Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide Release 46.7 E97336 Revision 1 December 2018 Oracle Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide, Release 46.7 E97336 Revision 1 Copyright © 1993, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. 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Contents 1 Introduction Overview 1-1 Scope and Audience 1-2 Documentation Admonishments 1-2 Manual Organization 1-2 My Oracle Support (MOS) 1-3 Emergency Response 1-3 Related Publications 1-4 Customer Training 1-4 Locate Product Documentation on the Oracle Help Center Site 1-4 Maintenance and Administration Subsystem 1-5 EAGLE Database Partitions 1-6 2 Database Management Procedures Introduction 2-1 Removable USB Drive 2-2 Verifying the Database 2-5 Backing Up the Database Locally 2-8 Making a Backup of the Database on the Fixed Disk 2-8 Making a Backup of the Database to the Removable Media 2-12 Restoring the Database Locally 2-22 Restoring the Database from the Backup Partition of the Fixed Disk 2-22 Restoring the Database from the Removable Media 2-27 Repairing the Database 2-30 Copying the Database from the Active to the Standby Fixed Disk 2-36 Backing Up System Data to the Removable Media 2-50 Restoring System Data from a Removable Media 2-52 Formatting the Fixed Disk of the Standby E5-TDM 2-63 Formatting Removable Media 2-77 iii 3 GPL Management Procedures Introduction 3-1 Updating the BLMCAP and OAMHC GPLs 3-14 Updating the Signaling Link and Data Link GPLs 3-27 Updating the Service GPLs 3-49 Updating the Flash GPLs 3-75 Updating the HIPR2 GPL 3-106 Making the Trial Utility GPL the Approved Utility GPL 3-122 Reloading the TDM LCA Clock Bitfile 3-130 Updating the BLIXP GPL 3-144 Updating a High-Capacity Card to Run the BLIXP GPL 3-183 Conversion of SM8G-B Cards 3-211 SM8G-B Bootloader Swap 3-211 SM8G-B 32-bit to 64-bit Conversion 3-211 SM8G-B 64-bit to 32-bit Conversion 3-212 Conversion of SLIC Cards 3-212 SLIC 32-bit to 64-bit Conversion 3-212 SLIC 64-bit to 32-bit Conversion 3-213 4 System Administration Procedures Introduction 4-1 Setting the Clock and Date on the EAGLE 4-1 Changing the Security Defaults 4-5 Configuring the Unauthorized Use Warning Message 4-10 Changing the Security Log Characteristics 4-16 Copying the Security Log to the File Transfer Area 4-19 Adding a User to the System 4-24 Removing a User from the System 4-34 Changing User Information 4-37 Changing a Password 4-49 Changing Terminal Characteristics 4-52 Changing Terminal Command Class Assignments 4-82 Configuring Command Classes 4-90 Adding a Shelf 4-98 Removing a Shelf 4-101 Adding an SS7 LIM 4-106 Removing an SS7 LIM 4-110 Configuring the UIM Threshold 4-121 Removing a UIM Threshold 4-124 Configuring the Measurements Terminal for an EAGLE Containing 700 Signaling Links 4-126 iv Adding a Measurement Collection and Polling Module (MCPM) 4-132 Removing an MCPM 4-139 Activating the Fan Feature 4-143 Configuring the Measurements Platform Feature 4-143 Adding an FTP Server 4-154 Removing an FTP Server 4-160 Changing an FTP Server 4-163 Adding an E5-IPSM 4-169 Removing an E5-IPSM 4-190 Configuring the Options for the Network Security Enhancements Feature 4-200 Configuring the Restore Device State Option 4-204 Adding an Entry to the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table 4-208 Removing an Entry from the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table 4-215 Changing an Entry in the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table 4-221 Configuring the IMT Bus Alarm Thresholds 4-225 Configuring the Integrated Measurements Feature 4-229 Configuring the MFC Option 4-244 5 SEAS Over IP Configuration Procedures Introduction 5-1 Activating the SEAS over IP Feature 5-3 Performing the Initial SEAS Configuration 5-12 Configuring SEAS Terminals 5-19 Changing the Existing SEAS Configuration 5-32 Turning Off the SEAS Over IP Feature 5-42 A Controlled Feature Activation Procedures Introduction A-1 Activating Controlled Features A-2 Activating the EAGLE OA&M IP Security Enhancement Controlled Feature A-11 Unmate IP Security for Terminal and Measurements A-29 Activating the 15 Minute Measurements Controlled Feature A-29 Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm A-44 Deactivating Controlled Features A-46 Activating the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature A-50 Turning Off the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature A-65 v B Setting Up a Secure Telnet Connection to the EAGLE using PuTTY Setting Up a Secure Telnet Connection to the EAGLE using PuTTY B-1 C Setting Up a Secure Telnet Connection to the EAGLE using OpenSSH Introduction C-1 Install the Windows OpenSSH Software C-2 Establishing
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