Election Campaign 2009 Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, October 29, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 44-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Westfield Voters to Decide Mayor’s Race, Council Battles on Tuesday By PAUL J. PEYTON Assembly are up for grabs, with par- of Linden. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ticular interest being focused locally on Other local races of interest in- WESTFIELD — Voters will decide District 22, where Democratic incum- clude Cranford, where incumbent the Westfield mayoral contest for the bents, Assemblywoman Linda Stender Committeeman David Robinson, a four-year term between incumbent Re- and Assemblyman Jerry Green, are re- Republican and the current mayor, is publican Andy Skibitsky and former ceiving a stiff challenge from GOP being opposed by Kevin Illing, who municipal judge Bill Brennan, a Demo- candidates former Scotch Plains Mayor lost a seat on the committee last year crat, as well as three contested races for Martin Marks and William “Bo” by under 100 votes. In Scotch Plains, seats on the town council on Tuesday. In Vastine, also of Scotch Plains. In Dis- incumbent Republican Councilman the First Ward, Republican Sam Della trict 21, Republicans Assemblyman Jon Dominick Bratti faces Democrat Fera faces Democrat Janice Siegel in the Bramnick and Assemblywoman Nancy Theresa Mullen for the remaining race to replace Councilman Sal Caruana; Munoz, who replaced her late husband, year on the seat previously held by Republican Vicki Kimmins is unopposed Eric, are opposed by Democratic Mayor Nancy Malool. In Fanwood, in the Second Ward; incumbent Demo- Cranford residents Springfield Town- Democratic incumbents Donna Dolce crat David Haas faces GOP challenger ship Attorney Bruce Bergen and Union and David Valian are being challenged Tom Delaney in the Third Ward, and County Assistant Counsel Norman by Republicans Robert Manduca and incumbent Tom Bigosinski, a Demo- Albert. Michael Szuch. Democrats hold the crat, faces Republican Keith Loughlin in At the county level, three seats on the mayor’s office, as well as five of the the Fourth Ward. The GOP currently Board of Chosen Freeholders will be six council seats in Fanwood. holds a 6-2 edge on the council. decided. Incumbents Al Mirabella of In Garwood, where Democrats have a 5-1 edge in addition to the mayor’s seat, incumbent Democrats Kathleen Villaggio and Keith Sluka will face Republicans Tim Hak, who ran for a seat last year and lost by less than 30 BOO HOO, FINAL YEAR...This will be the 15th and final year for the Haunted House on 220 East Dudley Avenue in votes, and former board of education Westfield. Trick-or-treaters are welcome to visit between 4 and 8 p.m. on Halloween night, Saturday, October 31. member Jim Matheson. In Mountainside, Republican incum- bents Robert Messler and William Lane are unopposed. Quiet Zone Ord. Passes Unanimously, There are competitive council races in Berkeley Heights, Kenilworth, Lin- den, Roselle Park, Summit, Spring- Should Be Active in Mid-November field, Union, and a three-way mayor’s race in Plainfield and Winfield. There By MICHAEL J. POLLACK Westfield led a push to become the emergency situation if, in the are no municipal elections in Eliza- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader first New Jersey town to establish engineer’s sole judgment, “such ac- beth, Hillside and Rahway. WESTFIELD – If nothing unfore- such a zone. tion is appropriate to prevent immi- One ballot question will ask voters seen occurs, the 24-hour quiet zone at Now, within the next month, that nent injury, death or property dam- to vote “yes” or “no” to borrowing the Rahway Avenue grade crossing should become a reality. age.” $400 million for the Green Acres, will take effect on Monday, Novem- All recommendations suggested by During the public portion of the Water Supply and Floodplain Protec- ber 9, after the Westfield Town Coun- the New Jersey Department of meeting, Brian Karnofsky, who lives Eric Wildstein for The Westfield Leader R-E-S-P-E-C-T...At the Westfield Board of Education meeting, Tuesday, board tion, and Farmland and Historic Pres- cil, on Tuesday, unanimously ap- Transportation’s (DOT) diagnostic at 618 Highland Avenue with his wife members Ann Cary and David Finn listen as Superintendent of Schools Margaret ervation Bond Act of 2009. proved an ordinance that codifies the team have been undertaken. Such rec- Karen, thanked the town for its will- Dolan, right, discusses district-wide initiatives to promote respect and conflict Candidate biographies and their let- zone’s establishment. ommendations, completed by ingness to listen but again prodded resolution. ters to the voters appear on pages B- For more than a decade, southside Conrail, include installing crossbuck the council’sTransportation Commit- 8 to B-13. Videos of interviews