EM 8951 • September 2008 • $15.00 How to Reduce the Risk of Pesticide Resistance in Cherry Pests in Oregon C. Kaiser, A.N. Azarenko, L. Long, and R.A. Spotts Pesticides—including insecticides, acaricides, Insecticide and acaricide resistance fungicides, and bactericides—are essential for grow- According to the Insecticide Resistance Action ing healthy crops with reliable yields and quality. In Committee (IRAC), resistance to insecticides is “a many instances, pesticides have become less effective heritable change in the sensitivity of a pest population as target organisms have developed resistance. The that is reflected in the repeated failure of a product to first record of resistance dates to 1897, when orchard- achieve the expected level of control when used accord- ists began having problems controlling San Jose scale ing to the label recommendation for that pest species.” (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus [Comstock]) and codling When a chemical is used continuously, insecticide moth (Cydia pomonella [L.]). Since then, pesticide resistance may lead to reduced insect control. The resistance has become a worldwide threat to com- typical response is to reapply the insecticide; when mercial agriculture. By the end of 2006, there were that fails, the dosage is raised, and the interval between 645 specific cases of agricultural insecticide resistance, applications is reduced. These strategies work only as affecting 316 compounds. long as it takes for complete resistance to be expressed There has also been a gradual increase in the occur- across the entire insect population. The product is rence of fungicide resistance since 1960. Fungicide then abandoned, and another class of products with resistance usually develops rapidly compared to insecti- increased efficacy is used. The cycle repeats, and crop cide resistance. However, poor disease control can also losses amount to millions of dollars internationally. result from factors such as incorrect disease identifica- Not only does resistance lead to increased costs of tion, adverse weather conditions, and poor application production, but in some cases secondary or minor pests technique or timing. Always consider these possible have become major pests as predator populations are causes before concluding that poor control is the result reduced by pesticide use. Furthermore, resistance to of resistance. a specific compound also confers cross resistance to Timely action to prevent resistance development other chemically related compounds that share a com- will ensure that horticultural industries gain maximum mon target site and mode of action within the pest. benefit from effective pesticides for as long as possible. The coordinated use of two insecticides typically This publication suggests strategies to prevent resis- is more diverse than using a single pesticide. However, tance development. It also provides detailed informa- improper application of two insecticides in one study tion on insecticides and fungicides currently registered resulted in resistance to both pesticides when a single for use on cherries in Oregon, including information resistance would have arisen if only one pesticide had regarding the pests for which each product is legally been used. registered, mode of action, chemical groupings, and classification. Extension personnel, field consultants, and growers should use this information to reduce the risk of resistance to insecticides and fungicides. Clive Kaiser, Extension faculty (horticulture), Umatilla County; Anita Nina Azarenko, Department of Horticulture; Lynn Long, Extension faculty (horticulture), Wasco County; and Robert A. Spotts, Mid-Columbia Agricultural Research and Extension Center; all of Oregon State University. Insecticide and acaricide resistance has occurred Classifications used by IRAC (www.irac-online. across the entire spectrum of arthropods, including org/) are used in this publication (Chart 1), and IRAC’s Diptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Heteroptera, cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. Coleoptera, and Acarina. Insect pests of cherries with Strategies for preventing insecticide and documented resistance to insecticides include the black acaricide resistance cherry aphid, green peach aphid, European red mite, McDaniel spider mite, obliquebanded leafroller, west- • When planting new blocks, consider cultivars with ern flower thrips, and many others. early-maturing fruit that may escape insect pest Some pesticides are more prone to resistance problems. This strategy is especially useful in early- problems than others. Chemistries implicated include production areas such as Milton-Freewater and may carbamates, organophosphates, and pyrethroids. How- also confer a market advantage. ever, other products such as endosulfan and Bacillus • Integrate chemicals with other control methods; thuringiensis (Bt), widely used in Oregon for insect e.g., cultural and biological control. control in cherry orchards, are not immune from resis- • Before you spray, make sure that pest population tance buildup. Two recent studies found that insects can levels are high enough to justify control. Use appro- develop resistance to crystalline toxins produced by priate local economic thresholds. Contact your local the Bt bacterium. This is cause for concern due to the OSU Extension agent to obtain threshold levels. increased worldwide reliance on this product. • Understand the specific pest’s life cycle and the To avoid pesticide resistance, growers need to phenological model for each pest (http://ippc2.orst. understand insecticide and acaricide modes of action edu/cgi-bin/ddmodel.pl). When controlling larval and how different chemical groups target pests. They stages, target younger larval instars, if possible, also need a clear understanding of how to use an effec- because these stages usually are much more effec- tive multiple-pesticide strategy. tively controlled by insecticides than older stages. Cherry insecticide and acaracide tables • Where possible, select insecticides and other pest Chemicals currently registered for use on cher- management tools that preserve beneficial insects. ries in Oregon appear in Charts 1 and 2. Chart 1 lists For a natural-enemy-impact guide for tree fruit cherry pests of major concern to growers in Oregon, pesticides, see EM 8203-E, Pest Management Guide along with all active ingredients (and most of the com- for Tree Fruits in the Mid-Columbia Area. Remem- mon trade names) registered for use on these pests. ber, when you kill natural enemies, you inherit their Restricted-entry intervals (REI) and preharvest inter- job. vals (PHI) are included. These restrictions change fre- • Use products at recommended doses. Lower quently and may vary among similar products. Check (sublethal) doses quickly select populations with the latest information concerning label requirements average levels of tolerance, while doses that are too and restrictions before selecting and applying a product. high may impose excessive selection pressures. For up-to-date information, see the Washington State • Make sure spray equipment is properly calibrated http://ext. University Pesticide Notification Network ( at least annually. Follow recommendations for water wsu.edu/pnn/ ). volumes, spray pressures, and optimal temperatures. Chart 2 lists active ingredients alphabetically, • Observe spray intervals on label recommendations. together with all currently registered trade names. Chart 2 details the chemical class, mode of action, • Alternate products from different IRAC mode of IRAC main group and primary site of action, and action groups to which there is no locally known chemical subgroup or exemplifying active ingredient cross resistance. When making multiple applica- for each compound. tions per year or growing season, alternate products Product trade names currently registered by the from different mode of action classes, preferably Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) are shown in rotations of at least three. Utilize the WSU IPM in bold in Chart 2. Products listed by OMRI change Decision Aid website (http://entomology.tfrec.wsu. frequently, and organic growers are advised to check edu/das/). the latest information concerning label registrations before selecting and applying a product (http://www. omri.org/). 2 • In the event of a control failure, do not reapply the organisms. This, coupled with the implementation of an same insecticide. Choose a pesticide with a differ- effective multiple-pesticide spray program, is impera- ent mode of action and to which there is no locally tive if pest resistance is to be avoided. known cross resistance. Cherry fungicide and bactericide tables • Insecticide mixtures (cocktails) may offer a short- Chemicals currently registered for use on cherries term solution to resistance problems. However, in Oregon appear in Cherry Charts 3 and 4. Chart 3 each component must have a different insecticidal lists cherry diseases of major concern to growers in mode of action and must be used at its full rate. Oregon, along with all fungicidal and bactericidal • If in doubt, consult a local Extension agent or active ingredients (and most of the common trade agricultural adviser for up-to-date spray recommen- names) registered for use on these diseases. Restricted- dations and advice on Integrated Pest Management entry intervals (REI) and preharvest intervals (PHI) are (IPM) and Insecticide Resistance Management included. These restrictions change frequently and may (IRM) programs. vary among similar products. Check the latest
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