u - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednetdav. Nov. 19. IIM MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS rf* CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Bleu’s killer BreasMeedIng MR Whalers can’t gets 50 years Is the only way handle Montreal KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright ... page 10 ... page 11 ... page 15 iianrliPBtpr HrralJi ) Manchester — A City ol Village Charm 30 Cents YOUR CHOICE - Thursday, Nov. 20,1986 PAY THE LANDLORD’S MORTGAGE, OR PAY YOUR OWNI N MANCHESTER 100 HEMLOCK ST. CENTER SPRINGS PARK AREA Parkade sale More snow Complatety ramodalad 47' 2 badrootn rancH. Sunny :■ ■ n«w kitchan with appllancaa and bath. No wax floora, panoled aun oorch. Warm attachad garaga. Immadiata { 'V*> occupancy. 12,000. also INVITATION TO BID 7 room aluminum aided alr-conditlonad CAPE with INVITATION TO BID means a mall, on the way garage, newer kitchen and bath. Birch panalad family Sealed bids will be received l^ e Eighth Utilities Dis­ V,. ‘ . , • . room. Aaking $120,000. In the General Services' af- trict, 32 Main Street, Man­ flce, 41 Center St., Manches­ chester, Ct., seeks bids far k' ter, C T until Decembers, 1986 the following Items; Samuelson Broker call 649-0498 at 11:00 a.m. for the fallow- Storm keeps MACC, Ine: TW O (2) 4.5 AIR PACKS (1) ONE NEW G RAVELY F IF T Y ($0) FIR EFIG HTERS merchant says crews working hartd COM M ERCIAL CON­ PROTECTIVE COATS VERTIBLE TRACTOR Bid specificatlens may be (2) ATHLETIC SHIRTS obtained during normal busi­ By George Lavn^ ness hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 (3) BUILDING DEMOLI­ p.m.) Moi^av thru Saturday By John F. Kirch developers and was given pictures The Manchester Herald TION a REMOVAL from the (SIspatcher at the and George Layng of the planned expansion. The Town of Manchester Is EIGHTH DISTRICT FIRE­ ^ l l e many have recovered from the storm that V an equal opportunity em­ HOUSE, 32>Maln St., Man­ The Manchester Herald The developers plan to com­ ployer, and requires an affir­ chester, Conn. 06040. pletely enclose the Parkade by next dumped up to a foot of snow on the area early mative action policy for all of Sealed bids will be received spring, the source said. Work is Wednesday, several hundred Manchester and Its Contractors and Vendors at the above address until The section of the Manchester Bolton residents are among the thousands as 0 condition of doing busi­ 7:00 p.m. on Mondov, De­ Parkade shopping center surround­ scheduled to begin before the end of statewide who are still without electricity. ness with the Town, os per cember 1,1906, at which time ing Sears is scheduied to be soid the year, he said. Federal Order 11246. they will be publicly opened, The lingering effects of the storm put people out Bid forms, plans and specifi­ read aloud and recorded. today to a three-man partnership In addition, the source said four of their homes and kept crews at work on area cations are available at the Bids shall remain valid for that plans to enclose the structure new major tenants will open stores roads late into the night as forecasters predicted General Services' office. thirty days from the bid and turn it into a mall, an informed in the Parkade, but declinded to TOWN OF opening date. The District more snow for today. MANCHESTER, CT. reserves the right to relect source said this morning. name them. He said five more In Manchester, about 25 people spent the night l9iAPARTMENT8 STORE AND IS n RECREATIONAL MISCELLANEOUS ROBERT B. WEISS, any and all bids for any rea­ The source, a Parkade merchant stores will be added to the rear of at the state armory on Main Street despite a GENERAL MANAGER son deemed to be In the best the Parkade. recommendation by the Red Cross that the »I f o r r e n t OFFICE SPACE EQUIPMENT I FDR SALE 030-11 Interest of the District. who asked that his name not be JOSEPH TRIPP used, said he did not know the sale "He's got a lot of good things building not be used. 3 and 4 room apartments, Office Space For Rent. Skis-Knelsel 190 centime­ Tw o 50Ft. rolls of snow FIRE COMMISSIONER price. here,” he said, referring to the site “It’s not a good place for a shelter,” said Elaine * NEW CONSTRUCTION * Sweet, director of the Connecticut Valley East no appliances,no pets,se­ Excellent location-heat, ters, with look 77 bindings, fence. 4 ft. high. $25.00. CARS Doted at Manchester, Conn, One of the three people who will plans. “This guy did all of this You could be settled in this beautiful, new curity,col I 646-2426. Week­ air ,lonltor, parking. 