PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STREAM SUBBASINS IN THE SANOCKI PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STREAM RIVER,SUBBASINS THE UPPER IN CEDAR RIVER, UPPER WAPSIPINICON ROCK SHELL ANDRIVER, UPPER WAPSIPINICON RIVER, UPPER CEDAR RIVER, SHELL ROCK OFR 99-471 RIVER, AND WINNEBAGO RIVER BASINS, SOUTHERN MINNESOTA AND NORTHERN IOWA MINNESOTA SOUTHEASTERN BASINS, RIVER, WINNEBAGO By Christopher A. Sanocki Open-File Report 99-471 Prepared in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Transportation 99-471 OFR Mounds View, Minnesota 2000 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey 3K\VLFDO &KDUDFWHULVWLFV RI 6WUHDP 6XEEDVLQV LQ WKH 8SSHU :DSVLSLQLFRQ 5LYHU 8SSHU &HGDU 5LYHU 6KHOO 5RFN 5LYHU DQG :LQQHEDJR 5LYHU %DVLQV 6RXWKHUQ 0LQQHVRWD DQG 1RUWKHUQ ,RZD %\ &KULVWRSKHU $ 6DQRFNL $EVWUDFW Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected sites on streams in the Upper Wapsipinicon River, Upper Cedar River, Shell Rock River, and Winnebago River Basins, located in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes and marsh, the main-channel length, and the main-channel slope. Stream sites include outlets of subbasins of at least 5 square miles, and locations of U.S. Geological Survey high-flow, and continuous-record gaging stations. ,QWURGXFWLRQ Selected data for sites on streams at outlets of subbasins larger than about 5 square miles; at This is the 16th report in a series detailing locations of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) high- subbasin characteristics of streams in Minnesota flow, and continuous-record gaging stations and adjacent states. The four hydrologic units located in the Upper Wapsipinicon River, Upper presented in this report cover only the area of the Cedar River, Shell Rock River, and Winnebago basins that have some upstream drainage area River Basins are presented in this report. This within Minnesota. The upstream drainage area for report was prepared in cooperation with the each watercourse was determined at the Minnesota Minnesota Department of Transportation. State line. In some instances the drainage area $FNQRZOHGJPHQWV included flow from across state lines see plate 1. The Upper Wapsipinicon River Basin drains an Banette Kritzky, a graduate student at St. area of 12.94 square miles and is represented by Cloud State University and Brian Fischer a hydrologic accounting unit 07080102 (U.S. graduate student at University of Minnesota, did Geological Survey, 1974). The Upper Cedar River much of the digitizing and assisted in the Basin drains an area of 714.88 square miles and is preparation of this report. These contributions were represented by hydrologic accounting unit essential for the completion of this report. 07080201 (U.S. Geological Survey, 1974). The Shell Rock River Basin drains an area of 254.81 0HWKRGV square miles and is represented by hydrologic accounting unit 07080202 (U.S. Geological USGS 7-1/2 minute series topographic maps Survey, 1974). The Winnebago River Basin drains were used as source maps to obtain the areas for an area of 76.65 square miles and is represented by the subbasin boundaries, the main-channel length, hydrologic accounting unit 07080203 (U.S. and the contour elevation points used in this report. Geological Survey, 1974). The Upper Paper copies of the maps were used. Lake and Wapsipinicon River, Upper Cedar River, Shell marsh data were obtained from U.S. Fish and Rock River, and Winnebago River Basins includes Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory Data parts of Dodge, Faribault, Freeborn, Mitchell, (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1981-present). A Mower, Steele, Winnebago, Worth Counties in geographic information system (GIS) was used to southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. define the geographic location and extent of the 1 subbasins, lakes, marshes, main-channels, and elevation elevation between these points by the distance along the points. Data digitized from paper copies were in error by no stream channel between these points. more than twice the horizontal accuracy of National Mapping Standards of 40 feet (Thompson, 1987, p. 104). 3K\VLFDO &KDUDFWHULVWLFV RI 8SSHU All thematic (digitized) data were projected into an Albers :DSVLSLQLFRQ 5LYHU 8SSHU &HGDU Equal-Area projection for storage and analysis. 