with Westfield residents, along with people signs on both approaches to the cross- tee to reconsider its decision to place Receiving national attention, voters Fanwood and Deborah Scanlon of candidates are available at on the Clark and Scotch Plains bor- ing, erecting “Do Not Stop on Tracks” a crosswalk adjacent to the family’s will decide the hotly contested race for Union, and newcomer Mohamed Jalloh goleader.com/videos along with can- ders, have grappled with train-whistle signs on the masts and installing road- driveway. governor. Democratic Governor Jon of Roselle, all Democrats, are being didate information at goleader.com/ noise. way-crossing gates with LED light Instead, the Karnofskys said they Corzine is challenged by former United challenged by Republicans Anthony 09election. Candidate forums for Pursuant to the Federal Railroad markers. believe the committee should con- States Attorney Chris Christie, a Re- Sytko, a Garwood councilman, and Westfield, Fanwood and Scotch Plains Administration’s (FRA) Final Rule, The town has done its part as well, sider moving the crosswalk 25 feet up publican, and Independent Chris Nicole Cole of Fanwood, a former aid will be aired on local cable access TV which afforded communities the pos- installing advance-warning signs and the street to the other side of Sinclair Daggett, a former New Jersey Depart- for the State Legislature, as well as through to Election Day on TV36, sibility of establishing quiet zones if a “No Train Horn” sign. Avenue. Within the last month, 300 ment of Environmental Protection com- independents Hope Thompson and TV35 and TV34, respectively. safety measures were implemented, Now that all diagnostic recommen- Westfield residents have signed a pe- missioner. Turnout in Union County Karen Gielen of Plainfield, former dations have been implemented and a tition “adamantly” opposing the for the last Gubernatorial race in 2005 employees of the now-defunct notice of intent to establish the quiet crosswalk’s placement. was 50 percent, with 134,294 out of Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center. Festive Halloween Activities zone has been sent to all affected par- The Karnofskys’ concerns lie with 268,810 registered voters casting bal- Democrats hold a 9-0 majority on the ties, the tentative date for the activa- the children crossing at the walkway lots, according to the Union County board. Surrogate James LaCorte of tion of the quiet zone is November 9. being “trapped” in four directions Clerk’s website. Elizabeth, a Democrat, faces a chal- Get Underway Tomorrow Fourth Ward Councilman Jim and unsure of which way to look All 80 seats in the state’s General lenge from Republican Arthur Zapolski AREA – An array of holiday fes- The festivities will kick off at 5:30 Foerst said it was “fitting” that in when cars approach from various di- tivities in multiple local communities p.m. in the parking lot of the Fanwood Town Attorney Robert Cockren’s ab- rections. They also have said that will provide a variety of chills and Memorial Library, located at North sence, Elga Goodman, who works at because a car backing out of their New State Mandates Spur thrills for all ages this week in cel- and Forest Avenues, with “Trunk or Mr. Cockren’s firm and who repre- driveway will intersect with the cross- ebration of Halloween. Treat.” Various surprise treats will be sents Westfield, was in attendance. walk, it presents a hazard for those The Garwood Lions Club will host available for trick-or-treaters. Chil- Mr. Foerst said Ms. Goodman crossing the street. BOE to Discuss Conflict Reso. the borough’s annual Halloween Pa- dren and adults who want to join the helped “spearhead” the process and Town council members have vis- By ERIC D. WILDSTEIN ret Dolan reported, “The state wants rade tomorrow, Friday, October 30, parade are invited to assemble in front was integral in helping to “decipher” ited the site and concur with the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader us to put forth very specific num- beginning promptly at 7 p.m. After of the library at 6 p.m. the miasma of regulations and paper- findings of the traffic-safety pro- WESTFIELD – New state man- bers.” She said, “We have to report all assembling at Willow Avenue and The parade will depart for work involved in such a difficult un- fessionals, who recommended the dates prompted discussion of district- instances of violence. And all in- Center Street, marchers will proceed LaGrande Park at 6:15 p.m. and con- dertaking. crosswalk near the Karnofskys’ wide initiatives to promote respect stances of vandalism, as well as sub- to the Lincoln School on Second Av- clude at the park’s athletic field. There, “After 14 years, the quiet zone is property. Council members have and conflict resolution at the Westfield stance abuse.” Despite a slight de- enue.
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