בס”ד NOVEMBER 3, 2018 --- 25 CHESHVAN 5779 PARSHAT CHAYEI SARA --- SHABBAT MEVORCHIM SHABBAT MATTERS Friday November 2 Shabbat, November 3 Torah Reading: 11:15 am Post-Musaf Drashot: 5:04 pm Earliest Candles 7:30 am Hashkama Minyan Bereshit 23:1 - 25:18 Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - Sanctuary 5:47 pm Candle Lighting 8:15 am Chumash-Rashi Shiur with Rabbi Elihu Abbe - Sisterhood Hall Hertz P. 80 5:55 pm Mincha Melech Halberstadt 9:00 am Shacharit: Sharp Sanctuary & 5:00 pm Bnei Akiva Groups Stone P. 108 Downstairs Minyan 5:00 pm Pre-Mincha Shiur by Ezer Diena Haftorah: Friday November 9 9:45 am Post-Hashkama Shiur by 5:35 pm Mincha 4:38 pm Candle Lighting Rabbi Alex Hecht 5:55 pm Seudah Shlishit Drasha by Ezer Diena I Melachim 1:1 - 1:31 4:45 pm Mincha 10:00 am Youth Programs 6:46 pm Shabbat Ends Hertz P. 90 10:00 am Teen Minyan 7:45 pm Parent-Child Learning with Rabbi Abbe Stone P. 1136 TODAH RABAH to the sponsors: MAZAL TOV AND OTHER MEMBERS MATTERS CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH: • Mazal Tov to Elie & Judy Roth on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, SophieSophie. Excited twin Elie & Judy Roth in honour of the brother is HillelHillel. Proud grandparents are Simone & Jack Oziel and Leah & Steve Roth. Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, • Excited sister is Ellie . שראל רחמים ,Sophie Mazal Tov to Adir & Dara Dishy on the birth of a son, Izzy RayRay Harold Spring in honour of his Sara. Proud grandparents are Marc & Joy KoplowitzKoplowitz, Ilan Dishy, Dorit Sova Ansel, Sandra Dishy 75 th birthday and Harry Litwin. Excited great-grandmothers are Frances Namak and Edna Dishy. Thrilled aunts, David Eisenstat & Amanda Salem uncles and cousins are Yoni, Bailey, Leo and Isaiah RothRoth, Jake KoplowitzKoplowitz, Eytan, Dafna, Yair, and family in gratitude and in Erez, Yishai Dishy, Ariel and Seth Ittleman, Ashley and David Finson and Aryeh Ansel. honour of Chaim's birthday • Mazal Tov to Je=rey Pelchovitz & Elizabeth GottesmanGottesman on the birth of a baby girl. Proud Barry & Debby Goldman in grandparents are Steve Gottesman & Liddy Beck and Mark & Saimi Pelchovitz. commemoration of the yahrzeit • Mazal Tov to Harold Spring on his 75 th birthday. z”l of Debby’s sister, Joelle Chilcott • Mazal Tov to Chaim Eisenstat on his special birthday. and Barry’s brother, Macky Goldman z”l Louise Goldberg in YU TORAH MITZION FALL SHABBATON commemoration of the yahrzeit of her father, Abraham This Shabbat, we are pleased to welcome the YU TorahTorah MiTzion Fall ShabbatonShabbaton: “Ten Ideas for Ten Goldberg z”l Years on Ten Tests of Jewish Exile & Return.” The following learning opportunities will be o=ered: Naomi Freudmann and family in Friday Night Oneg: “The Return to Zion” - 9:00 pm at 67 Glen Park Avenue commemoration of the yahrzeit • Rabbi Elihu Abbe - Can We Get Along? Intra-Jewish Cooperation . of their husband and father, • Ezer Diena --- Waiting for Mashiach or Making Mashiach? David Freudmann z”l • Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - The Morality of a Jewish Military . DOWNSTAIRS MINYAN: • Rabbi Alex Hecht --- Is Jewish Democracy Possible? Kusiel Perlman & Ronitte • Friedman-Perlman in Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner --- Should Israel be a Nation that Dwells Alone? commemoration of the yahrzeit Shabbat at Shaarei Shomayim of Kusiel’s mother, Sara • PostPost----HashkamaHashkama Shiur by Rabbi Alex Hecht - The Rise of Christianity . Perlman z”l and Ronitte’s sister, • Sharp Sanctuary --- PostPost----MusafMusaf Drasha by Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - Sapere Aude! The Shana Friedman z”l Enlightenment . Mendy & Marilyn Maierovitz in • Downstairs Minyan --- PostPost----MusafMusaf Drasha by Rabbi Elihu Abbe - Facing the Holocaust . commemoration of the yahrzeit • of Mendy’s mother, Helen PrePrePre-Pre ---MinchaMincha Shiur by Ezer DienaDiena, 5:00 pm - Martyrdom and the Inquisition . • Maierovitz z”l Seudah Shlishit Drasha by Ezer DienaDiena, 5:55 pm - Emancipation and Assimilation . TEEN MINYAN: Ari & Stephanie Greenwald in continued on p. 2 honour of their son, Gabe’s Bar SHAAREI SHOMAYIM UPCOMING PROGRAMS Mitzvah anniversary • Motzei Shabbat, November 3, 7:45 pm - ParentParent----ChildChild LearningLearning. See flyer on page 3. BREAKFAST: • Sunday, November 4, 9:30-11:00 am - Kids Partners with our Shinshinim, Oriya and MaorMaor. Help Sunday Nov. 4 support the children near Gaza and their Instagram initiative. RSVP to [email protected]. Larry & Ilana Kurtz in • Sundays, November 4-25, 2:00 pm - Torah & Philosophy Shiur with Rabbi Jesse ShoreShore. commemoration of the yahrzeit • Friday, November 9, 5:00-6:00 pm - KidsKids’’ Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi ShoreShore. of Ilana’s father, Ezra