M ITCHELL, . vo t, F h , Neuberger, N overini, Shoemaker, and Tredup 1, Approval Minutes - April 1 7, 2008 2. Public Comment 3. Mo nthly Financi a l Report (P. Perez) 4. Mo nthly Report 5. Resolution- Awarding a Contract for Food Servi ce at the t: :. dult J usti ce ,rst r 6. Resolution: An Inte rgove rnmental Agree ment Between K&^i County , the Srr,^ and the City of St. Charles Rena rdin g M unition s B unke rs DRUG R . :_ I . " I -. ... (Judge Weir/M, Da ly/T . Scott) 7. M on'hly port JUVENILE CL 'k ( D r. T. B rown Monthly Rap rt PU BLI C L -a . ER (D . I° lira nt) 9 . Monthlly Report JIT CLERK ( D . Se ll r) 1 0 . Month lyReport Ba rsa nti) 11. Monthly A _ _ I_ ^^ ....^ Y & COURTS (D. Naug hton 12. M onthly Report 1 . Di scussi o n: Night Court J. I ( . West) 1 4 . M onthly Re port (J li n h me 1 5. I` rn4 h l j: 7,e p rt ADULT ' " ' ' (P. Perez/P. Keaty) 1 6 . ily Report COURT 'ACES I II ' (J . ullr/"att) 17, Monthl y Repo rt 1 8. D i scu ss ion- J uvenile Justice Center Evacu ation 19. Di scu ssion: SB2275 (1 7-year old bill) 20. Discussion. Redepl oy Illinois ADJ O U RNMEN T L a) L-'I a) a DR REH I J St "" cs of 05/09/08 C LIENTS I N ACTIVE PEN D IN G TRANSF E RRED TOTA L *Transferred ba ck to respective counties/state ..:" -ACTIVE M EN 163 WOMEN 46 TOTAL 209 RO FILE ACTIVE CAUCASIAN 1 5 AFRI CAN AMER ICAN 50 HISPAN I C 44 TOTAL RACE I GENDER - CTI E CAUCASIAN 'ALE FEMALE AFRICAN AME RI CAN AL 4 3 FEM ALE 7' HISPANIC MALE 38 1 8 % FE MALE 6 3 % TOTA L 209 5/9/20082:59 Cocaine 11 7 56% Herion 27 1 3 % M arijuana 50 24 % Prescription 6 3% Methadone 1 Alcohol 8 4% TOTAL 209 CLI ENTS D IVID ED BY GEOGRAPHIC ACTIVE South °Tri C ities North 32 Aurora 70 Batavia 11 Elgin Montgo mery 10 St. Charles 17 Cville woo 1 Geneva 10 Du ndee TOTA L 81 39% 38 1 8% 58 % TOTA L 209 Drug C ou rt had graduation one Ap ril 23 i n which 15 d to g rad u *N u mbers are rounded FPM°:Group/ssstaff/exce&/donnak/forms/stets 05/22/08. 5/9/20082:59 COU T r , F Phone 630-232-3535 Km. 7 19 South i Avenue, Website : co. a e.i . 20 05 2006 STATE, OF ILLINOIS COU NTY O F KANE RESO LUTI ON 08 - Iti 1 F . AS, the State of Illin ois, through Public Act 095 071 1 , has enacted a $5.00 surcharge to the ,-r'jge License, payable by the County Clerk to the State Treasurer for deposit i n the Ma rried F ilie Domestic Violence Fund effective June 1, 2008; a nd W HE REAS, the County Board enacted Ordinance 0 8-1 69, M ay 1 3 , 2008 establishing the marri age fee at $23,00 each; and W HE REAS , the $5 . 00 surcharge m u paid to the Try -ir of the State of Illinois monthly. NOW , THE R E FOR E, IT RESOLVE D that the 2008 budget to the Count,, " be a me nded by $7,950 for the payment of the ,00 fee to the State Treasurer. BE IT F URTH ER RESOLVED the fol io ing 2008 budget adjustment be .j. to reflect this payment: 001.190'.000.31010 Marriage Licenses $7 ,950 Other Contractual E xpe nse $7,950 --------- - --------- --- ^........._mIf not ..^.......wa Line item Lire Item C escriptlon Was Are funds uurrentlly funds are personnel/item/service available for this currently available in approved in origin p- --rinel/item/service the specified line budget or a subsequent a n specified line item, where are the funds available? ......^ bud et revision? item? 0011 .1 90.191 .55000 Other Contractual No Yes 001.1 u . 00 a1 010 Expense Licenses)--- Pa_,, ."I by the Kane County Board on June 10, 2008. John A. C unningha rn Karen McConnaughay Clerk, County Board Chairman, County Board lane County, Illinois lane County, Illinois Vote: Yes N o Voice Abstentions 613dc t-Licenses JLI U°,AAL 'd 1 SERVICES -08 19 39 92 Re leased 2008 6 1 6 60 69 1,027 28 342 Out Q . C ou n ty 29 29 328 Ch alle nge 429 C:\Docurnents and SetFngsvcuheenre ^I_acnl SeU ngsv't°€nporary Internet Hi svv0LK'146v5 APR 08 SUMMARY 0) v 0 0 co L C (D (D C) C) C CD w4T 000 C) Ccy') C CC) .