Please Hold a Vigil for Chickens This Spring UNITED POULTRY CONCERNS WILL PROVIDE LITERATURE Please volunteer to coordinate a Release to all local media is faxed, mailed, Spring Vigil for Chickens in your neighbor­ or e-mailed a week prior to the event and hood this April or May. UPC will provide should be followed up with phone calls a you with handout literature, a sample day or two ahead. News Release, Public Service Shape your announcements to suit Announcement (PSA) and Ca1Rndar of your own Vigil and contact UPC with any Events Announcement. Calendar and PSA questions you have. UPC thanks you for announcements inform the public of the helping to make a better life for chickens in event and invite them to participate. 1998. Calendar Announcements are sent to local newspapers and PSA's to local TV and radio stations 2 to 3 weeks in advance. A News Sample Banner & Poster Slogans Stick Up For Chickens! Sick Chickens Cooped in Poop Bacterial Streams of Fecal Soup Misery Is Not a Health Food Don't Just Switch from Beef to Chicken Get the Slaughterhouse Illustration by Nigel Burroughs Out of Your Kitchen Starving Hens Has Got to Stop What You Can Do: Ban Forced Molting of Laying Hens The Cruelty & Contamination Are DSeta date Linked D Invite Participants Forced Molting Causes Salmonella D Enlarge Graphic Photos at Copy Center Debeaking Causes Pain D Hold a Poster-Making Party Respect Chickens - Don't Eat Them D Contact Local News Media MlllEUJIDD1i]I lttp=A11il~li!l~i!i1!!!![1[1111•1WB"·""· . r llOSTON lllNlflT lFOR UNITID POULTRY CONCIRNI . ·~ ) United Poultry Concerns is WHERE: Participants will meet outside delighted to announce that the Park Street Subway Station at Tremont BRAVE, an animal rights/ vegetarian Street in Boston at 11 :00 AM. Walk begins organization in Boston, MA is sponsoring a promptly at 11:30 AM . Fundraising Benefit for United Poultry RAIN DATE: May 3 lst. Concerns. If you are in the Boston Metropolitan area, please join in! For the Birds Walkathon will target __restaurants and_live poultry markets and CONTACT: Richard Griffin at 617-262- include a fantastic victory dinner following 5761. the Walkathon. (Participants must buy their E-MAIL Richard at: [email protected] own dinner.) Don't Wait! Call or e-mail Richard Griffin today! Help make this WHEN: Sunday, May 17, 1998 Benefit a Big Success for BRAVE, for UNIT­ ' WALK STARTING TIME: 11:30 A.M. ED POULTRY CONCERNS, FOR THE BIRDS! p L E A S E RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY We NEED Your Strong and Continuing Financial Support D New Membership $15 Name 0 1998 Membership Renewal $15 ---------------- Address ____________ Additional Tax-deductible Contribution: 0$20 0$35 0$50 0$100 0$500 DOther $__ Return to: United Poultry Concerns, P.O. Box 59367, A Lasting Gift for the Birds Potomac, Maryland 20859 Are you moving? Please send us your new.address before the next newsletter. Do you want to be removed.from our mailing list? Please tell us now. The U.S. Postal Service charges $.50 for every returned mailing. Remai ling the newsletter costs UPC an additional $.55 to $.78. Due to the enormous cost of remailing newsletc ters including the time it takes, we can no longer provide this service. Thank you for your consideration. Please renew your 1998 membership. We need your continuing financial support. -U-ni-te_d_P_o_u-lt-ry-Co_n_c-er_n_s_•-.(-3_0_1 _) -9-48---2-4-06----;-·f,-f---P-.-O-.-Bo_x_5_9_3_6_7_•_P_o_to_m_a_c_, M-a-ry-la_n_d_2_0-85-9 I L ... ______ , _ _____ _ _ ____ ______________________________: ___,,!,, Protest ''Poultry Slam" The "Annual Poultry Slam" is a heartless, insipid, pecked chickens brought out the bully in me. I'd kick unfunny radio show that needs to be cancelled. Aired them out of the way. Those poor, dumb chickens. nationally on NPR in 1996 and 1997 as part of a week­ ["Remorse" is part of the joke.] ly series called This American Life, the "Poultry Slam," produced and hosted by Ira Glass, uses the Thanksgiving-Christmas holidays to bash birds from various viewpoints ranging from Glass himself to '~at Can I Do)l' poultry farmers to puppet theater directors. If the poultry slam is a mirror of ourselves, we need a new Contact This American Life, National Public reflection. The message: Humans are clever, neat and Radio, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting which funded this show in 1996 and 1997, and tell them to drop the "Poultry Slam. " It never should have run, and it's run its course. If possible, send Ira Glass a brief, positive story about your per­ sonal experience with a chicken, turkey, or duck and request a show featuring your voice. Request a writ­ ten reply. superior; chickens and turkeys are