Energy Tip of the Day ENERGY CONSERVATION IS VP-30: Safest patrol squadron in Navy THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERYONE Navy Newsgram, Oct. 30, 1982 enge of training inexperienced awareness, which starts here at the Patrol Squadron 30, based at the flight crews, and with a constant RAG (Replacement Air Group) with the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, turnover of staff personnel, (they) flight and maintenance instructors Florida, recently have transitioned from the P2 to doing a superb job in instilling was recognized as a If possible, locate floor, the "safest partol squadron in the the P3, trained large numbers of desire for safe operations that re- table, and hanging lamps in the U.S. Navy." allied flight crews, and changed mains with students throughout their corner of a room rather than a- location from Patuxent River to naval service." gainst a flat wall. Lamps in cor- Training more than 45,000 stu- Jacksonville. Yet the officers and Vice Admiral T. J. Kilcline, the ners reflect light from two wall dents over 18 years, "Pro's Nest" men have always maintained the commander of the naval air force in surfaces instead of one and there- crews amassed a total of 180,000 highest standards of professional the U.S. Atlantic Fleet, presented fore, give more usable light. safe flight hours - the highest performance and aviation safety." the squadron with a special award Energy conservation is important number of mishap-free hours of any Rear Admiral Wilkinson was per- for meritorious achievement in to you! patrol squadron, active or reserve, sonally responsible for part of the aviation safety. In an accompanying in the U.S. Navy. record as a former VP30 commanding letter,' Vice Admiral Kilcline told Rear Admiral E. A. Wilkinson Jr., officer. VP30 members they could, "Take pride the commander of the patrol wings in such outstanding performance and in the U.S. Atlantic Fleet, called The squadron's present commanding in their contribution to the contin- Patrol Squadron 30, "A center of officer, Commander R. F. Testa, is ued reduction in losses of personnel ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART ? intense flight training for the At- responsible for more than 700 per- and material assets within the Naval lantic Fleet patrol squadrons. 0- sonnel and 24 aircraft. He credited Air Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, and perating with the constant chall- his squadron' s success to, "Safety the United States Navy." BEIRUT (UPI)--American Marines along with French and Italian peace-keeping troops are patrolling Christian east Beirut today as the Lebanese Army begins a major task, GAZETTE disarming some 20,000 phalangist militiamen. In fighting between Bay, Cuba Christian and Moslem Druze forces, Guantanamo 13 people were reportedly killed overnight in the mountains east of Beirut. Volume 37 Number 213 wednesday, November 3, 1982 WEST BERLIN (UPI)--For the third time in less than two weeks, vio- lence broke out in West Berlin yes- terday. Demonstrators burned veh- icles and smashed windows to pro- GOP controls Senate; Democrats, House test Monday's police evictions of 30 squatters from two apartment WASHINGTON (AP)--Republicans have Gov. Jerry Brown in the election $10 million on the 1982 campaign. buildings. preserved their control of the U.S. to be California's newest senator. Meanwhile, nearly one in four Senate--a key White House objective voters had the chance to voice their CHICAGO (UPI)--Illinois authorities in this midterm election. Governorships opinions on a call for a mutual nu- continue to search for a man wanted Still, Democrats have plenty of clear weapons freeze by the United for questioning in the seven Chic- victories to be pleased about as With three-quarters of the guber- States and the Soviet Union in yes- ago area cyanide-Tylenol deaths. the story of 1982 mid-term elections natorial races decided, the Demo- terday's polling. Police began looking for Kevin begins to draw to a close. crats have won 22 to the Republi- And despite President Reagan's Masterson after a search of his Despite giving moderate Republican cans' seven--a 3-to-1 lead. opposition, the measure won by solid suburban home last weekend. senators a bad scare along the east- In New York, where the campaign margins in four of the nine states ern seaboard and some other parts of focused heavily on Reaganomics, where it was presented to-voters. BANGKOK, Thailand (AP)--Defense the nation, the GOP held the control liberal Democrat Mario Cuomo de- And most of the other statewide Secretary Caspar Weinberger says of the Senate it seized two years feated conservative Republican freeze referendums and several in the U.S. will do whatever necessary _ for the first time in a quarter Lewis Lehrman. And in New Hamp- municipalities also appear bound to protect its allies in Southeast a century. shire, a major victory for the GOP, for victory. But early returns Asia. Weinberger told reporters with