-It 0 (D 0 C^ [I- CD r- 0 00 0 co m (.0 C14 LO M LO -t C E 0 cc 0 0 C 0 0 CL 0 0) cc Cc 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 ^ rcamuu „q..,n cc p^ c,r^^ ygqq ct L4.0 cc .mod t Act of 1 9 7 and [li e Uni fied Code of Correction s to rac d:fre ;w of I S , in tcac:l of 17, subject to the Act for delinquent minor . While this .all initiaijy-just in , fl °e nnsdc aareano r ch arges, it allow s for a stu dy of the impact of" movin al l 17 year olds into juvenile cou rt in the fuature. 1113 1 5 1 8 seek s to move all 17 year olc.d under the"9^ar" dictio of tI ic wj uvenile court with out any phase- I n. period. '['here Would 1,e si o, = l icant f. raanci ^^ . -Iile :.."ou^:t ^S `y I-)y the increase in workload tha^.t ; )I ' .: It f r m ^ ^. (i ti.n popul ion. J In paper analyze the tote Ic llar Clounti r tort from the National (_"caater f-i r% J uvenile Justice (NC.1.1) the provision cionWould add to the overall juvenile justice system by ap , 00o , ^I'lt ,e 1 7 year olds pack into the juvenile y 111ct ".y issue of the Criminal Justice s[w ;^ ~, the Wisco: Audit Bureau said. that the rreta.rrn of 17 year olcl to juvenile 0e "tjurisdliction would ni icant fiscal effect on coun.tie ., because they primarily operate the juv i L system, The aa.aditot ,.°otc, estimate returning 17 year Olu.e to the ju Penile system could cost to " ' on IL41lly." Such a study has not i., iuois to jud , e tl y on Illinoi s counties . factors 11- t weds to be cons idered is the differer a is m lien adult The majority of adult cases are I I lk (:"c., it no preentc ve ment by probation staff. In ji a en: ral s from local police jurisdictions. Juvenile probation 2reu the referrals parents, perform assessments to determine ri sk protectiv and detern' rt is necessary to resol ve the case, If the case is filed in court, the j aa ,i( probati on eL i -_ ,' ,.J^e s a social investigat ion on the mi ,or, collecting infhr#rrlrati n on. the 1: school, enIplo _.reaat, prior f°fen^ and alcohol u `)w" mental health laistc peer relationship s, and victim case is f rOrn coa:art, f'callo a-crla on the Trainor' c ith any program to which the minor i,s restituti 1,111 1,101 ay, and. many minors are 'Al recd on an "in,forrm-,Il" basi s irlVO Thu s , the ii iaial proces s ing ofwju exile ca, by probati on a a e than the pr"o acult c "'lie fol lowL ng i n forraiat Ml by ind i vid 1 I llar Co unties to estimate increases pem- y these co unties shou 17 year (.)Ids be fa.j: nece s ;' sure that the 17 y ear ol ds con-un g the pju. i1^ III II have t level err, sera, Jed as those iii. C a,r qtly under juvenile juri c:Iictiorn. E ,(r:h c u:aanty Used the NCLa i rkload ifall 17 year olds were mo v ed into the ystern." ,.dcli.aa:.:-- '^ s caul he breakdown of t-nisdemeanor vs. felonry I Car 1.7 year I char: 2006. For the se j uri dictions , the cases filed on 17 year old,,:b w 7 %%% rrri eanor and 22 % felony, "I"" sdictio ns eac h d i d e t ira .ated cost incr eases r° he reases are in the foll owin g narrative. 'l'hc a attaclh d spreaac n ere,.) r°c l, :ca Probati on, Detention, and Residential c ^s usin g misd emeanor costs only. T:1., a aa.iscleraacui' -)r costs i led on 1 7 yea probation are reflected using 7 8(X.) of the 30% full in crease, since 7 : ` of" the c r olcllq were isdemeanors, and 1 00% ofthese cases could come through intake in tl juvenile probation r1..,m sy aam on increase for raaisdeineanor only was calculated a,usin a compaari,,ou of 16 yearw o160 Who were w Uaaants or probation violations, I t"f ;r -)Ids in. this cat / coaxrpris 13% of the tota l c1. ,entic is is, and 17 y ear oldsWould rep k.
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