ORIGINAL WILEY, REIN & FIELDING ': ("Fy'\.' :""l!t'll~!o\ I 1776 K STREET, N. W. , '\.,;.:;:: 'ilit WASHINGTON, O. C. 20006 (202) 429-7000 June 26, 1997 DONNA COLEMAN GREGG (202) 429-7260 Mr. William F. Caton, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, Northwest Washington, D.C. 20554 Rc: Notification ofPermitted Ex Parte Presentation in MM Docket No. 93-25 Dear Mr. Caton: [jfdime Television ("Lifetime"), by its attorneys and pursuant to Section 1.206(a)(1) of the Commission's rules, hereby submits an original and one copy of a notification of ex parte contact in MM Docket No. 93-25. Nancy R. Alpert, Senior Vice President ofBusiness and Legal Affairs and Deputy General Counsel at ljfetime, G\\iynne McConkey, Vice President ofNetwork Operations at Lifetime, along with Donn,) C. Gregg of Wiley, Rein & Fielding, met with Gretchen C. Rubin, Chief Counsel to the Cbai rman, to discuss issues related to the above-cited docket and summarized in the written materials attached hereto. In a separate meeting, Nancy Alpert, Gwynne McConkey and Donna Gregg also met with William H. .lohnson, Deputy Chief (Policy), Merril Icove, Legal Advisor, Marcia Glauberman, Economist. Policy and Rules Division, Alexis D. Jones, Attorney, Policy and Rules Division, John K. Adams, Attorney, and Jason Friedrick, Summer Intern, ofthe Cable Services Bureau. They also discussed issues related to MM Docket No. 93-25 which are summarized in the same attached materials. Kindly direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned counsel. Respectfully submitted, /)~ 0_/ Donna C. Gregg Counsel for Lifetime Television Enclosures . Cj~\ '" .., .~.. rJC'd~.'. L '.. .,' r,c,'A..,. , I' ., '. ~ , ~""T"'''''' ,'t",. 'J. ::. ,_. t.... F .,,~ \j ~:Ji. ,!!\, ;'j\. 'J V - __________ ----'----- ::T Z I.>J ::: rT'I ::E c "0 ~ 0 ." ~ :::E ::E ;:0 rT'I :::: -< rT'I r- ::! :::: 0 VI 0 s: ;;: ;:0 -l TTl Li -etime' :::E ,;;z::, .j:> ..0 -l ~""" Z -l 0 rT'I :J: rT'I r- 3 ~ rT'I ~ VI "'0 I-' -l r- < ~ 0 ;:0 n :t> VI 0 0 rT'I I-' rT'I N 0 3 ..0 -l :t> Z Lifitime Gwynne McConkey Vice President Network Operations and Engineering le1:(7l8) 706-3501 Fax:i718) 706<1500 Lifetime Television '\4-12 'Hir h Sneer A,toria,"'y 11 lOti Lifitime Nancy R. Alpert Senior Vice Pre,sident I~\ISIDE: Husiness and Leg-al Alblir" DeplIt\' (;elleral COllnsel Lifetime Original Movie leI:(:! I:!)J:!i-7 I(;0 "Jitters htx:(:!I:!) !1,17-HI7 Joely Fisher Brian Wimmer Lifetime Television \\orldllidc I'la,a :11)'1 II'csrl'lth SI. \('\( \ork. \.\ Illill\) Anne MeatJ Breaking Through -Women Behind the Wheel -hosted by Geena D,n'is Intimate Portrait ·Carol Burnett -Tammy Wynette :!l Lifetime Special ril Z co ~ '"~ ~ i:n z c§ i! g '" "lifetime Loves Mom '" ?''" '" ~ <.n w iii'" ~ '" r\~ av program guide oJ • JGELY F~SH.,ER' ~, JITIERS - Lifetime Original Movie edding jitters...cold feeL.how many people do you know that didn't have W them? "Ellen's" Joely Fisher stars in this Lifetime Original Movie as commitment­ shy dentist Rita Domino who reluctantly says "yes," then "no," then, "maybe" when her veterinarian boyfriend Evan Moore <Brian Wimmer) proposes. But the thought of losing her independence and her well-mean ing but meddling family sends her into a panic. Can Rita get married without losing her identity? Will tying the knot be the end of life as she knows it? Anne Meara co-stars in this heart warming story about getting cold feet, directed by Bob Saget. P R L f,·' I l f~: t Monday, May 5, 9:00p.m.