MIAMi BAYSIDE FOUNDATION ---Advancing MIami's economy Ihrough !he support of minority businesses Kathleen Murphy Executive Director 25 SE 2nd Ave., Ste 240 Miami, FL 33131 T: 3OS-379-701O ><204 M: 305-710-5433 KathleenOMiamiBaysideFoWldation.org www.miamibaysideroundation.org Submitted into the public record in connection with items ~ on 06-09-11 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk FOUNDA ION Adv ndng M~mi's economy through the ~upport of minor it 'i businesses June 9, 2011 MEDIA CONTACT: Kiskinis Communications, Inc. Melissa Nobles (305) 447-1224 MIAMI BAYSIDE FOUNDATION PRESENTS ENDOWMENT FUNDS TO FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY The Miami Bayside Foundation will present Florida International University (FlU) with funds toward an endowment and scholarship program in the amount ofmore than $350,000. Celebrating its new partnership with the University, a check presentation is planned for Monday, June 13 at Bayside Marketplace's Marina Stage (401 Biscayne Boulevard) at 3:30 p.m. With the primary goal of stimulating economic development in the City of Miami, the Miami Bayside Foundation has provided vocational workshops and educational scholarships to minority businesses and students since 1988. Continuing its mission, this donation from the Foundation will provide talented students within the City the resources needed to pursue their academic and professional goals at FlU. Nearly 50 percent ofall undergraduate students at FlU receive financial aid, and nearly 60 percent ofthose recipients come from families with an annual household income less than $30,000. Students representing the first generation in their families to attend college account for nearly 40 percent of FlU's student body. "It was vital for the Miami Bayside Foundation's decision to add FlU, Miami's premier public research university, to its list ofpartnering educational institutions," said Nathan Kurland, chairman ofthe Bayside Foundation's scholarship committee. "There's such a need for fmancial assistance in our community." In providing funds toward an endowment and a First Generation Scholarship program, the Miami Bayside Foundation will assist in preventing highly motivated students with limited resources from being forced to attend only part-time colleges or postpone their education altogether. SUBMIT 0 INTO THE PUBLICRECORD FOR ITEM D5.~ ON 6)/9/ll . • "The Miami Bayside Foundation believes that in order to advance our community, we need to start at the real center of innovation," said Kurland. "Through education we can truly empower today's entrepreneurs and the aspiring entrepreneurs of tomorrow." In April, the Miami Bayside Foundation presented $9,000 in scholarships to students enrolled in Miami Dade College's School of Business. The scholarship program is part ofan additional endowment fund created by the Foundation serving Miami Dade College. The fund at Miami Dade College currently totals close to $1 million. FlU is ranked first in the nation in awarding bachelor's degrees to minorities and has the fastest growing university alumni group in the region. The Endowment gift of$103,000 created to support City of Miami residents will be matched at 50 percent by the State of Florida, resulting in total funds of$150,000. Also supplemented by matched state funds, the $100,000 gift toward the First Generation Scholarship Fund over 10 years will be matched at 100 percent, resulting in total funds of $200,000. The total impact ofthe endowment and scholarship gifts equal more than $350,000. The Miami Bayside Foundation, a City of Miami-based non-profit established in 1986, has created and administers a loan program for minority businesses, has established a scholarship fund for minorities studying entrepreneurship and business, and provides technical assistance to community and development organizations in the City ofMiami. For more information on the Miami Bayside Foundation, call (305) 379-7070, e-mail [email protected] or visit www.miamibaysidefoundation.org. About Florida International University Foundation, Inc. Florida International University Foundation, Inc. (FlU Foundation) was established in 1969 to encourage, solicit, receive and administer gifts for scientific, educational and charitable purposes for the advancement of Florida International University and its objectives. It is registered by the State of Florida as a charitable organization and is approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a tax exempt 501(cX3) organization. The Foundation has also been certified as a Direct Support Organization (DSO) of Florida International University as defined in Florida Statue 1004.28. The FIU Foundation is a non-profit corporation governed by a Board of Directors, whose members playa significant role in the development of the University as a major educational, cultural and economic resource. Through the involvement of the Directors and their contribution of time, leadership and financial resources, the mission of the University is advanced. Submitted into the public record in connection with items 05.2 on 06-09-11 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk MIAMI DADE COLLEGE MIAMI BAYSID EFOUNDATION MIAMI BAYSIDE FOUNDATION MiamiDade SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION College 2011-2012 Student Name: -------- ------------------------ Mailing Address: ______________________________~_________________ Home Phone #: (1...