500 $130. Nordlco boots size Each New. Phone 643-8470 this 12th day of November, purchase the popular strip shop­ before actually purchasing.” Branch of the American Red Cross. Besides being home by the end of Januaryl This property days 9-S. souore feet $250. 649-5334. 10. $25. 646-4732.___________ after 6pm. FOR SALE 1906. drafty and cold, she said, the armory Is in 034-11 ping center on West Middle Turn­ Many of the current tenants are features cathedral ceilings, 2 full baths, 3 or 643-7175. Ski boots, women's 6'/i, pike is Amran Oron, the merchant renewing their leases, he said. violation of some state building codes. Two bedroom apartment excellent condition, must Hedstrom baby carriage. Those who spent the night at the armory came bedrooms, French doors toa 12x16deck. All for rent. Dishwasher, dis­ 3 rooms containing 900 sell. Need money! Only Converts to stroller. $30. 1981 Buick Skylark, 54,000 said, but he did not know the names The developers have a history of INVITATION TO BID from the Samaritan Shelter run by the Manches­ this and morel Situated on a 100x200 lot with posal, pool, tennis courts. souore feet on Spruce $35. 643-4096.D Coll 649-6646. miles, power steering, of the other two partners or where renovating and upgrading shopping power brakes, air condi­ ter Area Conference of Churches and were sent Near 84. Coll 2 8 2-79 M after Street. Parking, can di­ centers, the source said. He said beach rights to Lake Chaffee. Call us for tioning. Call Gary at 568- The Eighth Utilities Dis­ any of the three are from. there because MACC’s Main Street building lost 7 :0 0 pm. or (617) 864-5770 vide, 1 year lease. Call trict, 32 Main Street, Man­ ISnoOATS/MARINE 2020 or 64641213. 'The sales agreement is scheduled they are currently building “a more details. $120,000. X4204 days. 643-6712. Hearthmate woodstove chester, Ct., seeks bids to: power. 1 ^ EQUIPMENT to be signed later today, the source gigantic one” on Long Island, "You had to put them someplace,” said Nancy and accessories. Best Replace Hose Body & although he did not know where. Wi can iialp you bicomi a offer over $35 takes It. Booster Tank on 1969 Mock said. Officials with the Cutter Carr, MACC’s executive director. INDUSTRIAL 1978 Fiesta, good condi­ Pumper. “REALE” PR0FE88I0NAU 16 foot Mod River canoe, Brick lined. 6464)439. It tion, runs well, 110,000 Operating Corp., the Parkade’s The source said the decision to The shelter had its power restored this morning. Call 648-4S2S.andaak(orDan. PROPERTY paddles Included. Used must go. 6464>439.a miles. $500 or best offer. Bid specifications may be landlord and part owner, could not turn the Parkade into a mall was Acting Director Jeff Cox said. ID four times. Excellent con­ obtained during normal busi­ Spacious 4 room apart­ 742-6358 after 6. ness hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 be reached for comment. not made as a way to compete with Carr said Manchester’s armory was one of the dition. $800. Please call High chair, upholstered, the proposed 785,000-square-foot D. F. REALE, INC. ment near bus. Adults Manchester-Good space 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- p.m.) Monday thru Saturday Cutter owns the West Middle handful around the-state opened by Gov. William preferred, no pets, 1 car, at reasonable prices. Call yellow, attached formica from the Dispatcher at the Turnpike side of the Parkade, Mall at Buckland Hills planned for Raaf Eafafe 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for Eighth District Firehouse, 32 A. O’Neill. 2 security and reference. owner for present or fu­ table, chrome frame, northwest Manchester. Although radio and television stations had 175 Main St.. Manchester, Ct ture needs at 643-2414.. molded troy, $30. 649-2723 Main St., Manchester, Ct. which contains the Sears store, a M kM hf.K HKi iK th 649-1265. Planning Director Mark Pelle­ spread t)ie word that the Manchester armory was 646-4S25 mornings or after 5:30.n 1981 Pontiac Phoenlx- D&L department store, a Channel M USICAL Sealed bids will be received being set up as a shelter. Sweet said the only Manchester - 2nd floor 2 ROOMMATES good running condltlon. Home (Center and other smaller grini said today that he had not ITEM S at the above address until heard about the sale, though some shelter officially set up In town was at the Senior bedroom, heat and ap­ WANTED $1250. 649-2271. 7:00 p.m. on Monday, De­ stores. The Broad Street side of the pliances, no pets. $550 plus El cember 1,1906, at which time shopping center is owned by the developers have spoken to him in Citizens’ (Center on East Center Street.
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