PIATA 2019 Outcome Monitoring Report AGRA Burkina Faso Consolidated report KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam 30 April 2020 PIATA 2019 Outcome Monitoring Report – AGRA Burkina Faso 1/128 Colophon Correct citation: KIT, 2020. Burkina Faso Outcome Monitoring Report 2019, AGRA-PIATA Programme. Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, Nairobi; KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam. Contributors: KIT fieldwork: Bertus Wennink, Helena Posthumus and Esther Smits KIT team: Geneviève Audet-Bélanger, Verena Bitzer, Coen Buvelot, Peter Gildemacher, Rob Kuijpers, Helena Posthumus, Boudy van Schagen, Elena Serfilippi, Esther Smits, Marcelo Tyszler, Bertus Wennink NAZAN Consulting: Adolphe Kadeoua, Gisèle Tapsoba-Maré and the team of enumerators from NAZAN Consulting Photo: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Language edit: WRENmedia This report has been commissioned by AGRA to monitor its PIATA programme progress in Burkina Faso. KIT Royal Tropical Institute Amsterdam, the Netherlands www.kit.nl AGRA Nairobi, Kenya www.agra.org PIATA 2019 Outcome Monitoring Report – AGRA Burkina Faso 2/128 Contents Colophon 2 Contents 3 Acronyms 5 List of tables 6 List of figures 9 1 Summary of results 10 1.1 Introduction 10 1.2 System analysis 11 1.3 Household survey 14 1.4 SME performance 15 2 Objectives and scope of the report 17 Part I: Qualitative system analysis 19 3 Introduction system analysis 20 3.1 Agricultural policy context 20 3.2 AGRA objectives and activities 21 4 Policy and state capability 23 4.1 System performance 23 4.2 AGRA change ambition 28 4.3 AGRA system change results 29 4.4 Analysis of AGRA system interventions 34 5 Market system 37 5.1 System performance 37 5.2 AGRA change ambition 43 5.3 AGRA system change results 45 5.4 Analysis of AGRA system interventions 48 Part II: Household survey 52 6 Methodology of the household-level survey 53 6.1 Introduction 53 6.2 Sampling strategy 54 6.3 Survey structure 54 6.4 Limitations of the household survey 55 7 Household-level results: maize in Boucle du Mouhoun and Hauts-Bassins (2018) 57 7.1 Sample description maize farmers 57 PIATA 2019 Outcome Monitoring Report – AGRA Burkina Faso 3/128 7.2 Main indicators 59 7.3 Number of Months of Adequate Household Food Provision (indicator G2) 62 7.4 Wealth asset index score (indicator G6) 63 7.5 Yield (indicator 1) 64 7.6 Rate of application of target improved productivity technologies or management practices (indicator 3, 5, 17) 66 7.7 Access to agricultural advisory support services (indicator 4) 75 7.8 Access to formal financial services (indicator 13) 77 7.9 Post-harvest losses (indicator 6) 79 7.10 Access to market information (indicator 37) 79 7.11 Sales channels (indicator 33) 80 7.12 Value of incremental sales as a result of AGRA (indicator 10) 80 8 Household-level results: cowpea in Boucle du Mouhoun and Hauts-Bassins (2018) 83 8.1 Sample description cowpea farmers 83 8.2 Main indicators 85 8.3 Number of Months of Adequate Household Food Provision (indicator G2) 87 8.4 Wealth asset index score (indicator G6) 89 8.5 Yield (indicator 1) 90 8.6 Rate of application of target improved productivity technologies or management practices (indicators 3, 5, 17) 92 8.7 Access to agricultural advisory extension support services (indicator 4) 102 8.8 Access to formal financial services (indicator 13) 104 8.9 Post-harvest losses (indicator 6) 105 8.10 Access to market information (indicator 37) 105 8.11 Sales channels (indicator 33) 106 8.12 Value of incremental sales as a result of AGRA (indicator 10) 107 Part III: Small & medium enterprise survey 109 9 SME performance 110 9.1 Introduction 110 9.2 Methodology 111 9.3 Performance dashboard 112 References 117 Annex 1: List of key informants for system analysis 119 Annex 2: Data dictionary of main indicators 120 Annex 3: SME performance scorecards 123 Annex 4: SME descriptive statistics 124 Annex 5: SMEs interviewed 127 PIATA 2019 Outcome Monitoring Report – AGRA Burkina Faso 4/128 Acronyms AGRA Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa AGRODIA Association des Grossistes et Distributeurs d’Intrants ANES Association Nationale des Enterprises Semencières AU African Union CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme DGESS Direction Générale des Etudes et des Statistiques Sectorielles DGPER Direction Générale pour la Promotion de l’Economie Rurale DGPV Direction Générale de la Production Végétale ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States GDP Gross domestic product GoBF Government of Burkina Faso FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GIZ German International Cooperation IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IFC International Finance Corporation MAAH Ministère de l’Agriculture et des Aménagements Hydro-agricoles MIRA Micro Policy and