/r/ STATE ENVIRO N M E NT IM PACT ASS ESSM E NT AUTHORITY Fomr cc, .ovt' or rndra, (conrrtured vrdc ordor tro, s.o. 3"r,i?fH}Jt:t?l?ilfrtu*rnrnt r Under Envlronmant Protectlon Act, 1980,) Or. No. 5RF.21, Unll. lX, Bhubanerwar'7510?2' E.mall : [email protected] l-{r"f No.SElAAl [L Date From Shri S.B. Samant, IFS Member Secretary' Authority ($EIAA)' odisha' state Environment rmpact Assessment Bhubaneswar To The Tahasildar, Tahasil- Jharbandh Dist- Bargarh JagadalPur, Tahasil- of $ri. Nabin Pradhan at village* Sub: JagadalPur $and QuarrY Clearanc* (14.55 acres or 5.BBB ha)-Environmental Jharbandh, District- Bargarh regarding ' $ir' 1261 dated 25"01'2016 seeklng This has reference to your letter no. project under rlA Notification 2006 ' The crearances for the above environrnentar 2006 and per the provisions under the EIA Notification proposar has been appraised as as checklist' Form-1' enclosed with the application such on the basis of the documents plan and observations of the $tate Hxpert prefeasibility Reporl, Approved Mlning etc. Appraisal Committee, Odisha , - Quarry minerar- $and from Jagadalpur $and rt is a proposed mining of minor odisha with total Tahasil- Jharbandh, District- Bargarh' located at Village- Jagadalpur, acres or 5's&8 ha' of sand over lease area of 14'55 production capacity of 6,g00 cum to $ri Nabin negotiated by Tahasildar Jharbandh' Jagadarpur $and euarry has been The projeet hax The mining plan of the mining pradhan vide order no: 675 dt. 10.04.2015. on 20'07"201s' of Georogy, Zonar survey, $ambalpur been approved by Deputy Director cum with total production approved mine plan are 6,900 Mineabre re$erve$ as per the approved mining plan' the lease period as stated in the capacity of 6,g00 cum durlng , M Jhere is no protected areas t'e' land involved in the leass''area' nere is no forest -ff"nitut Reserve' Protected for Migratory Birds' Tiger National Park, Sanctua'V' of the mine lease rocateu w|rin u ** ti1:t and lnter-state o"""olo Monuments "tt the proiect' is no court case / litigation nenOinl;lainst area and there furnished by the project the inforrnationldooUrnerl: due Considering Committee (SEAC) after the to" i"O* OOf:1 proponenVTahasitdar' proponent/Tahasildar .uornitt"o ty the project of tne retevani oo"u*"*. considerations with certain stipulations' for Enui'onm"nt"t Clearance have recommended (SEIAA) after considering Assessment..Authority Environment lmpact The State accords Environmental of SEAC'.Odisha hereby the the proposal period as recommended by "nO '""o**JnO"Oon'proiect upto the lea-ce favour ot ttre of EIA clearance in under the provisions no' 1261 dated 25 01'2016 Jharbandh vide letter to strict Tahasildar €mendments thereto subiect 2009 and subsequent Notification 2006 and conditions as follows' compliance of the stipulated StiPulated Conditions: ValiditY Period: lease period as may be shall be valid for the 1) This environmental clearance granting authority' ' nt.""O by the lease Conditions: OPerating clearance as prior'statutory and regulatory' proponent shall take before carrytng 2\ The proiect in ,".p""t of the project' required trotn tnloJo",l""r.1i*i"rii'". prior o'i uny operation' 'working shall not be made without technology/scope or ?\ Anv change in mining aPProval of the SEIAA' or operationin:\1g',T:il:::::il"Jffi'[:#H1 Anv change'" ii"Ti" 4) and waste disposa mineral to be extracted prepared for this of this AuthoritY per approved mining plan be canied out as 5) Mining activity shall the flow pattern of Project' not in any way disturb that sand mining does vtA\ It shall be' ensured a strip- of in*-,iuet *"t"t' . banks of streams w"'"''ithin - . carried;out-,-r:.r ^.,r neartheri, quarrying shall notbe 7\' Sand ' tn" *'otil oi*j;: such as trsot nS*within 200 m or anv "i::tlln::i*"re B) Sand mining s :Htsr":flr-roriniga"n'rr'r :',',lfl ft ;ffllil"I'[fi ffi;ffi the existing $ource$ for irrigation or /) $and mining operations shall not affest purpose drinking water or industrial 'shail , c-^d exceed 3 m. from ground-eA,, level' No further 10) The depth of the sand mining not the ground water level, even if bcfore excavation shail be carried out on reaching 3m dePth' reaching for drawl of ground permission competent Authority shall be obtained 1 1) from the project' water, if any, required for the not be disturbed' 12) The naturai sand dunes, if any shall the vicinity of archaeological sites. 