 Adalbero, brother of Empress Althoff, Gerd 6, 27n79, 69, 71, 102n62, Kunigunde 83–84 124, 155 Adalbero, nephew of Ulrich of Altmann, Count 120 Augsburg 133 ambasciator 15–19, 24, 103 Adalbert, Count 22n65 Ambrose of Milan 135 Adalbert, St. 46–47 amicitia Adalbert of St. Maximin, Trier 145–48 definition of 53 Adalbold of Utrecht 6, 149 intercession as demonstration Adaldag, Archbishop of of 38–40, 43, 157–59 Hamburg-Bremen 134 marriage and 104–6 Adalhard, Abbot of Corbie 87n7 political significance of 7, 57–59, 157 Adalhard, Abbot of St.-Omer 10n26 role of letter-writing in 10–11 Adalhard, Count Palatine 55n37 Andreas, Bishop of Parenzo 95 Adalhard, seneschal of Louis the Annales Hildesheimenses 120 Pious 55, 60, 65, 73, 75 Annales Quedlinburgenses 111 intercession by 71–72, 75, 88, 97, 114 Annals of St. Bertin 59 Adelard of Ghent, 121n104 Anno, Archbishop of Cologne 160, 164 Adelheid, Abbess of Quedlinburg and apocrisarius see archchaplain daughter of Otto II 56, 83, 111, 113 Apostolic Constitutions 140 Adelheid, Countess and mother of archchancellor 71–72, 87, 89–90, 95, Conrad II 114n80 97, 102 Adelheid, Queen of Louis the archchaplain 17–18, 72, 74, 87–91, 97, Stammerer 114 99, 126 Adelheid, Queen and Empress of arengae 15, 24 Otto I 133, 142 Aribo, Archbishop of Mainz and archchan- intercession by 33–35, 56–57, 112–113, cellor of Conrad II 69, 95, 124 116, 131, 160 Aristeus, familiar of Einhard 54 intercession for 56 Arn, Archbishop of Salzburg 126 patronage by 85 Arnold, Dorothee 59 political role of 60, 123n110 Arnstadt 142 as regent 26, 161 Arnulf, Bishop of Halberstadt 81–83 Adoption 1–2 Arnulf of Carinthia, King and Emperor Adventius, Bishop of Metz 133 court of 89–90, 94, 153 advocatia 90 diplomata of 23, 49, 89, 94, 100, 112, Aelfgifu, mother-in-law of King Eadwig 121 153–54 Aeneas, Bishop of Paris 56, 78 kin of 100, 103 Afred, Abbot of St. Stephen of Artold, Archbishop of Reims 131 Bagnoles 28 Aspert, Bishop of Regensburg and Agantheus, vassus of Einhard 50, 78 chancellor of Arnulf of Carinthia 89, 94 Agnes of Poitou, Queen and Empress of Astronomer, The, biographer of Louis the Henry III 116, 160, 164 Pious 96 Agobard, Archbishop of Lyon 121–22 Auduit 14n37 Aico, Bishop of Meissen 132 Augustine of Hippo 135 <UN> 200 index Aurillac, monastery of Sts. Pierre and as peacemakers 141–49 Clement 19n57 political role of 108–9, 126–31, 138–39, Auxerre 145, 147, 163–64, 167–68 See Abbo, Abbot; Heribold, Bishop; as preachers 137, 150–51 St.-Germain d’Auxerre, monastery as vicars 131–32 Avenay, monastery 126n4 Bithynia 92 Azecho, Bishop of Worms 165 Bloch, Hermann 182 Blok, Anton 5 Babo, Count 22n65 Bobrycki, Shane 55 Bamberg 2n3, 104 Boissevain, Jeremy 44–45, 77 See also Eberhard, Bishop Boleslav Chrobry, Duke of Poland 150, Bardo, Archbishop of Mainz 55–56 162n28 Baturic, Bishop of Regensburg 22n65 Boniface, Abbot of Fulda and Archbishop Bavaria 83, 102, 161 of Mainz 68 See also Berthold, Duke; Diemo, Count; Boso, Bishop of Lausanne 130 Gisela, Duchess; Henry, Duke and Boso, Duke of Burgundy 102–5 brother of Otto I; Henry, Duke and intercession by 31, 98, 101, 103 son of Duke Henry; Judith, Duchess Breisach 144 Beatrix, Countess of Flanders 113 Bresslau, Harry 17–19, 25–27, 31–32, 82, Benedict of Nursia 54, 97 130, 168 See also Rule of St. Benedict Brigida, Abbess of Andlau and sister of Benedict, Bishop of Volterra 130 Henry II 162 Benedict VIII, Pope 124 brokerage 13, 44–46, 77–79 Benzelin, Bishop of Pavia 129 Brousseau, Nicholas 153 Berenger I of Italy, King 55, 115 Brown, Peter 139 Bern, Abbot of Reichenau 91 Brun, Archbishop of Cologne 95, Bernacer, fidelis of Otto III 49 102–3, 108 Bernard, Count of Parma 97–98 intercession by 39, 89, 95, 107, 112, 128, Bernard of Italy, King 72n96 174n5 Bernhard, Bishop of Halberstadt 95 Brun, Bishop of Augsburg 111 Bernhardt, John 156 intercession by 101, 113, 175n12 Bernharius, Bishop of Verden 129 rebellion by 57, 149, 162 Bernward, Bishop of Hildesheim 132–33 Brun, Bishop of Verden 129 Bertha, Queen of Henry IV 160, 163n30 Brun, Bishop of Würzburg and Italian Bertha, sister of Louis the Pious 107 chancellor of Conrad II 95, 107, 111, 113, Berthold, Duke of Bavaria 49n13 176n15 Bertilla, Queen of Berengar I of Italy 115 Bullough, Donald 100n55 Bertolf, Count 33 Burchard, Abbot of St. Gall 61, 85–87 Bertrada, Queen of Pippin III 67 Burchard, Archbishop of Vienne Bertulf, Archbishop of Trier 133 and brother of Rudolf III of bishops Burgundy 112, 128 assemblies 88n9 Burchard (II), Duke of Swabia 55, 99 correspondence of 8–9, 76–77 Burgundy, kingdom of 24 election and appointment of 57–59, See also Burchard, Archbishop; Conrad 81–84, 95–96 of Burgundy, King; Rudolf I, King; intercession by 25, 29–30, 32, 39–40, Rudolf II, King; Rudolf III, King 50–51, 63, 77, 81–82, 91, 96, 107–9, Burning, Abbot of S. Giovanni in 125–34, 138–52, 160, 164, 166, 171 Parma 97 intercession with 50, 124 Büttner, Heinrich 148 as judges 140–41 liturgical role of 40, 66, 135–38, 167 Canossa 170 mediatory role of 40, 134–38, 141–45, Carloman II, King 18, 22n65, 51n22, 59, 87, 167–68 90, 98 as patrons 129–30, 132–34, 138–39, Cassiodorus 89, 93, 153 149–50 Casus Sancti Galli 85–86, 100 <UN> <UN>.
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