DOCUMENT RESUME ED 084 236 SP 007 468 TITLE Yearbook 1972. Volume 2: Directory. INSTITUTION American Association of Collegesfor Teacher Education, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE_ 72 NOTE 103p. AVAILABLE FROMOrder Department, AmericanAssociation of Colleges for Teacher Education, Suite614, One Dupont Circle, Washington, D.C. 20036 ($3.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS *Directories; Professional AssOCiations;Teacher Education ABSTRACT This second volume of theAmerican Association of Colleges for Teacher Education(AACTE) Yearbook for 1972 is the Directory. It is divided into AACTE two parts, the first of whichlists AACTE officers, committees, andaffiliated organizations. The gives an alphabetical, second state-by-state listing ofAACTE's member institutions and their official representatives. (Related documentis SP 007 467.) (JA) Officers, Committees, and Member Institutions Yearbook. "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPY. 1972 RIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY C) TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE NATIONAL IN- Volume 2Directory STITUTE OF EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRO- DUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM. RE- QUIRES PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER." The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education PitC.7:11:461CIVFEPARV't.sevito Washington, D.C. N°S.1%PIONPONSItIOSEOFscoUCPION,,,es Fgc,oNoN AV'sP'5011,,jeoOgRtgltoss ;115c0300C.UFAJAZI, OROROP1417-A1010g14 OFckleEsslorto0USE OF c4v4e. PERSON901$1.5 qi$111 11 POL.ICY . PI1NG °F°C.rA.°L,Itat4AtONAL.tON AIE.13 POSAI 5:014UCC°A!TIO' S FILMED FROM BESTAVAILABLE COPY r. AACTE ANNUAL MEETINGS 1973 February 21-24 1974 February 20-23 1975 February 26 - March 1 DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS, COMMITTEES, AND MEMBER INSTITUTIONS (Revised March 1972) The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Headquarters: One Dupont Circle Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: (202) 293-2450 Officers and Staff Secretaries: Diane Bartosh, Robin Beatty, Yevette Cashwell, Jane Chamberlain, President: George W. Denemark, Dean, College of Education,University of Janice Chapman, Brenda Greenhowe, Kentucky, Lexington MarianLevine,Sheila McNee, Sara Millard, M a rgaretScholz, Doris President-Elect: William A. Hunter, Dean, Schubert, Edith Qualia School of Education, Tuskegee insti- Receptionist: Elizabeth Kowalski tute, Tuskegee Institute, AlabaMa Executive Specially Funded Projects: D irectorand Treasurer: Project Coordinator for the Adminis- Edward C. Pomeroy trative Internship Program: David Imig AdministrativeAssistant:Gladys Bostick Director of Job Corps Project: Robert J. Stevenson Secretary and General Counsel: George E. AssistantDirectorforthePerfor- Cranwell mance-Based Teacher Education Pro- Associate Directors: ject: Albert Plouffe J el L. Burdin Richard L. James Frank H. Klassen Walter J. Mars Karl Massanari Board of Directors* Associate for Development and Special Projects: Joost Yff Edwin P. Adkins, Associate Vice Pres- Controller: Florence G. Jones ident, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 (1973) * * Accountant: Sandra Milazzo Bookkeeper: Francine Cornish IrvamaeApplegate,Dean, School of Education, St. Cloud State College, St. Manager of Personnel and Office Services: Cloud, Minnesota 56301 (1973) Frank R. Green Publications andMembershipSecreH. Kenneth Barker, Dean, College of tary: Rita Dennis Education, The University of A kron, Office Aide: Steven Allen Akron, Ohio 44304 (1975) Director of Publications:GertrueE. 'Terms expireat Annual Meeting of year Mitchell indicated. "'Executive Committee. Editorial Associate and Bulletin Editor: tAppointed by the Advisory Council of the Deana S. Morrison Associated Organizations for Teacher Educa- tion. Program Associate: John Collier ::Appointed by the Board of Directors to improvediversifiedrepresentationinits `Program Assistants: Shirley Bonneville, membership, as approved in a 1970 referen- Kay Shoemaker dum of institutional representatives. George W.Denemark, Presidentand Gerald M. Torkelson, Professor of Educa- Chairtnan of the Board, AACTE, Dean, tion, College of Education, University College- Of Education,University of of Washington, Seattle 98105 (1973)t Kentucky, -Lexington, 40506 Sam P. Wiggins, Dean, College of Educa- (1974)* lion, The Cleveland State University, Pear lie C. Dove, Chairman, Department Cleveland, Ohio 44115 (1973) t of Education and Psychology, Clark Kenneth R. Williams, President, Winston- College,Atlanta, Georgia30314 Salem State University, Winston-Salem, (1975) North Carolina 27102 (174) Nathaniel H. Evers, PastPresident,Ex Officio MemberEdward C. Pomeroy, AACTE,. Dean, Graduate School of Executive Director, AACTE, One Du- ArtsandSciences, Universityof pont Circle, Washington, D.C. 20036** Denver, Denver,Colorado80210 (19731" Liaison Members: Samuel G.Gates, Executive