Regulatory Reforms for African Agribusiness P4P Purchase for Progress PIATA Partnership for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation in Africa PNDES Plan National de Développement Economique et Social PNSR-2 Deuxième Programme National pour le Secteur Rural SME Small and medium-sized enterprise SONAGESS Société Nationale de la Gestion des Stocks de Sécurité alimentaire UMEAO Union Monétaire et Economique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest UNPSB Union Nationale des Producteurs de Semences du Burkina Faso USAID United States Agency for International Development’ VBA Village-based advisor WFP World Food Programme WRS Warehouse receipt system PIATA 2019 Outcome Monitoring Report – AGRA Burkina Faso 5/128 List of tables Table 1: AGRA outcome indicators (2018 cropping season) 14 Table 2: Burkina Faso’s progress towards implementing the Malabo Declaration on agricultural transformation in Africa (2018) 24 Table 3: State and policy capability: system indicators for Burkina Faso 24 Table 4: AGRA Burkina Faso investments in state and policy capability 29 Table 5: AGRA Burkina Faso target values and performances on selected output indicators for Policy and State Capabilities 33 Table 6: Overview of the market system in Burkina Faso for cowpea, maize and rice value chains 41 Table 7: AGRA Burkina Faso investments in market system development and progress to date 44 Table 8: AGRA Burkina Faso target values and performances on selected output indicators 46 Table 9: Household composition 58 Table 10: Land allocated to maize (ha), main season 58 Table 11: Percentage of households producing maize, per season 59 Table 12: Overview of main indicators for maize-farming households 60 Table 13: Average number of months of adequate household food provision (G2) 62 Table 14: DHS wealth index 63 Table 15: Total production of maize (kg), main season 64 Table 16: Average maize yield (kg/ha) 65 Table 17: Ranking of this season's maize harvest compared to other seasons (percentage of households per answer), main season 65 Table 18: Main indicators for the use of improved varieties, recycling, and planting practices. 66 Table 19: Maize varieties used (percentage of households per variety), main season 66 Table 20: Type of main maize variety (percentage of households per variety type), main season 67 Table 21: Appreciated traits of the main maize variety used (percentage of households per trait), main season 67 Table 22: Source of seed of main maize variety (percentage of households per source), by type of variety, main season 68 Table 23: Average maize yield (kg/ha), by type of variety, main season 69 Table 24: Planting method of maize (percentage of housing per method), main season 69 Table 25: Spacing between maize seeds (percentage of households per method), main season 69 Table 26: Main indicators for the adoption and use of fertilisers 70 Table 27: Nutrients applied for maize (kg/ha), main season 70 Table 28: Types of organic fertiliser used for maize (percentage of households per type) 71 Table 29: Average maize yield (kg/ha), by fertiliser use (yes/no), main season 71 Table 30 Adoption of pest management practices 72 Table 31: Percentage of households applying agro-chemical inputs, main season 72 Table 32: Percentage of total land area used for maize cultivation under agro-chemical inputs, main season 72 Table 33: Timing of herbicide application for maize (percentage of households per answer), main season 73 Table 34: Main indicators for the adoption of improved post-harvest practices 73 Table 35: Use of sheeting when drying maize (percentage of households), main season 73 Table 36: Use of sheets for manual threshing of maize (percentage of households), main season 74 Table 37: Percentage of households using PICS bags for maize storage, main season 74 Table 38: Use of preservative tablets for maize seed, main season 74 Table 39: Type of storage used for maize (percentage of households per type), main season 75 Table 40: Main indicators for access to agricultural advisory support services 75 Table 41: Affiliation of extension service provider (percentage of households per provider) 75 Table 42: Type of extension method used (percentage of households per method) 76 Table 43: Variety traits that are positively appreciated of the promotional maize seed pack (percentage of households per trait) 77 Table 44: Average distance to agro-dealer (km) 77 Table 45: Main indicators for access to formal financial services 78 PIATA 2019 Outcome Monitoring Report – AGRA Burkina Faso 6/128 Table 46: Types of loan providers (percentage of households per provider) 78 Table 47: Main indicator for post-harvest losses 79 Table 48: Main indicator for access to market information 79 Table 49: Sources of market information used by farmers (percentage of
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