J April 6, 1 989 THURSDAY Sanfbixl Herald 81st Year, No. 194 — Sanford, Florida NEWS DIGEST Kelley corruption alleged r I '1 ' f V tamm ~ j Defeated candidate asks probe s rn of victorious county official Man calls pollct, gats robbed ■y 4. MARK BARFIKLO the complaint and said she wasn't Herald staff writer surprised. She said she was con­ GAINESVILLE — A newspaper deliveryman cerned because she had not Inten­ was robbed while he was on the telephone with SANFORD — Art Davis, who was tionally made any mistakes. police reportings burglary, authorities said. defeated by Seminole County "Let the state take care of It," Newspaper deliveryman Neal Tibbets, 35, was Commissioner Jennifer Kelley In Kelley said. "I'm not going to worry making his morning rounds Wednesday when November, this morning filed a about It. If I'm guilty of anything. he saw what he believed to be a burglary. He complaint with the State Attorney's It's trying to show the public used a pay phone to call police and was Office accusing her of corrupt everything. I wanted to do what was approached by another man while talking to the practices and filing false campaign right and report everything." police dispatcher. reports. The suite attorney Is required by The man flashed an automatic weapon and In the complaint, Davis, who ran law to InvesUgate the allegations robbed Tibbets of a small amount of cash while as a Democrat, also accused Kelley, and, If merit Is found, to present a he was still talking to the dispatcher, police said. a Republican, of helping her case to the Seminole County Grand The suspect ran off and was at large. husband and campaign manager, Jury for It to determine what, if any, •3 Eoghan Kelley, to violate slate charges should be brought. Agntw wants rotund tor brlbos elections laws. Davis, who has changed his regis­ Jennifer Kelley said this morning tration to the Republican party, said SACRAMENTO, Calif. — State tax regulators Art Davis that she had heard Davis might file □Baa Kslley, Fogs BA Jannlfar Kallay were to decide Thursday whether former Vice President Spiro Agnew should be given a tax : break on $142,500 he returned to Maryland for bribes he collected as governor. Agnew and his wife Elinor, who live In Rancho School board Mirage, are asking the state Board of Equalise* I tlon to refund $24,197 in California Income taxes. will review Agnew contends California auditors unjustly I taxed him on the money he repaid In 1982 as restitution for accepting bribes from road i construction companies while governor of priorities list Maryland from 1967*69. ■ f v ic k ii From llnltsd Prats International reports Herald staff writer SANFORD — The Seminole County School Board will meet Friday to discuss the third quarter progress on the annual priorities it had aet for Itself arnflts subcommittees. The meeUng Is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. In the □ Florida board headquarters. 1211 Mellonvllle Ave. Of the 15 Items on the agenda, 11 are progressing Atlantis craw arrives at Capa on schedule. Two will be completed by the June 30 CAPE CANAVERAL - The crew of the shuttle fiscal year end. The final two pieces have not yet Atlantis gathered at the Kennedy Space Center been addressed. Five Items have been completed Wednesday for a practice countdown Friday, and are off the agenda. with work to ready the ship far blastoff April 28 One committee will report to the board on running slightly behind schedule. Improving the working relationship between the schools and county-wide child welfare agencies. A work group, headed by Dr. Hortenac Evans, arrived about 2:10 p.m. EDT Wednesday after a to the superintendent. 3 ' rainy flight from Houston, Joining crewmates reports that while this will be an on-going project, Mary Cleave, 41, and Mark Lee. 39, who arrived they have made gnat strides In creating a network Tuesday to take part in a test of the shuttle’s that will facilitate the reporting of child abuse and payload, the Magellan Venus radar mapper. neglect cases. All flve plan to climb aboard Atlantis Friday at Another committee, headed by Myma J. Walters, launch pad 30B for the final hours of the consultant coordinator of elementary reading "terminal countdown demonstration test." a and language arts, will make several recommenda­ "m traditional milestone to give the crew and the tions regarding the Inclusion of critical thinking launch team a chance to practice countdown skills In the existing elementary school curriculum. procedures. While Waltere' report notes that no money r m currently la allocated to finance (he curriculum Jtff Allan, anglnaar for Sanford radio atatlon WNSI, mana tha control*. additions. It was the consensus In a recent survey of district elementary school assistant principals that □ Sports children need to synthesize, not merely repeat Sanford radio station owner memorized facta. A *100,000 price lag was placed on (he atart-up *Nolss rally for victory package