
Vol. XXI, No. 23 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] March 6, 1919 Comptroller E. L. Williams Will Retire Next Summer Two More Names Added to Cor- nell's Roll of Honor Basketball Team Defeats Prince- ton, City College, and Rochester American, French, and British Dec- orations for Cornellians ITHACA, NEW YOEK CORNELL ALUMNI NEΛYS Executor Trustee Lang's Chartered 1822 Published for the Associate Alumni of Palace Garage Cornell University by the Cornell Alumni THE FARMERS' LOAN News Publishing Company, Incorporated. is situated in the center of Ithaca Published weekly during the college year AND TRUST COMPANY and monthly during the summer; forty issues 117-119 East Green Street annually. Issue No. 1 is published the last Nos. 16-22 William Street Thursday of September. Weekly publication (numbered consecutively) continues through Branch: 475 Fifth Ave. Commencement Week. The number of at 41st Street It is absolutely fireproof. monthly issues and of double numbers will Open day and night. Com- depend somewhat on the University calendar, New York which is likely to be irregular for the period modious and fully equipped. of the war. Issue No. 40 is published in LONDON PARIS A full stock of tires and August and is followed by an index of the entire volume, which'will be mailed on re- tubes and everything in the quest. Letters of Credit line of sundries. Subscript^on price $3.60 a year, payable ίn ad- vance. Foreign postage 40 cents a year extra. Foreign Exchange Domestic rates apply to addresses in the Amer- ican Expeditionary Forces. Single copies twelve Cable Transfers cents each. Double numbers twenty-four cents a Official Automobile copy. Administrator Guardian Should a subscriber desire to discontinue Blue Book Garage his subscription, notice to that effect should be sent in before its expiration. Otherwise Member Federal Reserve Bank and New it is assumed that a continuance of the sub- York Clearing House scription is desired. William H. Morrison '90 Checks, drafts, and orders should be made payable to Cornell Alumni News. Ernest D. Button'99 Correspondence should be addressed— Cornell Alumni News, Ithaca, N. Y. Cascadilla School Succeeding the widely known Printed by The Ithacan Sturgis School WITH Entered as Second Class Matter at Ithaca, N. Y. Summer Courses for special preparation for University Entrance ^fou ΊVΓίl Find 1he Bell 899 — Oak Avenue — 255 Ithaca Business Is Good Throughout the year ITHACA FNORAVIN0 You CAN AFFORD to come to Ithaca for Write for catalogs to ^ tibat suit or Tuxedo. A. M. Drummond, M. A., Director, Write for samples. Ithaca, New York Kohm £S> Brunne TUTORING IN ANY SUBJECT Fnrfravin 220 E. State St. When in Ithaca, visit The Mercersburg Academy AT Prepares for all colleges _ι THE and universities: Aims TOP at thorough scholarship, _OFTHC 306 East State Street broad attainments and Christian manliness STAIRS. ADDRESS LIBRARV NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS WILLIAM MANN IEVINE, Ph.D. _ BLD'C. ' The Cornell Society of Civil Engineers maintains a Begistra- President N.TIOCAST. tion Bureau. Complete records MERCERSBURG, PA. of 2,000 Cornell men are on file. Employers may consult these records without charge. If pre- ferred, we will recommend a man to fill your needs. REGISTRATION BUREAU ITHACA TRUST COMPANY 30 East 42nd Street ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS Boom 916. New York City Pres Charles E. Treman Vice-Pres., Franklin C. Cornell Vice-Pres., Emmons L. Williams Vice-Pres. and Sec., W. H. Storms Phone Murray Hill 3075 Treasurer, Sherman Peer CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXI, No. 23 Ithaca, N. Y., March 6, 1919 Price 12 Cents HE Christian Association is per- School, New York, Professor Herbert J. were decorated in oriental fashion, and fecting plans for discussion classes Davenport, of the Department of Eco- all wflio attended were in costume. Dan- Tamong the men of the University nomics, and Riley H. Heath '12, an Ith- cing was followed by a grant march be- on the general topic of " World Citizen- aca lawyer. The prize is $94 in money. fore a reviewing committee of college professors, who formally awarded prizes: ship. '' The aim is to stimulate interest HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION, interrupted for the most beautiful costumes to Pro- among the students in the varied ques- last spring by reason of the war, will be fessor and Mrs. Martin W. Sampson and tions, social, industrial, moral, and re- resumed with the coming of settled for the cleverest costumes to Frederick R. ligious, which the war has intensified; weather. Various roads near Ithaca will ; and to show the young men what oppor- Steffens 20, of Washington, D. C., and be completed, and new work begun. A ; Phyllis Chapman 19, of Brooklyn. So tunities may be open for their help in bill appropriating five million dollars for successful was the ball that the promot- constructive Christianity both in America road work has lately passed the Legisla- ers among the students in architecture and overseas. The plan contemplates ture. In the benefits from this law entertain hopes for an am±ual repetition. group discussions one hour a week in Tompkins and neighboring counties will dormitories, fraternity houses, wherever share. Meantime efforts are being made THE WEEK'S LECTURES include "Liber- men may be conveniently brought togeth- to insure the repair of the approaches to ty and Equality/' by Professor Carl er; weekly forums in Barnes Hall for Becker before the Intercollegiate Social- the city, short -stretches between the ( men who cannot attend the smaller meet- ist Society ' The Compensation of La- paved streets and the city boundaries. 