Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-2-1962 The B-G News November 2, 1962 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News November 2, 1962" (1962). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1688. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1688 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. "TfctX-GXaus Vol. 47 Bowling Green Slate University. Bowling Green. Ohio. Friday, Nov. 2. 1962 No. 13 Beta Theta Pi To Formally Initiate Local Beta Gamma Chapter Today Beta Gamma will be form- quct. Mr. Weber has been helpful tarj of Beta Theta Pi, will pre- ler. president of the Toledo Area ally initiated as Delta Delta in securing the support of the Beta sent the charter. Alumni Association, and other Alumni Association in the Toledo There will be greetings by noted persons. chapter of Beta Theta Pi so- area. Bruce G. Campbell, president of Dr. Seth R. Brooks, general cial fraternity at 5:30 today The "Welcome" will be given the Interfralernlly Council. Carol president of Beta Theta Pi. will in the recital hall of the by President Ralph (i. Harshman. L. Pelllnger. president of Pan be the main speaker at the ban- J. Moreau Brown, general secrc- hellenlc Council. Peler W. Wend- quet. Music Bldg. Distinguished guests will in- The addition of Beta ThcU Pi clude chief administrators of the fraternity to the University cam University, Dr. Frank J. Prout, pus completes representation of president emeritus. Dr. F.lden T. the Miami Triad here. Beta The- Smith, former dean of students ta Pi, Phi Deltn Theta. and Sig- and now president of Ohio Wes- ma Chi all were formed at Miami New Chapter Results leyn University, and all fraterni- of Ohio at about the same time. ty and sorority presidents of Beta Theta Pi was first, in 1889, BGSU. and the other two fraternities Tonight's festivities will be es- were formed shortly afterward. From Efforts Of IFC pecially meaningful to Dr. Prout, Alter Ihe Installation, which will who is the father of national fra- ko open only lo Betas, there will Formation of a Beta Theta vention and they again received ternities at BGSU. A representa- tion of Prout Chapel is to be in- be a banquet In the ballroom. It Pi chapter here started with unaniinous sup|K>rt. Is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p m. The present officers of Beta cluded in the fraternity's new coat of arms in honor of Dr. Prout. The Betas expect more than 300 the efforts of Interfraternity Theta Pi are John Lucius, presi- persons at the affair. Betas from Council on Jan. 19, I960, when dent; Peter Vail, vice president; BETA THETA PI INITIATE Larry A. Snyder. lelL receive! an Inscribed silver each of the 11 chapters in Ohio, as it established Beta (Jamnia as Jeffrey Itassrtt, treasurer; Rich- troy Irom Charles G Eberly. of Sigma Phi Eptilon social fraternity. Bob S. Lyons well as 115 members from chapters ard Huffman, corresponding sec- and other members of the fraternity look on as Eberly makes the presentation for in each neighboring state are ex- a local fraternity. retary; Russell Raskow, recording UA0 To Sponsor the men of Sigma Phi Eptilon pected to attend. Tonight's ban- IFC decided that because of in- sc.i clary; and, Philip Lewicki, quet should be one of the lnrgcst creased enrollment another fra- pledge trainer. The present ad- gatherings of Betas on a college ternity should be started. About visi-r is Allen G. Brown, assistant New York Trip campus, because of Bowling 250 freshmnn men who had at treasurer of the University ami a The sum of $85 each will per- Press Club, Council To Present Green's central location. least n 2.5 scholastic average for Beta Theta Pi from Indiana Uni- mit to Bowling Green students Ford R. Weber, member of the their first semester were invited versity. to visit the Bagdad-on-the Hudson, Beta Advisory Council, will be to a meeting by the IFC. The pro- New York City. Election Returns Party Tuesday master of ceremonies at the ban- posal to start a new fraternity The Union Activities Organiza- was made. An Election Party, sponsored che against Republican John M. tion is sponsoring a five day trip Seven men accepted Ihe chal Briley. to Gotham which is to begin Jan. by the Press Club, an organization lenge and Bela Gamma was start- Greeks To Hold open to alt students interested in Ohioans also will be voting on 26, 1068, with departure from the ed. The first meetings were held journalism, and Student Council, the proposed Sunday Blue Law Union for Toledo's