OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2007 xhaust e itchen K The Future Is Now Kitchen exhaust technology advances follow design innovation. By Joel Berkowitz Partner/Vice President, Fireproofing Corporation of America of income and is a real attraction to • Precipitator cells that produce an companies that would want to lease electrified field that ionizes grease office space and individuals seeking particles and bonds them to a filter high-rise dwellings. cell. The problem has always been the kitchen exhaust ductwork and vents. • Water wash canopies that automati- Kitchen exhaust systems, with their cally rinse grease from the interior insulated risers coming up through portions of an exhaust system every the building, occupy valuable square night. footage on every floor of the prop- erty, taking up thousands of dollars in These aren’t glimpses of the future otherwise rentable space every year. — it is technology available now. The new technology for kitchen Landlords and restaurateurs alike Left to right: Partners Glenn exhaust systems is a boon to prop- can take advantage of these systems, Catalano, author Joel Berkowitz and erty owners and managers. No lon- and build more creative kitchens Anthony Scotto. ger is there a need to place ugly in more locations than ever before. black exhaust risers up the side of the They are high-tech and cutting-edge ntil recent times, build- building. And forget relying on hot- and have the ability to revolutionize ing design and engineering dog carts outside on the sidewalk — the industry. technology placed limits on U today’s technology allows for street- Many of these technologies have where commercial kitchens could be level kitchens in multi-story build- been around for 10, 20, even 30 years located within a facility. Creating a ings without requiring vertical risers in other forms and in other applica- restaurant in an older, multi-story through the interior of the structure. tions. Now they are available to the tower posed seemingly insurmount- foodservice industry, making it better able obstacles, not the least of which THE FUTURE IS NOW able to co-exist, particularly, in dense- was how to get the exhaust system to Here’s just a sample of what today’s ly populated urban environments. the roof without installing an ugly kitchen exhaust and grease removal These new and high-tech kitchen stack up the side of the building. technology can accomplish: exhaust systems, and grease and odor The challenges posed by kitchen elimination systems, make it possible exhaust design have affected decision • Ultraviolet light that breaks the to exhaust right out over the front decision-making in new facility con- grease down into carbon dioxide and door of a restaurant with 98% to struction, but these challenges can water within the canopy envelope. 100% of grease and odor eliminated now be overcome with new tech- from the exhaust stream. nology. In a large multi-use build- • Carbon and potassium permanga- ing, developers know that having a nate filter systems capture 97% to COMMON PItfALLS couple different restaurants on the 100 % all of the odors produced from Just like the guy who buys a state- ground floor provides a good source the kitchen. of-the-art cell phone, but doesn’t sign RFB up for service, these new systems, Without the service and maintenance restaurants. Many cleaners thought fancy as they are, are only useful if element in place, the systems are they simply needed to clean from they are properly installed and main- worthless. System complexity means the hood up to the fan and out of tained. Sometimes, the manufacturer that commercial kitchen owners and the building. They assumed that all or salesperson selling the equipment managers are unlikely to know any- systems are created equal and were, can leave the customer with the thing about the internal workings or basically, the same. And, it is true illusion that many of these systems needs of these units. Their expertise that some exhaust cleaners spend are “self-cleaning.” I can’t tell you is in the preparation and presenta- their entire careers cleaning single how many times we have estimated tion of the next meal they serve. story units with the exact same sys- water wash canopy and precipitator Just as they wouldn’t turn over food tems. But all of that is changing, and installations, only to hear from the preparation to a bus boy, they can’t it is changing fast. purchasing agent who approved the turn over kitchen ventilation service I can’t tell you how many kitchen acquisition of the units that they are and maintenance to an amateur. exhaust cleaning professionals have “self-cleaning” and “need no regular told me, “Oh we will never see one of maintenance.” WHEN TO CLEAN THE SYSTEM those things in our area. We’re not in Notice that I emphasized “properly One of the most common ques- a big city and there is no need for that installed and maintained” — because tions regarding the equipment we type of system for restaurants in our therein lies the problem that many just discussed is: How long will it be area.” But some facility managers, people experience with these types before it requires cleaning? architects and decision-makers across of systems. That’s a good question and there is the country, in both big cities and In a new construction application, only one right answer: as often as you small, are already ahead of the curve. there needs to be both an architect must clean and/or inspect your entire They understand the need to hap- and general contractor who know kitchen exhaust system as defined by pily marry the restaurant unit with its enough about the technology to rec- the local authority having jurisdiction surrounding areas. They understand ommend the proper type, manufac- (AHJ) at a minimum. that, more and more, restaurants are turer and size of unit for the res- There are considerable variables expected to coexist in multi-use envi- taurant/foodservice operation being that must be investigated before any ronments where no one wants to designed. Then there is a need to type of cleaning/maintenance sched- smell the cooking or see smoke belch- find qualified mechanical, plumbing ule can be established for these sys- ing out of the exhaust on the roof. and electrical subcontractors who tems. Is the foodservice operation a As casinos, country clubs, out- are familiar with this type of equip- new venture that will be growing its door malls and office buildings look ment/technology and able to install business over time where there main- to “go green” (www.usgbc.org) and it correctly. tenance needs will build during the eliminate odor and smoke emanat- There also needs to be an under- first year? Is it the next up-and-com- ing from their properties, these high- standing by the foodservice/kitchen ing hot spot where it will be jammed tech systems will become more and operator about the maintenance costs for the first 6 months and then busi- more popular. As food-related busi- involved in keeping this technology ness will level off? Is the equipment nesses try to get closer and closer to operating in the manner to which it placed in a stadium, or other seasonal apartments, condos and single-fam- was designed. No precipitator will location that will have spurts of activ- ily home clusters, local jurisdictions continue to extract grease and smoke ity around slower periods? Besides and homeowner associations are from an exhaust system if there is the established intervals of the local becoming more and more particular grease bridging the gap between the AHJ, there needs to be discussion about the look (and smell) of their charged plates in a cell. The cell must and consensus between the main- neighborhoods. And these advances be removed cleaned and returned tenance provider and the customer in exhaust technology make all that to service. No odor control module about the timing and frequency of more possible than ever. — whether it be carbon or potassium maintenance and cleaning of all of Electronic precipitators and ultravi- permanganate — will control odors the components of these systems. Do olet systems will allow even the high- for very long without some type of what is best for the facility and system volume steak house/restaurateur to grease elimination unit working in you have. live in harmony with its neighbors. front of it. Imagine no more fighting with the Specially trained service contrac- THE CLEANERS fire marshalls, building inspectors, tors who know the technology and In the past, people have gotten into EPA, neighbors or landlord. No mat- the precautions necessary for safe the kitchen exhaust cleaning industry ter what part of the industry you are and effective handling of the compo- thinking that the work is basically in, you can use these new systems to nents of these systems are required. just glorified pressure washing for absolute advantage. RFB This is just the tip of the iceberg. Standard 96 (2008 edition) will open • United Air Specialist (www.uasinc. Not only are these units making sys- many eyes on new requirements for com) tems more efficient, but for those with cleaning, maintenance and for the • Smoghog (www.kvent.com/kvent- conventional baffle type filter cano- companies that provide those ser- uas-smoghog.htm) pies there are changes coming as well. vices. To see the difference between Greenheck Corp. (www.greenheck. a system cleaned to NFPA 96 stan- These are the manufacturers com) is changing the shape and con- dards and one not cleaned to the of precipitators, filter systems and figuration of baffle filters to extract same standard, read any news article UV equipment that my company more grease at the canopy while about the fire in Boston this past has worked with over the past sev- improving air flow.
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