Torrance Press

Torrance Press

A Cl JL \>it Thursday, August 19, 1954 TORRANCE PRbSS Page 19 The Largest Used Car Lot AUTOMOBILES 1120 AUTOMOBILES 112 AUTOMOBILES 1120 AUTOMOBILES ue SUCKER!! WOW! P. T. Barnum built hl» circug o the basis that there, in a "aucke In The Harbor Area born every minute." LOOK AT THIS! AFTON'S WE DON'T WANT 1952 CHEVROLET club 1951 BUIOK Super Riviera good, REMEMBER... THAT KIND OF BUSINESS coupe t u t o n e green, club coupe hardtop con­ . Large selection of Let Homebody el«e sell white iidewalls, original vertible, t u t o n e paint clean used cars at the auto- Clean Sweep Sale bin uxed« to suckers! finioh. Low mileage. Whitewalls. Xht. mechan­ THE BEST « We Want ically. 1 mobile showplace of Torrance. Smart Buyers $1245 OF $1395 BUTLER .BUICK . , who n<*ed good transporta tion . who would apprecia DEALS thf> opportunity to try out any ca 1947 PONTIAC. Good 953 HILLMAN MINX convertible. Radio, Quality Used Cars 'ind*>r standard driving coriditioj 1947 CHEVROIET 4-door for V FULL DAYS. family and transportation sedan. Good transports heater, whitewalls. Just like new. Wow! car. >n car. $1 195 IN TOWN "Two-Day FREE 952 BUICK SPECIAL 2-door deluxe. Radio I960 FORD "8" Crestline. 1949 DODGE 4-door. New $199- $299 Ove rdrive, heater, whitewail paint and interior. Spotless. Driving Trial" and heater. A real bargain at $1495 lires, tutone interior and ex­ Sale.orice Over 80 Beautiful Cars To Choose From 951 NASH CUSTOM STATESMAN 4- terior. Only $648 ARE AT UNCONDITIONAL door. Radio, weather-eye, reclining seats, $998 MONEY BACK ALL SAFETY TESTED AND GUARANTEED overdrive. .................................... $895 1951 STUDEBAKER convert­ 1948 DE SOTO Custom 4- PAUL'S CHEVROLET Ford-O-Matic, ra­ ible. This sport car has plenty GUARANTEE PLAN 952 FORD VICTORIA. door Sedan. Radio, heater, of everything including ra­ CECIL L THOMAS dio, heater, whitewalls, discs, etc. Beauti­ white ' side walls, Tip-toe dio, heater, automatic-trans­ transmission. mission. A orrce in a while Thin plan will give the moHt cor ful two-tone yellow and royal blue. A 1939 PLYMOUTH Coupe. ^orvative huy< r fv<-ry opportunit AND SONS Week-End Special cream puff. Reduced to 194! FORD V-8 4-door. to know what he IH getting befoi honey. ................ ...........................'...$ I 695 (IY8887I) (7N5833) lie accept* the cur. $548 $998 Cfldillac - Oldsmobile - GMC Trucks 950 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 8 deluxe con­ $29 $99 WALTER G. Gaffey at Eighth, San Pedro vertible. New top, radio, heater. Hydra- 947 STUDEBAKER Com­ 1948 KAISER 4-door Sedan. matic, etc. ........ .../.. $995 mander 4-door Regal, Cli- The original owner has kept LINCH TErminfll 3-5291 matizer air-conditioner. Gas 1948 FRAZIER Sedan. 4- 1946 FORD. Radio, heater. 950 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR. One-owner. this spotless in and out and door. Nice. (5NI 179) 812 8. Pacific Coast Hwy. saving, overdrive, etc. Only will give much more service ;iS92237) REDONDO BEACH Oriqinal. Exceptionally clean. Hurry for $795 $448 than many cars at twice the $149 Loft Anff*I*« County'0 price. AUGUST SPECIAL $249 Oldest Dodgo Dealer 950 STUDEBAKER REGAL CHAMPION 1951 WILLYS STATION DODGE-PLYMOUTH * Have You convertible. A real cutey-pie. Radio, heat­ $348 947 NASH Club Coupe- WAGON. This is a popular 1948 CHEVROLET 4-door. oeen looking. for a real clean solid car, but just have been er, overdrive. ... ........ .........................................$695 4-cylinder model, equipped V"ery clean. (ID876IO) I960 STUDEBAKER 4-door (IV9I07) unable to find one that comes up to your standard:.. Then vith overdrive. A solid, de­ 953 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA hardtop con­ Sedan. Radio, original tulip highly recommend and guarantee for I year in writing the pendable, low o p e r a t ing $199 cream finish. A new car Following cars. vertible. All accessories, custom in­ ost wagon. You can't dupli­ $349 trade in. Sales Special $5 terior ..$2395 cate. This buy at only 953 CHEVROLET l/2 -ton 1953 CHEVROLKT BKL-AIK 4-door. l.'J.OOO actual milf-a. Been In $598 1949 CHEVROLET l/2.ton day and nlnht whnn not In use. Power-Glide, radio. 950 CHEVROLET STYLINE DELUXE 4- $948 oick-up. 4 speed, low mile­ DOOR. Clean as a button ............. .....$795 age. (SI 724) pick-up. (R22I5I) DOWN 1951 MERCURY CLUB SE­ 1952 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE deluxe. Monthly Kull 950 FORD TUDOR. Exceptionally good 1951 STUDEBAKER V-8 Payment. 19.r>l CHKVROLKT 2-IK)OR. Power-Glide. tutone paint. Landcruiber economy win­ DAN. Radio, heater, Merco- $1 199 $845 matic, custom upholstering. '52 Chevrolet Club 1950 CHEVROLBT DKLUXK 2-DOOR. New rubber on ground. condition ....... .......................... ..... $695 ning overdrive. All weather All factory *M«Morle*. ^limatizer. Custom interior, Local one-owner car. $54.72 $11^9 1961 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR. 951 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER "New­ 1952 CHEVROLET Sedan 1941 CHEVROLET lA-ten directional signals, etc. This $1248 Delivery. (N70783) itake. (D24I4). New tiris. '51 Mercury 1951 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPK. port" hardtop convertible. 180 horsepow­ luxury car priced at only M*-rr-o-Matlc, radio and heat 1952 HUDSON HORNKT CUSTOM 4-DOOR. Hydrninalic, radio and Very clean. +r. 4-door. Like new. heater. Ono-ownpr. Has not bfpn abunori. Fini-st ever. er. Immaculate ........................ ... $1495 $1048 1952 CHAMPION 4-door. $995 $54.72 $1199 951 CHRYSLER CROWN IMPERIAL con­ Radio, heater. New car $345 '51 Pontiac Catalina YOU MUST SEE AND DRIVE 1953 STUDEBAKER Coupe trade in. Looks and drives vertible. Power steering and all other 1946 PACKARD Clipper. Radio and heater, whitr-wal THESE CARS TO REALIZE THE Sedan. America's most pop­ like new. CUT TO tlrf«. EverythinR. extras. Luxurious $1595 Radio, heater, new tires, new 1948 NASH Club Coupe. $59.80 $1299 TRUE VALUE AND CONDITIONS ular and wanted car. This Merc-o- $1098 seat covers. (1X21743) (ID876IO) '53 Chevrolet Club 952 MERCURY MONTEREY. seautiful Elko Grey finish is Radio, heater, whitewalls. 3 to WE TRADE Matic, radio, heater, etc Tip-top actory new. Naugahyde m- choose from. erior trim. Custom built 1953 STUDEBAKER V-8 de­ $349 $299 $58.63 $1499 ...................$ I 745 luxe 4-door. This showroom shape . 