November 2008 Nah gah chi wa nong (Far end of the Great Lake – Fond du Lac Reservation) Di bah ji mowin nan (Narrating of Story) At left, Lisa Shabaiash registers new voter, Tasheana Rule, to vote on Nov. 1720 BIG LAKE RD. 4. Six volunteer canvassers visited homes on the Reservation throughout Presort Std CLOQUET, MN 55720 the month of October to help community members register and to answer U.S. Postage questions regarding the voting process. The first six pages of this Voter’s CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PAID Guide issue provide information on how to vote, why to vote, where to Permit #155 vote, and who wants your vote. Cloquet, MN 55720 In this issue: Voter’s guide ............................... 2-8 A safer Reservation ......................10 Getting ready for winter ..........12-13 RBC thoughts ...........................14-15 Senior legal line .......................... 16 Community news ......................... 18 Head Start trip to zoo .................. 24 PagePage 22 || NahNah gahgah chichi wawa nongnong •• DiDi bahbah jiji mowinmowin nannan || NovemberOctober 2008 2008 NovemberOctober 2008 | Nah gah chi wa nong • Di bah ji mowin nan | Page 3 Voter's Guide Native Vote: how and why it came about at FDL By Jane Skalisky portation to the polls on Nov. 4, 2008 citizenship and the right to vote, with an address on it; or should contact Smith at (218)878- but states continued to disenfran- • a student ID that contains a photo. he Native Vote campaign began 2681. chise American Indians. at the Fond du Lac Reservation Native Vote roots • In 1965, the Voting Rights Act was Domestic violence victims Tfour years ago, said Veronica Melanie Benjamin, former Mille passed, prohibiting discrimina- Domestic violence victims can reg- Smith, FDL Native Vote Alliance Lacs Band CEO, began Native Vote tion on the basis of race, color, or ister without adding their names and Representative. 2004 with the goal of organizing and language. information to the public rolls by at- Every two years, Smith recruits facilitating voter education, registra- taching a written request to the voter canvassers who go out into the com- tion, and get-out-the-vote strategies Today, obstacles to Indians voting registration application. The written munity to register voters, encourage throughout Indian country. The continue with redistricting, where request would simply state that they people to vote, and provide rides to success of the Minnesota model Reservations are put into single dis- fear for their safety and wish to be the polls. FDL is one of seven tribes was recognized by the Congress of tricts, as was done at South Dakota’s removed from the public rolls. For in Minnesota that participate in the American Indians in 2005, according Pine Ridge Reservation in 2001. same day registration, a shelter em- Native Vote Alliance. to the Native Vote Alliance of Minne- Restrictive ID requirements in some ployee can vouch for them. When out speaking with commu- sota. At Fond du Lac, the number of states also bar Indians from voting. nity members, Smith and her can- registered voters increased one-third Disenfranchisement lead to the Ex-felons vassers ask about concerns with the from 2000 to 2004 and the number swindling of millions of acres of As soon as a felon completes his or way government is run. They remind of voters increased by more than 50 Native land in the 19th century as her sentence, civil rights are reinstat- people that they have the right to ex- percent. American Indians had no voice in ed. For same day registration, there press their concerns with their vote. The following is a summary of the government. Today, despite having may be the word “challenged” next Smith added that often she has to Native Vote Alliance of Minnesota’s a diabetic rate 249 percent higher to their name on the rolls. If so, they dispel myths concerning registration. website, which can be found at than the general population and a life should speak to the head elections Many still believe that a person will www.nativevotemn.org expectancy that is 17 years below the judge, who may have them take a automatically be called for jury duty national average, per capita spending brief oath. if they register to vote (untrue), or • The 14th amendment in 1868 gave on American Indians lags behind that If a person is unsure as to whether they believe they can’t register to the right to vote to all persons born of U.S. federal prisoners. In educa- they have completed their sentence, vote without an identification card or naturalized in the U.S. tion, Bureau of Indian Affairs schools they should check with their parole (untrue). Frequently, she said, people • In 1870, the 15th Amendment appropriate on average $3,000 per officer or county, as it is a felony to just don’t know anything about the barred states from limiting voting year per pupil annually, less than half register to vote if the sentence and candidates. on the basis of race. of what public schools receive. probation haven’t been completed. On her journeys to canvass neigh- • In 1871, the U.S. Supreme Court borhoods, she