dirty, stupid, and pathetic. They deserve our abuse and it's fun to abuse IRA GLASS, PRODUCER them physically and verbally. This American Life "Chickens are actually very dirty birds . They WBEZ FM RADIO have no individual personality" .. "They don't know 848 East Grand Avenue the things they're laying are eggs" . "They brought Chicago, IL 60611 out the bully in a 10-year old boy" ... "I'd kick them Ph: 312-832-9150, x412 out of the way" . "Turkeys are that stupid" . Fax: 312-832-3100 "Nothing about a turkey except a meal . just basi­ E-mail: [email protected] cally a living dinner" ... "Chickens can't even meet the 'standard of perfection' .. We dominate every aspect RICHARD MADDEN of their life and they're still lacking" ... "They're inhu­ Director of Radio man, on a continuum with plants and insects we have Corporation for Public Broadcasting no remorse about killing. " 901 E Street, NW [This story about a South African "good luck cer­ Washington, DC 20004-2037 emony" is supposed to be funny.] You take a chicken Ph: 202-879-9600 to a mountain, you dig a hole, you poke out the chick­ Fax: 202-783-1019 en's eyes with a sewing needle, you bury the chiCken E-mail: [email protected] in the hole. You leave the blinded bird to suffocate in the hole. DELANO LEWIS, PRESIDENT A speaker recalls his farmboy days. You cut off National Public Radio the chicken's head. The chicken starts to "explode and 635 Massachusetts Avenue, NW spaz out." The headless chickens would do evasive Washington, DC 20001-3753 maneuvers, as if they could tell you were there. We'd Ph: 202-414-2010 throw the headless birds into a 5 gallon drum. They'd Fax: 202-414-3049 bang around inside. When my father swung a chicken E-mail: [email protected] around his head to kill it he got a line of chicken shit across his glasses. [You're supposed to laugh.] Hen- United Poultry Concerns • (301) 948-2406 P.O. Box 59367 •Potomac, Maryland 20859 REPLACING SCHOOL illustration by Order today! Dana Baird Send $3.50 to: United Poultry Concerns ~ P.O. Box 59367 ~ ... Newly Revised &Updated! Potomac, MD 20859 11"' 2,..,,.. (301) 948-2406 Chickens, Ducks, and Quails ome for enny This wonderful new book by Karen Davis tells the touching story of a little girl, a chicken, and a school hatching project. Beautifully illustrated by Patricia Vandenbergh, it's the perfect gift for a child, parents, teachers, your local library. Send check or money order to United Poultry Concerns. $4.95. (20% discount for orders of 5 or more.) -Un-ite_d_P-ou-ltr-y-Co-nc-er-ns_•_(-30_1_)9-4-8--24-06---·J---P.-O-. B-ox-5-93_6_7 .-P-cit-om-a-c,-M-ar-yla_n_d 2-0-85-9 WHAT'S BEH IND THE HATCHE RY EXHIBIT AT THE MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY IN CHICAGO? Complaints about a chick incubation and hatch­ affair. On one end is an incubator in which, according ing exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry, to a sign, they place eggs scheduled to hatch that day. which is located near the University of Chicago on the After the chicks hatch, and their feathers dry out, they south side of Chicago, led UPC to investigate. We are moved to the other end of the hatchery. The chicks peck their way out of the shells and lie there alone on the metal grate." According to the Museum's hatchery man­ ager, the Lincoln Park Zoo picks up the chicks once a week. UPC wrote to the Lincoln Park Zoo: What happens to these chicks at the Zoo? The General Curator wrote back: "While some chicks received at Lincoln Park Zoo become participants in educational programs, most are utilized as nutrition for reptiles in the collec­ tion." The Museum of Science and Industry is misleading the public about the use and fate of these birds. The "science education" consists of conditioning visitors to view chickens mecha­ nistically by placing them on display in a mechanical setting as they struggle from their shells. The "Food For Life Baby Chick wrote to the Museum and were told: "This exhibit has economic arrangement between been a popular highlight at the Museum since the continued on page 6 >- 1950s, helping the Museum fulfill its mission of promoting science education by giving visitors real, memorable experiences with real scientific processes and science information. In answer to your question, after hatching at the Museum of Science and Industry, the chicks are taken to the 'Farm in the Zoo' at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago." To learn more, UPC member Jim Dunn visited the Museum, talked to staff, took pic­ tures, then wrote to UPC: "The exhibit gets approximately 8000 to 8200 fertile eggs a year from Phil's Egg Company in Forreston, Illinois.
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