Central Union Kennedy Repeals twice a week In Commons Dining will take place from 8:30 to 11 amendment, defining the commodi- Terminal. Those who make the Hall. The first officers were George CarnivalTonight Tuesday night in the Dogwood ties which could be sold on Sun- journey will arrive in New York day including groceries, gasoline, Patrick, president: Larry Snyder. The Greek Week Carnival will lily on Jan. 20 and spend four Suite. Loan Provision vice president; John Lucas, secre and drug articles. begin at 7 p.m. tonight on old days and three nights there Interest in the political circle tary; William Braumruchor. treas Two television sets will be used A repeal of a provision of the Fraternity Row. Scheduled events on the trip will center around the gubernatori urer; and Frank Zamcheck. pledge to broadcast election returns as National Defense Kducntion Act, The sororities anil fraternities are a tour of the United Nations al election in Ohio where candid- Section 1001 (f) was signed Oct. trainer. Wallace W. Taylor, dean ates Michael V. DiSalle, Demo- they come in. Members of the participating will use the theme building, three evenings of play- Press Club will record results on 17 by President John F. Kennedy. of men. was the first adviser. "International Holiday" as the going, a Gray Lines tour of Up- cratic incumbent, is running Four pledges were taken in the a large blackboard. With this act. Mr. Kennedy basis for their booth decorations, per and Ijowcr New York, a visit against Republican James A. spring of 1061, It was in the In order to have the most up- formally eliminated the disclaim- exhibits and costumes. to the famous Radio City Music Rhodes. spring that Beta Gamma had their Another interesting contest will to-date returns, members will run er affidavit requirement from the Judging of the displays will be Hall to see the Rockettes, and a first meeting with the Beta Theta done by Dr. Emerson C. Erb. assist be the United States senatorial the information from the night National Defense Education Act, chance to be in the audience of a wire located in the Administration which was set up to loan money Pi Alumni Association of the ant professor of accounting, and live TV show. election. Candidates include Demo- Greater Toledo Area. cratic incumbent Frank J. I.aus- Bldg. to the Union. to students to help finance their Dr and Mrs. Theodore H. Groat. The $85 charge includes round Returns also will be recorded way through college. Beta Gamma moved Into the Dr. Groat is an instructor In soclolo trip fare from Bowling Green to house between the Delta Upsllon on the state elections of Michigan, W New York, accommodations ill the This requirement originally and Tau Kappa Epsllon fraternity New York, ami California. Spot The judges will award trophies Hotel Paramount, theatre tickets Dorm Chairmen made it necessary for each student houses, where It Is still located returns will be listed of local can- to the group with the best booth, and the price of the tours in the borrower from the National De- Its lirsl house was at 229 Thurstln didates and those of major Ohio the best barker, and the most city. It does not include meals, fense Student Loan to swear an St Meet To Discuss cities including Cleveland, Colum- tickets sold. tips, or incidental expenses. Reg- oath of allegiance to the United A pledge class of nine was bus, Dayton, and Cincinnati. Tlu' names of the winning istration for the trip is limited to States of America, and to sign an taken in the fall of 1061, Visita- Residence Council "All students are invited to at- groups will be announced at the 10 students, and n $15 deposit is affidavit stating that he was not tions from the three closest uni- Greek Week Dance between 0 Chairmen of the four independ- tend," said James I,. Richardson, required when registering in the in any way affiliated or attempt- versities with Beta Theta Pi fra- p.m. and 1 a.m. Saturday, Nov. .'I ent men's dormitories met Tues president. "We arranged the time ing to affiliate with any party or U.A.O. office anytime before Dec. ternities (Ohio State University, in the ballroom. 12. day evening in Williams Hull un- BO everyone would be able to come organization that believed in or Ohio Wesleyan University, and the after their various meetings," he Tickets for the carnival may be der the leadership of Wallace W. taught the overthrow of the United University of Michigan) were purchased between 6:50 p.m.
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