challenger John Sununu beating from Arizona and California show in Bangkok, Thailand that Southeast Baker Senate Majority Leader Howard Democratic incumbent Hugh Gallen, voters rejecting the idea of the Asian countries friendly to the remarkable" that says it's "really largely on Sununu's vow not to mutual freeze between the U.S. and U.S. would like to see an increased the Republicans have held onto a ma- raise taxes. Russia. American military presence in the jority in the Senate. And, in In Texas, Democrat Mark White The 1982 election campaign boast- area. an interview with ABC News, House ousted Republican William Clements, ed more woman running for office Speaker Tip O'Neill says President and in Arkansas, Democrat Bill Clin- than ever before. Reagan suffered a "disastrous" de- ton knocked off incumbent Republi- But pipe-smoking Rep. Rep. Milli- DETROIT (AP)--General Motors says feat in the 1982 mid-term elections. can Frank White. cent Fenwick of New Jersey is one it's recalling some 107,000 Chev- An uncumbent governor has been of several women candidates who have ettes and Pontiac T-1000. It cites Voters Reject Reagan defeated in Neveda, but it's not been defeated. Fenwick lost her bid reports of engine fires in the really an upset. Too little reve- for a Senate seat to Democrat Frank 1980, '81, and '83 model, apparent- Voters rejected Reagan's plea to nue from the sales .tax he favored Lautenberg. ly caused by spark plugs coming "stay the course" on his economic helped make Republican Robert List In Missouri's Senate race, Demo- loose and gasoline leaking from the program as Democrats easily won re- unpopular after one term. He lost crat Harriet Woods has also been de- carburetor. control of the House and could double to Democratic State Attorney General feated, by Republican incumbent John their current 25-vote margin. Richard Bryan. Danforth. And Iowa Democrat Roxanne MADRID (AP)--Pope John Paul cele- Meanwhile, White House Chief of In other notable gubernatorial Conlin lost her bid for governor-- brated mass for 1,500,000 people Staff James Baker said Reagan is de- elections, George Wallace won a as did Democrat Madeleine Kunin in in Madrid yesterday evening. He lighted that Republicans maintained fourth term in Alabama; Minnesota Vermont. used the occasion to launch a control of the Senate and was in an Democrat Rudy Perpich won back the Twelve black incumbent members of strong attack on abortion and art- "upbeat" mood and determined to pur- governorship he lost in a Republican the House and four newcomers won or ificial birth control. Earlier in sue his austere economic policies. landslide in 1978; and in California took early leads in their election the day the Pontiff met Spain's the race for governor between Demo- contests for the new Congress. And premier-elect. GOP Senate candidates pulled off crat Tom Bradley and Republican if they all win, that will mean a close races in five states in yes- George Deukmejian remains too close record number of blacks in the 98th NEW YORK (AP)--Christmas trees will terday's voting to retain control. to call (at press time). Congress. cost five to six percent more this The Republican candidates won in As for Hispanic-Americans, five year, but a tree expert says you Connecticut, Virginia, Vermont, Utah Other Issues of six incumbents and one newcomer will he getting a better-shaped Wyoming. either won or were leading in their tree and one that's more likely n. Harrison Schmitt, New Mexico In other- election news, ten of 17 House seats. to hold its needles long after the Miblican, who Reagan campaigned liberal senators have won re-elec- The 97th Congress had 18 black holidays. Donald McNeil, Executive for perre-nally, was the only Republi- tion in mid-term polling, despite members and six Hispanics. Director of the National Christmas can Senate loss. And, so far (at being targeted for defeat by the Tree Association, says much genetic press time), no incumbent Democrats National Conservative Political work has been done on the trees, have lost. Action Committee. Military retirees get and he says one by-product is As one of the most effective fund- Christmas trees with "that good In one other notable senatorial raising groups in 1980, "NICPACK" Income tax exemptions aroma." race, Rep. Pete Wilson defeated was expected to spend as much as Navy Newsgram, Oct. 30, 1982 Colorado and New York have passed Your absentee vote could still be countable laws allowing military retirees state income tax exemptions of up retired pay. IMPACT Navy Newsgram, Oct. 30, 1982 up to 15 days following the elec- to $20,000 on military are being the District of Columbia, six All absentee voters tion; The subject of tonight's program to mark and mail their ballots days; Maryland, one day; Nebraska, The exemptions are effective for urged is the Combined Federal Campaign - as possible, even if it two days; New York, seven days; this tax year in both states.
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