5LYHU 6KHOO 5RFN 5LYHU DQG Subbasin boundaries were delineated on the basis of anthropogenic activities and topographic contours. :LQQHEDJR 5LYHU %DVLQV Anthropogenic activities, such as the installation of storm sewers, the drainage of wetlands, and the diversion of Physical characteristics determined for each of the streams, may alter the drainage area of a stream. Data from subbasins shown on plate 1 are presented in table 1. field inspections and recent drainage-ditch maps, therefore, Subbasins are presented in order from headwaters to were transferred to the topographic maps. The subbasin mouth. The rank of the subbasin stream is shown by boundaries were digitized by the Minnesota Department of indentation; whenever two subbasin streams joined, the Natural Resources (DNR), and the USGS, Minnesota stream draining the least cumulative area was assigned a District, using a GIS. lower rank and indented in the table. Lake and marsh boundaries were overlaid on the The data for drainage area, and main-channel length are subbasin boundaries to associate each lake and marsh with reported using three significant figures or rounded to the a subbasin. The total area of lakes and marshes within each nearest one-hundredth of a unit. The data for lake area and subbasin was calculated by the GIS. Total marsh area plus storage area are reported using two significant figures or total lake area is defined as storage area. rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. The data for Main channels were delineated for each subbasin on the main-channel slope is reported to the nearest one-tenth of a 7-1/2 minute topographic maps starting at the outflow of foot per mile. the subbasin and continuing upstream. Whenever the main The following is an explanation of the terms used in channel joined with another stream, the stream upstream of table 1: the junction that drained the largest area was selected as the Subbasin number. A seven digit number based on the main channel. The main channel, which represents the Minnesota Common Stream and Watershed Numbering watercourse that drains the greatest area, is continuous and System (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, is defined as a single trace that passes through marshes, 1981). The first two digits identify the follwing: Upper lakes, and midline of rivers and braided streams from the Wapsipinicon (47), Upper Cedar (48), Shell Rock (49), and basin outlet to an endpoint in the basin, generally at the Winnebago (50) River Basins. The following three digits basin divide. The main channels were digitized by the are arbitrary and were assigned by the DNR. The last two Minnesota Department of Transportation, using a computer digits were added by the USGS, Minnesota District,, to aided drafting system and transferred to the GIS. Stream identify additional subdivisions to the DNR’s watersheds at extensions that represent a portion of the main channel locations of USGS gaging stations and to identify from the end of the mapped stream (blue line on 7-1/2 noncontributing areas. minute topographic maps) to an endpoint within the basin, Stream name. The name of the stream or ditch shown on generally at the basin divide, were digitized by USGS, 7-1/2 minute topographic maps. The relative position of the Minnesota District, using a GIS. The main-channel data subbasin above other subbasins, streams, and gaging were overlaid onto the subbasin data to associate each main stations. channel with its subbasin. Outlet location. The U.S. Public Lands Survey System Elevation points were digitized at the intersection of is used to describe the location where the stream exits the topographic contour lines and main channels. The elevation subbasin, down to quarter-quarter section. The description data were digitized using a GIS. The elevation data was includes quarter-quarter section, section, township, and overlaid onto the main channel data to associate each range. elevation data point with a main channel. Two points on the Drainage area. That area, measured on a horizontal main-channel, at 10 percent and at 85 percent of the main plane, enclosed by a topographic divide, within which channel length from the basin outlet to the drainage divide, direct surface runoff from precipitation normally flows by were located by the GIS. The elevations of these two points gravity into a watercourse above a specific point. This may were interpolated from the digitized elevation data. Main- include closed basins and other areas that do not contribute channel slope was calculated by dividing the difference in directly to surface runoff. 2 Lake area. The percentage of the drainage area labeled lacustrine (lakes) on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory Data. Storage area. The percentage of a drainage area labeled lacustrine (lakes) and palustrine (marsh) on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory Data. Marsh areas shown on plate 1 are from USGS 1:100,000 digital line graph data, 1993. Main-channel length. The total length of the main channel from the basin outlet to a point within the basin (generally at the basin divide) representing the watercourse that drains the greatest area. Main-channel slope. The average slope of the watercourse between the points at 10 and at 85 percent of the distance along the main channel from the basin outlet to the drainage divide. Stream extension. A representation of the main channel from the end of the mapped stream line (blue line on 7-1/2 minute topographic maps) to an endpoint within the basin, generally at the basin divide.
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