-_-./) _______________ Work Phone #: ('--_-') ______ MD ID#: -------Campus: ----------- E-Mail Address: ----------- Date ofBirth: ------ Sex: Marital Status: -------- Ethnicity: (please cire/e) W B H A I 0 High School Attended: ______________ Citizenship: u.s. Citizen_ Perm. Resident: Visa: Other:" - ---- Legal Residence: County: State: ____________ Cumulative GPA: Program GPA: ____ Expected Graduation Date: Degree Program: (please cire/e) AA AS BS Other___ Major: ___ - _______ _ Have you applied for Financial Aid for 2011-2012? (Please circle) Yes No Are you employed? (Please circle) Yes No Student Signature Date MAIL this completed form to: Yadira Cod ina th Due Date: June 30 , 2011 Miami Dade College District Financial Aid Office - Room 1127 11011 S. W. 104th Street Miami, FL 33176 Submitted into the public record in connection with items 05.2 on 06-09-11 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk MIAMI BAYSIDE FOUNDATION MIAMI BAYSIDE FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP (UPDATED CRITERIA) SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA: 1. A student enrolled in or accepted for admission to Miami Dade College with an interest in business, I'eadership, and/or entrepreneurship. 2. The scholarship is open to a student enrolled in any degree or certificate program. 3. U.S. citizens or permanent residents. 4. Students must be City of Miami residents (please review the attached for further assistance in determining residency). 5. Minorities, as defined in the Florida Statutes S288.703t3). 6. Demonstrated financial need based on federal financial aid standards (must have filed FAFSA for 2011-2012f) 7. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 at the College or, if newly enrolled at the College, at prior institutions attended. 8. Complete a 250 word essay that demonstrates the student's interest in business, leadership, and/or entrepreneurship. 9. The award amount per student will be $1,000 (12 credits or more) or $500 (credits between 6 - 11) Please Note: If student already applied for 2011-2012, there is no need to re-apply. SELECTION PROCEDURE: The final recipients will be chosen principally on the basis of academic performance or potential and the extent of unmet financial need. th All mailed applications must be postmarked no later than June 30 , 2011 . Submitted into the public record in connection with items 05.2 on 06-09-11 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 2011-2012 Bayside Foundation Scholarship Application - UPDATED Created by: YMC CITY OF MIAMI L l ~ '"='~ . __COMMISSION DISTRICTS AN D ZIP CODES M\''''!"~--I Ho~rable Mayor Tomas P. Regalado - Citywide ~1=~~r:a;tlrq C zt,Codes Commluion District & CommiMioner Name 1. \MIre<» (Willy) Goo 2. Marc Samoff 3. Frank Carollo 4. FranCIS Suarez 5. Richattl P Dunn II C'&lIed ~ Iho c.y of Moa.mi PIan ..ng [loop.rtme'" ~I. · ~25 ' IO I 0 "eqtIMWCOMI.IISSICN DISTRICTS 'cd Submitted into the public record in connection with items D5.2 on 06-09:-11 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 2011-2012 Bayside Foundation Scholarship Application - UPDATED Created by: YMC Miami Bayside Foundation Announces Minority Scholarship Recipients c;;, IJ . ~ DATE: April 21. 2011 MEDU CONTACr: Kiskinis Conullunications. Inc. ~I<lIissa Nobles 305-447- 1224 l\lililmi BaYside FoWldation Announces Minoli'" Schollilnllup Recipients FOllndation Selects Nine Alwmi Dade College Stlldents The Miami Bayside Foundation announced the recipients of its scholarship program on 111Ursday. April 21 at a reception on the front steps of Miami Dade College's Wolfson Campus - Building I (300 Northeast S.:cond A\"omue. ~Iiami. FL 33132). Each enrolled in the Miami Dade College School of Business. a total of nine students \Vere selected for the spring 20 I I semester scholarship program, "The Miami Bayside Foundation is proud to foster y'oung entrepreneurs:' said Nathan Kurland. chairman of the Foundation's scholarship conuu.itlee. "It is our mission to encourage young minority students to continue their business education by providing them with the financial resources to make it happen." Students selected for the prestigious award included: Jelfrey Green. ~1ckenz\' Yakntin. PauMte Petit­ Frere. Jackson Da\'id. ~Iabel Cruz. JelUlifer Nacipucha. Ralph Davis, Juliette ~Iathurin and Lucyla Escoto.
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