Friday, September 27, 2002 Got problems? Forget All aboard! New light rail TECHNIQUE yours by reading about services could soon become “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” those of other students. reality for Atlanta. ONLINE http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/technique OPINIONS page 10 FOCUS page 13 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 88, Issue 10 • 32 pages Opinions␣ 6 · Focus␣ 13 · Entertainment␣ 19 · Comics␣ 26 · Sports␣ 32 HOPE scholarship Fire hits Bobby Dodd stadium anniversary at Tech By Daniel Amick flames had been extinguished by Governor Roy Barnes, Lieuten- Senior Staff Writer 11:30 p.m. ant Governor Mark Taylor and U.S. An unidentified white male in Senator Zell Miller will make a A fire broke out under the stands his 20s was rescued from beneath presentation honoring the tenth an- at Bobby Dodd Stadium last Satur- the stands. According to Harty, the niversary of the HOPE scholarship day night, injuring one person and individual was “pretty seriously hurt” at the campanile Monday Sept. 30 damaging the interior of the press from smoke inhalation, but he was at 9:30 a.m. All students and facul- box and club-level seats. The fire not burned. The man was taken by ty are welcome to attend. started about three hours after the ambulance to a local hospital, where conclusion of Tech’s home game he remained under treatment Tues- Director of assistive against Brigham Young. day. Harty had no identification on “It wasn’t a raging inferno, but his person. technology hired it was a very smoky fire,” said Rob- “It will still be another day or so ert Harty, Director of Institute Com- before [investigators] can talk to Stephen Sprigle was recently hired munications and Public Affairs. him,” said Harty. as the new director of the Center for Harty indicated that about a half- The fire apparently caused no Assistive Technology and Environ- dozen people, including Athletic structural damage. mental Access (CATEA), a unit of Association Director of Communi- “We didn’t have melting of seats, the College of Architecture that de- cations Allison George, were in the or anything like that,” said Harty. velops assistive technology for the stadium press box at the time and However, the fire did burn some disabled. He will also serve as an reported seeing flames coming from of the electrical infrastructure in the associate professor in Industrial an electrical box on the west side of press box that is used by television Design. Sprigle previously served as the stadium. broadcasters during the games. There the director of the Center of Reha- While there were no fans to evac- is also black charring on one of the bilitation Techology in New York. uate, various clean-up crews were stadium’s red brick walls, which will scattered throughout the stadium. have to be cleaned. House candidate to Georgia Tech Police Department “I can’t put a dollar figure on the officers aided members of the At- damage yet,” said Harty. speak next week lanta Fire Department in clearing He stressed that the fire should Phil Gingrey, a Tech graduate, people from the stadium and di- not affect the next home game at will speak at the next meeting of the recting traffic while the fire was put Bobby Dodd Stadium against Wake College Republicans. Gingrey will out. Forest Oct. 5, nor should the elec- be a candidate for Congressman in “[The GTPD] got the call about trical damage affect any broadcast By Jerome Reyes / SPECIAL TO THE ‘NIQUE the November election. The pre- On Saturday night, less than three hours after the BYU game, an electrical 10:10 p.m.,” said Pat Wypasek, the On Saturday night, less than three hours after the BYU game, an electrical sentation will take place Monday at fire caused minor damage to the West stands of Bobby Dodd stadium. GTPD’s Interim Police Chief. The See Fire, page 5 fire caused minor damage to the West stands of Bobby Dodd stadium. 7:00pm in the Student Center. OIE begins search Dean’s office expands with new positions By Sriram Narasimhan A necessary addition to the so students wouldn’t have to wait time on Greek affairs, an area for new director Senior Staff Writer office included an administra- forever to get what they need- that also requires support. tive assistant in charge of fil- ed,” said Karen Boyd, Associate “You don’t have cases like By Tony Kluemper The Office of the Dean of ing much of the paperwork Dean of Students. [the computer science ones] of- News Editor Students recently posted three that has, as recently as the In fact, by the summer, the ten and that’s the thing that new positions in order to expe- spring, been a hailstorm of case office had amassed over 400 pend- pushed the system to the brink,” Since the beginning of the semester, the dite administrative tasks