-ll:OOp.m. ET/PT leel Er\COR~S: is Friday, May 9, 9:00p.m.-ll:OOp.m. ET/PT Saturday, May 17, 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m. ET/PT Sunday, May 25, 4:00p.m.-6:00p.m ET/PT Thursday, May 29, 9:00p.m.-ll:OOp.m. ET/PT l_-'.J~'L;~ · MOVIE :3 ~ ~ n o :3 "Breaking Through" is aNEW quarterly documentary series that explores the growing IBREAKINil arena of women's sports and profi les women ····· ..l!:HROUGH: "Breaking Through" the barriers of gender, competition and expectations. BREAKING THROUGH: Women Behind the Wheel - Lifetime Original Special oin host Geena Davis for Lifetime's first women's sports special "BREAKING THROUGH: Women Behind the Wheel," an J inside look at the world of women in motorsports. We profile Indy car driver Lyn St. James, who is one of the trailblazers in auto racing for women, Shirley Muldowney, a dragracer who is the first woman ever to be inducted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame, and Tammy Jo Kirk, who is America's first female driver in the NASCAR Craftsman Super Truck Series. PREMIERE: Thursday, May 22, 7:00p.m.-8:00p.m. ET/PT ENCORES: Friday, May 23, 11:00p.m.-12:00a.m. ET/PT Sunday, May 25, 11:00a.m.-12:00p.m. ET/PT Monday, May 26, 2:00p.m.-3:00p.m. ET/PT UFETIME LOVES MOM - Lifetime Original Special op name celebrities will be joined with their real-life moms to share stories of how thei r mothers made a difference in thei r T lives, detailing funny family facts, emotional memories and inspirational stories of what made growing up with mom special. PRE II, I ERE Tuesday, May 6, 8:00p.m.-9:00p.m. ET/PT ENCORES Saturday, May 10, 11:00a.m.-12:00p.m. ET/PT Sunday, May 11, 10:00p.m.-11:00p.m. ET/PT • = ILi££ttllJ may MOVII SU NDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 2P,'A Child's 2P, AKiller Cry, 1986, Among Friends, 1Lindsay 2 1991, Patty Wagner. Duke. 9P, Black Widow, 9P, Three Amigos. 1987, Debra 1986, Steve Winger. Martin. 12P: Chil,d 01 2P: A Deadly 2P: A Stoning 2P: AGAINST Rage, 1992, 2P: Afterthe 2P, COLOR ME Silence, 1989, in Fulham HER WILL: THE Promise, 1987, Mel Harns. Lisanne Falk. PERFECT, 4 5 6County, 1988, 7 CARRIE BUCK 8 Mark Harmon. 91996, Michel, 4P: Woman on the Jill Eikenberry. STORY, 1994, 9P, JInERS, 1997, 9P: With Hostile Lee.• Run: The Lawrencia Joely Fisher.• 9P, Dangerous Melissa Gilbert.• Bembenek Story Intent, 1993, 9P, linERS, 1997. Offender: The 9P: Escape From Melissa Gilbert. Joely Fisher.• (Miniseries), 1993, Marlene Moore Terror: The Theresa Tatum O'Neal. Story, 1996, Brooke Stamper Story, 8P, Too Young To Johnson. 1995, Cindy Die, 1990, Brad Williams. Pitt. r .~ 112P, In 2P 2P 2P .I The Best 2 , 14 ,ILoye 2P 62P, Bay t BETTER Charles & You Kansas, 1 Inlerest of 1 OFF DEAD, Coyen, I 1 3Diana: A Perfec~ 1 1995, 1 1987, the Children, 1992, 1993, Mare 5 Palace Diyided, 1989, Susan Dey. Patncia Wetting. Woody Harrelson Sarah Jessica Winningham .