encounters surprise ruled that the 14th Amendment Who is eligible to vote and how to Voter registration for the and appreciation. Recently a resident didn’t apply to American Indians. do it homeless told Smith that no one had ever come • The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in In Minnesota, any eligible voter Those who are homeless can to his door to encourage him to take 1881 that all reservation Indians can register at the polls with the fol- register the day of election by using part in the political process. Addition- were residents and thus qualified to lowing acceptable identification: a shelter employee as a voucher. Ap- ally, many people do not realize that vote. Utah continued to disenfran- • a current Minnesota driver’s plicants without a traditional street if they don’t vote for four consecutive chise American Indians until 1957. license, Minnesota ID, learner’s address can draw a map showing years, they need to reregister prior to • In 1917, the Minnesota Supreme permit, or federal tribal ID with where they live. or on election day. Court denied Indians the right to current address; or, For further information on voting, Canvassers are trained and paid a vote. • having another registered voter in see www.nativevotemn.org. stipend and mileage by Take Action • The Indian Citizenship Act was their precinct vouch for them; or Minnesota. Anyone needing trans- passed in 1924, granting Indians • using an original recent utilities bill The mission of this publication is our intention to be a vehicle of divi- Nah gah chi wa non Di bah ji mowin nan to provide the Anishinaabeg com- siveness. To that end, we do not pub- Translation: Far End of the Great Lake – Fond du Lac Reservation; Narrating of Story munity of the Fond du Lac Band of lish editorials, opinion pieces or letters TABLE of CONTENTS Russians .................................. 22 Lake Superior Chippewa, Fond du Lac to the editor. There is an abundance of Voter’s guide………................. 2-8 Women’s expo ......................... 23 Reservation, with news and information opportunity for the publishing, airing Parenting page ...........................9 Head Start trip to the zoo ......... 24 that will be of help to them in their and dissemination of material of per- A safer Reservation .................. 10 Wild rice harvest ..................... 25 everyday lives. In addition, our goal sonal opinion in other communication Haley & her horse .................... 11 Radio station ........................... 25 will be to highlight many of the hon- vehicles available throughout the area, Getting ready for winter ...... 12-13 News briefs ........................ 26-27 ors, accolades, accomplishments and region and state. Jim Northrup ........................... 13 Calendar ................................. 28 awards that are earned by community Our mission is to provide for Fond RBC thoughts ..................... 14-15 Published monthly by the Fond du Senior legal line ....................... 16 Lac Reservation Business Committee. members but are mostly overlooked by du Lac Anishinaabeg a publication that Komen 3-day walk ................... 17 Subscriptions are free for Fond du Lac Band the mass mainstream media. will not dismiss their culture, heritage, Community news ..................... 18 Members. To inform us of a change of It is our hope that through greater hopes and dreams. We are striving to Area news briefs ...................... 19 address, write to Fond du Lac News, Tribal information about the activities of make this newspaper fill that role. Center, 1720 Big Lake Rd., Cloquet, Minn. our people, this publication can be an Member of the Native American Team teaching ......................... 20 55720 Editor: Deborah Locke Etc .......................................... 21 ([email protected]) instrument of true community. It is not Journalists Association PagePage 22 || NahNah gahgah chichi wawa nongnong •• DiDi bahbah jiji mowinmowin nannan || NovemberOctober 2008 2008 NovemberOctober 2008 | Nah gah chi wa nong • Di bah ji mowin nan | Page 3 Voter's Guide Candidates respond to our questions e sent letters and made Housing with more flexibility to ensure that strained relations by insuring that Na- phone calls to the campaign McCain has supported Indian hous- funds are used to meet the specific tive Americans have greater opportuni- Woffices of the major offices ing assistance programs under the Na- needs of their communities. ties in education, adequate health care for U.S. President, U.S. Senate, U.S. tive American Housing Assistance and and access to jobs. House of Representatives, and State Self Determination Act. Sovereignty Representatives from the districts serv- I am committed to honoring the The environment ing the Reservation. Education federal government's obligations to the The federal government can make We asked candidates to comment on McCain pushed for reforms to Bureau First Americans and strengthening the huge advances toward these goals by issues of interest to American Indians.
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