Director, James W. Becker, Director, Division of Trustees of the State Colleges in Colo- Instruction and Professional Develop- rado,221 StateServicesBuilding, ment, National Education Association, Denver 80203 (1974) 1201 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036 Rev. Carl A. Hangartner, S.J., Coordi- Rolf W.Larson, Director, National nator of Teacher Education,Saint Council for Accreditation of Teacher Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri Education, 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, 63103 (1973)*" N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 Donald Hight, Professor of Mathematics, ConsultantCharles W. Hunt, 58 Elm Kansas State College of Pittsburg, Pitts- Street, Oneonta, New York 13820 burg 66762 (1974) t Robert B. Howsam, Dean, College ofCommission on International Education,Universityof Houston, Houston, Texas 77004 (1974) Education WilliamA.Hunter,President-Elect,ChairmanPaul G. Orr,Dean, College of AACTE, Dean, School of Education, Education, The University of Alabama, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee Institute, University 35486 Alabama 36088 (1975)" HarryP. Bowes, President, Southern James B. Jones, Professor, Department of Colorado State College, Pueblo PsychologyandGuidance, Texas 81005 Southern University, Houston 77004 (1973)1: A. W. VanderMeer, Dean,Collegeof Education,The PennsylvaniaState Richard E. Lawrence, Dean, College of University,University Park 16802 Education,The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87120 (1975) Arthur Coladarci, Dean, School of Educa- tion,Stanford University, Stanford, F.RobertPaulsen, Dean, College of California 94305 Education, The University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 (1973) Terms expire at Annual Meeting of year indicated. Sister Fidelma Spiering, Academic Dean, E xecutive Committee. Ma rylhu rstCollege,Marylhurst, tAppointed by the Advisory Council of the Oregon 97036 (1974) Associated Organizations for Teacher Educe- tion, Benedict tAppointed by the Board of Directors to J.Surwill, Dean, School of improvediversifiedrepresentationinits Education, Eastern Montana College, membership, as approved in a 1970 referen- Billings 59101 (1975) dum of institutional representatives. Fred Vescolani, Dean, College of Educa-J. T. Sandefur, Dean of the Graduate tion, University of Arkansas, Fayette- School, Western Kentucky University, ville 72204 Bowling Green 42101 Commission on Multicultural Education Representatives of Colleges and Univer- sities Appointed to ChairmanJamesKelly,Jr.,Associate Dean, School of Education, UniversityNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaACCREDITATION OF TEACHER 15213 EDUCATION* Richard H. Davis, Dean, School of Educa-American Association ofColleges for tion,UniversityofWisconsin Teacher Education Milwaukee,Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 John R. Beery, Dean, School of Educa- tion, UniversityofMiami,Coral DwightBilledeaux,Coordinatorfor Gables, Florida 33124 (1973) Indian Culture and Assistant Professor of Education, Eastern Montana Col-Helen D. Berwald, Chairman, Department lege, Billings 59101 of Educatian, Carleton College, North- field, Minnesota 55057 (1973) Carl J. Dolce, Dean, School of Education, North CarolinaState University,Caseel D. Burke, Dean, School of Educa- Raleigh 27607 tion, Weber State College, Ogden, Utah 84403 (1975)* Hilda Hidalgo, Chairman, Department of Community Development, LivingstonFrederic T. Giles, Dean, College of Educa- College, Rutgers University, The State tion, University of Washington, Seattle University of New Jersey, New Bruns- 98105 (1975) * * wick 08903 Virgil W. Gillenwater, Executive Vice Charles F.Leyba, Associate Professor, President and Provost, Northern Ari- zona California State College, Los Angeles University, Flagstaff86001 90020 (1974) Elaine Witty, Chairman, Department ofKeithGoldhammer, Dean, School of Elementary !-7.clucation, Norfolk State Education, Oregon State University, College,. Norfolk, Virginia 23504 Corvallis 97331 (1973) Calvin E. Gross, Dean, School of Educa- tion,University of Missouri, Kansas Commissidn on Standards City 64110 (1974) AlbertT.Harris, Director, School of ChairmanMargaret Lindsey, Professor of Education, VirginiaStateCollege, Education; Teachers College, Columbia Petersburg 23803 (1972) University, New York, New York 10027 J. N. Hook, Professor of English, Univer- sity of Illinois, Urbana 61801 (1972) Frederick R. Cyphert, Dean, School of Education,UniversityofVirginia,J. Marc Jantzen, Dean, School of Educa- Charlottesville 22903 tion, University of the Pacific, Stock- ton, California 95204 (1972) Henry J. Hermanowicz, Dean, College of Education,Illinois State University,James D. McComas, Dean, College of Normal 61761 Education,The University of Ten- nessee,Knoxville 37916 (1975) ** Herbert Hite, Chairman, Department of Education, Western Washington State Terms expire
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