• 1992, Catherine l Parker. 9P, Torch Song, :4 9P, No Way Du~ Oxen berg. 9P, The Innocent, 9P, Lad~ Killers, 2P, No Child 01 1993, Raquel 1994, Polly Draper. 1995, racey Gold 1987, Kevin 9P, The Bride in Weich. Mine, 1993, Patty Costner. Black, 1990, Susan Duke. Lucci. 4P: HER DESPERATE CHOICE, 1996, Faith Ford .• 6P: DaYid's Mother, 1994, Kirstie Alley. 8P: There Was a lillie Boy, 1993, Cybill Shepherd. 182P: That 2P 2P 2P Secret 2P 9 Daughter: of 20Diyorce; Trapped 232P Bury Sunday, Darkness, Chiller, Me in 1 Wars: A 21 Silence, 22 1985. 1986, Parker 1989. Anthony Loye Story, 1982, Niagara, Stevenson. 1986, Marcia Paul Sorvino. 1993, Jean Perkins. Tom Selleck. Mason. 9P, Body of Stapleton. 9P: BUllerbox 9P: Jersey Girl, ~r.~r.~~a~~I, ~Iudlth Babies, 1995, ~:~e~~~~~I, ~e::~ Evidence, 1988, 9P, The Fayor, Light. 1993, Dylan Margot Kidder. 1990, Brad Pitt. Susan Clark. Slater. McDermott. 6P, Cruel Doubt (Miniseries), 1992, Gwyneth Paltrow. 2512P:With 3P Murder in 26 ,BUII 272P: Double 282P: Flood: Durham, Edge, Who Will 292P:Blind 302P:WhO Mind, 1988, Witness, Gets The 1992, Saye Dur 1989, 1992, Elizabeth Kevin Costner. Susan Lucci. Friends, Montgomery. Chlldren?,1993, Victoria Principal. 1988, Jill 5P: No Way DUI, Joe Spano. Clayburgh. 4P, JITTERS, 1997, 1987, Kevin r:~e~~W~~ ~~UI 9P: JITTERS, 1997, 9P, She Led Two Joely Fisher, • Joely Fisher.• Costner. Son/ina. 9P, There Goes My LiYes, 1995, Connie Baby, 1990. RICk 6P, Danielle Sleel's 7P, Dances With Sellecca. Schroder. Message Irom Nam Wolves, 1991, (Miniseries), 1993, KeVin Costner. Esther Rolle. • =LiJi.tiT4f~ •. MOVIE--- . WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FR1DAY SATURDAY 2P: A Child's 2P,AKilier 4P, Hearts on Cry, 1986, Arnone Friends, Fire, 1992, 1Lindsay 2 1991, Patty 3Tom Skerritt. Wagner. Duke. 6P: The 9P: Black Widow, 9P, Three Amieos, Disappearance of 1987, Debra 1986, Steve Vonnie, 1994, Kim Winger. Martin. Zimmer. 8P: Blind Faith (Miniseries), 1992, Jill Eikenberry. 2P, AGAINST 2P, Afterlhe 2P, COLOR ME 12P: HER WILL, THE Promise, 1987, PERFECT, OTHER 7CARRIE BUCK 8Mark Harmon. 9 1996, Michele 10WOMEN'S STORY, 1994, Lee.• CHILDREN, 1993, Melissa Gilbert.• 9P, Wllh Hoslile Intenl, 1993, 9P: JITTERS, 1997, Melanie Mayron.• 9P, Escape From Melissa Gilbert. Joely Fisher.• 2P: WHEN • Terror: The Theresa INNOCENCE IS LOST, Slamper Story, 1997, Jill 1995, Cindy Clayburgh.• Williams. 4P: My Son Johnny, 1991, Michele Lee. 6P, Labor of Loye: The Arlette Schweitzer Slory, 1993, Ann Jllilan. 8P: In a Child's Name (Miniseries), 1991, Valerie 8ertinelli. 2P ,'Loye 2P' 2P: Bay 4P: Circle You Kansas, Coyen, of Violence, 14Perfect, 151995, 161987, 171986, 1989, Susan Dey. Patricia Wetting. Woody Harrelson. River Phoenix. 9P, Torch Sane, 9P: The Innocent, 9P: Lady Killers, 6P, JITTERS, 1997. 1993, Raquel 1994, Polly Draper. 1995, Tracey Gold. Joely Fisher.• Welch. 8P, Stay the Nieht (Miniseries), 1992. Jane Alexander. 2P, 2P, 2P: Bury 4P:Awake Trapped Chiller, Me in 10 Daneer, 21 Silence, 22 1985, 23 Niaa:ara, 241995, Tori 1986, MarCia Paul Sorvino.
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