Striking contemporary 2639SF home w/indoor Enjoy easy condo living in Lockport! 3 units avail- resistance pool on 1.52 acres. $699,900 able, 1180-1320SF $259,900— $334,900 Impressive is an understatement! 2433SF Maric blt bng on 1.37 acres. $949,900 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2020 VOLUME 11 EDITION 6 SERVING SELKIRK, LOCKPORT, ST. ANDREWS, ST. CLEMENTS, WEST ST. PAUL, CLANDEBOYE, PETERSFIELD, LIBAU, GARSON, DUNNOTTAR & TYNDALL With it’s last bite tastingt better than the ffirst,ir it can only be sold as a LARGE and MUST BE SHARED! 268 Main St, SELKIRK 204.482.7922 2450 Main St, WINNIPEG 204.338.7922 A bitter sweet farewell SERVING: Selkirk • Middlechurch • West St. Paul • RECORD PHOTO BY LIGIA BRAIDOTTI Frankspizza.ca Michele Polinuk is retiring from the Lord Selkirk School Division as the superintendent as of July 31. She has been [email protected] with the division for 19 years. > everything you need to know in your locally owned and operated community newspaper 2 The Selkirk Record Thursday, February 13, 2020 Money’s Fine Foods Sliced Mushrooms Old Country Flour 284 mL All Purpose 10 kg 99¢ $599 Fresh $ 29 Fresh $ 99 Fresh $ 49 Boneless Outside Romaine Hearts / lb Strawberries Round Oven Roast 5 USA #1, 3 pk 2 USA #1, 1 lb (454 g) 3 $11.66 / kg ea ea Visit us at HARRYSFOODS.CAWRYLHZRXUHQWLUHÀ\HU Saputo Kraft Singles Shredded ¿OOHGZLWK¶VRIRWKHULWHPVRQVDOHHDFKZHHN $VVRUWHG 410 g Cheese $VVRUWHGJ Kraft SunRype Shake’n Bake 100% Juice $VVRUWHG or Unsweetened $ 140 - 184 g Pure Apple Juice $ 2for 9 6HOHFWHG9DULHWLHV 7 900 mL or 1 L 2for $149 $ Betty Crocker 5for 5 Folgers Hamburger Helper Coffee $VVRUWHGJ Heinz Ocean’s $VVRUWHG Potatoes Tomato Light Tuna 320 g $VVRUWHGJ Soup in Water 284 mL )ODNHGRU&KXQN 170 g $ $ $ $ 99 2for 4 2for 1 3for 4 3 GREAT DEALS !! Maple Leaf &DPSÀUH Prime Stuffed Bacon M O M O O U O U 375 g Chicken R R R R F Smith’s F &DPSÀUH Cutlettes D Corned Beef D Garlic $VVRUWHG E L I E L I 568 g Sausage $799 $ 68 ¢ $248 1 / 100 g 98/ 100 g Store has the right to limit quantities and to add enviro and deposit where applicable. 5571 Hwy #9 St. Andrews Customer Service: 204-338-7538 Store Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am - 9:30 pm Saturday 8 am - 8 pm Phone: 204.504.5500 Fax: 204.504.5540 Sunday & Holidays 10 am - 6 pm 1 - Week 7_20 Harrys Foods PRICES IN EFFECT: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2020 The Selkirk Record Thursday, February 13, 2020 3 The $64,000 question; IEHF’s treasurer SAVE ON BATTERIES, resigns, citing questionable practices ACCESSORIES By Patricia Barrett The treasurer of the Interlake-East- AND MORE ern Health Foundation (IEHF) board, which has been tasked with fundrais- ing over $5 million for a proposed pri- mary care clinic/teaching unit near the Selkirk hospital, resigned last De- cember, citing questionable practices around grants. Bill Bodman, a retired chartered ac- countant who joined the IEHF when it was established in 2015 and served as treasurer and chair of the invest- ment committee, said he had not been Go to fcacanada.ca to sign up. apprised of a $64,000 grant the IEHF Off ers expire March 31, 2020 applied for and received. He “discov- RECORD PHOTOS BY BRETT MITCHELL ered” it after a bi-monthly update of Interlake-Eastern Health Foundation treasurer Bill Bodman resigned 2019 RAM 1500 the books. from his position, citing questionable practises around grants. When he realized the money had CLASSIC 4X4 come out of the Selkirk General Hos- Regional Health Authority. Manitoba Association Inc., which will pital Fund, which is managed by the Interlake-Eastern is the only RHA be the developer, owner and operator Selkirk & District Community Foun- in Manitoba without a physician of the proposed clinic – fi lled out the dation (SDCF), he started asking training facility and that’s been cited SDCF’s application form for the grant, questions. as one of the reasons for a chronic said Bodman. The form specifi es that “If you’re going to support a clini- shortage of doctors. Hospital emer- a chair/president, a vice chair/vice cal teaching unit, is that for the good gency rooms in communities such as president or a treasurer is to sign it. of the Selkirk hospital? I think you’re Eriksdale, Arborg, Gimli and Pinawa “It was two board members that 25% OFF stretching it,” said Bodman, whom the have been subject to rotating closures signed it and they weren’t the chair, MSRP Record spoke with at his home in Sel- SAVE or reduced service availability ev- the vice chair or treasurer,” said Bod- $ kirk last week. ery month for several years now, and man. “Even if you only need two sig- 18,000 In his