concern- hearings and appeals, namely ing appointments and at least said Boyd. Office of International Education (OIE) ing hearings, facilitate greater associated with the 187 stu- 450 overtime hours. The lack of The other positions include has been running without a director. How- communication between the dents suspected of cheating last additional administrative sup- an Assistant Dean for Academic ever to bring an end to this hiatus, a search office and student body and, most fall in two introductory com- port forced the current admin- Integrity and reporting to the committee was recently formed to begin enthusiastically of all, to foster a puter science courses. istration to draw attention away dean, an Ethics Education Spe- the process of choosing a new director. The greater understanding of academ- “I was asked what it would from the judicial cases and the committee, chaired by Doug Allen, an As- ic honor code. take for us to do our jobs right graduate assistant to spend less See Dean, page 4 sociate Dean in the College of Architec- ture, will start the process of reviewing applications next month. Looking ahead in the process, Vice Pro- vost for Undergraduate Studies and Aca- Under the Couch plans major changes demic Affairs Bob McMath hopes to have By Madhu Adiga on residence halls because of its someone named as director by the end of Senior Staff Writer location on West Campus, par- this semester. ticularly its closeness to Folk, “In addition to finding someone who Musician’s Network, the stu- Caldwell, and the ULC,” said can manage our ongoing activities in sup- dent group that manages the Dan Morrison, Assistant Direc- port of international students and student concert venue Under the Couch, tor of Housing. abroad programs, we are looking for an has drafted a proposal for changes Along with noise and alco- individual who will interact effectively with in the way they run the venue in hol-related complaints, the con- the faculty,” said McMath. response to concerns from the cern was also raised that Under The events of September 11 have some- administration. the Couch has been losing its what changed the duties that will be ex- Concerns first began about focus on Georgia Tech. Many pected of the new director. Beginning Jan. three years ago when a commit- of the acts booked are not Geor- 30 of next year, the OIE will need to have tee headed by Senior Associate gia Tech-affiliated, and the ven- the Immigration and a new international Dean of Students Karen Boyd ue attracts an off-campus crowd student information system up and run- was formed to investigate the that is, on occasion, younger and ning. The new system will be used to con- administration’s relationship high-school age. tact INS electronically if there is any change with Under the Couch and “As of now, there is a definite in an international students status or ad- Musician’s Network. The mem- push, not to close down the ven- dress. bers raised concerns about the ue, but to see if the concerns Fortunately for the new director, the noise level during shows and the that have been brought up can staff of OIE is already working to make large crowds, mainly because of be rectified. This semester, there sure that these changes take place as smoothly the location of the venue. have already been complaints By Chris Gooley / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS as possible. “The noise level in Under Under the Couch, which is located in the center of West campus, the Couch has a definite impact See UTC, page 5 is currently looking to focus on more Georgia Tech related events. 2 • Friday, September 27, 2002 • Technique NEWS Technique Online Voice Your Opinion! Last issue’s poll garnered 30 responses to the question: From the archives... “What is your opinion of the new CS 1321 alternative?” The Nique’s top stories from: years ago: September 25, 1992—SAT scores of the incoming 10 freshman class rose from 1196 to 1226. In an oft-repeated statement, then-President John Crecine proclaimed, “This is the best class ever at Georgia Tech.” Head Football Coach Bill Lewis led Georgia Tech to a 37-19 win over West Carolina. years ago: September 24, 1982—Two men pre- 20 tending to be foreign students tried to con a student out of her money. She became suspicious and called the police. The men eluded capture. Tech lost 45-7 to the Crimson Tide of Alabama years ago: September 29, 1972— 30 The School of Nuclear Engineer- ing, once a graduate program only, began offering a Bachelor of Nucle- ar Engineering degree. A teletype system was installed in the Area III Image by Ian Clark / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Dorm Commons Area so “students This week’s poll is related to changes in SGA’s funding policy.
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