98" adic, air conditioning Cli- '50 Chrysler "6" TOM ROADY 949 OLDSMOBILE deluxe. Fully natizer, Economy winner. clean executive car has very 4-door. Radio, heater, auto­ Overdrive. Your chance to low mileage. Full new car matic transmission. Dodge and Plymouth Dealer equipped ......... $695 guarantee. Can be ha'd on $49.63 $ 999 own this dream car at the 16647 S. VERMONT AVE. ME. 4-7906 948 PONTIAC 2-DOOR. Radio and heat­ owest price ever. ONLY new car terms. Has whitewall No Tricks! - No Gimmicks! '49 Hudson fiARDENA lires, Climatizer. Special in- 4-door. Overdrive, radio and er. $49 down .... ...... $299 $1698 rerior. Gas saving long life $2 6.30 $ 399 GMAC or BANK TERMS overdrive. SAVE $1300' at 1952 FORD Customize 4- our Sale Price of Many More Late Model And 51 Nash Ambassador door Sedan. Beautiful origi­ 4-door. Hydranvitl'1 . radio and $1798 hpfit'T. Make* into bed. All BUTLER BUICK nal tutone finish, matching original car. $49 $199 Hi 17 ClinYSLKR 4-rioor. Jpt ntericr, Fordomatic, white- Transportation Cars To S.elect From $49.63 $ 999 »40 PLYMOUTH 4-door. 2084 TORRANCE BLVD. black with wh!t«wnlU. Like vvalls, radio, heater, chrome 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-door Dver 100 cars to choose from ood rar for work. Ffd Glpdhlll Chevrolet i-'-l (ili'fl'hill Chfivrolet FA. 8-6272 FA. 8-6272 rim rings. This completely Sedan. Heater. Transporta­ 46's to 54's :<04 K. ArianMm St. .'JCM E. AnahHm St.- WIlmlnRton TE. 4-H491 llmliiKton TE. 4-3491 equipped car is showfoom tion Special. * August Sale 1450 W. clean. A Steal at Price Manchester $499 $1298 Paul's Chevrolet LaBREA AUTO SALES I)4H KOHD pam;l. V*ry low 19.r,o LINCOLN 2-door. Hydra- . malic, nirc neat covers. as low as PL-27147 Fc-d Olcdhill Chevrolet Frp'l Olr.dhiil Chevrolet 1640 CABRILLO FA. 8-1640 304 K. Anahpirn Bt. 304 E. Anahclm St. Wilmlnjctori TE. 4-3491 WllmJngton TK. 4-3491 FRANK H AFTON CO. $799 S25 Down Studebaker 1961 TORRANCE BLVD. FA. 8-1640 * »r,0 BUlCK dcdanette. Radio, l!l.'.0 OiKVftOI.KT H-door. Ra- later. lio, hi'atcr. powerjfll'le. 240 N. MARKET ST. Transportation Fred Gledhill Chevrolet Fred Glcdhlll Chevrolet 304 E. Anahelin St. on approved credit 304 K. Anah.-lm St. WilmlriKton - - TE. 4-.'J4!U INGLEWOOD OR. 8-4005 BUY! WllmlriRton TE. 4-3491 SPECIALS! BEAUTIFUL LOW MILEAGE as low as $999 . (949 FORD Custom sedan. Radio, overdrive, CARS Ifil JKOKD Custom U-door. 1052 Yoni) pick-up. Radio, Buick $1095 cw paint, radio, hoator, ovr- heater. One-owner car ........................................ Hpecial 2-door, radio & beater, rlvp. Kreil Glullhill Ch«vriib-t ON LOW DOWN PAYMENTS near new rubber. two-ton<; Frfd CJlcdhlll Chevrolet 304 K. Aimhelm .St. k paint. Priced to move. 304 K. Anahoim 8t. WtlnihiKton TK. 4-34f)l Wllmlngton TE. 4-M4HI 1951 FORD Victoria hardtop. Fordomfltic, P (1C44656) Down Down radio, heater, tutone finish. Plastic seat HN.1 LUCKY AUGUST 53 Plymouth . $1295 covers UN, 53 Buick $384 '54 Buick .............. $662 4-door CarnbridKe, 2-tone fin­ Suprr "Rlviorii" conpr. in Super "Riviera" coup*. Elec­ ish. 18,000 miles. (IX.'MSflfl) beautiful original tu-ton*. tric windows, power steering; $1299 PvnaUow, rtnio, boater, CHKVUOLET 2-door l»,r).'» CHKVROLKT deluxe 1951 PONTIAC Super Catalina hardtop SALES DRIVE! and brakes. Radio, heater, door. Radio, hauler * lots \vnitfwall tiros. Full prico white tidewall tiree. tinted 5! Studebaker $895 Kadlo, heater ft pow- convertible with tutone leather interior.- glass.

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