resignation letter of Dec. 16, some ERs have been permanently natures, I think the board should $ 2019, Bodman wrote he was “troubled” shuttered (e.g., Teulon) because of an know about it. Proper business proce- 105 by the IEHF having applied for money inability to retain doctors. dure is such that the chair, vice chair WEEKLY PAYMENTS from a fund that’s earmarked “mainly Not only did the application tap do- or treasurer should be signing on be- for equipment” and exclusively for the nations reserved for the Selkirk hos- half of the [foundation] – they usually Selkirk hospital. And he failed to “see pital, but it also escaped the attention have the signing authority – not any the justifi cation” for awarding that of the IEHF board by virtue of not old board member.” money to the design and construction having been brought before it for dis- Bodman, who has about 12 years’ ex- of the proposed clinic/teaching unit. cussion, said Bodman. perience working on foundations, in- He said the IEHF received the grant “If you’re applying for a signifi cant cluding the SDCF and the Thomas Sill www.selkirkchrysler.com ($32,000 a year over two years) on grant, which this one is, you would be Foundation, said it’s a “safeguard” for April 17, 2019. bringing it to the board,” he said. any foundation to have senior board TOLL FREE 1-800-204-8620 The intent of the clinic/teaching unit The IEHF’s executive director Pa- members approve grants, especially is to broaden access to primary care mela McCallum – who also serves when a signifi cant amount of money 1011 Manitoba Ave Selkirk and to train doctors for rural commu- as executive assistant to the IERHA’s is being requested. 204-482-4151 nities served by the Interlake-Eastern CEO and is a director on 10040899 Continued on page 4 *All prices are plus taxes. OAC. Valentine’s Baking Essentials Valentine’s Day Gifts HOURS MONDAY - WEDNESDAY 9-6 439 MAIN ST., SELKIRKKIRKRK THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9-9 North of Manitoba Ave. SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY 12-5 BiG DOLLAR 4 The Selkirk Record Thursday, February 13, 2020 As for the signatures, Sigmundson > BODMAN SAYS, said he was told “local people were unavailable [to sign] so [McCallum] FROM PG. 3 had two other board members sign it.” And there’s nothing in the IEHF “Some [IEHF] board members were policy that says it has to be a chair or blindsided,” said Bodman. “And I’m vice chair. surprised [SDCF] accepted the IEHF’s When grant applications are suc- The Selkirk & District Community Foundation grant application form. application.” cessful, he said the board is informed The IEHF’s board chair DJ Sig- either at meetings or by email. The IEHF’s mandate is to raise mon- typically award grants in support of cerned the total cost of the proposed mundson told the Record last Friday annual fundraising campaigns and clinic ($15 million) was “shaky” as it’s there was nothing irregular about the ey for healthcare in the region, and it doesn’t specify whether it’s to go operating costs, nor does it award based on Class C estimates (not for grant process, and the board gener- grants that establish or create endow- ally doesn’t talk about who applies for towards construction or equipment, said Sigmundson. In this case, the ment funds. and signs grant applications. Record $64,000 it got from SDCF is support- The asked SDCF why it had “I’ve been on the board a few years approved the use of a fund that’s “IF YOU’RE APPLYING now, and the board doesn’t authorize ing the construction of the facility. The SDCF was formed in 1995 to es- mainly for equipment for the Selkirk FOR A SIGNIFICANT applications. We don’t sign applica- hospital (formally called the Selkirk tions, necessarily,” said Sigmundson, tablish endowment funds and distrib- GRANT, WHICH THIS ute income for the benefi t of the City & District Health Centre) and what who wasn’t the chair at the time of its justifi cation was for approving a the $64,000 grant application. “It’s the of Selkirk and the rural municipalities ONE IS, YOU WOULD of St. Andrews and St. Clements. It $64,000 grant to support fundraising same in my other capacity as a CAO for a construction project when the BE BRINGING IT TO THE [RM of St. Andrews interim CAO]; funded 79 projects in 2018-2019 for a total of $360,858, according to its Com- foundation doesn’t typically support generally, administration fi lls in ap- that. BOARD.” plications for grants. That’s all there is munity Report, which lists award re- cipients. The $64,000 grant to the IEHF SDCF’s executive director Beverley - BODMAN to it.
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