27580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 20 November 9, 2009 SENATE—Monday, November 9, 2009 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was FORT HOOD SHOOTING attacks. A 21-year-old from outside called to order by the Honorable MARK Mr. REID. Mr. President, our Nation Chicago enlisted in the Army to help R. WARNER, a Senator from the Com- mourns every death of an American him afford college, where he dreamed monwealth of Virginia. servicemember. We grieve alongside of an education studying music. A 22- the families who sacrifice so much year-old specialist from Oklahoma had PRAYER while their loved ones serve and hurt been married for just 2 months. A 21- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- even more when loved ones give the ul- year-old private first class from Chi- fered the following prayer: timate sacrifice. cago was 3 months pregnant. A 55-year- Let us pray. I can remember the many calls I have old lieutenant colonel was the grand- Eternal Lord God, Creator and Sus- made to Nevadans as a result of the mother to six. A 52-year-old major tainer of humanity, as we continue to deaths of their loved ones in Iraq and spoke very little English when he came try to understand the tragedy at Fort Afghanistan. They are difficult calls to to this country from Mexico in his Hood, our hearts ache for the victims, make when that Nevadan does not teens, but he earned a Ph.D. in psy- so we turn toward You, our source of come home. chology, became a teacher, and ulti- hope. We find solace in knowing that I remember the first call. A young mately chose to serve his country in even when right seems defeated, it will man, a star athlete in high school, was the military. And Kimberly Munley, a ultimately triumph over evil that killed. I spoke with his coach, his woman who was shot several times. seems to have won. friend who took care of him. That was Kimberly was a sergeant and a civilian Bless this land we love with a right- the first. I remember the last, just a police officer. She took down the al- eousness that provides a shield for our couple of days ago, a death in Afghani- leged shooter with her pistol, even as Nation, saving us from regrets and stan. she suffered wounds of her own from shame. Remind us that America’s We are especially heartbroken by last the gunman. Yes, Fort Hood is home to greatness resides in its goodness, for week’s tragedy that occurred deep in truly remarkable, selfless Americans. sin is a reproach to any people. the heart of Texas. The entire Senate Our Nation misses those who were Today, enable our lawmakers to be sends its deepest condolences to those murdered, and our thoughts are with examples of the integrity and goodness who have lost mothers and fathers, those who are now healing as a result that bring stability and security, as sons and daughters, husbands and of having been wounded in that sense- You imbue their minds with Your vi- wives at Fort Hood. Our thoughts are less crime. The appropriate officials sion of what we can become when we with the troops who have lost their both inside and outside the Army will seek first to do Your will. friends and fellow soldiers and those continue to investigate how such a We pray in Your loving Name. Amen. who continue to heal as I speak. These tragedy occurred. The Senate will sup- f men and women died in the Soldier port them in every way we can. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Readiness Processing Center. This is In the meantime, one of the ways we supposed to be the last place our troops can support the brave Americans who The Honorable MARK R. WARNER led go before they are deployed, in this in- volunteer for duty is to give them the the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: stance to Afghanistan and Iraq. No one resources they need when they come I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the home. We are trying to move forward United States of America, and to the Repub- ever suspects it will be the last place lic for which it stands, one nation under God, they would ever go. on a package of bills that will make indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. As we mourn, we honor the lives of wounded veterans’ lives a little easier. those who died on that base. We hope Sadly, these bills are being f for the full and speedy recovery of inexplicably held up by the minority. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING those who have been injured, and we We have a number of very important PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE are thankful for the men and women bills that have been reported out of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The who came to the aid of the wounded Veterans’ Committee, and we have not clerk will please read a communication and exhibited the kind of heroism that been able to move forward on them. to the Senate from the President pro makes our Armed Forces the best in Among other things, these bills will tempore (Mr. BYRD). the world. And, of course, we are espe- help veterans to get access to the care- The legislative clerk read the fol- cially grateful to Kimberly Munley, givers they need for even the smallest lowing letter: who stopped the gunman. task they cannot handle on their own. U.S. SENATE, The 13 who died at Fort Hood were These bills will support veterans’ men- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, from 11 different States, States that tal health services and other health Washington, DC, November 9, 2009. border the Atlantic, the Pacific, and benefits, and they will make sure our To the Senate: the Great Lakes, States high in the veterans do not have to live on the Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Rockies and in the Great Plains. These streets. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby public servants ranged in rank from Right now, a Republican Senator is appoint the Honorable MARK R. WARNER, a Senator from the Commonwealth of Vir- private to colonel and even included an singlehandedly standing in the way of ginia, to perform the duties of the Chair. Army civilian. The oldest was a hus- these bills. Under the rules of the Sen- ROBERT C. BYRD, band, a father, and a grandfather from ate, that is what he decided to do, but President pro tempore. Spokane, WA. He was a civilian, a phy- that doesn’t make it right. I hope he Mr. WARNER thereupon assumed the sician assistant who worked in rural will drop his objection so we can put chair as Acting President pro tempore. clinics and veterans hospitals. He was 4 our veterans’ health ahead of whatever f years away from his retirement. The issues he is concerned about. The same youngest was just barely 19 years old, a Senator did this for months on a num- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY private first class from northern Utah, ber of very important environmental LEADER who was just months away from de- bills, some lands bills. In that instance, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ploying to Afghanistan. A 29-year-old we gathered all the bills together and pore. The majority leader is recog- sergeant from Wisconsin joined her Na- put them into one bill and on a bipar- nized. tion’s military after the September 11 tisan basis got them out of here. We ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:09 May 25, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S09NO9.000 S09NO9 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD November 9, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 20 27581 have done the same with these vet- HOUSE-PASSED HEALTH CARE Twenty years have passed since we were given this incredible gift of freedom. But erans bills. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, last there is still nothing that inspires me more, These are extremely important, pop- Saturday evening, Democratic leaders ular pieces of legislation, and we are nothing that spurs me on more, nothing that in the House passed by the narrowest of fills me more with positive feelings than the going to move forward on these as margins a massive bill with a simple power of freedom. quickly as we can. It would be nice if goal: to vastly expand the Federal Gov- Chancellor Merkel also spoke very we could do them before Veterans Day, ernment’s role in the health care deci- graciously of her gratitude, of Ger- which is the day after tomorrow. I also sions of every American. This bill is many’s gratitude to America. ‘‘I know, look forward to moving ahead the Mili- strongly opposed by most Americans, we Germans know,’’ she said, ‘‘how tary Construction-Veterans Affairs ap- which is why one out of seven Demo- much we owe to you, our American propriations that will fund housing for crats voted against it. These Demo- friends.’’ She recalls President Ken- our military families, improve our crats have gotten the message that nedy’s trip to Berlin shortly after the bases, and support veterans programs. Americans are fed up with all the construction of the Berlin Wall when Tomorrow morning when the Senate spending and all the debt and that they he declared his solidarity with the peo- convenes, we will have a moment of si- do not support a so-called health care ple of Germany with his famous words: lence to honor the fallen at Fort Hood.
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