13) No mining sharr be carried out in Compliance and monitoring: compliance report on post environmental 14) The applicant will submit half-year,ly terms and conditions in the Environmental monitoring in respect of the stipulated Assessment Authority (sElAA) t clearance to the state Environmental 'odisha of Environment & Forest, odisha on spcB & Regionar office of the Ministry each CalendarYear' 1rt June and iut December of shall be obtained before start of mining 15) A, necessary statutory clearances oPerations. by the ProPonent to concerned 16)Acopyoftheclearancelettershallbesent Urban Local BodY and the Local Panchayat,ZilaParisadlMunicipalCorporation, NGO fully complied the environmental clearance mu$t be 17) The conditions stipulated in with before the lease granting authority' t!1order, ir implementation or anv or 1s) fil: !|ffi,';oi*1.,]-il';;;; or rurpend The sElAA,A A odishaAlioha reservesrr:rctrn/Aq the rightrir:ht tn ;#fff;ffi;r''l'n*-*"tiurrrtory.In(j auuvv vt.,r l^ *l.ra interestin*aroql or stipulate any further condition in the alter /modify the above conditions of environment Protection' :i with any of the conditions factual information or failure to comply 1g) concealing the action withdrawal of this clearance and attract mentioned above may result in undertheprovisionsofEnvironment(Protection)Act'1986' issued from the environmental angie 20) The grant of this Environment clearan?u proiect: proponent from the other statutory onry, and does not absorve the instrument in force' Th* prescribed under any other law or any other obligation$ in all compry with the conditions laid down sore and comprete respon$ibirity, to rests with the lease granting other laws for the time being in force, authoritY/Project P roPonent' Pollution abatement measures: be in good condition for transportati:n sand from the site should 21) Vehictes hired :f air certificate and should conform to applicable and should have a pollution check be operated only during non-peak and noise ernission standards and should hours. and shail be covered wrth Tarpaulin. 22) The vehicles sha* not be overroaded for protection of flora and fauna' 23) eonseruation mea$ures shall be taken w 24)Watersprayshouldbeoperatedonthevillageroadtocontroldustemissionwhile transPortation of sand' 25)The"'"ut'ot'*il"ithesandhasbeenextractedbeleveledandmade{reeof debris or materials' river bed is to be / any foreign ,ssing areas outside the / i"':oir previousrv stored' ^, i:'i;#lf ;'.:1,"J:lHi!:*:i::T:l';,i.0"** retu rned .':#;n,l:l, o,n,n"o i"" H'"ff ffi 27) A river bed r( l,ff $afetY, APPeal: in the proiectshallbeprovidedwithrequisitesafetydevices 2S) Personnel working etc' v e r * e such as masks, gloves a d ' j-li? ffi 2s) }ir ;: illffi r:: ::?^ ff ?,il :T,l: ;,ffi ffi lx*lff n :J; ;Hl"ffi :t illl lffim Hur ilf ?'n';';.;ff IXJ ;':1il; against ;1"this ffin:nY;,i*l**:l;il::environmenrar[:: sectionfi 1S;T of 30) n.V appeal days as pr(lscribed munder )i:;il ffi":ii:nilil:i within a period of 30 Tribunat, it prlterred' Tribunal Act' 2010' the National Green ffi--' aA.+ ^l F) fUbmUer Secretary 1p1 r rLlcr '\"4FT' ' I l"'1 Memo rrro \Q25. - iovt. of lndia, lndira copy to climal v of Environment, Forests- ;il;:i I ooot for kind l.MinistryofEnvironment,Forestsand"ClimateChangecgugr, Ro;l,i,q Arigani, New De paryavarant srrsvs'"'- Bhavan,"J;; r A ,L r^arrar"r-rrncrnt ofnf; odOdiShar^,rrir:hr information & Environment Dept'' Government br,iut $ecretary, Forests 2. Additional pJ1 1B' kind information Paribesh Bhawan' for polrution" contror Board, odisha, r. chairman, $tate Environment & l,r*t:r$nii'#l-'Pil'ili,h:y.o,atio n' wl,f lf i nfo rm _ H:?ffi rp ur, dn unln*r*"r1bilii'no 1, c h a rurlli.n Hast Ariun F o re sts, A-3 ryf cBD-cu*-otrit* complex' chairman, centrar b. ry91uii;;i;irg,.iloaro, and Barsarh ror kind inrormarion _ [1x?:,}u"*I,#jltg*liiJff'ffilf;*, Dist- nece$sary action ' po-Bhainsadanha, P$-Jharbandh' Nabin pradhan, At-Naripani, 7 "copy to sri Nasar' ,3ix*l;f*SJ-il.1*Ts:s:e";l,,1lg'1n*r,'x??ll?*,nanthalpfi r s' Nilakantha e. chairman, snAc/$ecretarY,ti*:hi,*F';h;;n' {'; r ki no i nrormation' ' ;'l'ijili ii' b rrirl "*'*" to ro. Ouiro iite for record' 6q;ib Member $eeretxrY.
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