A Weekly Newspaper Is Close To The People ItUatfo ®tm ?0 r i I* I fs ------------- ----------------------' >11. 4i English Counterpart Visit More Thelts A world traveler, Percy Jo_ nea detoured from a vlalc to ,1 a daughter'In Canada to travel Reported Here to New Jeraey to vlalt the lo­ The Detective Bureau la ln- cal rotary club before return­ veatlgatlng two robberies re- ported here Itet Tn««A»y,------- 8 ing to hi* home In England. He laid he alao haa visited South Irving Schultz of 1573 Maple The Hillside Public Schools Africa twice alnce he retired Ave. told police that hla apart­ will open on Thursday, Sept­ In 1962, ment was entered sometime ember 8th, at the regular time between July 21, and Aug. 12, for all pupils according to an He wai In the Insurance bu­ and $408 worth of Jewelry and announcement made today by siness prior to hla retirement. caah atolen. Dr. Wayne T. Branom, Super­ Aa part of the friendship pro­ Entry may have been made intendent of Schools. ject, member* of the local club through a rear window which All new pupils who will attend are correipondlng with mem­ waa unlocked, police aald. The the Hillside schools for the first bers of the Stoke-On-Trent club of atolen Items were taken from a time, and have not previously r who are In the same occupation. dreater drawer and Included registered, are requested to Jones came to the club aeaslon Club from Jail UbAeCelVe8 * b,u,ner of 1,10 Hillside R ota^ a atrand of pearla, a man’s register at their respective with J. Franklin Relnhard, who ? e ? b ? of t h r S,de"L JonB 8 «»s Ui" Hmt watch and $238 In caah. school on Wednesday, August alto is In the Insurance busi­ the lnrai ri u F * c u^’ which has been paired with The home of Joseph Fee at 3lst between the hours 9:00 Rotarv UbH n ^ lnternational friendship project by 632 Glenwood Ave, waa entered ness, and Dr. Hubert Lane. Rotary International to visit the local dub., J!,. photo. AM to 12:00 Noon so their HWUlip. I sometime between 8:30 a.m. and schedules and assignments can 4:56 p.m. police were told. Ar­ be prepared for the opening day ticles valued at $129 and Inclu­ a t school. A pupil must be five Catman Returns ding a pair of binocular*, a years of age ori or before De­ Hillside Week A cat burglar has returned to translator radio and a watch cember 31, 1966 to enter kin­ THE UNION COUNTY T rifle Safety Committee has recom­ Hillside. and an unknown amount of mo­ dergarten; and must be six mended to the State Highway Department that the entire portion Alex Schnltzer of 2Z2Wlnans ney were atolen, police were years of age on or before De­ of Route 22 here be made three lanes. Ave. reported to police at 2:16 told. cember 31, 1966 to enter first They pointed out that bottle necks are caused by the highway’s a.m. Friday that while he and Entry was gained by ripping grade. reduction from three to two lanes. his wife slept, the house was off a cellar screen. Bedroom* ***** An Orientation Program will entered and ransacked. on the second floor were ran­ be held on Wednesdy, Septem­ A SIX YEAR OLD boy last Wednesday was Jumped upon by six Entry was gained by tapping sacked. ber 7th, at 1:15 PM In the audit­ ■ Juvenile* as he walked In Race St., hla mother reported to police the glass on a rear door until Police received report* that orium of tile high school for all • • * • * * It broke. Missing were $150 In more than $786 was atolen In ninth grade and new high school THE STORM LAST TUESDAY caused severe flooding In Salem cash from Mrs. Schnltzer’s three entries last Wednesday. pupils. At this meeting, an ex­ Ave„ In Liberty Ave. near the Hillside Public Library and In pocketbook, an undetermined Two of the three entries po­ planation will be given the stu­ other areas where the pitch of the storm sewers or the size of the amount of cash from Schnlt­ lice believe were committed by dents of the school's rules, sewer* falls to carry away swift flowing storm water. z e r’s pants and the sterling the same person or persons. ' r ' I regulations, organization, po­ The storm also set off alarms at New York Brass and Copper silver. A watch owned by Lee Gold­ licies, dally classroom sched­ Co, and Tobla’s Appliances. berg of 1568 Leslie St. was ules, and the different activi­ found In the ransacked apart­ ties offered. The pupils will re ­ BO ADLERBERT told the members of the Hillside Rotary Club Stale Trooper ment of Phillip Goldman at 1582 As Vacation ceive their schedules and will at College Inn last Tuesday of his trip this summer to Greece. Leslie St. meet with their respective Illustrating his talk with alldes, he told of the glories that were Both apartments were ran­ teachers for