7 ings; talks and directive hints by ma- Here the expense will fall on the munici- bor/ by Professor Dexter S. Kimball ture students or members of the Faculty pality. The matter is of more than pass- before the Ethics Club; "The Czecho- acting as leaders; and a leaders' training ing interest to Cornellians, since many slovak Republic"' (illustrated), by class held weekly in advance of the group alumni will doubtless come by automo- Louis F. Miscovsky, professor of Bohem- meetings. This scheme has grown out of bile to the Semi-centennial Celebration ian in Oberlin College. On Sunday discussions at a recent conference of Y. next June. evening, March 9, Professor Nathaniel M. C. A. secretaries at universities in Schmidt will address the Zionist Society the Eastern Military Department; and THE DAYS OF COMPANY D are num- on '(Some Aspects of the History of a committee representing these universi- bered, at least as the company is now Palestine in Recent Times.'' ties has suggested a series of questions constituted. Announcement is made from THE ANNUAL RALLY, which current ar- as an outline for twelve weeks, these ques- Albany that upon the demobilizing of got denominates a "get-together," of tions falling under the four general top- the Twenty-.seventh Division, due soon the track athletes was held in the Home ice: what is involved in world democracy, from Europe, the -present militia as a Economics Building last Thursday. It hindrances to world democracy, positive State force will cease and a reorganiza- was attended by one hundred and seven- factors in world democracy, and the aim tion will be effected somewhat after the- ty-seven track candidates and others in- of world democracy. The C. U. C. A. has manner of the former National Guard; terested. Besides the usual contributions issued'a circular which presents the plan the reorganization being in fact called by students clever at entertaining there in full, which suggests a method of pro- federalization. Whether thereafter Ith- were talks by Horace E. Shackleton Ί9, cedure, and which indicates sources of aca shall have a military company is acting captain of the track team, by material. Besides magazine articles and problematical. Some in the existing Coadh John F. Moakley, and by Colonel bulletins to be sent out from the New company will doubtless drop out and Jesse E. Harris '02, University medical York office, three noteworthly text-books others be ineligible; so that new enlist- adviser. This, the twentieth meeting of will be supplied by the Association. The ments will be necessary. Hopes are en- the kind, well matched its predecessors in. proposal has the approval of President tertained that the requisite number of enthusiasm. men may be secured. Schurman and of many members of the THE TOMPKINS COUNTY War Chest As- Faculty. It is expected that work will NORMAN W. PRINGLE, formerly divi- sociation is collecting the last dues this be under way during the present month. sion passenger agent of the 'Lehigh in month. After making their March pay- THE 794 MEMORIAL DEBATE, last Ithaca, has been appointed general pas- ments, members will be relieved of further Thursday night, was won by Edward Eu- senger agent, having headquarters at obligations. The committee on disburse- gene Dicker ;19, law, of Ithaca. Dick- 143 Liberty St., New York. The promo- ments will then have on hand sufficient er argued on the affirmative of the ques- tion is announced by C. A. Blood, the Le- funds to meet existing demands and to tion "Government ownership and opera- high's traffic manager, and F. L. Blen- finance the local cihapter of the Red tion of railroads in the United States^ dinger, Federal administrator. Mr. Cross for the remainder of the year. Pringle's new field includes the Lehigh versus private ownership and* operation.'' THE PRESIDENT OF THE American Chem- Valley Railroad proper and two branches, One of the sharp issues turned upon poli- ical Society has appointed Lieut. Colonel the Buffalo Creek road and the Susque- tics, Dicker contending that national Wilder D. Bancroft chairman of a com- hanna and New York. politics could work no greater havoc than mittee to formulate a (method of coop- private corporations had wrought in var- THE ARCHITECTS had their Beaux Arts eration with the National Research Coun- ious States.
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