for (he proffram. SANFORD — Pitcher Mike Senechek struck has hope despite setbacks The report recommends that critical thlnkinIng, out six and allowed Just one hit In flve Innings of which It defines as "one component of the ove rail relief work and his Seminole High School Masl said WNSI will feature talk shows thinking process which Includes comprehension, teammates rallied for three runs In the sixth By J. MARK BARFIBLO classification, problem solving, decision making, Herald staff writer from the American Network, hourly NBC Inning to score an 8*6 come-from-behind win news broadcasts and news and other pro­ critical thinking skills, skills ol analysis, synthesis over Lake Highland Prep Wednesday In high grams front (he Black National Radio and evalulatloa" be (aught from the earliest school baseball action. SANFORD - New WNSl-AM (1400) radio Network. Masl said the atatlon will also grades. With Lake Hl£tland Prep leading 6-5, Harvey station owner William Masl hopes lo give feature religious and gospel programs on The report states that "there Is a strong need for Klinger opened the Seminole hall of the sixth Sanford residents a "cosmopolitan" radio Sundays, including a "Pastor’s Study" Sun­ resources such os training, funds and materi­ Inning with a single, then stole second. station free of the problems plaguing the als...and a major committment of human, fiscal and station In the past. day night, allowing local callers lo tulk about Senechek then delivered him with a double to religious Issues with local pastors. physical resources" lo put the program Into effect. tie the i "We're the talk of the town." said Mast, The committee's survey Indicates that 98 percent refeiing to (he station's new slogan. "Forget­ Masl said the station will also feature Fapa 1B Interviews with local business and communi­ of the admlntstratore agree that the program should ting the past, we're looking lo the future." be Integrated Into the current curriculum. Masl. 83. assumed ownership on March 14 ty leaders. "It's a cosmopolitan approach." Masl said. Another committee has been working on Im­ when he bought back the station In a proving the quality of teachers In the Seminole NHL PLAYOFFS foreclosure auction on the county courthouse "W e want lo make Sanford aware II Is a big city In a small area." County schools by Identifying areas of critical need steps. The uuctlon was held to settle Mast's and actively recruiting teachers In these areas. .4 *284.292 Judgement swarded him by Masl said he has not sought advertising yet, Loa Angolas. -3 but said he has been visiting local businesses The committee hus also implemented a plan to Seminole Circuit Judge Kenneth M. LcfTler more strongly seek out minority applicants lo fill Feb. 13. The Federal Communications on "goodwill" visits. Detroit... .3 Frank Vaught, station general manager, existing and future Job openings Commission granted Masl a license for the However, no action has been taken on the Chicago. .2 station that day. said the station will honor some previous development of a new. research-baaed staffing Masl took the station off the air the day he advertising arrangements. Including ads for 8 L Louis.... *4 Winn-Dixie stores In payment for over formula for the schools and district-level operations. took over for technical repairs. The station Nancy Halgh, coordinator of Instructional media Mlnnaaota. .3 relumed to the sir Saturday. ra ce atatlon. Fogs BA □Baa Review, Fags BA Vancouver. .4 Calgary. .3 Lake Mary trash pickup rates increase Poll: Crime By BANORA BOUCMAMINB Planner Randall J. Cohen who left city hall between 1NPHX_______ . ' Herald staff writer Feb. 15 and March 6 for medical reasons. top problem Acting City Manager Charles Lauderdale determined -eeaeaeaeseaesssessaN LAKE MARY — Customers of Western Waste that Cohen "voluntarily terminated" his position Industries Inc. of Florida should expect a slight Increase without notice effective Feb. 21. 1989 because for Florida eeeeeeeeseeeeeeeee “ In their quarterly bills beginning May 1. Lauderdale said medical certification Cohen submitted eeeeeeeaeeeee 4 eeseeeeaeseeeeeeeese VOS on March 10 Is "Inadequate" lo either authorize eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeBB Garbage service rates will Increase by 4.67 percent A M y a$>i- sasiMMaal for both commercial and residential customers In Lake Cohen's absence or to provide for his return to work. TALLAHASSEE Although ••••••••»•••••••••• I Mary, according to Robert J. I lyres, division manager Cohen, who Joined the city last July, had filed a concern for the environment eeeeeaeeaeeeeeeeeS of Western Waste. This amounts to about 1.643 residents grievance with Lauderdale about poor working condi­ was strongest In Central and 58 commercial users. tions stemming from an accusation against Cohen of Florida, crime was listed as the Sunny and cooler today sexual harassment.
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