a short time. It Is in ancient Attica as well <as those of modem day Greece Graduates sacked. Important that all ninth grade • * • • * Draws To A Close. The Goldberg apartment ap­ . students and new students at­ STEVEN PUL1K of 1299 State St. reported to police Monday parently was entered by some­ Boy flipping off the diving board at the Municipal Swimming Pool and those youngsters tend tills orientation meeting. that his 1965 car had been enteredandclgars and dexldrlne pills one who slipped the lock with waiting their turn are taking advantage of the last two weeks of summer vacation. Hill­ On Tuesday, August 30th, the stolen. a knife. side public schools will reopen September 8 th. (Art Roi. Photo)' principals will meet with Dr. • * * • • He said a total of $630 In Branom for the purpose of out­ TRAFFld IN ROUTE 22 during Tuesday's morning rush hour caah was taken from bedroom lining the educational program was blocked in both directions when a truck backed out of Burk- dresaers and two small banks. for the year and preparing for am Brothers Trucking and accidentally went over the'center The empty banks were found the opening of school. divider. In the living room. Approval Granted For An Orientation Program for • • • « * The front door of the'Gold- all new teachers will beheld on UR,CHARLES GRUBIN Mondayrequeatedtransportationfrom man apartment was accidentally Thursday; September 1st, tn the the Police Department to move David Slavin, 19, of 1408 Orchard left open. high school cafeteria starting Ter, from the Fabyan Swim Club at 481 Fabyan Place, Irvington Mr*. Ruth Stone of 1603 Bay- at 9:00 AM, Mr, Walter Howell, to Ills home. The youth was reported to be suffering from acute view Ave. reported that $150 In Projessional Bldg. President of the Board of Edu­ alcoholism. cash, a brown mink stole, a cation, will welcome the teach­ white shrug and a ladles’ gold 1 he Zoning Board of Adjust- In Liberty Ave. across from Ave. and the egress Into Fran- ers. Dr, Branom will outline BERNARD B. BERNSTEIN, a member of the Planning Board watch were stolen from her ment has granted approval to the Municipal Building. kiln St, The parking lot must the Bchools'philosophy, explain and former chairman of the board, waB rushed to St. Elizabeth house. A pane of glass was bro­ Seymour Meskln for a profes- The board directed that the be lighted and lined for parking the school policies, and the Hospital, Elizabeth, early Monday morning with a kidney ail­ ken In the side door to gain en­ sional building to be erected Ingress' must be from Liberty slots. The driveway must be qualities of a good teacher. Dr. ment. Bernstein 1b presently organizing his campaign for district trance. “ ----------- ----------- chained after 6 p.m. There must Walter Krumbiegel, Assistant leader from his hospital room. be a stop sign at Franklin St. Superintendent of Schools, will Subscriptions For Servicemen There also must be a sign de­ discuss techniques of teaching Seek Letters signating additional parking GEORGE MARTUCCl of 12 Spruce St., Clark reported to police and the use of modern ma­ Hillside B'nal B'rlth will a- member of the overseas Armed area, at Hillside Lanes. terials. Mrs, Rose Stahnten, aturday that five sets of tires had been stolen from new cars at TROOPER FRANK PERCOSK1E the Times Is Interested Forces to receive the Hillside Maxon Pontiac Motors. galn sponsor free subscriptions Principal of Calvin Coolldge Frank Percoskie Is a member In publishing letters re­ to the Hillside Time* for *er- Times should contact Mr. Solo- The board reserved decision School, will discuss the school of the 71st Recruit Training ceived by local residents vlcemen and women stationed man Laddy, Civic Affairs on a request from Norman Pas­ curriculum and guides; Miss PATROLMAN DONALD WOLFE apprehended a juvenileunder Class which will graduate to­ from sons now in Vietnam. oversea*. Anyone who wiaheia Chairman, B’nal B’rlth at WA tor of the Pastor Construction Edna Doll, Principal of Hillside me influence of alcoholic beverage in the rear of Center Bowl, morrow, August 26, at Division 3-4669. Co. to erect a one-story buil­ Avenue School, will discuss be youth was released to his parents pending juvenile action. Headquarters In West Trenton, classroom management. Mr. according to an announcement ding addition on the old Muni­ David Cancell, Director of Spe­ today by Colonel D. B. Kelly, Small Fry Use Wishing Well cipal Maintenance Garage In THE HILLSIDE K1WANIS CLUB'S new fund raising project Is cial Services, will discuss the Superintendent, New Jersey to sell ’Seasons’ Greetings" for the Dec.
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