Asher z”l • Shabbat, November 10 - Presentation and Kiddush honouringhonouring Brian CantorCantor. To sponsor Kiddush Wednesday Nov. 7, 2 nd Minyan in Brian’s honour go to shaareishomayim.shulcloud.com/form/BrianCantor. Jerry & Sandra Genesove in • commemoration of the yahrzeit Motzei Shabbat, November 10, 7:00 pm - Family SkatingSkating PartyParty. See flyer on page 3. of Sandra’s sister, Florence • Monday, November 12, 7:30 pm - Legal Ethics with Rabbi Mordechai TorczynerTorczyner. Rogers z”l • Shabbat, November 16-17 - ScholarScholar----inininin----ResidenceResidence Dr. Shira BerkovitsBerkovits. See flyer on page 3. IS BACK! The first installment on Shabbat, November 10, will be NYNYNY FEST . Be a Kiddush FEST Booster! To sponsor go to shaareishomayim.shulcloud.com/form/NYFest or call the oEce at 416-789-3213. TORAH MATTERS: DATE DAVENING TIMES SHIURIM AND LECTURES Sunday, November 4 8:30 am Shacharit 7:30 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler 26 Cheshvan 4:45 pm Mincha 2:00 pm Torah & Philosophy Shiur with Rabbi Shore 2:00am Turn clocks back 1 hour Monday, November 5 6:55 / 7:45 am Shacharit 6:10 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler 27 Cheshvan 4:45 pm Mincha 9:30 am Nevi’im Acharonim Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler Tuesday, November 6 7:00 / 7:45 am Shacharit 6:15 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler 28 Cheshvan 4:45 pm Mincha 9:30 am The Birth of Moral Selfhood Shiur with Dr. Zolty 1:30 pm Yeshayah Shiur with Rabbi Torczyner 8:00 pm Parshat Hashavua Shiur with Rabbi Diamond Wednesday, November 7 7:00 / 7:45 am Shacharit 6:15 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore 29 Cheshvan 4:45 pm Mincha 8:00 pm Personal Growth Shiur with Rabbi Abbe Thursday, November 8 6:45 / 7:45 am Shacharit 6:00 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore 30 Cheshvan 4:45 pm Mincha I Rosh Chodesh Friday, November 9 6:45 / 7:45 am Shacharit 6:00 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore 1 Kislev 4:38 pm Candle Lighting II Rosh Chodesh 4:45 pm Mincha Kriyat Shema should be recited after 5:42 pm this week. Now that the days are shorter, please make an extra e=ort to come to the daily minyanim to ensure that we have enough people for davening. PARSHA MATTERS - by Rabbi Chaim Strauchler THE TRAGIC LOGISTICS OF “““US“USUSUS”” AND “““THEM“THEMTHEM”””” We are all coping with a horrible tragedy. We each cope in our own personal way. We may not have known those who were murdered in Pittsburgh, but we know that it could have been us. We rightfully feel it as our loss. Our political leaders and people who identify us in the street o=er us condolences on the passing of our “brothers and sisters.” We do not question, “Who?” Rather, we graciously accept their kind wishes. In our Torah portion, Sarah dies. Avraham must find a place to bury his beloved wife. He approaches his neighbours. They truly want to help him. Yet, the finding of a burial spot requires negotiations. Negotiations require an “us” and a “them.” Avraham’s neighbours praise him as a nesi elokim – a prince of God - in their midst. Yet, Avraham, recognizing that he remains a “stranger,” must struggle to gain their acquiescence to his purchase of a field. In the United States and Canada, Jews are fortunate to have the support of our governments. We can never take this for granted. In the aftermath of events in Pittsburgh, our Prime Minister wrote a dramatic and truly inspiring letter of support. PM Trudeau deserves our thanks. Yet, even in this good message are the residues of Avraham’s experience. “I’ve had the chance to work with you on many occasions over the past few years, and I know the incredibly important role that your leadership plays in protecting everything that makes us who we are as a country. Jewish values are Canadian values, and Canada would not be Canada without the many, many contributions of the Jewish community. You and your families and communities are in our hearts.” Jews have made Canada. Yet, on some level, Jews are not Canada. “Your” is not “our.” This, too, is the price of that horrible anti- Semitic crime. Two hundred years ago, George Washington set out what it was that we should all aspire to in addressing religious freedom. He wrote to the Jews of Newport, who had thanked him for his tolerance: “It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights, for, happily, the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their e=ectual support.” This is a high ideal. Whether we are Americans or Canadians – Jews or non-Jews, it is an ideal toward which we must continue to toil. May we all “demean” ourselves only as good citizens, and may we never again require the beautiful consolations of good- hearted leaders.
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